USAF Core Values Test

USAF Core Values Test
Question: What are the three core values?
Answer: Chapter I - Integrity First, Service before Self, and Excellence in all we do
Question: Name four of the several moral traits indispensable to national service that
integrity covers.
Answer: Chapter I – Courage, Honesty, Responsibility, Justice, Openness, Self-respect,
Question: Military professionals are expected to refrain from displays of _______.
Answer: Chapter I - Anger
Question: List four reasons why we recognize the core values and have developed a
strategy to implement them.
Answer: Chapter 2 – They tell us the price of admission to the Air Force itself, they point
to what is universal and unchanging in the profession of arms, they help us get a fix on
the ethical climate of the organization, and they also serve as beacons vectoring us back
to the path of professional conduct.
Question: You don’t need to be a commander in order to be a leader. True or False?
Answer: Chapter 3 – True
Question: A person of integrity possesses moral ______ and does what is right even if
the personal cost is high.
Answer: Chapter I – courage
Question: Our first task is to fix organizations; individual character development is
possible, and it is a goal. True or False?
Answer: Chapter 3 - False
Question: How many approaches are there to Operationalizing the Core Values?
Answer: Chapter 3 – Three
Question: What are the approaches to Operationalizing the Core Values?
Answer: Chapter 3 – The Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Back-and-Forth
Question: What is the hallmark of the military professional?
Answer: Chapter 1 – Honesty
Question: What is the definition of Service before Self?
Answer: Chapter 1 – Professional duties take precedence over personal desires.
Question: We must sometimes act in the certain knowledge that all persons possess a
fundamental worth as human beings. True or False?
Answer: Chapter 1 – False
Question: What are the two kinds of operations excellence?
Answer: Chapter 1 – internal and external
Question: What form of excellence pertains to the Air Force from the level to the
Headquarters Air Force?
Answer: Chapter 1 – internal
Question: What form of operations excellence pertains to the way we treat the world
around us and conduct our operations?
Answer: Chapter 1 – external
Question: What three questions are members of an organization asked during the
performance of a “corrosion analysis”?
Answer: Chapter 3 – (1)list those circumstances in which they are regularly tempted to
act in a manner inconsistent with the Core Values, (2)share their findings with others in
the organization to identify common patterns of potential compromise across the unit, and
(3)identify possible causes for these recurrent patterns of potential compromise
Question: To lose faith in the system is to…
Answer: Chapter 1 – place self before service
Question: ________ directs us to develop a sustained passion for continuous
improvement and innovation that will propel the Air Force into a long-tem, upward spiral
of accomplishment and performance
Answer: Chapter 1 – Excellence in all we do
Question: Product/Service, Personal, Community, Resources, and Operations are all
types of?
Answer: Chapter 1 – excellence
Question: Those engaged in education and training will practice _______.
Answer: Chapter 3 – Schoolhouse Weave