Review form for white papers (doc)

Presidential Initiative for Interdisciplinary Research
Iowa State University
Review Form for White Papers
Title PI -
☐ PIIR-1 annual pursuit funding up to $500,000
☐ PIIR-2 annual pursuit funding between $50,000 to 100,000
Review Criteria
1.a What is the long-term interdisciplinary/multiple investigator research strategy?
1.b What is the organizational strategy? (total points 15 Points)
2. What are the defined benefits of the multi-investigator, interdisciplinary approach? (10 Points)
3. How well does the research rationale and vision articulate an innovative and transformative
approach that will lead to fundamental advances, new discoveries, and/or technological
developments which could have societal impacts? (30 points)
4. What are the plans to secure significant new extramural funding and form a strong and
lasting team? (20 Points)
5. What are the qualifications and the collaborative track record of the team of investigators?
(15 Points)
6. How will the creation of an interdisciplinary research effort in this area add transformative
value to the University? (10 Points)
Total Score
Invite to Submit Full Proposal
Do Not Invite to Submit Full Proposal