
Project Plan

Rare Pride Campaign

Berau Marine Protected Area, Dewaran Islands

East Kalimantan, Borneo


The campaign’s flagship species, the sea turtle.

Hirmen Syofyanto

The Nature Conservancy Indonesia Program

May 2006

Rare Diploma in Conservation Education

University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom

Kent Cohort VI

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Site Description .......................................................................................... 4

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4

International Conventions and Legal Aspects ...................................................... 4

Biodiversity of Berau Marine Protected Area........................................................ 6

Terrestrial ecosystem ............................................................................................ 6

Marine ecosystem ................................................................................................. 6

Socio-Economic and Cultural Aspects ................................................................. 8

Demographics ....................................................................................................... 8

Economic Aspects ................................................................................................. 9

Cultural Aspects .................................................................................................... 9

Per Capita Income ............................................................................................... 10

Land and Marine Tenure ..................................................................................... 10

Political Situation ............................................................................................... 10

Geological Aspect .............................................................................................. 11

Threats to Berau Marine Protected Area ............................................................ 11

Unsustainable Fisheries ...................................................................................... 11

Coral Reef Destruction ........................................................................................ 11

Degradation of Seagrasses ................................................................................. 12

Turtle Population Decline .................................................................................... 12

Pollution ............................................................................................................... 13

Other Conservation Work .................................................................................. 13

Chapter2: Stakeholder Matrix ..................................................................................... 15

Chapter 3: Concept Model .......................................................................................... 19

Narrative Summary ............................................................................................ 19

Flagship Species and Slogans ........................................................................... 20

Chapter 4: Community Pre Survey ............................................................................ 22

Demographic Profile .......................................................................................... 22

Target Group ....................................................................................................... 22

Control Group ...................................................................................................... 23

Media Preferences ............................................................................................. 23

Target Group ....................................................................................................... 23

Control Group ...................................................................................................... 24

Perception and Knowledge on Berau Marine Protected Area Resources ........... 25

Target Group ....................................................................................................... 25

Control Group ...................................................................................................... 26

Flagship Species and Slogan ............................................................................ 27

Target Group ....................................................................................................... 27

Control Group ...................................................................................................... 28

Focus Group Discussion and Community Pre-Survey ....................................... 28

Chapter 5: Flagship Species Summary ..................................................................... 29

Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas, Crite J,2000) ................................................... 29

Distribution ........................................................................................................ 29

Behaviour .......................................................................................................... 29

Biology ............................................................................................................... 30

Size ................................................................................................................... 30

Reproduction ..................................................................................................... 30

Feeding ............................................................................................................. 30

Green Turtle Status ........................................................................................... 31

Green Turtles in Berau ...................................................................................... 31

Chapter 6: The Project Plan ........................................................................................ 32

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GOAL: ............................................................................................................... 32

SUB-GOAL 1: ...................................................................................................... 32

SUB-GOAL 2: ...................................................................................................... 47

SUB GOAL - 3: .................................................................................................... 51

Monitoring Plan .................................................................................................. 56

BERAU PROJECT TIMELINE ........................................................................... 65

References ................................................................................................................... 69

Annex 1: ....................................................................................................................... 73

Annex 2. Result of Focus Group Discussions ......................................................... 83

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Chapter 1: Site Description


Berau Marine Protected Area (MPA) is located in Berau Regency in the province of East

Kalimantan (Kalimantan Timur). The regency lies north of the provincial capital of

Balikpapan between 116 o -119 o West and 1 o 00’-2 o 3’ South. Berau Regency has an approximate land area of 24,201 km2, or 2,420,100 ha, and a marine area of 1,270,000 ha. The regency has a large coastal area covering 461.77 km of coastline and around

31 small islands. The capital city of the regency is Tanjung Redeb (Figure1).

Approximately 118,096 people reside in the regency in 28,993 households and the area has a population density of 4.88 people per km 2 . The regency consists of ten subdistricts and 89 villages, including four coastal sub-districts and 25 coastal villages (BPS,


Figure 1. Map of Berau District (Source; BPS, 2003)

Berau ’s coastal and marine areas are part of the Indo-Australian region, the richest faunal region in the world in terms of biodiversity. The area also has the highest marine biodiversity in East Kalimantan. Furthermore, this area is located in the center of the

Coral Triangle, a region recognized as the global epicenter for coral biodiversity. The

Coral Triangle consists of the waters and coastal regions of six countries: Indonesia,

Malaysia, the Philippines, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

The Coral Triangle covers an extraordinary expanse of ocean encompassing an area of

2.3 million square miles (5.7 million km 2 ).

International Conventions and Legal Aspects

The government of Indonesia has demonstrated considerable commitment to ratifying international treaties on conservation, especially in regards to those agreements that promote the development of marine protected areas. In 1994, the Indonesian government ratified the UN Convention on Biological Diversity by passing national legislation (Act No 5/1994). This legislation created a National Commission on Biological

Diversity to promote cooperation between various government agencies and nongovernmental organizations to manage biodiversity. The Ministry of National

Development Planning drafted a Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia. Furthermore, the government of Indonesia has listed 18 species of marine animals as Appendix I

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endangered species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered

Species (or CBD?) and it has enacted several pieces of legislation in support of its commitment to conserve biodiversity. For instance, in 1990, Indonesia promulgated Act

No.5 on the Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems.

The government has also cooperated with UNESCO and IUCN to improve monitoring systems to further protect Indonesian World Heritage Sites (UP-MSI, et. al., 2002). The

World Heritage Centre launched a World Heritage Marine Strategy during the 2003

World Parks Congress. The purpose of this five-year strategy is to enhance and expand the World Heritage 'marine sites' global portfolio. This initiative will contribute to the conservation of the most important marine areas in the world as these areas gain protected status as World Heritage sites. In turn, the Marine Strategy will contribute to the World Summit on Sustainable Development objective to establish a representative network of MPAs across the globe by 2012 (IUCN, 2005). The Berau Marine Protected

Area has been nominated as one of these Marine World Heritage Sites.

In practice, however, it is difficult to secure sufficient political will from the government of

Indonesia to develop and effectively manage Marine Protected Areas. For instance, although the coastal and marine areas of Berau recently received protected status, there is currently no management plan in place to enforce this status and time will reveal the extent to which the national government is willing to support the initiative. Nevertheless, the MPA will serve as a foundation for further MPA network development in the area and it has great potential to serve as an example of how local and national partnerships can manage an MPA in a manner that takes into account local conditions and considerations. This potential is especially high in the case of Berau because of its status as the first large scale MPA to be declared by a regent, or district, government.

Under Indonesia’s de-centralization policy (Act No.31 Year 2004), district governments have a strong mandate to manage their natural resources while continuing to partner with provincial and national governments. Thus, under Act No. 31/2004, the Head of

Berau District garnered the authority to declare a Marine Protected Area and on

December 27 th , 2005 the regent established Berau MPA through Bupati Regulation

No.31 Year 2005.

Yet, the new policy of decentralization presents both opportunities and challenges for advancing marine conservation. The development of new regulatory frameworks presents opportunities to embed conservation management and effective natural resource use policies into government infrastructure. District governments, however, generally do not have the resources to design or implement effective management strategies. Consequently, it is extremely important to support local governments to institute effective co-management systems that allow for community involvement. In order to facilitate this support in Berau, a Joint Steering Committee was formed. This committee represents a partnership between local government officials and local, national, and international NGOs. The partnership will work together with the district government of Berau to develop a management system for the MPA that is tailored to local needs and that clarifies management responsibilities. Furthermore, it will help craft

MPA regulations and ensure that these regulations are aligned with or embedded in national and provincial regulations.

Currently, Berau MPA has a fully integrated joint management team. This team, known as the Joint Program in the field, is comprised of representatives from local and national government agencies as well as conservation NGOs. The Joint Program was

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established in May of 2004 as the Berau Joint Marine Secretariat through an

Memorandum of Understanding between the local government of Berau and the following NGOs: TNC, WWF, Mitra Pesisir/CRMP II , Kehati, Bestari and Kalbu. This secretariat was formed in order to coordinate marine conservation activities in Berau and the partners work on issues related to the establishment and development of the MPA.

Furthermore, in 2004 TNC, WWF, and Mitra Pesisir formally constructed a joint program that shares an integrated administration system and work plan.

Biodiversity of Berau Marine Protected Area

Berau Marine Protected Area is situated on the western side of the Makassar Strait at the nexus of two Indonesian Seas: the Sulawesi Sea and the Java Sea. The marine environment is diverse and dynamic with numerous riverine, coastal and oceanic cetacean habitats in close proximity. These habitats include river deltas, mangroves, shelf and oceanic coral reefs, pelagic waters and seamounts as well as migratory corridors of eco-regional importance (Wiryawan, B. et. al., 2005)

In addition to its coral and fish diversity, the Derawan chain of islands contains

Indonesia’s largest nesting site for endangered green sea turtles, which emerge from the sea every night to lay their eggs on the white sand beaches of Sangalaki Island. Another island in the chain, Semamma, is an important bird sanctuary and Kakaban Island contains the world’s largest and most diverse jellyfish lake, with four unique species of sting-less jellyfish. Kakaban Island is being considered for nomination as a UNESCO

World Heritage Site.

Terrestrial ecosystem

The almost uniformly warm waters that make up 81 percent of Indonesia's seas ensure that temperatures on land remain fairly constant. Split by the equator, the archipelago is almost entirely tropical in climate; the coastal plains average 28°C, the inland and mountain areas average 26°C, and the higher mountain regions average 23°C. The terrestrial flora of the area includes grasses and the coconut palm ( Cocos nucifera ), which, is the dominant tree. Terrestrial fauna in this area is low in diversity and not significant in terms of endemism.

Marine ecosystem

The Berau MPA is situated in East Kalimantan (Borneo) at the junction of the Sulawesi

(or Celebes) Sea and the Java Sea. The marine waters are strongly influenced by the

Indonesian Flow Trough (the major tropical oceanic exchange current between the

Pacific and Indian Oceans), periodic deep-sea up-welling from the Sulawesi Sea, and major river outflows. The inter-island passages between the major reef complexes and islands are governed by substantial tidal and oceanic exchange currents ranging from 2-

4 knots. This makes for a diverse and dynamic marine environment. The MPA lies in the

Coral Triangle which harbors the most diverse reefs on Earth. The Coral Triangle has been identified by major international biodiversity conservation organizations as a global priority conservation area and it is home to over 600 reef-building coral species, or 75 percent of all species known to science, and more than 3,000 species of reef fish. Over

150 million people live within the Coral Triangle, of which an estimated 2.25 million are fishermen who are dependant on marine resources for their livelihoods (Green, A & P.

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Mous, 2003). The Berau MPA is also a part of the Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion, which lies at the apex of the Coral Triangle and is shared by Indonesia, Malaysia and the

Philippines. The Sulu and Sulawesi marine ecoregion ranks among the most diverse and productive marine systems in the world, and it is widely considered by marine experts to have exceptional bio-diversity and it is of extraordinary global conservation significance

(Trono B. R and Cantos B.J. A, 2002).

Coral Reef Ecosystem

The reef system of Berau Marine Protected Area consists of six main islands (Pasir

Panjang, Derawan, Semama, Sangalaki, Kakaban and Maratua), a unique delta-front patch reef complex, fringing reefs and three atolls. The atolls of Kakaban and Maratua cover 19 km2 and 690 km2 respectively and Muaras reef stretches 288 km2.

Additionally, the north coast of the Sangkulirang Peninsular has a ringing reef that stretches 180 km2. A total of 413 confirmed scleractinian hermatypic coral species have been recorded in the area. With the confirmation of additional species of coral, Berau’s marine area will have a final total of around 460 to 470 species putting it in second position, after Raja Ampat, for the highest diversity of hard coral species in Indonesia

(Turak, E.,2003).

One study revealed that there are 832 species of fish in 272 genera and 71 families in the waters of Berau MPA. An additional 40 species, 16 genera, and 6 families were recorded around the Sanggalaki-Kakaban islands, bringing the overall species total of the area to 872. Gobies (Gobiidae), wrasses (Labridae), and damselfishes

(Pomacentridae), are the dominant groups in both number of species and number of individuals (Allen, G.R. 2004).

Seagrass Ecosystem

The Seagrasses of the coastal and marine areas of Berau optimally grow in a fine mud substrate, in waters that do not exceed 10 meters in depth, where temperatures range from 28°~30° C, the salinity is around 35 psu, and the current speed is 0.5 m/s 20 percent. There are at least 8 species of seagrass in Berau MPA and 85 species of fish from 34 families depend closely upon seagrass ecosystems (Wiryawan, B, et. al, 2005)

Mangrove ecosystem

Bengen, D.G, et. al., (2004) reported that there are 26 mangrove species in Berau MPA which cover 80.277 ha. Results from economic valuation studies show that the economic value of mangroves in Berau for a 10 year period are as follows: (1) US$ 295.78/Ha/y

(direct value), (2) US$ 726.26/Ha/y (indirect value), (3) US$ 15.00/Ha/y (option value), and (4) US$ 358.46 (existence value).

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Socio-Economic and Cultural Aspects


There are 25 settlements in 7 sub-districts in the Berau Regency and Tanjung Redeb village is the capital of Berau District (Figure 2). There are 23,239 people living in the coastal areas within the Berau MPA and a total of 136,628 (!This differs from stat in first paragraph) people live in the larger Berau district (BPS, 2003). The five coastal villages with the highest population are Tanjung Batu village with 2,188 people, Kasai village with

1,960 people, Talisayan village with 1,523 people, Batu Putih village with 1,445 people, and Radak Buyung-Buyung village with 1,513 people.

Figure 2. Map of villages/settlement in and around Berau Coastal Marine Area (Source: BPS, 2003)

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No Village Name

1 Tanjung Redeb




Pulau Derawan

Tanjung Batu






Teluk Semanting

Pegat Batumbuk

Payung Payung

Bohe Silian

9 Teluk Harapan

10 Teluk Alulu

11 Mantaritip

12 Tabalar Muara

13 Tubaan

14 Radak Buyung Buyung

15 Pisang Pisangan

16 Karang Bajau

17 Biatan Muara

18 Talisayan

19 Batu Putih

20 Balikukup

21 Teluk Sumbang













































22 Pantai Harapan

23 Tanjung Perepat





24 Biduk Biduk

25 Giring Giring





26 Teluk Sulaeman 388 1.243

Table 1. Population In and Around Berau Marine Protected Area Source: BPS, 2003

Economic Aspects

A combination of factors, including the low educational attainment of most residents, limited access to land, poor soil quality, low levels of rainfall, and limited water supply, push local communities to rely on extracting marine resources for their livelihoods.

Ninety seven percent of the population in coastal areas relies upon fishing activities to meet their basic needs while the remaining 3 percent work as traders or civil servants

(Hopley and Suharsono, 2000). The characteristics of local fishing communities are as follows: their daily and seasonal income is highly variable, their fish catch is perishable and must be marketed quickly, they must secure a large working capital to invest in fishing equipment and there is a high risk in investing in such equipment, their share of the profit for selling fish is low, and the traditional methods for processing marine products result in low quality products.

Cultural Aspects

Communities living within the coastal zones of the Berau MPA are predominantly Bajau,

Sulu, Bugis, Jawa, Mandar, Makassar, Buton, Madura, Manado, Timor, Banjar, Berau and Lombok ehtnicities. Most community members speak Bahasa Indonesia but

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commonly use the Bajau and Bugis languages in daily conversations. There are 5 languages used by local communities living in and around the Berau MPA: Bajau, Bugis,

Jawa, Berau, and Banjar. Ninety percent of residents in the area practice Islam. The communities fall under the political jurisdiction of the Berau District which is governed by a Bupati (Head of District), and at the community level, Village Representatives preside over local affairs.

Per Capita Income

East Kalimantan Province has the nation’s highest per capita income (BPS, 2003). In

2002, the annual per capita income in the province was Rp. 8,500,000.00 (USD 850), while nationally it was Rp. 7,055,462 (USD 705). In 2002, economic growth in the region was at 4.4 percent when including oil and gas sectors and at 5.79 percent when excluding oil and gas sectors. The total income of East Kalimantan Province amounted to Rp 25.6 million (including oil and gas sectors) and Rp 10.06 million (excluding oil and gas sectors) in 2002.

Seawater potencies cover 4,484,283 ha along Makasar Bay and Sulawesi Sea and have large potential fisheries. The area has the potential to produce about 341,000 tons/year; however, the actual rate of production only reached 133,273 tons/year or 30 percent of the estimated potential production capacity. Thus, there is great opportunity to develop the fisheries sector of this province. The sustainable production of the fisheries sector

(sea, public waters, salt waters and fresh waters) could reach about 339,998 ton/year despite the fact that real production was only 154,341.3 tons.

Land and Marine Tenure

Most people residing within Berau MPA live along or near the coast in small communities. Community members have settled small plots of land upon which they build dwellings, construct traditional shrimp ponds or dry fish. Some villagers hold official land titles while others only have permit from the Head of Village and the Head of Sub-

District. In regards to marine resources, community members must go to the Berau

Fisheries Agency to obtain a permit to carry out fishing activities. In Berau, it is not uncommon to find traditional laws that govern the community use of marine resources.

However, village communities do not enforce any formal fisheries management systems based upon local knowledge and customary law. Furthermore, fishermen can exploit marine resources in almost all areas and no punishment exists for either the overexploitation of marine resources or the use of non-traditional fishing practices.

Political Situation

Following Indonesia’s independence in 1953, the post-colonial government designated

Berau as a Special Region to be headed by the former Sultan of Sambaliung (doesn’t seem especially pertinent to the subject at hand —think about cutting). In 1959, however,

Berau ’s status was changed to that of kabupaten under Act No. 27 Year 1959 when the province of East Kalimantan was officially formed. Administratively, Berau MPA is part of Berau District. Under new regulations on decentralization and autonomy (Act No. 32

Year 2004 on Regional Government) the population of Berau District is now divided into

13 sub-districts (Kelay, Talisayan, Tubaan, Tabalar, Biduk-biduk, Pulau Derawan,

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Maratua, Sambaliung, Tanjung Redeb, Gunung Tabur, Teluk Bayur, Batu Putih, Tabalar


Geological Aspect

The islands of Kalimantan lie in the midst of an extremely complex tectonic region where three major plates, the Indo-Australian, the Philippine-Pacific and the Asian, intersect.

