SSUSH6 The student will analyze the nature of territorial and

SSUSH6 The student will analyze the nature of territorial and population growth
and the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation.
a. Explain the Northwest Ordinance’s importance in the westward migration of
Americans, and on slavery, public education, and the addition of new states.
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
 Method of dividing land into territories,
requirements for statehood, Natives ignored
o Required to have governor
o 5,000 residences to have temp
And elect govorn
o Total 60,000, write own const. and must
be approved by congress
 Need land to fun taxes to then support education
and other programs, US was money poor but
not land
 Help spread communities
 South and North compete for slave and none
slave states, way to either end or spread slavery
b. Describe Jefferson’s diplomacy in obtaining the Louisiana Purchase from France and
the territory’s exploration by Lewis and Clark.
Jefferson’s diplomacy
 Major conflict with electoral college and who
would be president
 Fight a peaceful revolution against federalist
Gov and
 Very informal president
 Shrink gov, cut costs, cut taxes, cut army, navy,
Louisiana Purchase
France gets land back from Spain
US upset and fear French influence and control
of Louisiana and New Orleans
Jefferson sends Monroe to buy it, 15 million
Louis and Clark Exploration p202
 Jefferson wants it explored
 Sends Louis and Clark, soldiers, woodsman
 Trip took 2 years and 3 months
 Collect info, info on natives, info on planets and
c. Explain major reasons for the War of 1812 and the war’s significance on the
development of a national identity.
War of 1812
 France (Napoleon) exclude all British goods
from Europe
 Britain blocks all French ports and takes their
 Thousands of US ships are confiscated and
goods taken
 Impressments of US men, forced into British
 Jefferson declares embargo of all countries
o Really hurts US economy
 Native American Wars upset US but even more
upset over British guns provided to Natives
 People call for war with Great Britain
 President Madison and congress declare war
 US wins and loses some battles and major cities
 Burns White House
 Jackson defends New Orleans
 Over
o Treaty of Ghent
o Armistice
d. Describe the construction of the Erie Canal, the rise of New York City, and the
development of the nation’s infrastructure.
Erie Canal p217
 Opened 1821 to 1825
 Expand inland transport system
 Linked NY to Albany to Buffalo
 Allowed cutting of costs
 Helped increase size of NY by increasing trade
o Was 5th largest city
o Became most active sea port
Other infrastructure
Steam locomotive and train track increased, travel
in all weather, any territory
National roads, turn pikes, all increased and
provided funds for states
Better transportation, increase in trade, profit, and
less cost
e. Describe the reasons for and importance of the Monroe Doctrine.
Monroe Doctrine p221
 1823 president James Monroe
o US will not allow new colonies in
o Or interfere in Nations affairs
 Britain and US fear Spanish aggression toward
new independent countries which just gained
independence from Spain
 Foundation of US policy in Americas and South
SSUSH7 Students will explain the process of economic growth, its regional and
national impact in the first half of the 19th century, and the different responses to it.
a. Explain the impact of the Industrial Revolution as seen in Eli Whitney’s invention of
the cotton gin and his development of interchangeable parts for muskets.
Industrial Revolution
 1st in Great Britain
 War of 1812 and Jefferson’s embargo act force
US to turn inward to turn raw materials into
finished goods
 Built factories for thread and then factors to
create cloth
 Mainly in New England or North, farming not as
profitable in south
Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin p216
 South need help with cotton
 Only green seeded cotton grows inland
o But could not separate seed from cotton
 Increased profit
 Other inventions from Industrial Rev helped
create major demand
 Spinning machines, steamboat
 However, it cut costs but increases need for
Interchangeable parts for muskets
 Inventor of mass production
 1798 he invented machines to manufacture
muskets with interchangeable parts
 Technology used to win civil war
b. Describe the westward growth of the United States; include the emerging concept of
Manifest Destiny.
Manifest Destiny
 People moving west, cheap land, escape debt or
 Belief that is was a rightful expansion all the
way to Pacific
 Expansion was the goal, god ordained
 Upset Natives
c. Describe reform movements, specifically temperance, abolitionism, and public school.
 Major religious experience, tent, meeting,
prayer, and studying bible
 Ralph Waldo Emerson
 Simple life, Experience nature and find
 Henry David Thoreau
Temperance Movement p255
 Fight against alcohol and thought evil
 Off shoot of church and women’s
 Used as medicine
 Rallies,
 Societies form attacking slavery, people
thought blacks were inferior, called for
abolition of slavery
o William Lloyd Garrison
 Vocal person for call of
o Frederick Douglass
 Learned to read, key to
 Learned trade, escaped to the
o Slavery diff. in North and South
 South, more freedom as
slave to gain a skill and trade
o North, you were free but people
discriminated, and you lack chances
to learn a trade or skill and earn
good money
Public School
 Only rich received a good education
No compulsory school education
Not required to go, start of demand for tax
funded education
Upset rich which had to pay for others
Goal was to create good citizens
Limited to blacks and women
d. Explain women’s efforts to gain suffrage; include Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the
Seneca Falls Conference.
Women’s suffrage
 Wanted women to have right to vote, to work,
and have basic rights
 Little freedom but to work from home and make
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
 Organized women’s conferences
 Similar to “Declaration of Independence”
 Wanted right to vote
Seneca Falls Conferences
 Women’s conference
 300 women and men joined together to vote on
platform for group
e. Explain Jacksonian Democracy, expanding suffrage, the rise of popular political
culture, and the development of American nationalism.
Jacksonian Democracy
 Based on several principles
 Expanded suffrage
 Manifest destiny
o God plan to expand west
 Strict constructionists of Constitution
o Read as is, no room for interoperation
o Limited gov interference
o Limited powers
 Laissez faire economics
o Hands off
o Leave it alone
 Spoils system
o Put supports in jobs as favors
 Popular Sovereignty
o Right of people in given territory to
have the right to vote on slavery
 Voting rights expanded
 All free white men of legal age
Popular political culture
American Nationalism
 Supreme court favors Feds over states
 Increase power of Feds
 “Nationalism” belief that national needs and
interests should be placed over states
 Limited Brits navy, jointly occupy the Oregon
 Wanted Florida and got it from Spain
 Expand west