Clarke Parish THE EVANGELINE The Reverend Canon Dwight L

Clarke Parish
The Reverend Canon Dwight L. Brown, Rector
Grace Episcopal Church
North Church Street
Berryville, Virginia
St. Mary’s Memorial Church
North Buckmarsh Street
Berryville, Virginia
Twenty Second Sunday After Pentecost
(October 24, 2010)
8 am (Grace)…………………....………………………Holy Eucharist
11 am (St. Mary’s)……………………………….…… Holy Eucharist
9:45 am (Grace Chapel)……………………………..Children’s Church
11 am (Grace)………………..………………………….Morning Prayer
Altar Guild: Marilyn Estep
Usher: Meg Melusen
Lay Readers: 8 am, Meg Melusen; 11 (SM), Edie Hanscom; 11 (GR), Margaret Smith
Acolytes: Morgan Brondstater and Grace McFillen
Lessons: 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 and Luke 18:9-14
Coffee Hour: Robin & Karen York and Bob & Cummie York
ALTAR FLOWERS at Grace Church are given to the glory of God by Carolyn Gordon in celebration of her grandson, Adam, on
his 8th birthday.
ALTAR FLOWERS at St. Mary’s are given to the glory of God by Sylvia & Kevin Talley in loving memory of William Talley,
beloved husband and father, and Gelettia Cross, beloved mother and grandmother.
Please join us this Sunday to celebrate our
The day begins at 11 am with a Service of Holy Eucharist
and is followed by the traditional ‘Homecoming Feast’
in the Parish House afterwards.
All members of Clarke Parish invited to attend this special celebration.
SPECIAL THANKS to Robin York and his Sunday School students who will preside at the 11 am MORNING PRAYER ONLY
service this Sunday at Grace while Rev. Brown is at St. Mary’s Homecoming Celebration.
CONGRATULATIONS to John Catlett who will be awarded his Eagle Scout badge this Sunday at a special ceremony at Camp
Rock Enon’s Chapel on the Hill. Well done!
THE HIKE – Part 2! Special thanks to Johnny Milleson and Barry Nicholson for arranging and
leading a dozen hikers on an Appalachian Trail Adventure (traveling south from Rt. 605
towards Rt. 50) this past Sunday. It was a beautiful day and an invigorating 4+ mile hike that
was enjoyed by all - Participants included: Nastia Donner, Ben Newlon, Dev Morrison, Macson
McGuigan, Anne Kuehm, Steve Kuehm, Josh Milleson, Sam Card, John Kauffman, Rachel
Rondell and William Church.
GRACE VESTRY met on Monday, October 18th for the first time in many months with all 12 members present. Highlight
items of discussion included appointing a Budget Committee to begin the 2011 budget process (Jess Bacon, Steve Kuehm, Ron
Jones, Don De Haven, Bette Milleson and Mike Miller); appointing a Stewardship Committee to solicit parishioner pledges for
the upcoming year (John Kauffman, chairman); appointing a Nominating Committee to seek new vestry members that will
replace current members who’s 3 year term expires in January (retiring vestry: Jess Bacon, Sue Cooper, Don De Haven & Tom
McFillen); a report from the Junior Warden, Tom McFillen, outlined year-to-date renovation and maintenance projects, recent
sewer issues at our rental property, and our current property insurance policy and coverage. Topics also discussed included
the Wolffe-Affleck Scholarship Fund, Outreach and upcoming events in our parish. The meeting was adjourned with the
Lord’s Prayer at 9:15 pm. NOTE: Please see the ‘Outreach’ announcement in this week’s Evangeline for more information and a
listing of 4th quarter distributions.
OUTREACH COMMITTEE NEWS…The Outreach Committee, under the leadership of Chris Curran, met on Sunday, October
17th to discuss the distribution of outreach monies for the 4th quarter. Those in attendance include: Harry & Barbara Lee Jones,
Priscilla Lowe, Mike Miller, and Robin McFillen. Funds are typically distributed on local, national and international levels. With
Vestry’s approval @ Monday’s meeting, distributions are as follows: Local - Rector’s Discretionary Fund $500, FISH $500,
Help with Housing $2,000, Grace Food Program $225; National - New Orleans Mission Trip Fund $1,000; and International Episcopal Relief & Development (designated for Haitian Relief) $500 and Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child $250.
