Protocol Number: (office use only) Date Originally Approved: (office use only) Expiry Date: (office use only) BRANDON UNIVERSITY RESEARCH/TEACHING ANIMAL USE PROTOCOL AMENDMENT Applicants must complete all sections and email the completed application to Applicants must also complete a “Declaration” and send the original to the Research Office (Room 113 Clark Hall) in advance of the meeting. NOTE: A renewal form may be used for projects which received approval and no change to the original protocol has developed. This form can be submitted no more than THREE times for a given project. After three submissions, a new protocol must be completed. Questions about using the form should be directed to Shannon Downey, BUACC Coordinator & Executive Assistant to the Vice-President (Academic & Provost) at ext. 712 or I. PROJECT/COURSE INFORMATION & PERSONNEL 1. Project Title and/or Course Number and Title: 2. Highlight the changes from the original approved protocol. 3. This amendment includes the addition of new species or strains. 4. Personnel: Yes No Principal Investigator/Instructor: Name Department Phone Email Address II. CCAC CATEGORIZATION 5. This Study is: PLEASE CHOOSE ONE 6. Maximum CCAC Category of Invasiveness: PLEASE CHOOSE ONE B: C: D: E: 7. studies or experiments causing little or no discomfort or distress studies or experiments involving minor stress or minor short duration studies or experiments involving moderate to severe distress or discomfort procedures that involve sever pain at or above the pain toleration threshold of unanaesthetized, conscious animals (category E procedures are normally not acceptable) CCAC Purpose of Animal Use (PAU): 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: CATEGORY THAT BEST FITS THE PROJECT studies of a fundamental nature in sciences relating to essential structure and function (e.g. Biology, Psychology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Physiology, etc.) studies for medical purposes, including veterinary medicine, that relate to human or animal disease or disorders studies for regulatory testing of products for the protection of humans, animals, or the environment studies for the development of products or appliances for human or veterinary medicine education and training of individuals in post-secondary institutions or facilities 2 III. CHANGE OF ANIMAL NUMBERS OR TYPE(S) 8. Change in Animal Numbers: Species or Strains Currently Approved Number Requested Number Approved Total Max. Any Time 9. Justification for the Change (e.g. statistical requirements, required product yield, etc.) 10. Change or Addition of Species or Strains: Species or Strains Current Approved 11. Number Approved Species/Strains to be REMOVED from Protocol Species/Strains to be ADDED to Protocol Number Requested Total Max. Any Time Justification for both the changes to species or strains being used, and for the numbers of animals of each new species or strain required. NOTE: If a transgenic, mutant or “knockout” strain is to be used, you must complete Schedule 12. If Schedule 12 was submitted with the original protocol, please specify below any amendments to it that these changes necessitate. IV. CHANGES TO DRUGS OR OTHER AGENDA BEING GIVEN TO ANIMALS 12. Anaesthetic/Analgesic Drugs – Please complete the following table. Drugs Now Approved Reason for the changes: Dose/Route To be Replaced By Dose/Route ADDITIONAL Drugs Required Dose/Route 3 13. Other Drugs/Compounds – Please complete the following table. Drugs Now Approved Dose/Route To be Replaced By Dose/Route ADDITIONAL Drugs Required Dose/Route Reasons for the changes: Please specify any expected side effects which may result from each of these changes. NOTE: If any of the changes above involve hazardous drugs or agents, Schedule 6 must be completed and submitted. If Schedule 6 was submitted with the original protocol, please specify below any amendments to it that these changes necessitate. V. MINOR PROCEDURAL CHANGES NOTE: If major procedural changes are to be made to this project, a new protocol must be submitted. Consult the Chair of the Animal Care Committee for help in deciding whether your changes are minor or major. 14. Please specify below any minor procedural changes and the reasons for making them. VI. CHANGES IN FUNDING/PROJECT TITLE 15. List any changes in funding source(s) for this project. 16. If any of the above changes have made a change in the title of this project appropriate, please give the revised project.