The areas between these major plates are the composite domain of smaller microcontinental and oceanic fragments. Throughout history, the region has been volcanically active and the islands of Kalimantan are bounded by three marginal basins (South

China, Sulu and Celebes seas), micro-continental fragments of south China origin

(Dangerous Grounds, Reed Bank) to the north-northeast, mainland Southeast Asia

(Indochina and Peninsula Malaysia) to the west-northwest and the Javanese volcanic arc to the south. Major tracts of eastern, central and northern Kalimantan are covered by tertiary sedimentary rocks, which were deposited in lacustrine, fluvial marginal-marine or marine environments (Wilson M.E.J, and Steve J. M, 1999).

Threats to Berau Marine Protected Area

Unsustainable Fisheries

Fisheries are a major activity in Indonesia and it has been estimated that 60 percent of protein consumption is derived from fisheries. About 90 percent of all fisheries are artisanal, with products for local consumption or for sale in local markets (Reef Base,

2005). The marine resources of Berau MPA are threatened by unsustainable fishing practices including illegal fishing, unregulated fishing, unreported fishing, over-fishing, and especially destructive fishing. Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing not only puts the livelihoods of the legal fishermen at risk but it also has an enormous impact on the marine environment and the species living within this environment.

In addition, there are strong indications that the current level of fishing pressure is much higher than fish stocks can sustain. A map that was created to document fishing grounds indicates that fishermen fish in coral reef and mangrove ecosystems. Although fish diversity was relatively high, there were obvious signs of over fishing. Napoleon wrasse, which are a good indicator of fishing pressure, were rare (Allen, G.R. 2004). A short study indicates that since 1999 the catch per unit of effort per fishermen (groupers and prawn) has declined by over 40 percent for reef fish (Wiryawan, B., 2005).

Coral Reef Destruction

The World Resources Institute (2004) estimated that 88 percent of Southeast Asian reefs are threatened by human activities, with over-fishing and destructive fishing being the most pervasive threats. This is certainly true in the Berau MPA where a number of destructive fishing practices threaten not only the health of the reefs but also the livelihoods of fishers. For example, gleaning activities, primarily conducted by women to collect non-fish biota in inter-tidal coastal areas, destroy the reefs. Reef gleaners collect crustacean, mollusk, echinoderm and mantas but they also decrease the marine stock, cause physical damage to coral reefs and disturb the ecological balance of marine ecosystems (Hopley, D. and Suharsono, 2000). The abalone fishery has also destroyed

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large areas of coral reefs in recent years. Many fishermen dig through the reefs, using compressors and crow bars (in a method called 'meting'), in search of abalone and other marine invertebrates. The fishermen break and trample over the coral in the process leaving behind them fields of nearly 100 percent dead coral rubble.

Another destructive fishing practice is that of cyanide fishing. Cyanide poisons are used extensively to catch live reef fish for consumption and ornamental purposes. The concentrations of dissolved poison that are released are not meant to kill but only to tranquilize the target fish thereby facilitating their capture. The live food-fish trade concentrates on the catch of Groupers and Napoleon Wrasse. Cyanide fishing is done by divers, using "hookah" compressors and hoses to supply air. On Derawan Island, divers have also reported that the Crown of Thorn ( Acanthaster plancii ) is more evident possibly indicating a decline in Triton.

Degradation of Seagrasses

The industrial and commercial development of coastal areas has already altered and polluted seagrass ecosystems in many countries and urbanization, the mismanagement of agriculture, and the grazing livestock on coastal dunes has contributed to the degradation of these ecosystems in other nations. Human induced global climate change may also impact the distribution of seagrasses as sea levels rise and severe storms occur more frequently (WCMC. 2005). Seagrass provides habitat for fish and shellfish from nursery areas in the shallows out into the deeper ocean and they perform important ecological functions; they filter coastal waters, dissipate wave action and anchor sediments. Seagrasses often occur in proximity to, and are ecologically linked with, coral reefs, mangroves, salt marshes, bivalve reefs and other marine habitats.

Seagrasses are the primary food of dugongs and green sea turtles, both of which are highly charismatic yet endangered species of great public interest. In Berau MPA, coastal development, pollution, and sedimentation all contribute to the degradation of seagrass ecosystems.

Turtle Population Decline

Globally, the sea turtle population is in decline because sea turtles are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts during every life-stage from egg to adult. Unfortunately, the harvest of sea turtle eggs remains legal in several countries despite substantial subpopulation declines (WWF, 2005). Mortality associated with entanglement in marine fisheries is the primary incidental threat that responsible fishing techniques present to sea turtles and drift netting, shrimp trawling, dynamite fishing, and long-lining can also result in the death of turtles. (Cheng I Jiunn and Tien-Hsi Chen, 1997).

Pollution stemming from human activities also endangers sea turtles. Non-degradable trash, including balloons, bottles, vinyl films, styrofoam, twine, and, especially, plastic bags are deadly to turtles. Furthermore, artificial lighting from coastal developments not only disturbs females while they are nesting, but it also disorients new hatchlings, causing them to migrate inland where they have a greater chance of dying due to predation or dehydration (Bugoni Leandro, et. al, 2001). In Berau MPA, the illegal collection and trade turtle eggs poses the greatest threat to turtle populations . The meat and carapace of the green sea turtle fetch a high price and there is great demand for these products on the black market.

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Conversion of Mangroves

Some communities in the coastal areas of Berau practice aquaculture for shrimp and milk fish ( Chanos chanos ). The productivity of ponds in the Berau coastal area is relatively low at 100 kg per Ha. However, pond operators often harvest wild shrimp that entered their ponds as well (DPK, 2002). Local communities use mangroves in the

Berau delta area, especially for fishing. Over the past 10 years however, much of the mangrove forests have been converted to shrimp or fish ponds. For example, in 1997, mangrove forests covered 53,500 Ha (be consistent with Ha or ha) of the Berau delta area and only 450 Ha were devoted to aquaculture activities. By 1999, however, mangrove forests only covered 49,000 Ha. This implies that the conversion rate during that time was 50 Ha per day (Bengen, D.G, et. al, 2004).

Mangrove forests form one of the primary coastal ecosystems in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In recent years, the pressures of an increasing global population, and the ensuing expansion of agricultural lands and industrial and urban development, have caused the destruction of a significant proportion of mangrove ecosystems.


Numerous activities, even those taking place far inland or on the high seas, may have a deleterious effect on coral reefs (WCMC, 2005). In Berau Regency, mining operations and timber exploitation lead to deforestation and increase erosion in the area thereby affecting the Berau watershed. Although, near-shore reefs have adapted to the occasionally high deposits sediments, and generally thrive in the turbid waters where the freshwater from Berau River meets the sea, any major change in the Berau River flow regime (and this appears likely considering the land activities in the catchment area over the last years) could seriously threaten the area’s reefs, particularly those situated closest to the shore (Turak, E. 2003). As soil is washed into rivers and out to sea, the sediments silt along the reefs lining the coast and as the water becomes murky it stops sunlight, which is vital for coral growth, from reaching the reef. In addition, if sediment settles upon the corals, it may smother them. Furthermore, communities discharge waste into the river to be washed out to sea where it may then pollute the corals and beaches.

Other Conservation Work

Currently, there are two large organizations that work on conservation issues in the

Berau Marine Protected Area: The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and World Wildlife

Foundation-Indonesia (WWF). Both are international organizations. There are also a number of local community organizations that work in the area, primarily to build community awareness; these organizations include conservation cadres, Bestari, the

Turtle Foundation, Kalea, Lapperma.

The Nature Consevancy (TNC) marine conservation program has worked in Berau since

2002. Its program includes conservation education and awareness, community development, resource use monitoring (surveillance), and policy support components.

Under policy support activities, TNC helped create local regulations on fishing gear and collaborative management issues. TNC is also assisting the district government

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(Ministry of Forestry – Nature Protection Department) and the Park to design an MPA

Management Plan based on extensive ecological and socio-economic surveys. WWF has worked closely with the district government since 1998 to monitor the green turtle population and on other turtle conservation activities. The organizations also carried out surveillance of the green turtle through instigating a tagging program on Derawan and

Sangalaki Islands. The surveillance team discovered that approximately 2,500 green turtles nest in the Berau Marine Protected Area.

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Stakehold er

Organisati on/Affiliati

No on






Education etc.) Name



Secretary of`Village






Chapter2: Stakeholder Matrix

From the beginning, local stakeholders in Berau district have been involved in and will continue to be involved in the decision making process to establish and to manage and enforce the Berau Marine Protected Area. Beginning with the pre-project planning stage, stakeholders received up-to-date information on the area and on direct and indirect factors which would contribute to their understanding of the state of the coastal and marine biodiversity of Berau MPA. In the latest stakeholder workshop, 37 participants came together to determine the concept models for socializing the Berau

MPA and for soliciting stakeholder participation in the development of a management plan for the Berau MPA (???? I’m totally guessing here because I don’t know understand this paragraph…) The workshop was held in Hotel Bumi Segah on January

12 th , 2006. The conceptual models that were created during the workshop, that are described in the remainder of this document, and that comprise much of TNCWWF’s community outreach program, are largely based on the work of Richard Margoluis and

Nick Salafsky which is described in their 1998 publication Measures of Success:

Designing, Managing, and Monitoring Conservation Development Projects.

Their approach has been re-worked and re-tooled to fit the needs of Joint Program WWF-TNC staff and local counterparts working on site assessments for projects supported by Rare

(explain who RARE is perhaps…). In developing concept models, TNC-WWF staff also drew upon a methodology known as “Braining, Naming, Ordering” as an adaptation of the Technology of Participation (ToP) concept developed by Sherwood Shankland and the Institute of Cultural affairs. A list of participants from the workshop to design concept models, as well as their motives and their potential contributions are described in the following table.


Agency of




Head of




Government Datu


Key Issues of




Destruction and degradation of marine resources, decrease of marine resources, surveillance



(what the stakeholder may bring to the meeting)

Knowledge in

Berau MPA management



(what the meeting can give to stakeholder)

Sustainability of marine resources

Education, life skills

Over-fishing, regulation, illegal fishing

Knowledge in life skills and of community issues

Berau MPA action plan for community in Berau MPA

Knowledge in

Berau MPA management

Berau MPA management system, implementation

Hirmen Syofyanto, East Kalimantan, Borneo Indonesia 15









Head of





Conservati on Board

Head of




Head of





Environme nt Board




















(standardize formatting —

M.Hatta A

Tenteram all centered

Rahayu or all aligned

Dwi Raharjo with top)


Widya Astuti

Y.N Batara


Suwardi mangenre



Knowledge in

Berau MPA management

Community base management

, community participation,

Knowledge in community development

Berau MPA management system, implementation

MPA management implementation, local community socialization

Conservation in situ and species

Knowledge of collaborative management conservation Berau MPA

Community appreciation and commitment of nature conservation

Information and

Knowledge of socialization, surveillance, community natural resources perceptions management, key person to be of marine resources, involved in the project surveillance

Incorporation of stakeholders

MPA Knowledge of management marine resources system, marine management, information on resources marine resources sustainability trends

MPA management system, concept and model of community on

Berau MPA

Community participation

Zonation of

Berau MPA

Berau MPA

Knowledge of environmental issues

Knowledge of tourism issues management Knowledge of concept, community participation community participation

MPA management system, concept and model of community on

Berau MPA

MPA management system, concept and model of community on

Berau MPA

MPA management system, concept and model of community on

Berau MPA



Head of village



Abdullah A

Marine resources, habitat degradation

Knowledge of traditional marine resources, community

Marine habitat, coral reef health

Hirmen Syofyanto, East Kalimantan, Borneo Indonesia 16



Secretary of Subdistricts




Overexploitation, illegal fishing, surveillance

Berau MPA

Knowledge of marine resources, coordination management system, surveillance system





PT Barwill





Head of







Destructive fishing

Knowledge of and

Marine resources experience with sustainable marine resources livelihoods





Destructive fishing

Berau MPA

Knowledge of law management enforcement and system, surveillance topics surveillance system

Knowledge of

Berau MPA


Green turtle,

M.Halim breakish

Darwis lake,

Indra fisherman


Dewi satriani activity strategic plan and information on

Berau MPA

Berau Marine strategic plan,

Resources, community community participation participation, and publications



Community income, poverty

Knowledge of marine resources

Community livelihoods


18 Navy Hermanto

Destructive and illegal fishing, surveillance

Knowledge of marine resources management

Community benefits of marine resources


Secretary of Sub-





Community participation, Knowledge of

MPA management marine resources

Community benefit of Berau









Coral reef, green turtle

Knowledge of government relations

Berau MPA strategic plan, community participation

Hirmen Syofyanto, East Kalimantan, Borneo Indonesia 17







Marine resources, shipping line

Knowledge of marine affairs

Berau MPA concept support


Head of






Community participation, poverty

Knowledge of marine resources

Berau MPA concept support







Green turtle, coral reef, seagrass, mangrove

Knowledge of marine resources

Berau MPA concept support








Coastal plan,

Knowledge of marine

MPA and spatial resource plan sustainability

Marine resources management for government


Head of


Batu Putih



Berau MPA concept model

Knowledge in marine resource

Berau MPA management system







Lack of capacity

Knowledge of management

Berau MPA management system


The nature

Conservan cy






Berau MPA concept

Knowledge of model, conservation, community communication, participation,

MPA conservation management

, system

Figure 3. Stakeholder Meeting – Explaining Concept Model

Figure 4. Stakeholder Meeting

– Berau MPA Stakeholders

Figure 6. Stakeholder Meeting- Lesson Learned Gathering Limiting and Success Factors

Berau MPA management system

Hirmen Syofyanto, East Kalimantan, Borneo Indonesia 18

Chapter 3: Concept Model

Narrative Summary

The Berau Marine Protected Area strives to conserve the biodiversity of the coastal and marine areas of Berau district. This goal entails conserving the coastal and marine resources of the area as well as preserving the ecosystems and species communities within which Berau MPA biodiversity is found. Many activities threaten the status of

Berau’s biodiversity including marine pollution, destructive fishing (blast and cyanide fishing), over-fishing, illegal fishing, reef mining, endangered species hunting and mangrove destruction. In addition, in order of priority, the illegal extraction of natural resources, coral mining, over-fishing, and lack of integrated regional development also degrade the marine and coastal environment of the region. The coastal and marine biodiversity within Berau MPA is comprised of marine and coastal natural resources including the biggest nesting population of the endangered Green Turtle. The Green

Turtle and other species of marine fauna are threatened by destructive fishing practices such as bomb and cyanide and trawl net fishing. The illegal trade in wildlife also poses a threat to many marine species and it is exacerbated by socio-cultural traditions, economic conditions, and market demand. For example, stakeholder meetings revealed that coastal communities in the area often do not earn sufficient income from their livelihood activities and that when they are engaged in destructive activities they often lack the capacity to create alternative livelihoods.

The marine resources of the Derawan Archipelago are threatened by unsustainable fishing practices such as illegal fishing, unregulated fishing, unreported fishing, overfishing and, especially, destructive fishing. Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing not only puts the livelihoods of the legal fishermen at risk but also has an enormous impact on marine species and ecosystems. In Berau, the predominant threats to the survival of the Green Turtle are the collection of and trade in turtle eggs and turtle carapace. Although progress has been made to protect turtle nesting beaches, the poaching of eggs and the hunting of adults is still common. Furthermore, pollution from the Berau River watershed and from the shipping industry could seriously threaten marine and coastal biodiversity. Community waste is also discharged into the sea where it pollutes both corals reefs and beaches. In addition, the increased pressure resulting from a growing population has led to the conversion of more land for agricultural purposes and for industrial and urban development all of which have contributed to the destruction of a significant proportion of the area’s marine resources.

The recent shift in national policy to support decentralized governance presents both challenges and opportunities to managing natural resources in general and Marine

Protected Areas in particular. The development of new regulatory frameworks presents opportunities to embed conservation management and effective natural resource use policies in the government infrastructure. However, district governments generally do not have the resources to design or implement effective management. Lack of coordination among government agencies presents an obstacle to the integrated management and conservation of the marine biodiversity of Berau MPA. Furthermore, surveillance and monitoring teams lack the capacity to execute their day-to-day MPA resource protection activities as well as the capacity to interact intensively with communities. Yet, the effectiveness of MPA management is largely determined by the success or failure of surveillance and monitoring activities.

Hirmen Syofyanto, East Kalimantan, Borneo Indonesia 19

Nevertheless, stakeholders are committed to supporting the local government to put effective co-management systems in place that will allow for community participation and involvement. The Berau MPA partnership will work together with the district government to develop a system which is tailored to local needs and that clarifies management responsibilities. It will also solicit the involvement of communities through a wide variety of activities including: raising public awareness and support through sporting events, local school competitions and conservation campaigns, creating community cooperatives, holding public commemoration days, and supporting micro enterprise endeavors, etc.

Flagship Species and Slogans

The stakeholder meeting selected three target species for the campaign:

1. Sting-less Jelly Fish

2. Manta Rays

3. Green Turtle

The first stakeholder meeting also drafted four catchy slogans:

1. I Love My Marine; Kucinta Laut Berau

2. Sustain My Nature ; Lestari Alamku

3. Coral Reef It’s My Home, Sand and Marine It’s My World ; Terumbu Karang

Rumahku, Pasir dan Laut Duniaku

4. Conserve Our Marine for Our Prosperity ; Laut Dikelola Rakyat Sejahtera

Hirmen Syofyanto, East Kalimantan, Borneo Indonesia 20

Figure 7. Berau Marine Protected Area Concept Model, Pride Campaign – Stakeholder Meeting January 12, 2006

Meeting, October 16, 2003

Condition of Natural

Marine Environment

Policy and Political


Socio-Cultural Impact

Marine Pollution

Blast Fishing

Economic Need and

Market Demand

( Lack of) Awareness

Cyanide Fishing

Funding and



(Lack of) Socialization and Capacity Building

Trawl Net

Reef Mining

Mangrove Destruction Tourism Management

( Lack of) Government

Agency Coordination

Geographical Position

Surveillance and


(Lack of) Integrated

Regional Development

(Lack of) Law


Outside Fishers

Illegal Fishing

Poaching of

Endangered Species

Biodiversity of

Coastal Marine

Berau MPA

Marine Transportation








Hirmen Syofyanto, East Kalimantan, Borneo Indonesia 21

Chapter 4: Community Pre Survey

A community survey was conducted to obtain additional information on community knowledge and perceptions and to test the underlying assumptions and information that was gathered from the stakeholder meeting regarding the initial concept model.

