Verb Splash An action verb can express a physical or mental action Physical Mental jump think yell imagine carry believe The task is to create a “Verb Splash” which is a visual representation of the action words. 1. Create a list of at least ten (10) action words. These words could be a physical action (jumping) or a mental action (thinking). There are a few lists of action verbs (002/002.1/002.2) in the shared resource folder if you are having trouble with ideas. 2. Take your list of action words and make them LOOK like what they SAY. For example: Place the letters of the word jump to make them look like they are jumping or maybe draw the word Cut and draw scissors cutting a piece out of the word. Be CREATIVE, NEAT and use COLOR! You may use a piece of computer paper OR Explain Everything but NEATNESS is the key. U m J p 3. Take your time and make it look nice! You can choose to draw the ten verbs on a piece of computer paper and add color OR use Explain Everything to animate your verb splash.