Ranch View Middle School Foreign Language Writing Assessment Scoring Guide Ideas and Content: A Exceeds expectations B Meets expectations C Progressing toward D Does not meet You address the topic and express your ideas completely with 12 or more sentences. You address the topic and express your ideas completely with 810 sentences. You address the topic and express your ideas with 8 sentences or less. You do not address the topic or express your ideas completely with the required number of sentences. Organization: You follow a clear and logical sequence. You include an introduction and conclusion. You use transition words when appropriate. Word Choice You use a variety of level appropriate and accurate words. You use idiomatic expressions correctly. Conventions: Grammar You consistently use correct grammar with no mistakes (subject/verb agreement, adjective agreement, verb tenses and forms, etc.). Conventions: Spelling There are no mistakes in spelling, syntax, or punctuation You follow a somewhat clear and logical sequence. You include an introduction and conclusion. You use transition words when appropriate. You use level appropriate and accurate words. You use idiomatic expressions correctly. You consistently use correct grammar with little to no mistakes (1-2) (subject/verb agreement, adjective agreement, verb tenses and forms, etc.). There are few mistakes(1-2) in spelling, syntax, and punctuation. You do not follow a clear or logical sequence. You do not include an introduction and/or conclusion. You sometimes use transition words when appropriate You use some level appropriate and accurate vocabulary. You use few idiomatic expressions correctly. You do not follow a clear or logical sequence. You do not include an introduction or conclusion. You do not use transition words when appropriate. You do not use level appropriate or accurate vocabulary. You do not use idiomatic expressions correctly. You use grammar with 3-4 mistakes (subject/verb agreement, adjective agreement, verb tenses and forms, etc.). You use grammar with 5 or more mistakes (subject/verb agreement, adjective agreement, verb tenses and forms, etc.). There are 3-4 mistakes in spelling, syntax, and punctuation. There are 5 or more mistakes in spelling, syntax, and punctuation. Ranch View Middle School Foreign Language Speaking Assessment Scoring Guide A Exceeds expectations B Meets expectations C Progressing toward D Does not meet Ideas and Content You address the topic and express your ideas completely with 7 or more sentences. You address the topic and express your ideas completely with at least 5 sentences. You address the topic and express your ideas with 5 sentences or less. You do not address the topic or express your ideas completely with the required number of sentences. Word Choice You use a variety of level appropriate and accurate words. You use idiomatic expressions correctly. You use level appropriate and accurate words. You use idiomatic expressions correctly. You use some level appropriate and accurate vocabulary. You use few idiomatic expressions correctly. You do not use level appropriate or accurate vocabulary. You do not use idiomatic expressions correctly. Fluency You had no pauses that affected your message. Your pronunciation was accurate. You had few pauses that affected your message. Your pronunciation was mostly accurate. You had many pauses that affected your message. You had 3-4 pronunciation errors. You had many pauses that affected your message. You had 5 or more pronunciation errors. You consistently use correct grammar with little to no mistakes (subject/verb agreement, adjective agreement, verb tenses and forms, etc.). There are few mistakes in syntax. You use grammar with 3-4 mistakes (subject/verb agreement, adjective agreement, verb tenses and forms, etc.). There are 34 mistakes in syntax. You use grammar with 5 or more mistakes (subject/verb agreement, adjective agreement, verb tenses and forms, etc.). There are 5 or more mistakes in syntax. Conventions You consistently use correct grammar with no mistakes (subject/verb agreement, adjective agreement, verb tenses and forms, etc.). There are no mistakes in syntax.