NOTE: The Grace Food Program is a monthly offering that provides food supplies and household necessities to a preidentified family in crisis. On the 1st Wednesday of each month, a parishioner volunteers to “do the shopping” with $75 funds
provided by the church and deliver them to the family. If interested in helping with this program, a monthly sign-up sheet for
2011 is posted on the office door. Other volunteer Outreach opportunities are in February when annually it is our church’s
turn to help Social Services distribute food at the monthly Food Bank here in Berryville and on Saturday nights remember to
set a couple of food items aside to bring to church. There will be a sign-up sheet in the back of the church and at the parish
hall just write your name and number and pick the month and someone will be in touch with you. If you have any questions
please call Chris Curran on his cell (540) 539 3322 or 955 3193 during the day.
HALLOWEEN PARTY! Please join Bette Milleson, Robin McFillen and Tracy Smith on Sunday, October 31st for a Spooky &
Spectacular Halloween Celebration after the 11 am service in the parish hall. Children, parents and friends are encouraged to attend and
costumes are permitted at Sunday School, church and the party if appropriate – no witches, ghosts, goblins, or demonic
costumes, please!
NEW ORLEANS MISSION TRIP: The next mission trip meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 7 th @ 12:30 in the
UNITED THANK OFFERING (UTO) – The UTO Fall Ingathering for Grace Church is scheduled for Sunday, November 7 th
ALUMINUM CAN COLLECTION – As a fundraiser for the New Orleans Mission Trip, we are once again collecting empty
aluminum cans (soda & beer only, please) for recycling. A drop-off receptacle is located in the fellowship hall. NOTE: we are
no longer a depository for plastic bags – please use the recycling containers found at the Berryville Food Lion instead. ☺
Sounds of Grace Concert Series Presents…
An Early Music Ensemble playing golden delights, old gems and new treasures featuring Dan Miller,
Harpsichord and Organ; Rebecca Petretta, Soprano; Doug Wilson, Baroque Trumpet; and, Cruz Almao, Baroque Cello
They will play works by Purcell, Handel, D. Gabrielli, Keller, Rosier and Clarke
♫ Grace Church Sanctuary - Sunday, November 14th at 4 pm
Ticket cost is $15 per person
A Candlelight Dinner will follow the concert in the parish hall as a free-will offering with proceeds going to the ‘2011
Mission Trip to Louisiana’ fund.
Please call 955-1610 for reservations.
This year, Clarke Parish will participate in the Samaritan’s Purse ‘Operation
Christmas Child’ shoe box program. It is our hope to collect and fill shoe boxes with small trinkets and gift items for children
around the globe to receive this holiday season. Since the program’s inception in 1993, more than 77 million boys and girls in
over 130 countries have experienced the joy of receiving these simple treasures. PLEASE consider filling a shoe box for
either a boy or girl (ages 2-14) or donating small items to the church to use to fill boxes. Gift suggestions include school
supplies, coloring books, small toys, hygiene items, hard candies & lollipops, t-shirts, socks, sunglasses, jewelry etc. DO NOT
INCLUDE used or damaged items; war related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate; liquids or lotions,
aerosol cans; breakable items or glass containers. Each shoe box costs roughly $7 to ship so monetary donations are also
needed. Collection date for completed shoe boxes is November 17 th. A ‘packing party’ will be scheduled for November as
needed. Please contact Robin McFillen if interested in participating in this worthwhile project that is simple to do and will
bring great joy to so many young people. More information is available @ or in the lobby of the
parish hall.
♪ FISH HYMN SING – You are invited to attend the annual Hymn Sing that benefits FISH of Clarke County on Sunday,
November 7th @ 6:30 pm at Marvin United Methodist Church. Free will offering!
SOUNDS OF GRACE CONCERT SERIES – Upcoming Events: Mattie MacNeil & Sam Rizzetta return again on
Friday, December 10th at 7pm, to perform The Songs of Christmas in the chapel. Ticket cost is $10 (with children
under 12 admitted free with paid adult). A candlelight dinner will be served before the concert. Look for more
information in future editions of The Evangeline.
Thought of the Week…When the world has you down and pushes you to your knees, remember that you’re in the perfect
position to pray!