Church of England – Diocese of Ripon and Leeds

Parish of Leeds City
for the week beginning Sunday 24th July 2011
9.15 am
10.30 am
6.30 pm
6.30 pm
Leeds Parish Church
Leeds Parish Church
Preacher: The Reverend Susan Wallace, Vicar Choral
CHORAL EVENSONG (with Admission of Wardens)
Leeds Parish Church
Preacher: The Venerable Peter Burrows, Archdeacon of Leeds
Chapel of the Holy Spirit
NB There is no service at St Mary’s today.
Church of England – Diocese of Ripon and Leeds – Parish of Leeds City
Rector of Leeds: The Reverend Canon Tony Bundock [0113] 245 2036 [office], 278 6237 [home]
Vicar Choral: The Reverend Susan Wallace [0113] 278 9339 [home]
Lay Minister: Canon Ann Nicholl [0113] 245 2036 [office], [0113] 269 4045 [home]
Assistant Curate: The Reverend David Ford [0113] 245 2036 [office], 212 8095 [home]
Leeds Parish Church (St. Peter at Leeds), Kirkgate, LS2 7DJ ~ Parish Office: [0113] 245 2036
Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane, LS1 5HW
Church Office: [0113] 245 4268 ~ Café at Holy Trinity: [0113] 246 8196
St. Mary’s Church, Lincoln Green, LS9 7SG ~ Church Office: [0113] 240 7349
Chapel of the Holy Spirit, Centenary House, North Street, LS2 8 JS
Part-time Diocesan Chaplains for Deaf People: The Reverend Rachel Wilson, The Reverend Bob Shrine
St. Peter’s Church of England (Aided) Primary School, Cromwell Street, LS9 7SG
Headteacher: Mrs. Elizabeth Holliday [0113] 293 4411
Chaplain: Canon Ann Nicholl [see above]
Monday, 25th
 Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) – Bishop: Peter Ramsden
 The Bishops Council
9.45 am Morning Prayers
Leeds Parish Church
Tuesday, 26
Anne and Joachim, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
 Port Sudan (Sudan) – Bishop: Yousif Abdalla Kuku
 The work of school chaplains and priests going into schools in our diocese
8.50 am Prayers
St Peter’s School
9.45 am Morning Prayers
Leeds Parish Church
10.00 am Coffee Morning
Lincoln Green Centre
1.05 pm Holy Communion
Holy Trinity
Wednesday, 27 Brooke Foss Westcott, Bishop of Durham, Teacher of the Faith, 1901
 Portsmouth (Canterbury) – Bishop: Kenneth Stevenson
 The Scripture Union and Bible Reading Fellowship locally
9.45 am Morning Prayers
Thursday, 28th
Leeds Parish Church
 Pretoria (South Africa) – Bishop: Johannes T Seoka; Suffragan Bishop of Pretoria: Mazwi Ernest Tisani
 Emmaus Leeds
9.45 am Morning Prayers
Leeds Parish Church
10.00 am Coffee Morning
Lincoln Green Centre
1.05 pm Holy Communion [BCP]
Leeds Parish Church
Friday, 29
Mary, Martha and Lazarus, Companions of Our Lord
 Peurto Rico – Bishop: David Andres Alvarez-Velazquez
 For the Evangelical and Catholic groups in the diocese and that they may give help to clergy
9.45 am Morning Prayers
12.00 noon Midday Prayers
12.30 pm Lunchtime Recital [Staslia Trio]
1.05 am Holy Communion
Saturday, 30th William Wilberforce, Social Reformer, 1833
Leeds Parish Church
Leeds Parish Church
Leeds Parish Church
Holy Trinity
 Pune (North India) – Bishop: Vijay Bapurao Sathe
 May we look at the different translations of the Bible in the KJV 400th year, and discover the best in our situation.
7.00 pm
Brockham Choral Society Concert
Leeds Parish Church
9.15 am
10.30 am
6.30 pm
Next Sunday – The Sixth Sunday after Trinity – 31st July
Holy Communion [BCP]
Leeds Parish Church
Congregational Eucharist with Hymns
Leeds Parish Church
Preacher: The Reverend David Ford
Congregational Evensong with Hymns
Leeds Parish Church
Preacher: The Reverend Professor Simon Robinson
N.B. There is no service at St Mary’s today.
FAMILY FUN AND OPEN DAY: A huge thank-you goes to everyone who helped with
the Open Day on Saturday of the week before last. All the displays were magnificent, the
Church looked stunning, and it was lovely to see so many new as well as familiar faces. A
great community atmosphere! Well done everyone!
SPONSOR A FOLDING CHAIR: We are hoping to replace our plastic chairs used for
special events with folding upholstered chairs at a cost of £13 per chair. Donations towards
this project would be very welcome indeed and may be given to the Rector or Wardens.