The survey questionnaire consisted of 27 questions in both open-ended and closed formats (multiple choice) pertaining to the respondent ’s personal data (sex, age, and occupation), their media preference, their knowledge of marine resource issues, and their opinion on a Berau MPA flagship species and campaign slogan (See Annex 1.).

Ten enumerators were chosen from Joint Program TNC-WWF staff, fisheries services staff, and local NGO members. Students trained the enumerators on survey techniques, Survey Pro 3 (Apian Software) question and answers entry techniques, and provided them with a print-out of survey guidelines.

The outreach campaign will target communities in five villages and surveys were conducted in each of these villages: Balikukup (910), Giring-Giring (955 people),

Pantai Harapan (686 people), Teluk Semanting (458 people) and Tanjung Batu

(2,188). The total target population is 5,197 people. Five percent of the population, or 363 respondents, was included in the sample in order to obtain representative data (Table 1). The control group came from the village of Talisyan, the capital of

Talisayan Sub- District, and it included 75 respondents.

No. Village Name

1 Talisayan**











Pantai Harapan

Teluk Semanting***



6 Tanjung Batu 2188

Table 1: Population and Survey Sample in Berau Marine Protected Area

*As of January 2004

**Control group

***10 percent of population

Sample (5%)







Demographic Profile

Target Group

The majority of the 288 respondents were male (75.3%) presumably because in local culture females are shy and tend to avoid interaction with strangers. As well, females are not generally the household decision-makers and so they may not be as equip to convey information to interviewers. In the target area, 60.4 percent of respondents were between the ages of 22-50 years old, which, for purposes of the survey was considered to be the productive age group. The other 39.6 percent of respondents were between 15-21 and 51-65 years old.

Most community members in the target villages have had minimal schooling. The surveys revealed that 57.6 percent of respondents graduated from elementary school, 17.4 percent of respondents graduated from junior high school, 13.9 percent of respondents graduated from high school, 8.3 percent of respondents had never been to school, and only 2.1 percent of respondents had a university degree.

Consequently, community outreach materials will need to be crafted so that they can be easily understood by individuals who possess only a basic education.

Furthermore, it is likely that because many community members have not had much schooling, they will have one of two reactions to the establishment of the MPA. It is


probable that they will either accept the MPA concept because they see that other individuals support it or, they will oppose the MPA model because they do not fully understand the concept and are therefore skeptical of the idea. [I’m guessing because the following sentence does not make sense…If this is the case then most likely the community will fall into early majority and late majority - a group that will follow the concept if they see that other people adopt it or a group that always question the concept with skeptical look. ]

Of the 288 respondents, 57.5 percent were fisherman, 18.4 percent were housewives, 9.7 percent were businessmen, 4.2 percent were fish traders, 3.5 percent were civil servants, 2.8 percent were teachers, 1.7 percent were farmers, and 2.4 percent were either students or unemployed.

Control Group

Similar to the findings from the sample sites, most respondents from the control site were male (81.3%). Among the 75 respondents, 72 percent were between the ages of 18-51 years old revealing that most respondents at the control site are in the productive working stage of their lives.

Of the 75 respondents from the control group, 37.3 percent had graduated from elementary school, 26.7 percent had graduated from junior high school, 24 percent had graduated from high school, 9.3 percent had graduated from a university and 2.7 percent had had no formal education. These results differ from those found in the target villages and they reveal that community members from the control site were more likely to possess higher levels of education. This finding is important because it is probable that respondents with higher levels of education would have different perceptions and knowledge of natural resource issues than those individuals who have had only basic schooling. (Consequently, in the future it may be necessary to find a control site where the respondents’ educational background more closely corresponds with that of the community members living in the target villages).

The primary occupation of respondents at the control site was fishermen (57.3%).

The remaining respondents worked as businessmen, housewives, civil servants, teachers, or farmers.

Media Preferences

Target Group

A number of survey questions were drafted to document from which sources community members received information and to ascertain which of those sources community members trusted as valid sources for reliable information. Respondents were asked the degree to which they trusted different media sources to disseminate reliable information. Respondents in the target area gave the following replies regarding the degree to which they believed that various information sources distributed reliable public service messages: a.) television: reliable 65.6 percent and very reliable 21.2 percent b.) government officers: reliable 71.2 and very reliable 8.3 percent c.) religious leaders: reliable 63.9 percent and very reliable 10.1 percent d.)

Head of Village and staff: reliable 69.1 percent and very reliable 3.5 percent, and e.) radio: reliable 57.6 percent and very reliable 12.8. Fishermen in the target area prefer and trust the following five information sources: television (reliable 69.7% and very reliable 19.4%), government officer staff (reliable 75.2% and very reliable 8.5%), law enforcement staff (reliable 77% and very reliable 3.6%), religious leaders


(reliable 66.1% and very reliable 10.9%) and radio (reliable 63.6% and very reliable


Respondents in the target area perceived that the top five trustworthy sources of information regarding the coastal marine environment were government officers

(19.8%), friends and family (15.6%), radio (12.8 %), religious leaders (11.15%) and law enforcement staff (10.8%). These findings illustrate that word of mouth and person to person communication methods are important means for disseminating ideas, messages and knowledge about the marine environment to communities.

Respondents in the target area listen to the following radio stations: RRI Palu

(70.3%), RRI Makassar (17.2%), and RRI Samarinda (12.5%). These results suggest that it would be advantageous to approach RRI Palu in Center Culawesi to broadcast public service messages from the outreach campaign. Of those respondents, most listen to the radio between 06.00-10.00 or between 10.00-14.00 and many respondents replied that they had no set time during which they listened to the radio. During the above time frame, most of the radio programming is dedicated to news coverage, music requests or talk shows. This preferred time indicated that the fishermen listens the radio at their main activity (does not make sense —I would cut this sentence). Respondents replied that their favorite radio programs were

Dangdut (57.8%), news (48.4%), or pop music (14.8%). Most respondents prefer to listen to music in Bahasa Indonesia.

Respondents in the target area mostly read newspapers or magazines. Of those respondents, 80 read the Kaltim Post, 24 did not have a favorite newspaper and 22 read Kompas. The Kaltim Post has a Berau local news and politics section. These results illustrate that community members in the target group read to obtain information about local issues. This inclination to choose written materials as an information source will facilitate the community outreach program’s approach of conveying information through the use of media print including not only newspaper articles but also fact-sheets, brochures, booklets, etc.

Control Group

In the control group, fishermen listed the following five media sources as the most trustworthy sources of information: a.) government officers: reliable 65.4 percent and very reliable 15.4 percent b.) religious leaders: reliable 73.1 percent and very reliable 7.7 percent c.) television: reliable 69.2 percent and very reliable 11.5 percent d.) radio: reliable 69.2 percent and very reliable 3.8 percent, and e.) Head of Village and staff: reliable 84.6 percent.

Respondents in the control group perceived the top five trustworthy sources for information about the coastal marine environment to be: a.) government officer: 21.4 percent b.) Head of Village and staff 10.3 percent c.) radio 10.7 percent d.) religious leaders 10.70 percent d.) law enforcement staff 14.7 percent and e.) other 32.2 percent.

Similar to the findings at the target sites, word of mouth is an important source of information but respondents at the control site consulted a wider range of media sources to gain information on coastal and marine issues.


Respondents in the control group predominantly listen to RRI Jakarta (40.6 %), RRI

Palu (31.3 %) and RRI Samarinda (21.9%). Of those 75 respondents the majority did not have designated time that they listen to radio (46.9%), but of those that do, they listen to the radio between 06.00-10.00 (37.5 %), 10.00-14.00 (18.8 %), and 14.00-

18.00 (9.4%).

Most respondents in the control group read newspapers or magazines and they most frequently read the Kaltim Post (73.3%), Tribun Kaltim (17.8 %) or they do not have a preferred newspaper (17.8 %).

Perception and Knowledge on Berau Marine Protected Area


Target Group

Of the respondents in the target area, only 18.8 percent knew that Berau’s coastal and marine area is a conservation area and 81.2 percent were unaware of the protected status of the area. Furthermore, the survey findings revealed that only 16 percent of fishers knew that Berau MPA exists. Therefore, promoting community awareness of the status of MPA Berau should be a priority.

99.9 % of the respondents perceived that the Does Berau’s coastal and marine areahave a benefit for them and only 0.1 % perceived that is not benefit for them.

Of those interviewed, the majority of respondents used the area of Berau MPA for commercial fishing purposes (171), some used the area for subsistence fishing (128), some respondents replied that they did not use the area of Berau MPA for any activities (37), some respondents did not know for what purposes they used the area of Berau MPA (25), and a few respondents replied that they used the area for recreational purposes (4). Tanjung Batu has the highest percentage of villagers who use the area for commercial fishing.

Two hundred eighty-five respondents said that Berau MPA is important to them and

212 respondents replied that the area was important for food security, 176 of respondents replied that it was important for earning an income, and 21 respondents replied that the area was important for providing them with a place to live. (People were allowed to choose more than one answer). These findings reveal that the majority of people who live adjacent to or inside the boundaries of Berau MPA consider that the area ’s coastal and marine environment is important in their lives.

The results obtained indicate that fishing for commercial purposes and fishing for subsistence are the two primary activities that are done inside the Berau MPA.

The respondents (53.8 %) disagree that coral reefs in their communities are in good conditions and don’t need special protection, 25.3 percent of respondencts agree that reefs are in good condition and 20.8 percent were not sure of the conditions of the reef.

Sixty-six percent of the fishermen perceived that the health of coral reefs is getting worse and that the reefs need special protection, however 24 percent perceived that the health of coral reefs are in good condition and do not need special protection, while 10 percent perceived it is [it is what? Doesn’t make sense], and the remainder of the fishermen respondents were not sure about reef conditions. A greater


percentage of respondents in Giring-Giring and Pantai Harapan villages perceived that the health of the coral reef is getting worse and needs more special protection.

Many respondents replied that some fishing technique practices damage Berau’s coastal and marine resources (60%), some respondents answered that there were no fishing practices that damage the marine resources of the region (20.5%) while some respondents were not sure about whether there were fishing techniques that damage the coastal and marine resources of the area (17.4%). Based on survey responses, community members from Teluk Semanting, Balikukup and Giring-Giring villages perceived that the principle threat to their livelihoods is destructive fishing activities (>60%). Respondents also perceived the top five fishing practices that damage Berau’s coastal and marine resources to be: blast fishing (155), cyanide fishing (102 %), the use of trawl nets (55), reef gleaning (30) and mangrove destruction (15). (Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer).

The survey revealed that respondents believe that community members use destructive fishing techniques in order to fulfill their subsistence needs (91), for economic motives (86), or because of a lack of knowledge about the consequences of using destructive practices (38). These findings illustrate that the development of alternative livelihoods and improving the sustainability of fishing for the communities will help to dissipate the vai llagers’ need to engage in fishing activities that damage or destroy the coastal and marine resources of the area.

Of those respondents in the target area, most (53.5 %) did not know any methods of sustainable fishing, 25.3 percent did not know any methods because they were not fishermen, and only 21.2 percent were aware of and used sustainable fishing methods (hand line 54.1 %, and net 50 %). When asked only to fishermen, the survey revealed that 78 percent of the fishermen did not know any methods for sustainable fishing, only 23 percent of the fishermen knew a sustainable fishing method and fished using these methods.

At the target sites, most respondents (79%) agree that coral reef and coastal environments are important because they protect the beach and villages from the impact of large storms.

From 228 respondents, only 36.1 % said easy to communities protected coastal and marine on their village. Respondents on Giring-giring, Balikukup and Pantai Harapan are the top 3 village communities can protected coastal and marine.

Control Group

At the control site, only 20 percent of respondents were aware of the fact that

Berau’s coastal and marine region is a conservation area.

One hundred percent of the respond ents perceived that Berau’s coastal and marine areas do benefit them. This difference in responses between the target sites and the control site is probably a reflection of the higher levels of education that individuals at the control site possess.

Of those 75 respondents who said that Berau MPA is important to them, 34 replied that the area was important for food security, 30 respondents said that the area was important because it contributed to income generating activities and 11 replied that they were not sure why the area was important.


Respondents used Berau MPA for subsistence fishing (34), for commercial fishing

(30), or for recreation purposes (6). Eleven respondents were not sure for what purposes they used the MPA and 8 respondents replied that they did not use the area for any activities. Again, the results demonstrate that fishing for subsistence and commercial purposes fishing are the two principle activities that community members undertake inside the Berau MPA.

Most respondents (53.8 %) disagree with the statement that the coral reefs in their community are in good con dition and don’t need special protection, 25.3 percent of respondents agreed with the statement and 20.8 percent of respondents were unsure of the condition of the reefs adjacent to their community.

Sixty-six percent of the fishermen stated that the health of coral reefs is worsening and that the reefs need special protection, however 10 percent believed that the health of the coral reefs are in good condition and do not need special protection.

Seventy percent of respondents believe that some fishing techniques damage

Berau’s coastal and marine resources, 13.3 percent of respondents stated that there were not any fishing practices that damaged the resources and 16 percent of respondents were uncertain of whether destructive fishing practices existed. Again, it is probable that the higher levels of education exhibited by respondents at the control site contribute to their superior understanding regarding the degraded state of marine resources.

In addition, when this question was posed only to fishermen, 64 percent of this group believed that some fishing techniques damage or destroy Berau’s coastal and marine resources. Eighteen percent, however, did not perceive any fishing techniques as destructive and 18 percent of fishermen where unsure if any fishing practices were harmful to marine and coastal resources.

Respondents perceived the top five destructive fishing practices to be: the use of trawl nets (42), blast fishing (34), cyanide fishing (18), reef gleaning (4) and mangrove destruction (4). It is interesting to not that in the control group, most respondents perceived the use of trawl nets to be the largest threat to the health of the marine ecosystem probably reflecting the fact that many local fishers in this village primarily catch prawns.

According to the survey, most community members believe that people engage in destructive fishing practices to fulfill their subsistence needs (37), for economic motives (31), or because of a lack of law enforcement (13).

In the control area, most respondents (58.7 %) did not know of any methods of sustainable fishing, 24 percent of respondents were aware of and used sustainable fishing methods (hand line 50 %, and net 50 %) while 17.3 percent of survey participants did not use sustainable fishing methods.

Most survey respondents at the control site (84%) agree that coral reef and coastal environments provide important protection services for the beach and the village and that these environments are important for the future security of the village.

Flagship Species and Slogan

Target Group


Fifty percent of respondents interviewed chose Green Turtles to be the species to represent the MPA while 33.3 percent of those interviewed chose dolphins and 8 percent chose lobsters.

Of those respondents who chose Green Turtles to represent their area, they did so because Green Turtles are famous (117), a source of income (78), beautiful (50), endangered (42) and unique (40).

Twenty-four percent of those interviewed prefer the Berau MPA pride slogan to be:

“Laut Berau adalah Kehidupanku” (Berau Sea It is My Life)

Control Group

Fifty percent of those respondents interviewed chose Green Turtles as the species to represent Berau MPA, 33.3 of respondents chose dolphins, and 5.3 percent chose groupers.

Of those respondents who chose the Green Turtle as the flagship species, they did so because they are famous (45), beautiful (24), and unique (16).

Twenty-nine percent of those interviewed preferred the following Berau MPA pride slogan: “Laut Berau adalah Kehidupanku.”

Focus Group Discussion and Community Pre-Survey

Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and Community Pre-Surveys provide the community outreach staff with information on how community members feel about an issue. These activities also allow staff members to fill in critical gaps in the community me mbers’ knowledge regarding Berau coastal and marine issues (see

Annex 2.)


Chapter 5: Flagship Species Summary

Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas, Crite J,2000)

The flagship species helps to increase community awareness of the importance of conserving Berau

’s coastal-marine biodiversity. The green sea turtle is an attractive marine species that is highly mobile and that has friendly characteristics and mannerisms. Green sea turtles have historically been an integral part of the coastal and marine environment of Berau and they continue to be an important species today. As a flagship species that will help support the successful implementation of the MPA and in doing so they will help not only themselves but also the many species with which they co-exist.



: Animalia

: Chordata






Local name

Common name

: Reptilia

: Chelonia or Testudines

: Cheloniidae (sea turtles)

: Chelonia

: mydas

: Green Sea Turtle’s.

: Penyu Hijau, Bokko


Green turtles inhabit temperate, tropical, and subtropical waters worldwide. They have a circum global distribution and they can be found throughout tropical and, to a lesser extent, subtropical waters (Atlantic Ocean – eastern central, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, western central; Indian Ocean – eastern, western;

Mediterranean Sea; Pacific Ocean – eastern central, northwest, southwest, western central) (Crite J, 2000). Green turtles are highly migratory animals and they undertake long journeys through geographically disparate habitats in the course of their migration. They nest in more than 80 countries worldwide. Their movements within the marine environment are not well understood but scientists believe that green turtles inhabit the coastal waters of over 140 countries (WWF, 2005)

The turtles primarily inhabit open water and coastal habitats; marine turtles are excellent navigators and they frequently migrate hundreds or even thousands of kilometers between foraging and nesting grounds. They spend their lives at sea but return to land to lay their eggs. Indonesia harbors some of the most important nesting sites in the world and the Berau Islands host some of the largest nesting colonies in

Indonesia. (WWF, 2005)


Baby turtles use their egg tooth to break out of their shells when they hatch. Female turtles lay many eggs because the probability that an egg will develop into a turtle and that a hatchling will survive to adulthood is extremely low. Frequently, animals such as raccoons, foxes, coyotes, ants, and even people will dig up the eggs and eat them. However, if the eggs are not eaten, the hatchlings will start moving their flippers after they break out of the egg. When they do this, the sand starts to fall below them, pushing them up out of the hole so that they can make their way to the sea. As soon as they get to the sea, they start to drift off. They spend a few years


floating at sea eating plankton at the surface. During this time, their shell is soft and they are subject to severe predation by fish. After a few years of eating plankton, they move to shallow waters to feed on sea grasses. To avoid predators, the young turtles will dive below the surface and swim away. Young green turtles are most vulnerable because they may be eaten when they hatch, when they are crossing the sand on their way to the ocean, and during their first couple years at sea. Predators in the sand include ghost crabs, ants, snakes, gulls, opossums, rats, and vultures. There are also many predators in the water such as sharks, dolphin fish, kingfish, needlefish, and bottle-nosed dolphins.


