Child Studies Program’s Learning Outcomes – Direct Entry Stream (effective 2013-14) and ECE stream The Child Studies Program grants both BA General and BA Honours degrees. The BA General in Child Studies has been developed to train students in two areas: 1. Interdisciplinary basic and applied knowledge in the field of child and youth studies and 2. Personal development and professional practice. The BA Honours in Child Studies has been developed to train students in three areas: 1. Interdisciplinary basic and applied knowledge in the field of child and youth studies; 2. Personal development and professional practice; and 3. Evidence based approaches and research methods. The program’s learning outcomes are described below: Learning Outcome 1: Interdisciplinary basic and applied knowledge (BA General and BA Honours) a) Students will learn the contributions of different disciplinary perspectives to the study of children and youth in various contexts including families, institutions, community, etc. ; b) will demonstrate knowledge about children and youth which they will acquire from fields as diverse as (among others) child studies, psychology, sociology, anthropology, ethics and human rights, neuroscience, health sciences, history, education, public policy, economics, political sciences; c) will learn to negotiate multiple perspectives through critical debate and writing; and d) will make connections within courses and across different disciplines considering interdisciplinary questions involving childhood, age, and other relevant factors (e.g., gender, education, race, class, and culture). These are the courses that aim at this outcome (courses already on the calendar): CHST1000 [0.5], CHST1001, CHST2503 [0.5], CHST2504 [0.5], CHST3100 [0.5], CHST3901 [0.5] Performance criteria for Learning Outcome 1 This learning outcome will be achieved if students are able to demonstrate that they can: 1. Describe the scientific, social constructionist, and applied approaches to the study of childhood and youth and the main influences impacting on children and youth at national and international levels 2. Extract relevant information from the interdisciplinary literature to write about specific issues relevant to child and youth studies; 3. Present orally to a general (non specialized) audience multiple perspectives pertaining to specific topics in child and youth studies; 4. Participate effectively and constructively to class discussion on selected topics relevant to child and youth studies. 1 These are the learning activities that we will use to teach the performance criteria: Learning Activity Lectures Course CHST1000, CHST1001, CHST2503, CHST2504, Class discussion CHST1000, CHST1001, CHST2503, CHST2504, CHST3100, CHST3901 Assigned readings CHST1000, CHST1001, CHST2503, CHST2504, CHST3100, CHST3901 CHST2503 Annotated bibliographies Oral presentations CHST2503, CHST2504, CHST3100, CHST3901 Workshops CHST2503, CHST2504 Guest speakers CHST1000, CHST1001, CHST2503, CHST2504, CHST3100, CHST3901 Exams CHST1000, CHST1001 Essays and open ended questions CHST2503, CHST2504, CHST3100, CHST3901 Description Lectures are used to help students meet performance criteria 1 Class discussion is used to help students achieve performance criteria 3 and 4 Assigned readings are used to help students achieve performance criteria 1-4 Annotated bibliographies are used to assess students’ achievement of performance criterion 2 Oral presentations are used to assess students’ achievement of performance criterion 3 Workshops are used to help students achieve performance criteria 2, 3, and 4 Speakers are invited to help students achieve performance criteria 1 and 4 Exams will be used to assess students’ achievement on performance criterion 1 Essays and open ended questions are used to assess students’ achievement of criteria 1-2 Learning Outcome 2: Personal development and professional practice (BA General and BA Honours) Graduates of the Child Studies Program will be employed in a variety of settings (e.g., schools, childcare centers, governmental and non-governmental organizations, health care and health services organizations, the private sector) in which they will be able to identify transferable skills for the workplace context, will apply ethical principles of working with children and families, and will effectively communicate with children, 2 families, and co-workers using appropriate oral and written language. Graduates from the Child Studies Program will bring their interdisciplinary knowledge of children and youth into their daily practices contributing to creative and effective socially responsible solutions. These are the courses that aim at this outcome (to be added to the calendar for 2013/14): CHST3003 [0.5] practicum, CHST3004 [0.5] ethics, CHST3006 [0.5] KT Performance criteria for Learning