King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CE 343 Transportation Engineering Laboratory Instructor : Office Location: Phone : Office Hours : Email : Mirza Ghouse Baig 26 – 144 7463 S , M & T: 10:00 – 11:00 am (or visit by taking appointment) Grading System: Assignments & Lab Reports ---------------- 55% Short Quizzes ---------------- 15% Final Exam --------------- 25% Attendance & Class Participation ---------5% Important Points: 1. Be Punctual in attendance. Come to the class/lab before time. 2. Failure to attend one lab session means missing the chance to submit two lab reports. 3. Reports are to be done independently. Failure to comply may result in zero grades. 4. No late reports submissions. Otherwise 10% will be deducted for each day delayed. 5. Bonus can be expected for a well-prepared report and for any extra efforts put in preparation of an organized lab report. 6. Follow discipline and safety rules in the field trips and during all lab sessions. ENTER TO LEARN GO OUT TO SERVE..! CE 343 (072) Course Syllabus & Breakdown Week Date (Tentative) Topic or Experiment 1 17 Feb, 2007. Introduction to the Course. 2 24 Feb. Statistical Concepts & its applications in Transportation Engineering. (L) 3 02 March Compliance with Traffic Control Devices Study. (L + FT) 4 09 March. Spot Speed Study. (L + FT) 5 16 March Intersection Traffic Counts (L + FT) 6 23 March Saturation Flow Rates and Start-up Lost Time. (L + FT) 7 30 March Signal Timing Design (L + FT) 8 06 April Horizontal & Vertical Curves (L) 9 20 April Design of new Pavement Structures using DNPS86 Software. (L) 10 27 April Site Visit 11 04 May Design and Analysis of Basic Freeway Segments. (L) 12 11 May Superpave Mix Design (Concepts & requirements) (L) 13 18 May Superpave Mix Design (Analysis using software) (L) 14 25 May Intersection Channelization (L) or Project. (L) 15 01 June FINAL EXAM. L = Lecture & Lab L+FT = Lecture + Field Trip Book: CE 343 Lab Manual as distributed. All together it will be an interesting course giving you basic ideas or concepts in transportation engineering. GOOD LUCK…!