9. Lower Ringarooma River Information in the Ecological Character Description (ECD) (Newall and Lloyd 2007) and the latest version of the RIS for the Lower Ringarooma River Ramsar site were reviewed to identify threats to the ecological character of the site. Terminology from these key Ramsar documents was aligned to be consistent with the approach of the Ramsar Rolling Review (see Table 1). The Ramsar Rolling Review uses the IUCN threat classification to standardise terminology across sites. All threat categories identified at the Lower Ringarooma River Ramsar site are listed in Table 2. The critical components, processes and services (CPS) specified in the ECD are reproduced in Table 3. Threats which have the potential to change one or more of the critical CPS within a 10 year timeframe are defined as imminent threats to the ecological character of the site (labelled IMM in Table 3). Consultation with site managers was undertaken to ensure the correct identification of current and imminent threats (see Table ). A stressor model is presented to illustrate the major pathways by which imminent threats effect the critical CPS. For clarity, the model does not attempt to show non-imminent threats, weak linkages or feedbacks. Table 1: Notes regarding alignment of terminology and additional information sourced from site managers to aid in the development of the sites threat conceptual model. Notes: The ECD identifies the following as the major components of the site: Climate, Geomorphology, Substrate, Hydrology, Water Quality, Vegetation, Fauna. The ecosystem services or benefits provided by the site include: Wetland products, Maintenance of hydrological stability, Coastal shoreline and river bank stabilization and storm protection, Sediment and nutrient retention, Water purification, Biological control of pests and diseases, Recreation & tourism, Cultural value, Food web support, Geological value, Ecological value. The threats descried as direct threats in the ECD and have been inferred as imminent. The key benefits listed in the ECD include: Educational and scientific values through the potential palaeobotanical and palaeofaunal remains on the site. Supporting an abundance of individual species Supporting migratory bird species Supporting a diversity of species Maintaining bioregional biodiversity and providing representative wetlands for the bioregion Representing a rare or threatened wetland type Providing important habitat for species at critical/vulnerable stages of their life cycle Supporting threatened ecological communities, and species of flora and fauna. Table 2: Major categories and subcategories of current threats for the Ramsar site. 9. Lower Ringarooma River 2. Agriculture and Aquaculture 2.3 Livestock farming and ranching 8. Invasive & Other Problematic Species & Genes 8.1. Invasive non-native/alien species 3. Energy Production & Mining 3.2. Mining & quarrying 9. Pollution 9.3. Agricultural & forestry effluent (dairy farm runoff) 6. Human Intrusions & Disturbance 6.1. Recreational activities 7. Natural System Modification 7.1 Fire and fire suppression 7.2 Dams and Water Management/Use 11. Climate Change 11.1. Habitat shifting & alteration 11.1. Habitat shifting & alteration 9.3. Agricultural & forestry effluent (dairy farm runoff) 8.1. Invasive nonnative/alien species 7.1 Fire and fire suppression 3.2. Mining & quarrying Components, Processes and Services (CPS) (components shaded blue, processes green, services yellow) 2.3 Livestock farming and ranching Table 3: Matrix of all current threats against critical components, processes, and services showing those considered to be an imminent threat to the ecological character of the Ramsar site. Australian shoveler IMM Migratory waterbird species IMM Waterbird diversity IMM Flora diversity IMM IMM IMM Threatened flora and fauna species IMM Threatened wetland type Water quality IMM IMM Waterbirds Wetland vegetation IMM IMM IMM Threatened flora & fauna IMM Hydrology Geomorphology Supporting service: Hydrological processes IMM IMM IMM IMM Supporting service: Supporting biodiversity IMM Supporting service: Threatened wetland species, habitats or ecosystems IMM Supporting service: Priority wetland species & ecosystems Key to shapes used in conceptual model. 11.1. Habitat shifting & alteration 9.3. Agricultural & forestry effluent (dairy farm runoff) 8.1. Invasive nonnative/alien species IMM IMM Supporting service: Sediment trapping, stabilisation & soil formation Supporting service: Ecological connectivity 7.1 Fire and fire suppression IMM Supporting service: Physical habitat Supporting service: Nutrient cycling 3.2. Mining & quarrying 2.3 Livestock farming and ranching Components, Processes and Services (CPS) (components shaded blue, processes green, services yellow) IMM IMM IMM References: Newall, P.R. and Lloyd, L.N. (2007). Ecological Character Description for the Floodplain Lower Ringarooma River Ramsar Site – Final Draft. Lloyd Environmental Pty Ltd Report (Project No: LE0722) to NRM North, Launceston, Tasmania. November 2007. 9. Lower Ringarooma River – (Part 1 of 2) 7. Natural System Modifications 7.2. Dams & water management/use Decreased extent of inundation Indicator: Extent of inundation, depth Fragmentatio n/isolation (hydrological connectivity) Component: Hydrology Service: Hydrological processes; Physical habitat, Biodiversity; Ecological connectivity 9. Pollution 9.3. Agricultural & forestry effluent (Dairy farm runoff) Decreased frequency of inundation Indicator: Frequency of inundation Physical disturbance grazing Indicator: Stocking rates, total suspended solids, turbidity Increased nutrients Indicator: Nutrient concentrations, nitrogen and phosphorous Decreased vegetation health Component: Wetland vegetation Service: Biodiversity; Threatened wetland species, habitats or ecosystems, Priority wetland species & ecosystems 2. Agriculture & Aquaculture 2.3. Livestock farming & ranching (Livestock grazing and trampling) Reduced flora & fauna diversity Component: Water quality Service: Nutrient cycling Change in vegetation type (freshwater sedgeland, rushland & herbland) Component: Fauna Service: Biodiversity; Threatened wetland species, habitats or ecosystems; Priority wetland species & ecosystems 9. Lower Ringarooma River – (Part 2 of 2) 3. Energy production and mining 3.2. Mining & quarrying (Previous & potential future mining) 11. Climate Change 11.1. Habitat shifting & alteration (Sea level rise, vegetation shifts) Increased suspended sediments Indicator: Total suspended solids, turbidity Altered native vegetation composition Indicator: Native vegetation and weed composition & condition Change in physical habitat (infilling of wetlands) Reduced flora & fauna diversity Component: Hydrology Service: Hydrological processes; physical habitat; biodiversity; ecological connectivity Component: Geomorphology and substrate Service: Physical habitat; sediment trapping, stabilisation & soil formation Component: Wetland vegetation Service: Biodiversity; threatened wetland species, habitats or ecosystems;. priority wetland species & ecosystems Increased sea level Indicator: Sea level Altered community composition Component: Fauna Service: Biodiversity; threatened wetland species, habitats or ecosystems; priority wetland species & ecosystems