NE Biodiversity Forum Marine and Coastal Group Minutes of Meeting held on 21st April 2007 at Dove Marine Laboratory, Cullercoats Numbering as per agenda Present: Niall Benson (Durham Heritage Coast), Mike Quigley (Natural England), Terry Coult (Durham County Council), Jim Cokill (Durham Wildlife Trust), Aisling Lannin (Berwickshire and North Northumberland European Marine Site), Jane Delany (University of Newcastle upon Tyne), Cliff Garside (Environment Agency) 1/ Apologies from Elaine Jagg (Northumberland Biodiversity Partnership), Andy Lees (Durham Biodiversity partnership), Tom Cadwallader (Northumberland Coast AONB). For information, Jonathon Gibson has left his post at INCA. 2/ James Cokill volunteered to be minute taker. The Group offered their thanks. 3/ Representatives from Royal Haskoning have been informed that they are welcome to attend meetings. Sea Fishing Committee and coastal authorities have not yet been contacted with regard to attending meetings – MIKE QUIGLEY TO MAKE CONTACT. National Biodiversity Network not yet contacted - NIALL BENSON TO MAKE CONTACT. Jane Delany has provided a list of NE based marine research. 4/ Niall Benson provided an overview of the Marine Bill White Paper, highlighting the 5 themes of: Spatial Planning Revised Licensing Sea Fishery Reform Marine Conservation Zones Maritime Management Organisation A copy of the white paper and an opportunity to take part in the consultation process can be found at Mike Quigley asked how the Bill would impact on intertidal marine biodiversity, and the increased levels of licensing were felt to be the main influence. Nick Brodin asked if permission for some activities would be required from agencies responsible for issues on both land and sea. It was felt that this would be the case, as it is now, but the Bill should streamline the process, but there is a potential weakness where there is interaction between land and marine based planning systems. NIALL BENSON AND MIKE QUIGLEY ARE TO PRODUCE A MARINE BILL SUMMARY FOR DISTRIBUTION TO THE BIODIVERSITY FORUM. THE GROUP WILL ALSO PRODUCE A RESPONSE TO THE MARINE BILL CONSULTATION CURRENTLY UNDER WAY AND WILL SEEK RATIFICATION OF THE RESPONSE FROM THE BIODIVERSITY FORUM. 5/ The application to the Big Lottery for funding for the Big Sea Survey was unsuccessful as the project contained an element of research, however it was felt that with some adjustment the bid could be made to comply with Big Lottery criteria. Of the £100k required, £20k has already been secured from the Northumberland Coast AONB and Durham Heritage Coast, and bids have been submitted to Northumbrian Water Ltd and the Environment Agency. Other potential funding opportunities were then discussed, but no action will be taken until a response on existing bids is received. 6/ Niall Benson informed the group about an INTERREG project that is to be held in Durham during June. The project is about the transfer of knowledge between academics and practitioners and group members will receive an invitation. 7/ Andy Lees updated the group on the revisions of the Durham BAP that are relevant to coastal issues, including the production of a Coastal Cliffs plan. Funding is currently being sought from Buglife for an invertebrate survey of the soft cliffs in Durham. James Cokill informed the group of a project under development by Durham Wildlife Trust, Durham Heritage Coast, Durham County Council and the National Trust. The project aims to introduce grazing to Durham’s coastal grasslands to facilitate the migration of important plant communities back from the rapidly eroding cliff edges. Mike Quigley informed the group of a project currently under development that aims to link with the fishing industry to develop Marine Protected Areas. Opportunities are being sought to secure INTERREG funding and a total of £5m is required. An update was also given on the Tyne to Berwick Shoreline Management Plan. Niall Benson informed the group of his forthcoming trip to Norway for an INTERREG meeting on 21st and 22nd June, and offered to raise issues on behalf of group members. GROUP MEMBERS CONTACT NIALL BENSON IF THEY HAVE ISSUES THEY WISH TO BE RAISED. Greg Guthrie from Haskoning will be invited to the next meeting to give an overview of the Shoreline Management Plan process. NIALL TO CONTACT GREG GUTHRIE. Cliff Garside Informed the group that Water Framework Directive monitoring has commenced and sampling will cover new areas. Aisling Lannin Informed the group that their marine litter project, run in conjunction with the Marine Conservation Society was on going and receiving good community support. An application is to be submitted to secure funding for an education liaison officer to coordinate community action on the Northumberland coast. A new chair is being sought for EMS And stronger links between EMS and the AONB are being sought. An event is to be held in conjunction with Northumberland Wildlife Trust at Hauxley in late July to promote the wildlife of the coast. Jane Delany distributed a list of projects currently underway at Newcastle University that have a connection to marine issues in the north east. Terry Coult commented that DCC hoped to supply funding for the invertebrate survey of Durham’s soft cliffs. The group was also informed about the new Magic Meadows publication produced as part of the magic Meadows project hosted by DWT. COPIES OF THE MAGIC MEADOWS PUBLICATION ARE AVAILABLE FROM DURHAM WILDLIFE TRUST, PRICED AT £5. Caroline Stewart of the Northumberland Strategic Partnership is currently on secondment to One NorthEast to develop their Coastal Tourism Framework. NICK BRODIN WILL INVITE CAROLINE TO THE NEXT MEETING TO GIVE AN UPDATE ON THE COASTAL FRAMEWORK. Thanks were offered to Jane Delaney for hosting the meeting. Date of next meeting: 10am 6th July at the Environment Agency in Newcastle