Green turtles, so called because of the green color of the cartilage and fat deposits that surrounds their internal organs, are dark black-brown or greenish yellow. Their protective shells are made of three parts; the carapace (upper portion), the plastron

(lower portion), and the scutes (scales) (Crite J, 2000). Green turtles cannot pull their heads inside their shells. They have limbs that are paddle-like which they use to swim with and heads that seem small compared to the size of their body (WWF,

2005). Green sea turtles have a fascinating life history--they live a long life, they do not mature until late in life, and they travel great distances during their lifetime. Green sea turtles are strictly herbivorous and subsist predominantly on marine algae and grasses (Crite J, 2000).


Green sea turtles range from 71 to 153 centimeters in diameter (?) and weigh up to

205 kilograms. They can grow to be 1.5m in length making them the largest cheloniid turtle. Males are larger than females and the tail is longer, extending well beyond the shell.


Males and females mature between 10 and 24 years. The breeding season of the turtles is dependent upon what latitude they are found in. Internal fertilization takes place when the male and female copulate. This is the only time there is vocalization.

Like many species, there is male competition. One male may try to bite another male who is copulating with a female. Mating occurs underwater or on the surface about one kilometer from the shore. Sometimes the female will retain enough sperm to nest several times that year. Nesting occurs every three to six years. When the female is ready to lay her eggs, she leaves the water, crawls onto the sand and starts digging for hour and hours until her flippers will not allow her to dig deeper. She then lays

100 to 200 eggs. This group of eggs is called a clutch. She covers them with sand to protect them from predators, the sun, and the heat. Pacific Green Turtles lay fewer eggs than do Atlantic Green Turtles. The gestation period of the turtles lasts 40 to 72 days, depending on the location.

(Crite J, 2000).


Green sea turtles predominantly feed on sea grasses or algae (Crite J, 2000) and coral reefs and mangroves are critical habitats for the turtles. Only healthy marine environments of excellent quality (i.e. rich in nutrients with no pollution) will be able to support the habitat needs of the turtles. Ecologically, protecting the green sea turtle will help to save the Kalimantan marine ecosystem (seagrass, coral reef and mangrove ecosystems), as well as promote the protection and conservation of


terrestrial ecosystems in order to prevent the pollution of the marine ecosystem from terrestrial activities. Coral reefs themselves provide a protective barrier to other delicate ecosystems such as mangroves. Meanwhile coastal wetlands are the breeding and nursery grounds of countless species of fish and shellfish. Pollution may cause destruction of the marine habitat and species extinctions which in turn would affect food security and have a negative impact on the local communities.

Green Turtle Status

The green sea turtle is protected species under CITES (??? Or IUCN) and is listed as a IUNC -Red List Category EN A2. This status signifies that the turtles have an observed, estimated, inferred or suspected population size reduction of 90 percent over the last 10 years (Hilton-Taylor C, 2005). The extensive decline in its numbers in all major ocean basins over the last three generations comes as the result of the over-exploitation of eggs and the hunting of adult females at nesting beaches as well as both juveniles and adults in foraging areas. Also, to a lesser extent, incidental mortality results from marine fisheries and the degradation of marine and nesting habitats. The impact of these threats on the global population of green sea turtles is hard to estimate because of the species’ migratory lifestyle making it difficult to collect accurate data particularily because scientists are unsure of how many times a female may nest in any given year. [IUCN Red Data List categorized data deficient which biological aspects have been known but the abundance and/or distributions are lacking.]

Green Turtles in Berau

Berau Marine Protected Area has the largest nursery ground in Asia and probably in the world. The nesting population of green turtles in the Derawan Islands is more than 5000 females per year and it is undoubtedly one of the largest nesting populations in Southeast Asia. However, the numbers of turtles have been decimated

(over a 90% decline) in the last 50 years, mainly as a consequence of the practice of collecting and selling eggs. The sale of egg concessions is under local government control and is one of the major sources of income for the local government. Meat and carapace of green sea turtle also fetch a high price on the black market. One important conservation success was the full protection of Sangalaki (the major turtle rookery) and Derawan Islands from turtle egg harvesting. Currently, the local government is working to strengthen and expand the partnership between key local government decision makers, the private sector, including the local and national tourism industry, to create a sustainable financing scheme for managing the turtle population in the region, and to create a management plan for the recently designated Berau MPA which covers 1.27 million hectares of waters of Berau


A lot of fisherman catch turtles illegally and some people in the area, mostly men, believe that eating turtle eggs and meat will increase potency. The green sea turtle contributes to ecotourism and as such a healthy turtle population is an economic asset for the district. Some carvers also use the carapace as a handy craft and they can sell them for a high price. In order to protect green sea turtles, countries will have to cooperate on an international level


Chapter 6: The Project Plan


To protect Berau coastal-marine biodiversity and to conserve a large multi-purpose Marine

Protected Area (MPA) for the benefit of communities today as well as for the benefit of future generations.


The TNC-WWF Joint Program (TNC-WWF) will conduct an education and conservation awareness program in the following fishing and coastal communities:

Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup in order to promote the active participation of community members in protecting Berau

MPA resources and to prompt them to halt their destructive, illegal activities.


By the end of April 2007, 40 percent (up from 16%) of respondents in the five communities will be aware of the protected status of Berau MPA. Refer to question

No. 12 on the Survey.


Lack of conservation awareness.


1. The questionnaire survey reflects that within the target population, only 16 percent of community members are aware of the status of Berau MPA.

2. People will protect their resources if they know the benefits Berau MPA will provide


1. The provision of accurate information on Berau MPA status and the

MPA’s benefits will lead to significant increase in community members’ awareness of coastal and marine issues in general and Berau MPA in particular.

2. People will support the mission of Berau MPA if they understand the benefits confer, if they feel that the objective will ultimately benefit them, and if they know how to support it.

3. People will buy into a new concept if they understand that concept and think that the concept is good for them (isn’t this the same assumption as number 2?).

4. Using Pride Methodology, TNC-WWF can capture people’s attention and they will be more likely to support the project.



Production and distribution of catchy bumper stickers to raise public interest in and awareness of Berau MPA status, the flagship species, and key conservation messages.

Why do this activity? Putting bumper stickers on a vehicle is a good way to publicize a message because stickers are highly visible and the vehicles will spread conservation messages as they travel.

How will this activity be carried out? Working with local artists to draw a flagship picture, 2500 will be printed and distributed in five target villages.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen work with local artists.

Who will this activity target? General public, particularly fishermen in the five communities.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup and the stickers will be distributed to people or school kids during community or school events.

When will this activity take place?

The production of stickers will begin in

May 2006 and the distribution will take place throughout July, September,

November, and December of 2006.

Assumptions: People usually like a nicely designed sticker and that they will stick the bumper stickers on their vehicles where people will be able to see the stickers.

Pre-requisites: (Local) artists to draw flagship species, printing company

Monitor: o What (Indicators): Percentage of respondents who are aware of

Berau MPA status and its benefits measured in survey o How (Method and Task): Survey; develop pre and post test questionnaire, administer questionnaire to target and control communities, compare post-survey with initial survey.


The production and distribution of catchy and informative posters to raise public interest and knowledge about Berau MPA status, flagship species, and marine habitats.

Why do this activity?

Posters are a highly visible and attractive way to spread messages about the status and mission of Berau Marine Protected

Area, marine environment and habitat, and ecotourism potential.

How will this activity be carried out? Work with local artists to draw poster,

750 posters will be printed and distributed in the five target villages.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen will work with local artists.

Who will this activity target? General public, particularly fisherman in the five target villages.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup (in public areas).

When will this activity take place?

Production in May 2006 and distribution in June, August, October and December 2006.

Assumptions: People can read and that a nicely designed poster will attract people to read key conservation messages.

Pre-requisites: (Local) artists to draw flagship species, printing company.

Monitor: o What (Indicators): Percentage of respondents who are aware of

Berau MPA status and its benefit.


o How (Method and Task): Survey: develop pre and post test questionnaire, administer questionnaire to target and control communities, compare post-survey with initial survey; the number of posters distributed and the number of posters that are seen posted in communities.


The production and placement of at least two billboards in target area. Produce a billboard with a picture of the flagship species painted in eye-catching colors with the campaign message to attract general public interest in the MPA.

Why do this activity? To reinforce conservation messages to the general public. Billboards are highly visible, particularly at busy intersections or docks and placing them in key locations will reinforce conservation messages to the target audiences.

How will this activity be carried out? Work with local artists to draw billboard and place the billboards in the main entrances of two target villages.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen with support from conservation cadres in target villages.

Who will this activity target? General public in five target villages.

Where will this activity take place? Two spots will be chosen in two of the following villages: Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai Harapan, Giringgiring or Balikukup; locations chosen should be community meeting areas where the target audience normally assembles, such as a fish auction place.

When will this activity take place?

Production in July 2006, placement in

August 2006.

Assumptions: People can read; that people will read the billboards if they are in a location where they are easy to spot.

Pre-requisites: (Local) artists, key conservation messages, approval from

Head of Village and Head of Berau Fisheries Agency, billboard materials and paints.

Monitor: o What (Indicators): Percentage of respondents who are aware of

Berau MPA status and its benefit.

o How (Method and Task): Survey: develop pre and post test questionnaire, administer questionnaire to target and control communities, compare post survey with initial survey; billboard remains in place for at least 10 months during the campaign


Production and distribution of fact sheet to the communities in order to convey that by conserving the marine environment community members are simultaneously supporting the sustainability of their livelihoods and to emphasize that marine conservation confers many benefits to local communities. The fact sheet for the coastal communities will emphasize the community ’s role in conserving nature, how they can become involved in conservation awareness activities, and how they can help to conserve nature.

Why do this activity? To educate the public about the flagship species, the status and mission Berau Marine Protected Area, the marine environment, its link to habitat, and its importance to ecotourism. Fact sheets can provide indepth yet concise information about Berau MPA.

How will this activity be carried out? Produce, print, and distribute 2500 fact sheets about Berau MPA, the importance of protecting the area, and the


opportunities for the public to participate in Berau conservation activities in the five target villages.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen will work with local artists.

Who will this activity target? General public, particularly the coastal communities in the five target villages.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup.

When will this activity take place?

Production in May 2006 and distribution in June, August, October and December of 2006.

Assumptions: People can read and they will actually read the facts sheets.

Pre-requisites: (Local) artists to draw flagship species, printing company.

Monitor: o What (Indicators): Percentage of respondents who are aware of

Berau MPA status and its benefit.

o How (Method and Task): Survey:L develop pre and post test questionnaire, administer questionnaire to target and control communities, compare post-survey with initial survey.



By the end of April 2007, 86 percent (up from 66%) of fishermen in the five communities will state that coral reefs are threatened and agree to protect them.

Refer to question No. 17 on the Survey.


Lack of conservation awareness.


1. The questionnaire survey reflects that within the target population, only 66 percent of fishermen were aware that the conditions of the coral reef environment in Berau MPA are getting better.

2. Minimum exposure to information about coral reefs causes a lack of understanding about the conditions of the reefs.


1. [Providing real and accurate data on the relationship between marine ecosystems and fisheries resources in Berau MPA will lead to significant change of knowledge of those people who got exposed to the messages.

Needs clarification]

2. People will support conservation efforts if they understand the benefits that these efforts will confer in their lives and if they feel that conservation activities will ultimately benefit them.

3. People need to be exposed to information about the natural environment and its relevance in their life before they will be concerned about environmental issues (?The underlying assumptions in general should be clarified —they do not translate well as they stand)

4. Using Pride Methodology, TNC-WWF can capture people’s attention and they will be more likely to become involved in supporting conservation efforts .


Conduct community outreach activities in five villages by hosting discussions with fishermen groups in the communities and by presenting the biological monitoring survey results from Berau Marine Protected Area.

Why do this activity? In order to inform the fishermen about the current condition of marine resources in Berau MPA, the relationship between the health of marine ecosystems and fishery resources, and the impact of destructive fishing practices on the environment. Community visits also offer an opportunity for face-to-face communication and dialog with fishermen.

How will this activity be carried out? Project counterpart and Hirmen will visit five target sites five times each month to run 45-minute long community discussions with 20-minute of presentation on the biological status of Berau ’s coastal and marine areas. In this 45-minute discussion a flip chart and video will be used.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Fishermen and fish traders in five target villages.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup .

When will this activity take place?

June, July, September, October,

December of 2006 and January, March of 2007.

Assumptions: The villagers agree to attend the discussions and to actively listen and participate in the meetings; logistics can be organized.


Pre-requisites: Permit from Head of Steering Team, permit from Head of

Sub-District Pulau Derawan, Biduk-Biduk and Batu Putih, permit from Five

Head of Villages, Berau Biology Monitoring survey results, Coral Reef Flip

Chart, Video Cassette.

Monitor: o What (Indicators): Percentage of fishermen are aware of Berau MPA status and who can demonstrate that they understand the MPA mission as it relates to the marine environment and fisheries resources.

o How (Method and Task): Survey: develop pre and post test questionnaire, administer questionnaire to target and control communities, compare post-survey with initial survey; attendance sheets at meetings.


The production and distribution of environmental booklets in three languages:

Bahasa, Bugis and Bajo. These booklets will contain accurate information about the coastal and marine resources of Berau as well as explaining best practices for exploiting marine resources (sustainable fishing methods, etc).

Why do this activity? The marine environmental booklet will present information in a concise manner with descriptive pictures and diagrams. It will serve as a reference for fishermen providing them with accurate information as well as guidance for how to conduct fishing activities so as to not disturb marine ecosystems. It will also emphasize the benefits of marine conservation for local communities. Attractive materials can grab the attention of readers while simultaneously providing needed information to the readers.

How will this activity be carried out? Compile research results on the coastal and marine biodiversity of the Berau region and pertinent regulations, design and print 2700 booklets to distribute to local fishing communities.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Fishermen in five target villages.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

Production in May of 2006 and distribute in Augustus, October, and December of 2006

Assumptions: The people will be drawn to actually read the environmental booklets.

Pre-requisites: Support from fisheries ecologists, available data, available pictures and/or photographs, translator, printing agency.

Monitoring: o What (Indicators): Percentage of fishermen who exhibit an understanding of Berau ’s coastal-marine resources and who are aware of and use responsible fishing practices.

o How (Method and Task): Survey: use questionnaire for pre and post test, evaluate the impact of the printed materials by including a comment sheet that fishermen can return to outreach staff, ask fishermen to contact TNC-WWF for more information, conduct a

“contest” quiz competition that covers information that was provided in the booklet.



Production and distribution of sermon sheet within fishers’ religious meetings to emphasize the importance of protecting the marine environment from a religious perspective.

Why do this activity? In order to educate the fishing community about the impact that destructive fishing practices and other unsustainable extractive activities have on coral reefs and the marine environment. The pre-survey showed that about 64 percent of respondents view religious leaders as a trustworthy source of information. Furthermore, religious leaders are a secondary target audience in this activity and using them to convey conservation messages will be as important as giving information directly to the primary target audience.

How will this activity be carried out? Baseline data will be gathered from focus group discussions within the target group. Hirmen will work together with local religious leaders in the area to design a sermon sheet which will be tailored for fisher audiences. The sermon sheet will be distributed during religious meetings as well as during fisher group meetings; 750 sermon sheets will be produced for this activity.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Fishers in five target communities.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

Production in June 2006, distribution in

July, September, November of 2006, during religious events such as weekly

Friday prayer services , Ramadhan, “pengajian” (Moslem congregation) etc.

Assumptions: Religious leaders will agree to participate and people will listen to them.

Pre-requisites: Berau coastal and marine survey results, resource-use data

(number of boats operating in Berau MPA ), Holy Qur’an verse (CD), support from local imams in village.

Monitoring: o What (Indicators): Percentage of fishermen who have knowledge about Berau ’s coastal and marine resources and who use responsible fishing practices. o How (Method and Task): Survey using questionnaire about coral reef in sermon sheet post-test.


Run environmental quizzes in each village to encourage more fishermen to get involved in learning about the marine environment and to solicit more attention from community in general. This quiz will have questions related to sustainable fishing practices and gear, knowledge of marine ecosystems, and alternative means for supporting marine conservation activities.

Why do this activity? Quizzes are fun; they not only test the fishers’ knowledge about resource issues but they also attract other people to learn about the environment. Prizes for winning the competition will bring pride to the winner.

How will this activity be carried out? (1) Create questions that relate to

Berau coastal-marine biodiversity, the relationship between marine ecosystems and fishery resources; and the benefits of protecting the natural environment of Berau MPA, (2) select 30 questions: 15 general questions and

5 final questions (numbers don’t add up here), (3) run the quiz competition during the fourth month of the project. The winner from each village will


compete in a final quiz competition durig the sixth month of the outreach campaign.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen with support from Berau Coastal Marine Steering Team, local NGOs and conservation cadres representative from each village.

Who will this activity target? Fishermen in five target communities.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup.

When will this activity take place?

January and March of 2007.

Assumptions: Conservation Education Campaign program has been running for four months, fishermen have learned sufficient information about Berau coastal-marine biodiversity and conservation efforts to answer the questions.

That the quizzes will drive participants to learn more in order to win the competition.

Pre-requisites: Available data, panel of judges, donations from local sponsors to serve as prizes.

Monitoring: o What (Indicators): Participants demonstrate confidence when talking about marine conservation efforts in Berau MPA.

o How (Method and Task): Number of quiz participants and number of questions that participants can answer correctly on each of the following topics: Berau Marine Protected Area, the importance of marine ecosystems to fishery resources, and laws/regulations governing the coastal and marine areas of Berau MPA.



By the end of April 2007, 40 percent (up from 16%) of housewives in the five communities will agree that coral reefs and the coastal environment serves an important function to protect the beach. Refer to Question No. 18 on the survey.


By the end of April 2007, 40 percent (up from 16%) of housewives in the five communities will participate in conservation activities to protect the coastal and marine environment from destructive activities (blast and cyanide fishing, the destruction of mangroves, etc). Refer to question No. 23 on the Survey.


Lack of conservation awareness.


1. The survey reflects that within target communities only 16 percent of housewives were aware that the coral reef environment plays an important role in protecting the beach.

2. The questionnaire survey reflects that within target communities only 16 percent of respondents said that they could participate in conservation activities to protect the coastal-marine environment.


1. Women are, in general, more aware of conservation efforts than men and although women can play a pivotal role to convey and transfer environmental messages to their families they often do not have the knowledge base on conservation activities and concepts to do so.

Increasing housewives' understanding of conservation and sustainable development will eventually change the behavior of their families and, ultimately, the entire community.

