BRENTWOOD UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT BRENTWOOD, NY PLEASE POST Coaching Positions POSITION: VARSITY ASSISTANT SOFTBALL COACH SEASON: SPRING QUALIFICATIONS: Applicant must be certified in First Aid, CPR/AED. experience in said sport is necessary. SALARY: Knowledge of sport and As per BTA Contract If you are interested in applying, please send your letter of application to the Human Resources Office no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 7, 2016. If you need any additional information, please call Mr. Kevin O’Reilly at extension 2512. The Brentwood School District adheres to Federal Laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex, race, creed, age, color, handicap, national origin, sexual preferences and marital status in employment practices. JA/pom 12/15/15