GUIDANCE NOTE To: All Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) Subject: Standard Securities and Floating Charges held by the Scottish Ministers Issued by: Communities Scotland Ref No: CSGN 2005/06 Page: 1 of 4 Issued: April 2005 Finance Department Summary This Guidance Note supersedes Scottish Homes Guidance Note 96/13. It updates the legislative references and administrative arrangements. Many Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) granted Standard Securities or Floating Charges to Scottish Homes or its predecessor the Housing Corporation. These Standard Securities and Floating Charges transferred to the Scottish Ministers on 1st December 2003 by virtue of The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Transfer of Scottish Homes Property and Liabilities) Order 2003, SSI No 2003/532. Where a Standard Security or Floating Charge exists, RSLs require consent from the Scottish Ministers, as creditor, prior to making a disposal of properties covered by the security or charge. Scottish Ministers have delegated authority to grant such consent to Communities Scotland. Queries regarding this Guidance Note should be addressed to: Finance Department Thistle House 91 Haymarket Terrace Edinburgh EH12 5HE Further copies of this Guidance Note are available from Reception at the above address (telephone 0131-313-0044). The Guidance Note and Application Form can also be accessed by logging onto our website at CSGN 2005/06 Page 2 of 4 1. Background Many Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) granted Standard Securities or Floating Charges to Scottish Homes or its predecessor the Housing Corporation. The Standard Securities and Floating Charges transferred to the Scottish Ministers on 1st December 2003 by virtue of The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Transfer of Scottish Homes Property and Liabilities) Order 2003, SSI No 2003/532. Where a Standard Security or Floating Charge exists, RSLs require consent from the Scottish Ministers, as creditor, prior to making a disposal of properties covered by the security or charge. Scottish Ministers have delegated authority to grant such consent to Communities Scotland. This consent is quite separate from, and must be obtained in addition to, any consent to disposal required under Section 66 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001. This consent must be obtained before any disposal takes place, even where it is an exempt disposal or a disposal under the General Consent. CSGN 2005/05 outlines the procedures for obtaining S66 consent, explains the types of disposal that are exempt from Section 66 of the Act and which disposals the RSL can approve itself by a certification procedure under the General Consent. The Scottish Ministers no longer require security over property for HAG investment. However, they will take a security or charge over property where loan finance is provided, either in the development period or for a residual loan. It should be noted that such loans are made only as a last resort, and then on a commercial basis. 2. Standard Securities Where the Scottish Ministers hold a Standard Security and consent to a disposal is being sought, a Discharge or Deed of Restriction will be required. Where the disposal is of property forming only part of the security subjects, a Deed of Restriction is required. Otherwise a Discharge is required. RSLs should instruct their solicitors to prepare an appropriate Deed and submit it to Finance Department with a completed application form, SMDischarge, as attached at Annex A. Please note that a separate form must be completed for each Deed submitted. CSGN 2005/06 Page 3 of 4 3. Floating Charges Floating Charges held by the Scottish Ministers are over all property, both moveable and heritable, within the RSL’s ownership now and from time to time. The Scottish Ministers will not discharge completely any Floating Charges held but specific situations will be dealt with as follows:3.1 Standard Securities for Private Finance Where the Scottish Ministers hold a Floating Charge over an RSL’s property and the RSL wishes to grant a lender Standard Security over some or all of its properties, the lender will wish to know that the Scottish Ministers have consented, as Chargeholder, to the disposal and have neither consented to the winding-up or dissolution of the RSL, nor petitioned for its winding-up. RSLs should submit a completed application form to Finance Department and a Letter of Non-crystallisation will be issued if appropriate. The Scottish Ministers' standard Letter of Non-Crystallisation is attached at Annex B. It should be noted that the Letter of Non-crystallisation will not say that the Scottish Ministers have not taken steps to appoint a receiver. This is because the terms of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1968, which governs all RSLs that may be affected by this Guidance Note, does not allow the appointment of a receiver. 