2. Providing accurate data on marine ecosystems in Berau MPA will lead to a significant increase in the knowledge about natural resource issues those people exposed to the messages.

3. People will support conservation efforts if they understand the benefits of these efforts and if they feel that the conservation objectives will ultimately benefit them.

4. Women can influence their family members to change their perceptions of or attitude towards the use of natural resources.

5. Using Pride Methodology, community outreach staff can capture people’s attention and they will be more likely to participate in conservation efforts.


Production and distribution of a fact sheet during women ’s meetings (arisan, pengajian) to highlight the importance of protecting the marine environment from a livelihood perspective and for the benefit of the local community. The fact sheet for the women ’s group will emphasize the role that women can play to conserve nature as well as how they can participate in conservation awareness activities.

Why do this activity? Printed materials are a way to convey important information and to educate the women ’s community, especially housewives, to understand the negative impact that reef gleaning and other unsustainable extractive activities has on the marine environment.

How will this activity be carried out? Baseline data will be gathered from focus group discussions with housewives. Hirmen will work together with government officials in the area to design a fact sheet that is tailored to


women audiences. The fact sheet will be distributed at women ’s meetings.

Five hundred fact sheets will be produced for this activity.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Housewives in the five target communities.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

Production in June of 2006, distribution in July, September, November of 2006 during women ’s meetings

Assumptions: Women can read and that by reading the materials they will be inspired to participate

Pre-requisites: Berau ’s coastal and marine survey results, resource-use data

(the number of boats operating in Berau MPA), support from Head of Village.

Monitoring: o What (Indicators): Percentage of housewives who know that the coral reef environment protects the beach and the percentage of housewives who participate in conservation activities to protect the coastal marine environment.

o How (Method and Task): Survey: develop pre and post test questionnaire, administer questionnaire to target and control communities, and compare post-survey with initial survey.


Facilitate a women ’s group meeting to talk about and discuss Berau MPA marine resources, threats to the marine environment, and current conservation issues. The meeting will emphasize how women ’s groups can participate in conservation awareness activities, the benefits of and obstacles to carrying out conservation activities, as well as how to eliminate obstacles that prevent women from participating in conservation efforts.

Why do this activity? Women living in Berau

’s coastal and marine areas actively participate in the extraction of marine resources.

Meanwhile, they also have the ability to influence their community’s decision-making processes. This activity will enable women from coastal communities to have the knowledge base and confidence to talk to their communities about conservation issues and to deliver conservation messages during day-to-day conversations.

How will this activity be carried out? Work with existing fishers ’ group leader, the wives of government officials, and village leaders to run the meeting.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Housewives in five villages target area.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

June, August, October, November 2006 during women ’s meetings.

Assumptions: Women will later talk to their family members about their knew knowledge of marine conservation topics.

Pre-requisites: Fact sheets, activity flipchart, environmental booklet, approval from village leader, village representatives (BPD) and head of subdistrict to run the meeting in the village.

Monitoring: o What (Indicators): Percentage of women who participate in the meeting and percentage of housewives who participate in conservation awareness activities in the villages, such as attending a


discussion in the meeting series, a beach clean-up, or recycling project event.

o How (Method and Task): Survey using questionnaire for pre and post test (Cross tab data between occupation and conservation awareness activity involvement).


Hold a sea food cooking competition for women as a creative way to increase the women ’s understanding and knowledge of Berau’s marine resources and the threats to these resources.

Why do this activity? To more actively engage the women’s community in conservation activities and to encourage women to learn more about marine resources and the importance of marine ecosystems to community well being.

Competitions are a fun way to highlight conservation messages and cooking is part of women’s every day activities thereby ensuring that the activity takes place in a familiar and comfortable context in which women can acquire new knowledge while demonstrating their existing skills.

How will this activity be carried out? Before the competition starts, fact sheets and posters will be distributed. There should be, at a maximum, three representatives from each village so that a total of 15 contestants compete.

Project counterpart will work with the wife of the Head of Sub-District and women ’s group (PKK, arisan, pengajian). The entries in the competition will be judged according to the following criteria: the quality of the dish, the extent to which the dish suggests conservation messages, and the number of questions the participant answers correctly during the conservation quiz that will take place at the competition.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen

Who will this activity target? Women

’s group in target village.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu and Giring-Giring

When will this activity take place?

December 2006

Assumptions: That by engaging women in this fun activity, conservation messages will be discussed and that participants and those attending the event will be more likely to understand the relationship between the flagship species and the health of marine ecosystems and that they will ultimately promote positive actions.

Pre-requisites: Announcement for the competition, competition materials, donations from the local business sector for prizes, posters and fact sheets as well as support from a culinary teacher.

Monitoring: o What (Indicators): Percentage of housewives who participate in conservation awareness activities. Number of participants. o How (Method and Task): Survey using questionnaire for pre and post test (Cross tab data between occupation and conservation awareness activity involvement) and specific quiz as part of the activity.



By the end of April 2007, 90 percent of respondents (up from 60 %) in the target areas will understand that some fishing techniques (blast and cyanide fishing and the use of the trawl net) hurt Berau’s coastal and marine resources. Refer to question

No. 11 on the survey.


Lack of conservation awareness, lack of awareness of legal statutes and regulations governing coastal and marine activities, lack of law enforcement and lack of knowledge about marine and coastal resources and responsible fishing practices.


1. The survey showed that 60 percent of respondents perceived that some fishing techniques damage or destroy Berau’s coastal and marine resources.

2. Survey results showed that only 39 percent of fishermen in target areas were unsure if or did not believe that there are some fishing techniques that destroy or damage Berau’s coastal and marine resources.


1. Providing accurate data on marine ecosystems in Berau MPA will lead to a significant change in the knowledge of those people who are exposed to conservation messages.

2. People will support conservation efforts if they understand the benefits these efforts will produce in their lives and if they feel that the objective of the conservation activity will ultimately benefit them.

3. People tend to understand concepts and believe conservation messages when they can see physical proof or tangible results that are directly related to these concepts and messages. Showing fishermen how current fishing techniques can harm the marine environment and how natural resources must be used in sustainable way if they are not to entirely disappear will lead to a significant change in community members ’ perspectives.

4. Using the unique approach of the Pride Methodology, community outreach staff will capture people’s attention and they will be motivated to participate in the project.


Produce and distribute legislation booklet to introduce and reinforce existing knowledge of national and local regulations pertaining to fishing gear, fishing practices, Green Turtles, and marine conservation as well as information regarding the role of Green Turtles in marine ecosystems and descriptions of sustainable fishing techniques.

Why do this activity? Printed materials are one way to advertise conservation messages and to increase community members’ knowledge about the rules and regulations governing Berau Marine Protected Area,

Green Turtles and their role in ecosystems, and best practices fishing methods. Frequently, people break laws because either they are unaware that the law exists or because they do not understand the purpose and rationale for the law; also some individuals engage in illegal activities because they believe that law enforcement is inadequate and therefore they don’t feel that they will be punished for breaking the law.

How will this activity be carried out? Project counterpart will work with fisheries expert and ecologist to get accurate information of biological aspects


of Berau MPA, the status of the marine area, the population of species, and the impact of various fishing gear on marine ecosystems. In addition, research will be carried out to document and compile all relevant local and national legislations governing coastal and marine activities in Berau MPA (?).

One thousand legislation booklets will be distributed at each outreach activity

(discussions and meetings) and particularly at campaign activities and postcampaign activities [is there a difference?].

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? General public, especially fishermen and fish traders.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

Production in June-July 2006 and distribution in August, September, October 2006.

Assumptions: People can read . Through reading the legislation booklet, which will be written using popular and understandable language, people will get accurate information about the significance of Berau MPA, the negative effects of employing illegal fishing gears, and the importance national and local ordinances promoting the protection of marine resources and endangered marine species. Drawings included in the booklet will help layaudiences understand the legislation.

Pre-requisites: Support from green turtles scientists, support from lawyer, sponsorship from government or private sector, literature material, Green

Turtle pictures and paintings, printing company.

Monitor : o What (Indicators): Percentage of fishermen who are aware that some fishing techniques damage or destroy Berau’s coastal and marine resources and who understand and use responsible and sustainable fishing techniques o How (Method and Task): Survey: develop pre and post test questionnaire, administer questionnaire to target and control communities, compare post survey with initial survey.


Why do this activity? Marine environmental booklet with concise information and informative pictures will serve as a reference for fishermen and it will give them guidance on how to carry out their fishing activities in way that does not disturb marine ecosystems.

How will this activity be carried out? Compile research on regulations governing Berau MPA as well as on the area’s coastal-marine biodiversity, design the booklet with a catchy and interesting layout and print 2000 booklets for distribution to fishermen and fish traders.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Fishermen and fish traders in five villages.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

Production in May 2006 and distribution in July, September, and November 2006

Assumptions: People can read . Through reading the legislation booklet, which will be written using popular and understandable language, people will get accurate information about the significance of Berau MPA, the negative effects of employing illegal fishing gears, and the importance national and local ordinances promoting the protection of marine resources and endangered marine species.


Pre-requisites: Support from fisheries ecologists, data, picture and/or photographs, translator, printing agency.

Monitor : o What (Indicators): Percentage of fishermen are aware that some fishing technique practices hurt Berau’s coastal and marine resources and who understand and use responsible fishing practices.

o How (Method and Task): Survey: develop pre and post test questionnaire, administer questionnaire to target and control communities, compare post survey with initial survey.



Produce and air two Dangdut and Pop songs in order to reinforce key messages about the importance of conserving marine ecosystems and the benefit of conservation for local communities.

Why do this activity? Music is a part of our lives and is an enjoyable and fun way to weave in and reinforce conservation messages while attracting attention to conservation of Berau MPA. Songs can publicize conservation messages and because they are easily understood, interesting, and captivating, it is likely that listeners will accept their messages.

How will this activity be carried out? Work with local artists to compose the lyrics, create a song, and find local band to create a popular campaign song.

The manager (?) will explore the possibility of developing a long-term relationship with a local band(s) and artist(s) to create a popular conservation campaign program and to enhance conservation theme songs.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen will work with local artists, recording studio, and radio stations in Palu – Centre

Sulawesi (RRI Palu).

Who will this activity target? General public particularly fish traders in four target villages and surrounding area.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

Production in May 2006 and airing in

July 2006.

Assumptions: Fishermen have a radio in their home and they will listen to the radio when the song is being aired. Radio Station in Palu is willing to support this activity.

Pre-requisites: Recording studio, local band, cassette and CD-R, marine fact sheet, support from radio stations.

Monitor : o What (Indicators): Percentage of fishermen who are aware that some fishing techniques harm Berau’s coastal and marine resources and who understand and use responsible fishing practices.

o How (Method and Task): Survey: develop pre and post test questionnaire, administer questionnaire to target and control communities, compare post survey with initial survey.



Through educating villagers and sub-district government staff, community representatives in the five villages will protect the coastal and marine areas of their villages and they will support the zoning concept for Berau MPA.


After completion of the program in April 2007, two villages will actively participate in protecting the coastal and marine areas surrounding their villages and they will petition to support Berau MPA zoning.


1. Results from the stakeholder meeting showed that a lack of conservation awareness was a consequence a lack of human resources capacity. This lack of capacity is the result of the low levels of education that most village members possess and is related to the inadequacy and shortage of educational facilities and infrastructure. Village government and community representatives will enhance their ability to deliver conservation messages and they will strengthen their communication skills and their conservation knowledge base so that they are able to encourage communities to actively participate in conservation activities.

2. Zoning regulations, which have not yet been established for the Berau MPA, are crucial to protect the marine resources of the area while simultaneously safeguarding livelihood options for the local population. Zoning must focus on:

1) ensuring sustainable traditional fisheries; 2) patrolling and law enforcement to halt and prevent illegal and destructive activities; 3) developing alternative livelihoods; 4) establishing sustainable financing mechanisms for MPA management; and 5) creating strong legal foundations for marine conservation.

3. Survey findings revealed that people trust the newspaper as a reliable source of information and that they like to read thus, an environmental newsletter can fill in information gaps about conservation and Berau MPA for community members.


1. The provision of accurate data on marine ecosystems in Berau MPA will lead to a significant change in the knowledge of those people who are exposed to conservation messages.

2. People will support conservation efforts if they understand the benefits these efforts confer in their lives and if they feel that the conservation objective will ultimately benefit them.

3. If people can see the tangible results or physical proof of an idea or concept they will be more likely to believe the content of the concept or support the message that the idea presents.

4. Using the unique approach of the Pride Methodology, community outreach staff can capture people’s attention and they will become interested in how they can participate in conservation activities.

5. Village governments have the ability to instil in communities an understanding of conservation and biodiversity values.



Produce and distribute three environmental newsletters and furnish village government and community representatives with follow-up activities. The environmental newsletter can be used as a material to send to village government and community representatives.

Why do this activity? Simple newsletters are a way to communicate information and they will expand the knowledge base of community and government officials regarding marine ecosystems and conservation efforts in

Berau MPA as well as about the relationship between of the health of marine ecosystems and the sustainability of fisheries resources.

How will this activity be carried out? Project counterpart will coordinate, collect and facilitate the printing process of the written articles/stories/quotes and/or comics made by village government officials and community representatives in the area. Also, the outreach staff will solicit the participation of area schools to develop the newsletter. Five hundred newsletters will be produced for each edition.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Village government officials and community representatives in five target communities.

Where will this activity take place? Target site in Tanjung Batu, Teluk

Semanting, Pantai Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup.

When will this activity take place?

Production in June, August and

November 2006 and February 2007; distribute in July, September, December

2006 and March 2007.

Assumptions: People can read . Through reading the environmental newsletter written in understandable and popular language, people will obtain accurate information about the importance of Berau MPA, the negative effects of using illegal fishing gear, and the successful techniques that other villages are using to protect their marine areas. People tend to be more interested in locally based conservation activities.

Pre-requisites: Articles/comics/quotes made by village government officials and community representatives and local villagers; printing agency. o What (Indicators): Percentage of villages and sub-district government staff and community representatives who participate in community meetings and the number of villages that protect the marine areas close to their villages (this seems to be a goal rather than an indicator —how will you measure this?).

o How (Method and Task): Survey using questionnaire for pre and post test (cross tab data between villages and sub-district government staff and community representatives and conservation awareness activity involvement).


To facilitate community-based resource management and [develop a demonstration site-managed by the community ] (doesn’t make sense) on Berau coastal-marine biodiversity, best fishing practices, regulations, and marine environments management.

Why do this activity? Village government officials play an important role in delivering messages to communities. We need the support of village government officials to convey conservation messages to the communities during village activities. In order to deliver conservation messages, village government officials will need to have a sufficient knowledge base regarding conservation issues to have the confidence and understanding to distribute these messages.


How will this activity be carried out? Project counterpart, Hirmen will meet with village government officials once a month in each village.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Village government and community representatives in five target communities.

Where will this activity take place? Target site in Tanjung Batu, Teluk

Semanting, Pantai Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

August-September 2006.

Assumptions: The villagers agree to attend and actively participate in the meetings ; logistics can be organized.

Pre-requisites: The completion of a community workshop, the participation of village government officials and community representatives .

Monitoring: o What (Indicators): Number of village government officials and community representatives who receive outreach materials and who know and understand the key conservation messages.

o How (Method and Task): Design questionnaire for village government officials and community representatives that will be given prior to and after the community workshop.


Record and air a radio talk show that discusses Berau MPA and marine conservation activities. Respondents in the target communities predominantly listen to RRI Palu during a time period when the station airs news programs, music requests and radio talk shows. Fishermen in particular mentioned that they listened to the radio while they do their daily activities. (?guessing at meaning) [This preferred time indicated that the fishermen listens the radio at their main activity. (doesn’t make sense)]

Why do this activity? Radio programs can deliver conservation messages to a wide audience and can advertise upcoming conservation events.

How will this activity be carried out? Work with a local NGO, radio station, and university as well as the local government to record the talk show. Each session will last for one hour duration; the sessions will contain 30 minutes of presentation and discussion, 15 minutes of song, and 15 minutes of a listener call-in (?) quiz.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen

Who will this activity target?

Village government officials and community representatives in the five target communities.

(Is this really the audience this activity targets? Isn’t it the general public?)

Where will this activity take place? Target site in Tanjung Batu, Teluk

Semanting, Pantai Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

November and December 2006.

Assumptions: Community members have radios in their homes and that they will listen to the radio. Radio Station in Palu will be willing to support this activity.

Pre-requisites: Recording studio, cassette and CD-R, marine fact sheet, support from radio stations.

Monitoring: o What (Indicators): Numbers of village government officials and community representatives who listen to the talk show and who understand and know the key conservation messages .

o How (Method and Task): Design questionnaire for village government staff and community representatives that will be given prior to and after the talk show.



The community workshop will serve as a forum in which village government officials and community representatives from the five target communities can discuss their concerns and ideas regarding Berau MPA and in which community outreach staff will present information on Berau ’s coastal-marine biodiversity, best fishing practices, and how to integrate the MPA concept into community activities.

Why do this activity? Village government officials play an important role in delivering messages to communities and we need their support to convey conservation messages to their constituents during village activities.

How will this activity be carried out? This will be a two-day workshop; on the first day the community outreach staff will present informational materials on Berau MPA and on the second day village government officials will participate in interactive sessions to discuss, brainstorm, and plan how they will help protect the coastal and marine environments surrounding their villages.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen

Who will this activity target?

Village government officials and community representatives in the five target communities.

Where will this activity take place? Target site in Tanjung Batu, Teluk

Semanting, Pantai Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup.

When will this activity take place?

February 2007.

Assumptions: [ Have demonstration villages their protect marine village area.

(doesn’t make sense)]

Pre-requisites: Permission from Berau Head of District, Bappeda, Fisheries

Agency, Head of Sub-districts, materials, guest speakers.

Monitoring: o What (Indicators): Number of village government officials and community representatives who attend the workshop.

o How (Method and Task): Use the attendance record.



Through educating elementary students about the status of Berau MPA, they will be able to understand the importance of coral reefs and the coastal environment and they will participate in conservation activities (beach clean up, mangrove plantation).

The students can then relay the knowledge they learn to their families and thereby the larger community. Refer to questions No. 12, No. 17, No. 18 and No. 23 on the



By the end of April 2007, 100 elementary students from each village (total 500 students) - or at least 20 percent elementary school students - will know the status of

Berau MPA, the important of the coral reef, and at least three best fishing practices and they will be able to share this knowledge with their families.


