How do you define excellence? What is quality? I usually play a little game of word association with myself when I am asked to define a word. If I can figure out what words I associate with it I can have a better grasp of what my definition of the word is. The word that is associated with excellence most often for me is consistency; followed by completeness. Either fortunately or unfortunately depending on the bias with which you view the question, I find that those words also play into my definition of quality. When speaking of a resident’s performance we question if they are competent. Most of the residents I work with are competent in their patient care; they are good at what they do. But then there are those two or three residents that are truly excellent at what they do – and the key thing that differentiates the two is that the latter residents are consistent in the good performance and completeness of their work. If I am applying the term to a program, such as a Center for Excellence, the same criteria appear. It is the consistent performance of the right things at the right time in the right manner over and over again. That is also true of quality – it is doing the right thing over and over again. How do you apply these terms to clinical practice? My aim at every patient encounter is to do the right thing for the right reason based on the latest information available to me. This allows me to treat each patient I encounter the same – consistency. By reviewing the chart for the preventive measures needed at every office visit I am sure that I am being complete in my assessment. When combined consistency and completeness provide my patients with excellence and quality in their medical care. How do you activities? apply these terms to teaching/educational When I am preparing a lecture for the residents or students I begin with a literature search for the latest articles on the subject I am teaching. After reviewing the articles I prepare the presentation with detail to the format I am presenting it in. Often I will mix formats in one lecture to provide some stimulation in the learning process. I think the detail put into preparing the same way each time and utilizing all of the resources available to me I am able to provide consistent results for the learners. When teaching at the bedside the approach is obviously a little different since there is little time to prepare beforehand for what may present at that interaction. For this reason I try to keep up with all the latest developments for the “big” things we see such as diabetes mellitus or hypertension. By keeping myself up to date with the information I can provide quality information to the resident or student. How do you apply these terms to leadership? Application here is a little difficult to describe. Excellence in leadership is again linked with consistency in my definition. I think that a leader must be consistent in their expectations for performance however they must also be consistent in their approach to the members of the team. Keeping the team current with the expectations of the project they are working on as well as any developments within the project makes a leader consistent in their approach. Good communication and information help maintain the quality and integrity of the team. Is one easier to describe than the other? Why do you think this is true? Actually I find them both a bit difficult to describe especially if I try to separate the concepts. I think much of what we do in education and learning is interdependent. One term or concept will rely on another to fully complete its meaning or scope. I find the same to be true of excellence and quality. I find it difficult to think of something or someone being excellent if they aren’t quality; the same is true for finding something to be quality is difficult to perceive without it being excellent. What role does assessment play in your definition? In the definition of these terms I think the assessment is purely personal. To each of us given these questions our assessment will be different as to the meaning. I am sure that there are those who will quantify these two qualities in order to describe them and for their assessment that is correct. However, in my frame of reference, it is difficult to assign the term excellence, or quality for that matter, and have it be the same for each person. When determining excellence or quality we utilize our personal history to reflect and make comparisons before assigning the words.