There’s a sample chair available for perusal in the City of Leeds Room.
AUCTION PROMISES NEEDED! Father David is now compiling the Auction catalogue
for the Hope and Glory Fundraising Dinner and Auction of Promises that takes place in
church on the evening of Saturday September 10. We need a really good selection of live
and silent auction bids that will appeal to every size of wallet and interest. Is there
something you can offer? There is a list of suggestions in Church!
PRE-CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR: This event takes place at Leeds Parish Church on
Saturday 12 November from 10 am to 4 pm.The Rector would be very grateful if
parishioners taking a summer holiday would bring back an item for the Rector’s gift stall.
SUMMER MUSIC: The final July concert features our own Ashley Francis-Roy and his
Staslia Piano Trio. A reminder that, again this year, there are Romantic Organ Masterworks
Sunday evening organ concerts throughout August from 7.45 to 8.35 pm each week. A
programme book will be available at the end of this month for the whole series. Please take
one when they are issued and let your friends and neighbours know about these popular
concerts. There are no Friday Lunchtime Concerts in August; Friday events re-commence
in September, with recitalist Dr Christopher Newton.
SUMMER MUSIC ELSEWHERE: Don’t miss St Peter’s Singers, Orchestra and Soloists
[including LPC choral scholar Toby Ward] in Bach’s Mass in B minor on Bank Holiday 29
August at Fulneck Church at 3.00 pm. Dr Lindley gives organ concerts at Fulneck Church
on Thursday 5 August at 11.00, at St Martin-in-the-Fields on Monday 15 August at 6.15
and on August Tuesdays, in support of Doncaster Choral Society, in beautiful churches
around Doncaster. A leaflet for the Mass in B minor concert and the Toccata Tuesday
events is now available.
ADMISSION OF CHURCHWARDENS: A very warm welcome to the Churchwardens
from Leeds Parishes admitted to office by the Archdeacon of Leeds at Evensong this
Christine Caines, Maureen Coles, Alice Normington, Ted Marks, Thomas Reynard,
Veronica Rutkowska, Sylvia Wilkinson, Susan Williams
Albert Andrews, Sonia Bywater, Audrey Clarkson, John Cooper, Robert Denton, Bridget Durkin,
John Edmonds, Francesca Eyre, Logan Firth, Ivy Frampton, Deborah Grady [née Stamp],
John Hardaker, Priscilla Jackson, Karen MacDonald, Peter Milner, Gordon Rees, Irene Revie, Peter
Rhodes, Jack Richards, Michael Roberts, Jack Robins, Cathryn Robinson,
Iris Rutkowska, Althea Shevill, Mavis Simpson, Denis Stenning, Nancy Taylor, Erik Thornton,
Patricia Wagstaff, Hazel Ward, Charlie Ware, Jean Weinstein, Mavis Whitehead
Monica Chadwick [24 July 2007], Edith Wignal [26 July 2008]
George Henry Hubert Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood KBE AM
Friday this past week, 22 July, was the feast of Mary Magdalene, who, in early Christian
writings is known as The Apostle to the Apostles. Apostolos in Greek means one who is
sent, and was a word often used for a messenger or delegate. As one of the first witnesses to
the resurrection she was sent by Jesus to tell the apostles the good news that Jesus had risen
from the dead. She was also a courageous follower of Christ, standing at the foot of the
cross, with John and the Blessed Virgin Mary after the other disciples had fled.
Many inaccurate things have been written about Mary Magdalene over the years. We have
no evidence that she was ever a prostitute, but we do know that she was healed by Jesus.
Dan Brown has also written some horribly inaccurate things about her. There never was
any evidence of a smear campaign against her by the Church, who revered her as a
saint and apostle, nor is there any evidence that she was of a royal bloodline.
After the resurrection Christian tradition suggests that Mary went to preach the gospel in
Italy and Rome. We do not have any historical evidence that this was so, and yet it is
reasonable to speculate that she would have spoken and preached about her experiences of
seeing the risen Christ.
There is a lovely legend that suggests that she obtained an audience with the Emperor
Tiberias, bringing him an egg as a symbol of the resurrection and telling him of Jesus.
Tiberias responded that no-one could rise from the dead any more than the egg she held
could turn red. Miraculously the egg began to turn red to prove she was speaking the truth.
This is why Russian icons of Mary Magdalene often picture her holding an egg, and this is
also the reason Eastern Europeans like to paint and decorate eggs at Easter.
So as we remember brave Mary who stood at the foot of the Cross, and told of Christ’s
Resurrection may we too be inspired to share our stories of meeting Christ with
one another.
Susan Wallace