Lack of conservation awareness.


1. Providing accurate data on the marine ecosystems in Berau MPA will lead to a significant change in the knowledge of those people who are exposed to conservation messages.

2. Survey results showed that many respondents are still unsure about the relationship between the health of the marine environment and the state of fisheries resources.


1. People will support conservation efforts if they understand the benefits these efforts produce in their lives and if they feel that the conservation objective will ultimately benefit them.

2. If people are able to see the tangible results or physical proof of the ideas and content of conservation messages then they will be more likely to internalize the messages and change their behavior.

3. A unique approach should be implemented to capture people’s attention and prompt their involvement in conservation activities.

4. Students will be the potential stewards of Berau MPA resources in the future. Consequently, it is essential to provide students with knowledge about the marine environment and to raise their awareness of the importance of conservation action so that they will have the capacity to manage marine and coastal resources in the future. It is important to instill in them from an early age the importance of protecting and conserving the marine and coastal resources upon which their communities depend.


Write and compose a school song. A school song can encourage students to learn more about marine conservation, marine science, Berau coastal and marine biodiversity.

Why do this activity? Students/children love to hear music and by singing a song they will easily learn about the relationship between healthy marine ecosystems and the wellbeing of their communities.

How will this activity be carried out? Work with local musician to compose a school song, try out the song with a sample of school children, and teach the song to students in the target communities.


Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen and musicians.

Who will this activity target? Elementary students and their teachers.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

Compose the song in May 2006, test the song in beginning of June 2006, finalize the song in June 2006, and begin teaching the song during school visits beginning in July 2006.

Assumptions: Learning about the natural environment in fun and entertaining way will captivate children’s attention. School children will want to sing the song.

Pre-requisites: Song writer and composer, key conservation messages, and musical instruments.

Monitoring: o What (Indicators): The number of teachers and students who know key conservation messages. o How (Method and Task): Design questionnaire for teachers and students and give the questionnaire prior to and following the activity.


Visit elementary schools and speak to as many children as possible in the target villages. During the visits community outreach staff will introduce local children to the concepts of the flagship species, marine ecosystems, and the impact of human activities on marine resources and community livelihoods.

Why do this activity? To help students understand the importance of stewarding Berau ’s coastal and marine biodiversity and the relationship between biodiversity and fisheries resources so that they can internalize the information and disseminate it to their parents and friends.

How will this activity be carried out? Obtain authorization from the Head of

District and from Berau National Education Department (Dinas Pendidikan

Nasional) to visit all elementary school in target areas. Conduct one hour visits to school; do 30 minutes of presentation, sing marine educational song for 15 minutes, and conduct a fun quiz for 15 minutes.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Elementary students and teachers.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

Ongoing visits will be conducted from

August 2006 to April 2007.

Assumptions: This activity will help students learn about the marine ecosystem and the different styles of presenting educational materials will enhance the degree to which students understand the concepts and it will allow them to ask questions and discuss issues freely.

Pre-requisites: Visit approval, school/popular song, costume, badges.

Monitor : o What (Indicators): Numbers of teachers and students who know the key conservation messages.

o How (Method and Task): Design questionnaire for teachers and students that will be given prior to and after each activity or visit.


Green Turtle costume production and parade to engage students during school visit activities.


Why do this activity? A costume will capture people’s attention and it will introduce the flagship species as well as key conservation messages.

How will this activity be carried out? Project counterpart will design the costume and work together with a local tailor to make the costume. A volunteer will wear it during school visits.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Elementary school students in the five communities.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup

When will this activity take place?

Production in June 2006 and parade in

August 2006-April 2007.

Assumptions: This activity will encourage students to learn more about marine species and that a costume parade will persuade children to be more conscious of how their actions affect the marine environment. School children will not be scared of the turtle costume.

Pre-requisites: Seamstress, fabrics and material for costume, approval from

Head of School, volunteers

Monitor: o What (Indicators): The numbers of students who know the flagship species.

o How (Method and Task): Design and administer questionnaire for students to test their knowledge prior to and after each school visit or activity.


Produce Green Turtle pin to foster the excitement and curiosity of school children so that they actively participate in school visit activities.

Why do this activity? To encourage students to participate in school visit activities and to instill pride (reward tool or incentive) in the students.

How will this activity be carried out? Project counterpart will work with artist to design the pins, produce 500 pins, and distribute the pins to students who participate in conservation awareness activities.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Elementary school students in the five target communities.

Where will this activity take place? Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup.

When will this activity take place?

Production in May 2006 and distribution during school visits between August 2006 to April 2007.

Assumptions: Children love to recieve small gifts (reward) and these rewards can influence their commitment to or interest in conserving turtles.

Pre-requisites: Good quality material for pins, right color and shape for pin design, production of pins completed.

Monitor: o What (Indicators): The number of students who know the flagship species.

o How (Method and Task): Design and administer questionnaire to students that tests their knowledge prior to and after different conservation activities.



Produce a puppet show. A puppet show will be an effective and entertaining way to educate children audiences about the importance of conserving marine ecosystems

(mangrove, seagrass, and coral reef) and their relationship to fisheries resources and community livelihoods, as well as how students can help to take care of their environment. The Green Turtle puppet will be the puppet show star.

Why do this activity? Help the students learn and understand key messages and encourage the students to participate in the conservation campaign activities.

How will this activity be carried out? (1) Invite conservation cadres representatives and local teacher representatives from the target area for a training on how to conduct puppet shows and gather ideas for writing a puppet show script, (2) Develop a puppet show script with teachers and cadres, (3) Cadres and teachers in target area will conduct the first show; students will conduct all subsequent shows with help from teachers and cadres.

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen

Who will this activity target? Elementary school students and teachers.

Where will this activity take place? Elementary school in Tanjung Batu,

Teluk Semanting, Balikukup, Pantai Harapan and Giring-Giring

When will this activity take place?

Training and puppet theatre preparation will be done in July 2006, puppet shows will be produced in August-

September, November-December 2006.

Assumptions: Children love puppets/dolls and delivering messages through a puppet show will have a significant impact on the children ’s perceptions of marine conservation.

Pre-requisites: Fact sheet, puppet materials, costumes, script, backdrops, and actors.


Sponsor an art/essay competition. An art/essay competition for students will be a creative way to raise students’ awareness and increase students’ understanding of

Berau Marine Protected Area issues.

Why do this activity? To reinforce key messages, to evaluate students’ perceptions regarding their natural environment, and to foster the students’ interest in and commitment to care for marine and fisheries resources.

How will this activity be carried out? (1) Post announcement of competition in Village Meeting Room, School Board, and leaflet (2) teacher will motivate students in each school to participate in art competition and will be responsible for collecting the artwork of their students, (3) form a jury which will consist of the Head of Berau Fisheries and Marine Agency, a teacher, a member of a local NGO, Conservation Cadres, and one person from the tourism sector, (4) solicit private sector or government donations for prizes,

(5) frame the winners ’ art work and put it in strategic places (Kalimarau airport and other places).

Who will be responsible for this activity?

Project counterpart, Hirmen.

Who will this activity target? Elementary school students.

Where will this activity take place? Elementary school in Tanjung Batu,

Teluk Semanting, Pantai Harapan, Giring-Giring and Balikukup.

When will this activity take place?

Solicit donations in June 2006, announce contest in September 2006, hold competition in the beginning of

October 2006, convene the jury by the end of October and announce the winner in November 2006.


Assumptions: That people will want to compete and that the competition will trigger students to learn/study more about their natural environment.

Pre-requisites: Fact sheet, poster, drawing materials, prizes.

Monitor: o What (Indicators): The number of students who know the flagship species.

o How (Method and Task): Design and administer a questionnaire to test student s’ knowledge prior to and after the activity.


Monitoring Plan


To protect Berau coastal marine biodiversity and to conserve a large multi-purpose

Marine Protected Area (MPA) in order to benefit people today and into the future.

Monitoring Strategy: Measure changes overtime of Berau Marine Protected Area biodiversity.




(Method &


When Who Where Comments

Percentage of fishermen that fish using sustainable methods




Monitor resource use in MPA through monitoring program

Monitor turtles in 3 locations and conduct following activities: relocate precarious nests, count eggs, tukik

(?), monitor and do surveillance of turtle feeding grounds.

Every 10 days



Marine biologist


WWF and

Berau district governme nt staff)

Marine biologist


WWF and

Berau district governm ent staff)

All patrol routes


Derawan and



Monitoring program is currently in the field and working.

Resource use map available.



Promote community participation in protecting Berau MPA resources and encourage community members to halt their illegal, destructive activities by conducting an education and conservation awareness program for the fishing and coastal communities of the following five villages: Tanjung Batu, Teluk Semanting, Pantai

Harapan, Giring-giring and Balikukup.

Monitoring Strategy: Measure changes overtime in resource use in Berau; document what types of fishing gear fishermen use and what their catch is.



How (Method

& Tasks)

When Who Where Comments

Percentage of fishers who use sustainable fishing techniques.




Monitor resource use in the MPA through the monitoring program.


10 days.



Marine biologist

(TNC-WWF and Berau district government staff).

Marine biologist

(TNC-WWF and Berau district government staff)

All patrol routes.


Derawan and



Monitoring program is currently in the field and working.

Resource use map available.

Percentage of fishermen who demonstrate understandi ng of the conditions of Berau

MPA resources and who are able to explain at least two sustainable fishing methods

Monitor turtles in 3 locations and conduct following activities: relocate precarious nests, count eggs, tukik

(?), monitor and do surveillance of turtle feeding grounds.


Develop pretest questionnair e.

Administer questionnair e to fisher communities

. Compare post-test findings with the results from the pretest.

Feb 06

Mar 07


Hirmen and

Enumerato rs



Five target villages and one control village.



and the relationship between marine ecosystems and fisheries resources.



By the end of April 2007, 40 percent (up from 16%) of respondents in the five communities will be aware of the status of Berau MPA. Refer question No. 12 on Pre-


Monitoring strategy: Measure changes over time in fishermen ’s knowledge.



How (Method

& Tasks)

When Who Where Comments

Percentage of respondents who are aware of

Berau MPA status.


1. Bumper sticker

2. Poster

3. Billboards


Develop pretest questionnaire

Administer questionnaire to fisher communities.

Compare post-test and compare the results with those of the pre-test.

Feb 06

Mar 07


Hirmen and




Five target villages and one control village.




By the end of April 2007, 86 percent (up from 66%) of fishermen in the five communities will state that coral reefs are threatened and will agree to protect them.

Refer question No. 17 on Pre-Survey

Monitoring Strategy: Measure changes over time in women ’s knowledge of and participation in conservation activities.



How (Method

& Tasks)

When Who Where Comments

Percentage of fishermen who perceive that the health of coral reefs is getting worse and needs special protection.


Develop posttest questionnaire.

Administer questionnaire.

Compare survey results.






Hirmen and enumerators



Five target villages



1. Village visit

2. Marine environmental booklet

3. Sermon sheet production

4. Environmental quiz



By the end of April 2007, 40 percent (up from 16%) housewives in the five communities will agree that the coral reefs and coastal environments protect the beach and villages from the effects of large storms and dangerous wave action.

Refer Question No. 18 on pre survey.


By the end of April 2007, 40 percent (up from 16%) of housewives in the five communities will participate in conservation activities to protect the coastal and marine environment from destructive activities (blast and cyanide fishing and mangrove destruction). Refer question No. 23 on Pre-survey.

Monitoring Strategy: Measure changes over time in fish trader s’ knowledge and participation in conservation awareness activities.

What (indicators)

How (Method

& Tasks)

When Who Where Comments

Percentage of housewives who agree that coral reefs and the coastal environment protect the beach and who participate in conservation activities to protect the coastal and marine environment from destructive activities (blast and cyanide fishing and mangrove destruction).


Collect baseline data.

Develop pretest questionnair e.

Administer questionnair e to fisher communities


Compare post-test results compare with those of the pre-test.


1. Fact sheet production

2. Women’s meeting

3. Speech competition

Feb 06

Mar 07



Hirmen and

Enumerato rs


Target villages


Five target villages and one control village.




By the end of April 2007, 90 percent of respondents (up from 60 %) in the target area will understand that some fishing techniques (blast and cyanide fishing and the use of the trawl net) harm Berau’s coastal and marine resources. Refer to question No.

11 on Pre-survey.

Monitoring Strategy: Measure changes over time in fish trader s’ knowledge of and participation in conservation awareness activities.



When Who Where Comments

Percentage of respondents who understand that some fishing techniques harm Berau’s coastal and marine resources and who understand sustainable fishing practices.

How (Method

& Tasks)


Develop posttest questionnaire.

Administer questionnaire

Compare survey results.






Hirmen and enumerators



Five target villages



1. Legislation booklet

2. Marine environment booklet

3. Popular song



By educating villagers, sub-district government officials, and community representatives in the five villages these individuals will protect the marine areas adjacent to their villages and they will support the process to create a zonation plan for Berau MPA.


After completion of the program in April 2007, two villages will protect the marine areas surrounding their villages and they will support the Berau MPA zonation process.

Monitoring Strategy: Measure changes over time of elementary school children knowledge.



Two villages protect and petition in favor of creating zonation plan.

Percentage of villages, subdistrict government officials and communitiy representatives who attend zoning meetings and who are able to deliver conservation messages to communities.


(Method &


Community petitions in support of creating a zoning plan for Berau



Mar 07




Hirmen and




1. Environmental news sheet

2. Community Based Guidance Management

3. Village meeting

4. Radio Talk Show

5. Community workshop


Target villages


Five target villages and one control village.





By educating school teachers and students about marine ecosystems, the relationship between marine ecosystems, and sustainable fishing techniques students will understand the link between the health of marine ecosystems, fisheries resources and community livelihoods and they will serve as messenger to deliver conservation ideas to other community members.


By the end of April 2007, five elementary schools will know the state of biodiversity in

Berau MPA, at least three best fishing practices, threats to the marine environment, and the importance of protecting the MPA and they will be able to distribute this knowledge to other students.

Monitoring Strategy: Measure changes over time in elementary school teachers’ knowledge.



How (Method

& Tasks)

When Who Where Comments

Percentage of elementary school students who know

Berau MPA status, importance of coral reef ecosystems, and at least three best fishing practices and they will be able to disseminate this information to their families.


Develop questionnaire for elementary school teachers.

Distribute questionnaire before activities.

Distribute the same questionnaire at the end of activities and compare the results of the two surveys.


1. School song

2. School visit

3. Costume

4. Pin

5. Puppet show

6. Art competition

Feb 06

Mar 07




Office -









1. Literature


2. Stakeholder

Analysis (Matrix)

3. Stakeholder

Meeting I

4. Survey and


5. Stakeholder

Meeting II

6. Complete

Project Plan



Press Release

Village Visit



Production (and


Bumper Sticker












M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 M-9 M-10 M-11 M-12

May’06 Jun’06 Jul’06 Aug’06 Sep’06 Oct’06 Nov’06 Dec’06 Jan’07 Feb’07 Mar’07 Apr’07


Bumper Sticker






Production and












Sermon Sheet


Sermon Sheet


Women ’s


Sea Food Cook


Popular Song

Production and


Popular song airing


Fact Sheet

Production and



Production and


School Song

School Visits






Production and









Production and


Puppet Show



Village Meeting

Radio Talk


Video Show






Production and


Community workshop

Post Survey and




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Annex 1:

Questionnaire Survey Form

English version.

Berau Coastal Marine Community Survey Questionnaire

Village name


Interviewer name :



Target Sex Profile :


Good morning/afternoon. M y name is….and I support the Berau District Government to conserve the coastal and marine environment of Berau. We are conducting a survey of people in this area to find out more about how coastal and marine resources and fisheries connect to [doesn’t translate well] local communities. Whatever information you provide will be strictly confidential and will not be shown to or shared with any other person except for those people who are working on the survey. Your answer will help us to improve conservation programs in this area.

Participation in this survey is voluntary and you can choose not to answer any individual question or to participate in the survey at all. However, your views are important to us and I hope that you will participate. May I begin the interview now?

[1] On your last birthday, how old we re you? ………………..

(or: How old are you without the “on your last…”)

[2] What is your highest level of education? ( ONE ANSWER ONLY )

[ ] Elementary School [ ] Junior High School [ ] High School [ ] University [ ] No

Education [ ] Other ________________

[3] What is your main occupation? ( ONE ANSWER ONLY )

[ ] Fisher [ ] Fish trader [ ] Farmer [ ] Civil servant (other than policeman) [ ]



[ ] Businessman/woman [ ] Tour guide [ ] Handy-crafter [ ]

[ ] Housewife [ ] Policeman [ ] Other ________________

[4] People get information from various sources. Now, I would like to read to you a variety of sources where people usually get information. Please tell me if the information from this source is “very reliable,” “reliable,” “sometimes reliable,” “not reliable,” or if you are unsure of the trustworthiness of the source.


Very Reliable Rather Not

Reliable Reliable



(A) Radio


[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

(B) TV [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


(C) Newspaper or magazine [ ] [ ] [ ]

(D) Religious leader [ ] [ ] [ ]

(E) Community leader [ ] [ ] [ ]

(F) Head of village and staff [ ] [ ] [ ]

(G) Friends and family

(H) Teacher

(I) Politician

(J) Government official

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

(K) Youth leader [ ] [ ] [ ]

(L) Law enforcement staff [ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

(M) Artist [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

(N) If you want to find out reliable information about the coastal-marine environment in this area which information source do you most trust to disseminate this information?

(One answer)?________________________________

[5] Do you listen to the radio?


(A) Which radio station do you listen to most frequently? ( CAN GIVE MORE THAN ONE


[ ] RRI Makassar [ ] RRI Jakarta [ ] RRI Samarinda [ ] RPD Berau [ ] RRI Balikpapan [ ]

RRI Palu [ ] Radio Sangkakala [ ]RRI Donggala [ ] None [ ] Other


(B) When do you listen to the radio? ( CAN GIVE MORE THAN ONE ANSWER)

[ ] 06.00 - 10.00 [ ] 10.00 - 14.00 [ ] 14.00 - 18.00

[ ] No definite time [ ] All day

[ ] 18.00 - 22.00

[ ] Usually during the weekdays

[ ] On the weekends [ ] All days of the week

[ ] Other_____________

[ ] Never

(C) What radio programs do you like? ( CAN GIVE MORE THAN ONE ANSWER)

[ ] Entertainment/traditional programs [ ] News [ ] Talk shows [ ] Religious programs

[ ] Entertainment/pop programs [ ] Dangdut [ ] None [ ] Other _________

[6] Do you read a newspaper?