Outcome 2 This learning outcome will be achieved if students are able to demonstrate that they can: 1. Identify and describe the ethical and human rights implications of working with children in a community setting; 2. Identify effective strategies to address ethical and child rights issues in community and applied settings; 3. Effectively communicate relevant interdisciplinary information to non-scientific audiences including policy makers, service providers and knowledge users; 4. Use various techniques (e.g., non-academic reports, policy briefs, pamphlets and posters) to effectively communicate evidence-based knowledge about specific issues in child and youth studies. Learning Activity Class discussion Course CHST3004 Assigned readings CHST3004, CHST3006 Experiential learning CHST3003 Oral presentations CHST3003, CHST3004, CHST3006 Workshops CHST3003 Guest speakers CHST3003, CHST3004, CHST3006 Written Assignments CHST3006 Essays and open ended CHST3003, CHST3004, Description Class discussion is used to help students achieve performance criteria 1-2 Assigned readings are used to help students achieve performance criteria 1, 2 and 3 Students will complete a practicum in a community setting which will allow them to achieve performance criteria 1 through 4 Oral presentations are used to assess students’ achievement of performance criterion 1-4 Workshops are used to help students achieve performance criteria 3-4 Speakers are invited to present to help students achieve performance criteria 1-4 Students will be asked to complete written assignments using various formats and techniques at achieve performance criteria 3 and 4 Essays and open ended questions are 3 questions CHST3006 used to assess students’ achievement of criteria 1 through 4 Learning Outcome 3: Evidence based approaches and research methods (BA Honours only) Students will a) demonstrate detailed content and factual knowledge of research published in peer-reviewed journals, books, and the grey literature; b) demonstrate the use of evidence-based approaches in the study of children and youth by critically evaluating both the scientific and applied literatures; b) describe, implement and evaluate the various research methodologies that different disciplines commonly use in the study of children and youth including epidemiological and ethnographic approaches; c) conduct increasingly self-directed research and d) communicate complex ideas in clear prose both in its oral and written forms and in different professional contexts (e.g., academic and non-academic settings). These are the courses that aim at this outcome: Courses on the calendar: CHST1000, CHST1001, CHST2503 [0.5], CHST2504 [0.5], CHST4001 [0.5], CHST4908 [1.0], PSYC2001 [0.5], PSYC2002 [0.5], SOCI2001 [0.5], SOCI2002 [0.5]. Courses to be added to the calendar for 2013/14: CHST2000 [0.5] as a third option in methodology requirement: CHST 2000 OR PSYC 2001/2002 OR SOCI 2001/2002 Performance criteria for Learning Outcome 3 This learning outcome will be achieved if students are able to demonstrate that they can: 1. Identify and describe the main influences in children and youth’s lives at the individual, family, community, regional/national, and international levels; 2. Identify and discuss strengths and limitations of a variety of methodologies used to conduct research with children and youth; 3. Identify adequate research methodologies to address specific research questions; 4. Implement research methods to conduct self-directed original research on a special topic related to child and youth studies; 5. Effectively present results from self-directed research, both in writing and orally, to promote evidence-based knowledge. Learning Activity Lectures Class discussion Oral presentations Course CHST1000, CHST1001, CHST2000, CHST2503, CHST2504 CHST2000, CHST4001, CHST4908 CHST2000, CHST2503, CHST2504, CHST4001, Description Lectures are used to help students meet performance criteria 1 and 2 Class discussion is used to help students achieve performance criteria 2 and 3 Oral presentations are used to assess students’ 4 CHST4908 Workshops CHST2503, CHST2504, CHST4001, CHST4908 Guest speakers CHST2000, CHST2503, CHST2504, CHST4001, CHST4908 Exams CHST2000, CHST2503, CHST2504, PSYC or SOCIO stat Essays and open ended questions CHST2000, CHST2503, CHST2504, CHST4001, CHST4908 Thesis project CHST4908 achievement of performance criterion 5 Workshops are used to help students achieve performance criteria 1 through 4 Speakers are invited to help students achieve performance criteria 1 through 4 Exams will be used to assess students’ achievement on performance criteria 1 and 2 Essays and open ended questions are used to assess students’ achievement of criteria The process leading to and completion of a thesis project will achieve performance criteria 1 through 5 5