3.2 Ranking Agreements If the Floating Charge contains a negative pledge (a clause prohibiting the creation of a subsequent, prior or equal ranking charge) the lender will require that a ranking agreement is entered into whereby its security is given priority in ranking. RSLs should instruct their solicitors to prepare such a Ranking Agreement where this is required and submit it to Finance Department with a completed application form. 3.3 Shared Ownership Where the disposal is a Standard Security for borrowing related to Shared Ownership schemes, properties being sold for shared ownership can be excluded from the Floating Charge held by the Scottish Ministers. This is achieved by execution of an Instrument of Alteration, sometimes called a Deed of Release. A standard Instrument of Alteration is attached at Annex C. RSLs should instruct their solicitors to prepare an appropriate Deed and submit it to Finance Department with a completed application form. CSGN 2005/06 Page 4 of 4 3.4 Sales to Sitting Tenants Where the disposal is a sale of property to a sitting tenant under statutory or contractual right to buy provisions the property requires to be excluded from a Floating Charge in order to give the purchaser clear title to the property. This also requires the execution of an Instrument of Alteration, sometimes called a Deed of Release. RSLs should instruct their solicitors to prepare an appropriate Deed and submit it to Finance Department with a completed application form. 4. Administrative Arrangements Applications should be sent to the Finance Department who will register the applications, liaise with solicitors, have deeds executed as appropriate, and return the completed paperwork to the applicant. The Finance Department will arrange to have Deeds executed within 8 working days provided the Deed is in order and the application form is satisfactorily completed. Where further information is required, the Deed will be executed within 8 working days from receipt of all information. ANNEX A CSGN 2005/06 Application Form: SMDischarge Application to the Scottish Ministers, as creditor (holder of a Standard Security or a Floating Charge over the Registered Social Landlords (RSL) property), to discharge a Standard Security or Floating Charge. Please complete a separate Form for each Deed submitted. Name and address of RSL: Contact Person: Telephone number: Description of property / land to be disponed: Please indicate which of the categories opposite are relevant to this application. Standard Security is held by the Scottish Ministers Floating Charge is held by the Scottish Ministers If a Floating Charge is held by the Scottish Ministers, does it contain a negative pledge ? Please indicate the type of disposal: YES / NO Standard Security for Private Finance Standard Security for Shared Ownership Sale to sitting tenant Other, please detail opposite If the disposal relates to security for private finance does the lender require a first charge? YES / NO Please answer YES to one of the following (see CSGN 2005/05): Is the disposal an exempt disposal under S66 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 YES / NO Is the disposal covered by the Section 66 ‘General Consent’? YES / NO Has an application been made to the Scottish Ministers for specific written Section 66 consent ? YES / NO Discharge of Security Deed of Restriction Please indicate which of the responses opposite you are seeking in terms of this application: Letter of Non-Crystallisation Instrument of Alteration / Deed of Release Ranking Agreement ANNEX B CSGN 2005/06 LETTER OF NON-CRYSTALLISATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN We, the Scottish Ministers, by virtue of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Transfer of Scottish Homes Property and Liabilities) Order 2003, SSI No 2003/532, the holders of a Bond and Floating Charge dated the ………. (date) of …………… (month) ………. (year) and registered in the Register of Friendly Societies on the ……..………. (date) of ………………(month) ………. (year) confirm that:- 1 we consent, as Floating Chargeholders, to the disposal of ……………………………………………………………………………………….. (description of disposal); and 2 as at this date we have not consented to the dissolution or wind-up of ………………………………………………………………(RSL’s name) in terms of Paragraph 9 of Schedule 7 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001. For the avoidance of doubt, the terms of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1968 which governs this housing association, registered with the Scottish Ministers, does not allow the appointment of a Receiver. Yours faithfully (Signature by authorised signatory) Name: Designation: For and on behalf of The Scottish Ministers ANNEX C CSGN 2005/06 INSTRUMENT OF ALTERATION BY THE SCOTTISH MINISTERS IN FAVOUR OF (RSL/Lender) WE, THE SCOTTISH MINISTERS, CONSIDERING that we have been requested to grant these presents by ………............................................................. (Name of RSL), registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts and having their Registered Office at ………………………………………………………………………………………….. THEREFORE we do hereby alter the terms and conditions of a Floating Charge granted by the said ........................................................ (Name of RSL) in favour of the Housing Corporation dated ............................................... and registered on .............................................. from whom Scottish Homes acquired right by virtue of Part 1 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1988 and from whom we acquired right by virtue of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (Transfer of Scottish Homes Property and Liabilities) Order 2003, SSI No 2003/532 to the effect that the subjects specified in the Schedule annexed and executed as relative hereto are hereby released from the said Floating Charge, notwithstanding that the said subjects or any part thereof shall continue to be comprised in the property and undertaking of the said .................................................................. (Name of RSL). IN WITNESS WHEREOF SCHEDULE Property referred to in the foregoing Instrument of Alteration: 7