(A) How often do you read a newspaper or a magazine?

[ ] Every day [ ] One to six days per week [ ] Between once a week and once a month

[ ] Very seldom [ ] Never

(B) Which newspaper or magazine do you usually read? ( CAN GIVE MORE THAN ONE


[ ] Kaltim Post [ ] Tribun Kaltim [ ] Kompas [ ] Radar Tarakan

[ ] Media Indonesia [ ] No favourite [ ] Don't read [ ] Other ________________

[7] Do you belong to any of the following community groups or organizations?

[ ] Savings club [ ] Fishers group/cooperatives [ ] Religious group [ ]Sports club

[ ]Youth club [ ] Art club [ ]Political party (describe___ )

[ ] Other___________________

[8] What activities do you do during your leisure time or the time when you are not working? ( CAN GIVE MORE THAN ONE ANSWER)


[ ] Sleep [ ] Watch the television [ ] Listen to the radio [ ] Read a newspaper/magazine

[ ] Play sports [ ] Watch VCD [ ]Chat with friends/families [ ] Other

[9] In th e past six months what activities have you done inside Berau’s coastal and marine area? ( DO NOT READ ANSWER CHOICES ALOUD - CHECK ONE OR MORE


[ ] Touring for recreation [ ] Fishing for subsistence needs

[ ] Commercial Fishing [ ] Fishing for recreation [ ] Watching wildlife

[ ] Mining (eg.g. rock and soil)[ ] Don't know

[ ] Other ________________

[ ] Didn't use the area

[10] Does Berau’s coastal and marine area have a benefit for you? If so, how? ( CAN


[ ] No, no benefit [ ] Marine resources for food [ ] Marine resources for money

[ ] Terrestrial resources for food [ ] Terrestrial resources for money

[ ] Many supports from government and non-government (doesn’t make sense)

[ ] Place to live [ ] Income from tourism

[ ] Other ________________

[ ] Famous for its beauty

[11] Do you think that some fishing technique practices harm Berau’s coastal and marine resources? ( ONE ANSWER ONLY)


[ ] Uncertain ( SKIP TO NUMBER 12 )

[ ] No ( SKIP TO NUMBER 12 )

(A) Why do you think people do this? ( DO NOT READ ANSWERS ALOUD.



[ ] Tradition [ ] Subsistence [ ] Economic motives [ ] To get land for housing

[ ] Weak law enforcement [ ] No alternative livelihood [ ] Don’t know

[ ] Lack of conservation knowledge [ ] Low human resource capacity

[ ] Other ____________

(B) How do people harm Berau’s coastal and marine resources?



[ ] Reef gleaning [ ] Use cyanide [ ] Use blasting [ ] Trawl net [ ] Traditional poison [ ]

Mangrove destruction [ ] Other

[12] Do you know that Berau’s coastal and marine area is conserved? ( ONE ANSWER


[ ] Yes [ ] No

[13] Do you practice any methods of sustainable fishing?

[ ]Yes [ ]No [ ]Don’t Know)

[14] If so, how? ------------------------

[15] Over past 6 months, have you heard about Berau’s coastal and marine environment conservation activities through any of following? ( CAN ANSWER MORE THAN



[ ] Radio [ ] TV [ ] Newspaper [ ] Community visit [ ] School visit [ ] Posters

[ ] Billboards [ ] Songs [ ] Comics [ ] Sermons [ ] Friend/Family

[ ] Never heard anything [ ] Don't know [ ] School children

[ ] Community discussion [ ] Talks with family/friends [ ] Volunteer events

[ ] Puppet show [ ] Fact sheet [ ] Legislation booklet [ ] Other _________

[16] In the last 6 months, have you been involved in conservation awareness activity? If so, what was it? ( CAN GIVE MORE THAN ONE ANSWER).

[ ] Planted mangroves [ ] Involved in community beach clean-up [ ] Reported an illegal environmental activity [ ] Talked to family about conservation issue [ ] Joined a conservation group [ ] Collected and sorted garbage [ ] All of the above

[ ] None of the above [ ] Don't know [ ] Don't care [ ] No [ ] Other __________

Now I would like to read a list of statements. Please tell me if you agree, disagree, or do not know or are not sure of how you feel about the statement.


Agree Disagree DK

[17] The coral reefs close to my community are in good condition and they don’t need special protection [ ] [ ] [ ]

[18] Coral reefs protect the beach

and the village from the affects of storms [ ] [ ] [ ]

[19] Harvesting marine resources (?) from our coral reefs now will probably make our

lives better in the future [ ] [ ] [ ]

[20] The mangroves near my community are in good condition and they don’t need special protection [ ] [ ] [ ]

[21] Damaging our coastal environment now will probably

make our lives more difficult in the future [ ] [ ] [ ]

I will read you some statements. Please tell me if it would be easy, difficult, or you don’t know/are not sure to carry out the following activities.


Easy Difficult DK/NS

[22] People from my community can protect coastal and

marine ecosystems from destructive activities

(blast and cyanide fishing andmangrove destrcution) [ ] [ ] [ ]

[23] I can do a lot to protect the coastal and marine

environment from destructive activities

(blast and cyanide fishing and mangrove destrcution) [ ] [ ] [ ]

[24] There are many members in my community who could do

a lot to protect the coastal and marine environment [ ] [ ] [ ]

[25] Which species do you think should represent your area? ( ONE ANSWER ONLY)


[ ] Manta Ray [ ] Green Turtle [ ] Non-stinging jelly fish [ ] Whale [ ] Dolphin [ ]

Napoleon Wrasse [ ] Mouse Grouper [ ] Yellow Fin Tuna [ ] Giant clam [ ]

Dugong [ ] Lobster [ ] Barracuda [ ] None [ ] Other ________________

[26] Why do you think the character should represent your area? ( CAN CHOOSE MORE



[ ] It is beautiful [ ] It is famous [ ] It is unique to Berau District [ ] It is linked to other animals [ ] I am proud of it [ ] It is a source of income [ ] Don't know

[ ]Other __________

[27] Which slogan do you prefer to represent Berau MPA? ( ONE ANSWER ONLY)

[ ] I Love My Marine [ ] Conserve My Nature [ ] My Home I t’s Coral Reef, Sand and

Marine It’s My World [ ] Conserve Our Marine for Our Prosperity [ ] Marine It’s My

Life [ ] My Marine for My Future [ ] None of the above [ ] Other ________


Bahasa Indonesia version.

Survei Masyarakat Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil – Kabupaten Berau

No. Lembar Kuisioner [ ]

Nama pewawancara :______________________________

Nama kampung :______________________________________

Jenis kelamin responden : [ ] Pria [ ]Wanita


Selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam, nama saya……………saat ini sedang membantu pemerintah Kabupaten Berau untuk mengelola lingkungan laut. Kami memohon kesediaan Bapak/Ibu/Saudara untuk sebuah wawancara. Tujuan wawancara ini adalah untuk mengumpulkan pendapat masyarakat di kampung ini mengenai kondisi pesisir dan laut serta perikanan serta hubungannnya dengan masyarakat. Seluruh informasi dari wawancara ini akan dijaga kerahasiaannya, termasuk nama Bapak/Ibu/Saudara.

Informasi dari wawancara ini hanya akan digunakan untuk merancang program dikawasan ini.

Keterlibatan dalam wawancara ini adalah sukarela. Namun demikian, pandangan

Bapak/Ibu/Saudara sangat penting untuk dapat memahami situasi atau kondisi yang ada di kawasan ini sehingga program yang dilakukan nanti dapat bermanfaat bagi


Kami berterima kasih atas keterlibatan Bapak/Ibu/Saudara dalam wawancara ini. Mohon maaf bila kedatangan saya mengganggu waktu Bapak/Ibu/Saudara.

Dapatkah kita mulai Tanya jawab sekarang ?

[1] Berapa umur Bapak/Ibu/Saudara ?.........

[2] Apa pendidikan formal terakhir Anda? (HANYA SATU JAWABAN SAJA)

[ ] Sekolah Dasar [ ] Sekolah Menengah Pertama [ ] Sekolah Menengah Umum

[ ] Universitas [ ] Tidak Sekolah [ ] Lainnya ________________

[3] Apa pekerjaan utama Anda? (HANYA SATU JAWABAN SAJA)

[ ] Nelayan [ ] Pedagang Ikan [ ] Petani aparat keamanan) [ ] Pelajar

[ ] Pegawai pemerintah (selain

[ ] Wiraswasta [ ] Pemandu wisata [ ] Pengrajin

[ ] Guru [ ] Ibu rumah tangga [ ] Polisi/aparat keamanan [ ]


[4] Orang memperoleh informasi dari berbagai sumber. Saya akan membacakan daftar darimana Bapak/Ibu/Saudara biasanya mendapatkan informasi mengenai cara pemanfaatan sumberdaya pesisir dan laut. Tolong tentukan apakah sumber informasi tersebut ”Sangat dipercaya” sampai ”Tidak Dipercaya”





Dipercaya Agak

Dipercaya dipercaya

Tidak dipercaya tahu

(A) Informasi dari radio

(B) Informasi dari TV

[ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ]

(C) Berita koran atau majalah [ ] [ ] [ ]

(D) Pemimpin agama [ ] [ ] [ ]

(E) Pemimpin adat [ ]

(F) Staf desa atau Kepala desa [ ] [ ] [ ]

(G)Teman dan keluarga

(H) Guru

(I) Politikus

(J) Petugas pemerintah [ ] [ ] [ ]

(K) Tokoh pemuda

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

(L) Aparat penegak hukum [ ] [ ] [ ]

(M) Seniman [ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

(N) Jika anda mendengar informasi mengenai perbaikan lingkungan pesisir dan laut di daerah ini, selain sumber informasi di atas, dari sumber manakah yang yang paling dipercaya oleh Bapak/Ibu/Saudara (satu jawaban saja)


[5] Apakah Bapak/Ibu/Saudara mendengarkan radio ?



(A) Stasiun radio apa yang paling sering Anda dengarkan? (JAWABAN BISA LEBIH


[ ] RRI Makassar [ ] RRI Jakarta [ ] RRI Samarinda [ ] Sangkakala FM [ ] RRI

Balikpapan [ ] RRI Palu [ ] RRI Donggala [ ]Tidak ada[ ] Lainnya _________

(B) Kapan Anda biasa mendengarkan radio? (JAWABAN BOLEH LEBIH DARI SATU)

[ ] 06.00 - 10.00 [ ] 10.00 - 14.00 [ ] 14.00 - 18.00 [ ] 18.00 - 22.00 [ ] Tidak ada waktu khusus [ ] Sepanjang hari [ ] Biasanya akhir minggu[ ] Di akhir minggu

[ ] Sepanjang hari selama seminggu [ ] Tidak pernah [ ] Lainnya_________

(C) Acara radio apa yang biasa didengarkan ? (JAWABAN BISA LEBIH DARI SATU)

[ ] Hiburan/ kesenian daerah [ ] Berita daerah [ ] Diskusi/Talk show [ ] Acara keagamaan [ ] Hiburan/musik pop [ ] Hiburan/musik dangdut [ ] Tidak ada [ ]

Lainnya ________________

[6] Apakah Bapak/Ibu/Saudara membaca surat kabar (koran) ?



(A) Seberapa sering Bapak/Ibu/Saudara membaca surat kabar (koran) ?

[ ] Setiap hari [ ] Beberapa hari dalam seminggu [ ] Beberapa kali dalam sebulan

(B) Koran apa yang sering anda baca? (BOLEH LEBIH DARI SATU)

[ ] Kaltim Post [ ] Tribun Kaltim [ ] Kompas [ ] Radar Tarakan [ ] Media

Indonesia [ ] Media lokal [ ] Tidak ada [ ] Lainnya_______

[7] Kegiatan masyarakat atau organisasi apa yang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara ikuti ? (BOLEH



[ ] Arisan [ ] Kelompok nelayan/koperasi

Organisasi pemuda

[ ] Pengajian [ ] Olah raga [ ]

[ ] Kegiatan kesenian (tradisional atau pop) [ ] Partai politik (sebutkan____________) [ ] Lainnya___________________

[8] Apa yang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara lakukan diwaktu luang atau tidak sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rutin ? (BOLEH LEBIH DARI SATU)

[ ] Tidur [ ] Menonton TV [ ] Mendengarkan radio [ ] Membaca koran/majalah [ ] Olahraga [ ] Menonton VCD [ ] Mengobrol dengan teman tetangga [ ] Lainnya_____________________

[9] Selama 6 (enam) bulan terakhir kegiatan-kegiatan apa saja yang telah Anda lakukan di dalam kawasan laut Berau? (JANGAN MEMBACAKAN PILIHAN


[ ] Melakukan wisata [ ] Menangkap ikan untuk makan sehari-hari [ ] Menangkap ikan untuk dijual [ ] Menangkap ikan untuk rekreasi [ ] Untuk melihat kehidupan liar [ ] Melakukan penambangan (contoh batu karang dan pasir) [ ] Mengumpulkan kayu bakau/nibung (contoh untuk membangun rumah, membuat perahu, membuat kerajinan) [ ] Tidak tahu [ ] Tidak melakukan apapun [ ] Lainnya _____________

[10] Apakah Laut Berau memberikan manfaat untuk Anda? Jika ya, dengan cara apa?



[ ] Tidak, tidak ada manfaat [ ] Sumber daya laut untuk kebutuhan makanan [ ]

Sumber daya laut untuk kebutuhan uang [ ] Tempat tinggal [ ] Mendapat banyak bantuan/dukungan dari pemerintah dan non-pemerintah [ ] Mendapatkan uang dari kegiatan pariwisata [ ] Terkenal [ ] Lainnya ________________

[11] Apakah Anda merasa beberapa teknik penangkapan merusak sumber daya laut

Berau ?


[ ] Tidak [ ] Tidak pasti (LANGSUNG KE NOMOR 12)

(A) Menurut Anda, kenapa manusia merusak sumber daya alam Laut Berau?


[ ] Tradisi [ ] Sumber penghidupan [ ] Motif ekonomi [ ] Mendapatkan lahan untuk rumah [ ] Penegakan hukum yang rendah [ ] Tidak ada mata pencaharian alternatif [ ] Tidak tahu [ ] Kurangnya pemahaman konservasi [ ] Rendahnya kualitas SD Manusia [ ] Lainnya_________

(B) Biasanya, bagaimana orang-orang merusak sumber daya laut Berau?


[ ] Mencungkil karang [ ] Menggunakan sianida [ ] Menggunakan bom [ ]

Menggunakan pukat harimau [ ] Menggunakan racun tradisional [ ] Pembukaan tambak tidak terkendali [ ] Lainnya ________________

(12) Apakah Anda tahu bahwa laut Berau telah dikonservasi? (HANYA SATU


[ ] Tahu [ ] Tidak tahu

[13] Apakah anda melakukan penangkapan ikan yang ramah lingkuingan?

[ ]Ya [ ]Tidak [ ]Tidak tahu


[14] Jika ya bagaimana ?-----------------

[15] Selama 6 (enam) bulan terakhir apakah Anda pernah mendengar kegiatan pelestarian lingkungan laut Berau melalui kegiatan-kegiatan berikut ini?


[ ] Radio [ ] TV [ ] Koran [ ] Kunjungan ke masyarakat [ ] Kunjungan ke sekolahsekolah [ ] Poster [ ] Papan Billboard [ ] Lagu-lagu [ ]Komik [ ]Lembar dakwah [

] Teman/Keluarga [ ] Diskusi masyarakat [ ] Kegiatan-kegiatan sukarela [ ]

Panggung boneka [ ]Lembar informasi [ ] Buku saku peraturan[ ]Tidak mendengar apapun [ ] Pembicaraan dengan teman/keluarga [ ] Lainnya ________________

[16] Selama 6 (enam) bulan terakhir, apakah Anda pernah terlibat dalam kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan pelestarian lingkungan laut? Jika ya, apa saja? (BISA


[ ] Menanam bakau [ ] Terlibat dalam kegiatan bersih pantai [ ] Melaporkan kegiatan pelanggaran aturan lingkungan [ ] Berbicara kepada keluarga tentang isu konservasi [ ] Bergabung dengan kelompok konservasi [ ] Mengumpulkan dan menyortir sampah [ ] Semua pilihan di atas [ ] Tidak satupun di atas [ ] Tidak tahu

[ ] Tidak perduli [ ] Lainnya ________________

Saya akan membacakan beberapa pernyataan. Untuk setiap yang saya bacakan, tolong katakan apakah Bapak/Ibu/Saudara “setuju”, “tidak setuju”, atau “tidak tahu/tidak yakin

(TT/TY)” dengan pernyataan tersebut


Setuju Tidak TT/TY


[17] Terumbu (batu) karang di sekitar kampung saya berada [ ] [ ] [ ]

dalam kondisi yang baik dan tidak perlu perlindungan


[18] Terumbu (batu) karang penting untuk melindungi pantai [ ] [ ] [ ]

dan kampung di wilayah pesisir dari gelombang badai

[19] Untuk jangka panjang, hasil penangkapan ikan akan lebih [ ] [ ] [ ]

baik jika seluruh batu karang dihancurkan

[20] Bakau ( perepat, perangat, nipah ) di sekitar kampung saya [ ] [ ] [ ]

berada dalam kondisi bagus dan tidak perlu perlindungan


[21] Kerusakan lingkungan pesisir kita saat ini akan membuat [ ] [ ] [ ]

hidup kita lebih sulit dimasa yang akan datang

Saya akan membacakan beberapa pernyataan. Untuk setiap yang saya bacakan, tolong katakan apakah Bapa k/Ibu/Saudara “mudah”, “sulit”, atau “tidak tahu/tidak yakin

(TT/TY)” dengan pernyataan tersebut


Mudah Sulit TT/TY


[22] Masyarakat kampung saya akan melindungi lingkungan [ ] [ ] [ ]

pesisir dan laut dari perusakan akibat bom dan racun

[23] Saya selaku perorangan bisa melakukan banyak hal untuk [ ] [ ] [ ]

melindungi lingkungan laut termasuk sumberdaya

dipesisir sekitar kampung tempat saya tinggal

[24] Dengan bekerja secara bersama, masyarakat di kampung [ ] [ ] [ ]

saya bisa melakukan banyak hal untuk melindungi

lingkungan laut termasuk sumberdaya di wilayah pesisir

[25] Menurut Anda karakter (hewan laut) apa yang paling cocok mewakili laut Berau?


[ ] Penyu hijau [ ] Pari Manta [ ] Penyu sisik [ ] Paus [ ] Lumba-lumba [ ] Kerang

[ ] Ikan Napoleon [ ] Kerapu tikus [ ] Ubur-ubur Kakaban [ ] Lobster [ ] Lainnya___

[26] Menurut Anda, kenapa karakter tersebut bisa mewakili daerah Anda? (BISA


[ ] Cantik [ ] Terkenal [ ] Unik [ ]Berhubungan dengan organisme lainnya [ ] Saya bangga akan hewan tersebut [ ] Sumber pendapatan [ ] Tidak tahu [ ] Hampir punah [ ] Lainnya _____________

[27] Mana slogan yang Anda pilih untuk menunjukkan kebanggaan Anda pada KKL


[ ] Aku Cinta Laut Berau [ ] Lestarikan Alam Berauku [ ] Terumbu Karang

Rumahku, Pasir dan Laut Duniaku [ ] Lestarikan Laut Berau, Rakyat Sejahtera [ ]

Laut Berau adalah Kehidupanku [ ] Laut Berau Masa Depanku [ ] Laut Teratur

Rakyat Makmur [ ] Tidak satupun di atas [ ] Lainnya ________________


Annex 2. Result of Focus Group Discussions




: 16 February 2006

: 14.40 – 15.40

: House of Head of Village Representatives (BPK) Giring-giring

Participants : Agil (Head of BPK) ed. background diploma



(LPM Kampung) ed. background high school

(fisherman RT 3) ed. background junior high school

Gaffar (fisherman RT 2) ed. background elementari school


M. Hasbi


Nor Laila

(fisherman) ed. background high school

(fisherman) ed. background elementari school

(worker) ed. background high school

(women group) ed. background junior high school


Rita S

: Indra Mahyudin

(women group) ed. background high school

(Join Program Marine WWF-TNC Berau)

1. How would you rate the conditions of the ocean near your community? Why?

Rita expresses that coastal area in their neighborhood is polluted and degraded especially the coral reef. She heard this from her father. Ismail supports Rita’s opinion that long ago local people can catch fish easily but now he feels that other fishermanmen with modern tool and technique also fish in the area. However Firdaus does not agree with them and claims that although the yields are decreasing they still can fish.

2. And how would you rate the conditions of the beaches and coastal areas around your community? Why?

Firdaus says that the beach line is now moving back inland; he thinks that this might be a natural phenomenon or due to the destruction of coral reef that causes abrasion (or beach erosion). Agil and Ismail add that in 80’s there were three coconut tree belts but now only two. If this continues Firdaus thinks that their houses will devastate, he also thinks that planting mangrove may stop the beach for further going inland. Hasbi also adds that mangroves can break waves that come to the shore, Nor Laila also includes that long ago waves were broken and could not reach the shore.

Sofyannur and Agil claim that some people use mangrove for making frame of their boats although the number is considered low. Ismail further adds that the decline of costal line has been the impact of blast fishing that destroys coral reef. Agil argues that coral reef is destroyed because people collect them for solid materials to build houses.

However Firdaus and Gaffar claims that people no longer mine corals and sand in their community. Sand mining was rampant in 70’s through 80’s.

Regarding household wastes, Agil argues that 60-70% people in this community put household wastes in holes (garbage dump) in their backyards (next to their house exactly). However Rita says that they normally dump plastic directly to the sea.

3. Do you think that the conditions of the natural environment around your community are better, same or worse than 10 years ago? Why?

Agil and Firdaus assert that the decline of the shore line is an obvious fact that their environment has changed although Firdaus still thinks that this could be a natural phenomenon.


4. Have you noticed a change over the past 10 years in the amount of fish that people catch? How ask the amount changed over the past 10 years? Why do you think it has changed this way?

In 1996, Agil claims that he could fish not far from the shore and he could get fish easily but now after one hour fishing he can only get 25-30. Firman adds that in 1994 within half an hour he could get half basket of fish but now half day fishing will not get that much. All participants agree that the decrease is now more than eighty percent from what they used to yield in ten year time. Kahar further also adds that he used to fish groupers near the coral reef in this village but now he has to go to Balikukup to get groupers. Rita also says that her father used to fish five groupers near from here but now it is very difficult. Gaffar also claims that in 1996 he could get about thirty groupers in half a day but now it is very hard to get even one.

5. Do you think destructive fishing practises are direct threat to the biodiversity in

Berau coastal marine area (habitat loss and fragmentation, overexploitation of marine living resources)?

Firdaus thinks that blast fishing or using poison will threat their marine resources, if these practices continue they will lose their source living. Agil adds that destructive fishing practices will destroy coral reef which is home to many fish here and if the fish do not have place to live then he and all fishermanmen here must find other place to fish just like outside fishermanmen that fish in their area now.

6. Do you believe it is a good idea to demarcate some coastal areas where the surroundings and the marine life can be protected and preserved? Why do you think it isn’t a good idea? Why do you think it is a good idea?

Firdaus feels that demarcating coastal areas will be a good idea because this means that fishermanmen will catch fish in fishing-allowed areas and leave the other areas for protection. Agil also agrees that demarcating coastal areas will stop the depletion of marine biota or fish population. However he has concern that if demarcation is done strictly for example fishermen cannot fish in no-fishing area, this will bring disadvantage to them. Rita argues that if they obey not to fish in certain areas, how to make sure that outside fishermen will follow the regulation.

7. In your opinion is it prohibited to fish any kind of fish or only certain types of fishes in these marine protected areas?

Rita adds that there should not be any restriction for fishing unless the fishermen do not use bomb or poison. Sofyanur also agrees that restriction should be applied to some species such as sea turtles. Agil however says that it should not be restriction but limitation not to fish in certain areas. Hasbi goes with Sofyanur while Kahar thinks that restriction should be given to outside fishermen because these fishermen use modern and destructive fishing gears. Ismail says that restriction should be applied to small fish or female fish that will hatch. Regarding sea turtle, Nor Laila has an opinion that they still can use the eggs some for consumption and some should be left hatching. Hasbi however says that sea turtles should be protected because they cannot be seen easily now whereas people can easily see them nesting before.

8. Think about the future, do you think that such protected areas would beneficial, detrimental or would not make a difference to your family and your community

Agil thinks protected area will benefit the people because in principle this will leave some areas intact so that fish can reproduce so after years their population will increase. He


continues that protected area will supply fish to the neighboring area so that fishermen can fish easily because fish are abundant. Protection of sea turtles in Sangalaki Island for example has helped increase the population of the turtles. Also old men here say that previously fish swam close to the shore because there were not so many fishing boats, but now fish swim away because they are afraid of the boats.

Sofyannur and Kahar however do not think that far. Fidaus thinks that is fish or marine life here is protected and improved maybe there will be many visitors coming to their area and they can benefit from tourism.




: 15 February 2006

: 19.45 – 21.50

: House of Head of Village Teluk Semanting

Participants : Sagir (Religious leader) ed. background elementary school

Murjani (Head of Community) ed. background elementary school

Mukrim (Youth leader) ed. background junior high school



(women group) ed. background junior high school

(Village Council) ed. background elementary school

M. Hasbi

Ahmad S

(fisherman) ed. background elementari school

(community member) ed. background high school

Lukmanul Hakim (teacher) ed. background high school

Andi Asmuni (Village council) ed. background high school



: Darwis

(Regional Office for Marine and Fisheries)

1. How would you rate the conditions of the ocean near your community? Why?

Durjat expresses that coastal area here is degraded especially due to the use of destructive fishing practices such as blast fishing, poison and trawl. Only outside fishermen do destructive fishing practices while local fishermen do not. While Murjani sees that fishermen from outside (Kasai and Tanjung Batu) also fishing area for local people here is reducing in size.

2. And how would you rate the conditions of the beaches and coastal areas around your community? Why?

Durjat says that they do not have coral reef but mangrove areas and although some areas have been converted into fish pond by outside fishermen but in general mangrove forests here are still in good condition. Ahmad asserts that their sea is still fine however administrative boundary has caused their area is getting smaller. However fish yield is decreasing before fishermen could get hundreds kilos per day now for ten kilos a day is very difficult.

Ahmad believes that the increase of fishermen —mainly from outside—who also fish in this area has caused the decrease of fish yield. Durjat adds that fisherman from neighboring village use poison, trawl or bomb that has caused the decrease of fish yield.

3. Do you think that the conditions of the natural environment around your community are better, same or worse than 10 years ago? Why?


4. Have you noticed a change over the past 10 years in the amount of fish that people catch? How ask the amount changed over the past 10 years? Why do you think it has changed this way?

5. Do you think destructive fishing practises are direct threat to the biodiversity in

Berau coastal marine area (habitat loss and fragmentation, overexploitation of marine living resources)?

6. Do you believe it is a good idea to demarcate some coastal areas where the surroundings and the marine life can be protected and preserved? Why do you think it isn’t a good idea? Why do you think it is a good idea?

Durjat argues that zoning/demarcating coastal areas is good to conserve marine resources however without public support it will be difficult to implement.

7. In your opinion is it prohibited to fish any kind of fish or only certain types of fishes in these marine protected areas?

( participants seem having difficulty to explain using their words what zoning/demarcating here means )

8. Think about the future, do you think that such protected areas would beneficial, detrimental or would not make a difference to your family and your community

Durjat says that it could bring benefit to the community however it has to get public support. If it brings improvement to our life, we will support. Ahmad thinks that their mangrove area should be conserved so that fish can live in there.




: 17 February 2006

: 14.40 – 15.40

: House of Head of Village Pantai Harapan

Participants : Abdullah (Head of Village) ed. background diploma

Asnawi (Local NGO)

Hairil Anwar (Village council) ed. background high school







: Indra Mahyudin

(Head of community task force)

(Teacher) ed. background high school

(Secretary for community)

(Community member) ed. background high school

(Local NGO)

1. How would you rate the conditions of the ocean near your community? Why?

Abdullah, Asnawi and Asril see that coral reef in their seas has been damaged because of destructive fishing practices. Asril adds that sub-district government office

( Kecamatan ) cannot do anything since they do not have enough resources to do patrolling. Although during the day community member can help with patrolling but at night nobody can really guard their seas. Abdullah claims that fishermen have lost their fish yields from 50-60 kg many years ago to merely 5 kg currently. Outside fishermen have destroyed coral reef in this area while local fishermen still use simple fishing gears.


2. And how would you rate the conditions of the beaches and coastal areas around your community? Why?

Abdullah, Busri and Asnawi say that shore line has moved inland and that houses that they built are now close to shore line. Hairil Anwar sees connection between coral reef destruction and the move of shore line and only him that explains the impact of mangrove destruction to sea that goes inland. Some local fishermen about 20% collect wood from mangrove to build their boats.

3. Do you think that the conditions of the natural environment around your community are better, same or worse than 10 years ago? Why?

Abdullah and Busri say that compare to 10 years ago coral reef in their area is now damaged and that many mangrove areas have been disappeared.

4. Have you noticed a change over the past 10 years in the amount of fish that people catch? How ask the amount changed over the past 10 years? Why do you think it has changed this way?

Abdullah and Busri also claim that their fish yield has far decreased from about 50 kg per catch to only 5 kg per catch.

Kabir however expresses that NGO should do something to help the fishermen not only to collect information or get people making a complaint.

5. Do you think destructive fishing practises are direct threat to the biodiversity in

Berau coastal marine area (habitat loss and fragmentation, overexploitation of marine living resources)?

Kabir and Abdullah think that not only will destructive fishing practices threat to biodiversity in Berau but also will bring catastrophe to the community. Abdullah further adds that destructive fishing practices will eventually hurt their living.

6. Do you believe it is a good idea to demarcate some coastal areas where the surroundings and the marine life can be protected and preserved? Why do you think it isn’t a good idea? Why do you think it is a good idea?

Generally all participants do not understand what zoning/demarcation means however

Kabir says that if all parties commit to the idea maybe it is one way to improve life in this area.

7. In your opinion is it prohibited to fish any kind of fish or only certain types of fishes in these marine protected areas?

Abdullah, Busri and Kabir say that if the protection is aimed to help local people too that it is fine but then all people must obey or follow the regulation.

8. Think about the future, do you think that such protected areas would beneficial, detrimental or would not make a difference to your family and your community

Busri hopes that such zoning system will benefit local people however Kabir says that the important thing is coordination among stakeholders and that monitoring should really be done.




: 14 February 2006

: 20.15 – 22.20

Place : Office of Regional Agency of Fishery in Tanjung Batu Village

Participants : H Darwis (Head of Community Council) ed. background high school

Syarifuddin (Religiuous Leader)

David Pamudji (Secretary for the Camat ) ed. background university

Junta (Community leader) ed. background elementary school



M Taher (Head of Village) ed. background high school


Yunda Z

: Darwis

(Fishermen) ed. background elementary school

Tentram Rahayu

1. How would you rate the conditions of the ocean near your community? Why?

Darwis and Taher say that there is a little problem with destructive fishing practices because people here use raft lifting nets ( bagan ) system and have left their destructive practices.

2. And how would you rate the conditions of the beaches and coastal areas around your community? Why?

Darwis says that there is destruction in the sea but not so much or is tolerable however he accepts that fish yields have far decreased.

3. Do you think that the conditions of the natural environment around your community are better, same or worse than 10 years ago? Why?

Darwis claims that long ago they could go fishing for only 30 meters from the beach and could get so many fish but now they must go far away to fish. Tentram Rahayu is in agreement to Darwis. Junta adds that they now have to buy gasoline whereas before they did not use engine for their boat.

4. Have you noticed a change over the past 10 years in the amount of fish that people catch? How ask the amount changed over the past 10 years? Why do you think it has changed this way?

Darwis thinks it is because fishermen cannot find a place where there is still abundant fish or because of the weather or the fishermen do not know when is the best seasons or time to fish.

Syariffuding however does not agree that blast fishing has vanished, it is only decreasing. David Pamudji also adds that blast fishing is only reducing. Antasari also agrees that blast fishing has drastically decreased however many fishermen who use bagan system now will lead to fish overexploitation and in the end they will go back to using destructive fishing practices to get more fish.

5. Do you think destructive fishing practises are direct threat to the biodiversity in

Berau coastal marine area (habitat loss and fragmentation, overexploitation of marine living resources)?


Darwis and Syariffudin agree that destructive fishing practices will threat their life. Darwis adds that in Batuputih and Balikukup fishermen use blast fishing in shallow waters.

6. Do you believe it is a good idea to demarcate some coastal areas where the surroundings and the marine life can be protected and preserved? Why do you think it isn’t a good idea? Why do you think it is a good idea?

Darwis and Junta think that it is a good idea to demarcate some areas in their seas however it should be area where no coral reef is in there because if the area with coral reef is demarcated how fishermen can fish.

7. In your opinion is it prohibited to fish any kind of fish or only certain types of fishes in these marine protected areas?

David Pamudji says that it is good not only to protect the fish but also to limit destructive fishing practices.

8. Think about the future, do you think that such protected areas would beneficial, detrimental or would not make a difference to your family and your community

Darwis thinks that such demarcation will benefit local people because fish can grow and its population can expand and finally fishermen can catch them.




: 15 February 2006

: 14.00 – 15.00

: House of Head of Village Balikukup

Participants : Riduansyah (Head of Village) ed. background elementary school



(Women group) ed. background elementary school

(Women group) ed. background elementary school



(Secretary of village) ed. background junior high school

H. Holiang (Trader) ed. background elementary school

Rudi Hartono (Teacher) ed. Background high school

(Fishermen) ed. background elementary school





(Fishermen) ed. background elementary school

(Trader) ed. background junior high school

(Fishermen) ed. background elementary school

Zaidi Regional Office for Marine and Fisheries

Diana Patodingan (Local NGOl)

Rustam (Local NGO))

: Indra Mahyudin (Join Program Marine WWF-TNC Berau)

1. How would you rate the conditions of the ocean near your community? Why?

Darjani says that marine condition is degraded. Acong adds fishermen catch the fish in the past could get more than now. Riduansyah said livelihood depend on natural resource and the fishermen should be more effort to get more fish.

Kirman, H. Holiang and Acong said they don’t know rate the conditions of the ocean near their communit, because only divers know about this. While Riduansyah said rate the conditions of the ocean near their community averagely.


2. And how would you rate the conditions of the beaches and coastal areas around your community? Why?

H.Holiang says that the beach line is now moving back inland and sand moved depend on weather wind.

3. Do you think that the conditions of the natural environment around your community are better, same or worse than 10 years ago? Why?

All participants answer with short sentence such the conditions just the same or more or less.

4. Have you noticed a change over the past 10 years in the amount of fish that people catch? How ask the amount changed over the past 10 years? Why do you think it has changed this way?

Darjani and H.Holiang agree that the decrease from what they used to yield in ten year time. Haerati and H.Holiang claim caused by the have increasing of residents and outsider fisher get the fish. Riduansyah think that decrease only depend on natural resources and their livelihood.

5. Do you think destructive fishing practises are direct threat to the biodiversity in

Berau coastal marine area (habitat loss and fragmentation, overexploitation of marine living resources)?

Riduansyah said if we let destructive fishing activities continue these also dangerous for us. And the destroyer must be arrest if they still doing this activities. Acong and

Riduansyah add blasting and poisoning is threat for the people and can be make everything destroy. H.Holiang think fishermen who doing the destructive fishing activities because their habit and follow from their parents and families.

6. Do you believe it is a good idea to demarcate some coastal areas where the surroundings and the marine life can be protected and preserved? Why do you think it isn’t a good idea? Why do you think it is a good idea?

Acong and Riduansyah think that it is a good idea to demarcate some areas in their seas however it help the fishermen and protect from outsider fishermen. Generally all participants do not understand what the regulation about the.

7. In your opinion is it prohibited to fish any kind of fish or only certain types of fishes in these marine protected areas?

Acong, Riduansyah and Rudi H says maybe is not prohibited but only regulate fishing activities and stop destructive fishing technique. Husra remind marine protected areas should give the area for fishermen cath the fish.

8. Think about the future, do you think that such protected areas would beneficial, detrimental or would not make a difference to your family and your community?

Haerati thinks the protected area will benefit the people because in principle this will leave some areas intact so that fish can reproduce so after years their population will increase. Riduansyah continues any government policy have a impression that the government policies it is benefit for them especially develop alternative livelihood

