v7n3f - Computing and Information Systems Journal

Computing and Information Systems, 7 (2000), p. 91-97
© University of Paisley 2000
Decision Trees as a Data Mining Tool
Bruno Crémilleux
step of data preparation, but also during the whole
process. In fact, using decision trees can be embedded
in the KDD process within the main steps (selection,
preprocessing, data mining, interpretation /
evaluation). The aim of the paper is to show the role
of the user and to connect the use of decision trees
within the data mining framework.
The production of decision trees is usually regarded
as an automatic method to discover knowledge from
data: trees directly stemmed from the data without
other intervention. However, we cannot expect
acceptable results if we naively apply machine
learning to arbitrary data. By reviewing the whole
process and some other works which implicitly have to
be done to generate a decision tree, this papers shows
that this method has to be placed in the knowledge
discovery in databases processing and, in fact, the
user has to intervene both during the core of the
method (building and pruning) and other associated
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines
the core of decision trees method (i.e. building and
pruning). Literature usually presents these points from
a technical side without describing the part regarding
the user: we will see that he has a role to play. Section
3 deals with associated tasks which are, in fact,
absolutely necessary. These tasks, where clearly the
user has to intervene, are often not emphasized when
we speak of decision trees. We will see that they have
a great relevance and they act upon the final result.
Data mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases
(KDD) are fields of increasing interest combining
databases, artificial intelligence, machine learning and
statistics. Briefly, the purpose of KDD is to extract
from large amounts of data, non trivial ”nuggets” of
information in an easily understandable form. Such
discovered knowledge may be for instance regularities
or exceptions.
2.1 Building decision trees: choice of an attribute
selection criterion
In induction of decision trees various attribute
selection criteria are used to estimate the quality of
attributes in order to select the best one to split on. But
we know at a theoretical level that criteria derived
from an impurity measure have suitable properties to
generate decision trees and perform comparably (see
[10], [1] and [6]). We call such criteria C.M. criteria
(concave-maximum criteria) because an impurity
measure, among other characteristics, is defined by a
concave function. The most commonly used criteria
which are the Shannon entropy (in the family of ID3
algorithms) and the Gini criterion (in CART
algorithms, see [1] for details), are C.M. criteria.
Decision tree is a method which comes from the
machine learning community and explores data. Such
a method is able to give a summary of the data (which
is easier to analyze than the raw data) or can be used
to build a tool (like for example a classifier) to help a
user for many different decision making tasks.
Broadly speaking, a decision tree is built from a set of
training data having attribute values and a class name.
The result of the process is represented as a tree which
nodes specify attributes and branches specify attribute
values. Leaves of the tree correspond to sets of
examples with the same class or to elements in which
no more attributes are available. Construction of
decision trees is described, among others, by Breiman
et al. (1984) [1] who present an important and wellknow monograph on classification trees. A number of
standard techniques have been developed, for
example like the basic algorithms ID3 [20] and CART
[1]. A survey of different methods of decision tree
classifiers and the various existing issues are presented
in Safavian and Landgrebe [25].
Nevertheless, it exists other paradigms to build
decision trees. For example, Fayyad and Irani [10]
claim that grouping values of attributes and building
binary trees yield better trees. For that, they propose
the ORT measure. ORT favours attributes that simply
separate the different classes without taking into
account the number of examples of nodes so that ORT
produces trees with small pure (or nearly pure) leaves
at their top more often than C.M. criteria.
To better understand the differences between C.M.
and ORT criteria, let us consider the data set given in
the appendix and the trees induced from this data
depicted in Figure 1: a tree built with a C.M. criterion
is represented at the top and the tree built with the
ORT criterion at the bottom. ORT rapidly comes out
Usually, the production of decision trees is regarded as
an automatic process: trees are straightforwardly
generated from data and the user is relegated to a
minor role. Nevertheless, we think that this method
intrinsically requires the user and not only during the
with the pure leaf Y2 = y21 while C.M. criterion splits
it and arrives later at the split leaves.
suggest some improvements and show they generally
obtain better empirical results than those found by
Quinlan. Buntine [3] presents a tree learning algorithm
stemmed from Bayesian statistics whose main
objective is to provide outstanding predicted class
probabilities on the nodes.
Y =y
Y =y
Y =y
Y =y
We can also address the question of deciding which
sub-nodes have to be built. For a splitting, the GID3*
algorithm [12] groups in a single branch the values of
an attribute which are estimated meaningless
compared to its other values. For building of binary
trees, another criterion is twoing [1]. Twoing groups
classes into two superclasses so that considered as a
two-class problem, the greatest decrease in node
impurity is realized. Some properties of twoing are
described in Breiman [2]. About binary decision trees,
let us note that in some situations, users do not always
agree to group values since it yields meaningless trees
and thus non-binary trees must not be definitively
Y =y
(0,150,0) (2350,0,150)
Y =y
(0,50,0) (150,0,2350)
C.M. tree
Y =y
Y =y
Y1 = y11
Y1 = y12
So, we have seen that there are many attribute
selection criteria and even if some of them can be
gathered in families, some choice has to be done.
According to us, we think that the choice of a
paradigm depends whether the used data sets embed
uncertainty or not, whether the phenomenon under
study admits deterministic causes, and what level of
intelligibility is required.
ORT tree
Figure 1: An example of C.M. and ORT trees.
We give here just a simple example, but some others
both in artificial and real world domains are detailed
in [6]: they show that ORT criterion produces more
often than C.M. criteria trees with small leaves at their
top. We also see in [6] that overspecified leaves with
C.M criteria tend to be small and at the bottom of the
tree (thus easy to prune) while leaves at the bottom of
ORT trees can be large. In uncertain domains (we will
see this point on the next paragraph), such leaves
produced by ORT may be irrelevant and it is difficult
to prune them without destroying the tree.
In the next paragraph, we move to the pruning stage.
2.2 Pruning decision trees: what about the
classification and the quality?
We know that in many areas, like in medicine, data
are uncertain: there are always some examples which
escape from the rules. Translated in the context of
decision trees, that means these examples seem similar
but in fact differ from their classes. In these situations,
it is well-known (see [1], [4]) that decision trees
algorithms tend to divide nodes having few examples
and that the resulting trees tend to be very large and
overspecified. Some branches, especially towards the
bottom, are present due to sample variability and
are statistically meaningless (one can also say that
they are due to noise in the sample). Such branches
must either not be built or be pruned. If we do not
want to build them, we have to set out rules to stop the
building of the tree. We know it is better to generate
the entire tree and then to prune it (see for example [1]
and [14]). Pruning methods (see [1], [19], [20]) try to
cut such branches in order to avoid this drawback.
Let us note that other selection criteria, such as the
ratio criterion, are related to other specific issues. The
ratio criterion proposed by Quinlan [20], deriving
from the entropy criterion, is customized to avoid
favouring attributes with many values. Actually, in
some situations, to select an attribute essentially
because it has many values might jeopardize the
semantic acceptance of the induced trees ([27] and
[18]). The J-measure [15] is the product of two terms
that are considered by Goodman and Smyth as the two
basic criteria for evaluating a rule: one term is derived
from the entropy function and the other measures the
simplicity of a rule. Quinlan and Rivest [21] were
interested in the minimum description length principle
to construct a decision tree minimizing a false
classification rate when one looks for general rules
and their case’s exceptional conditions. This principle
has been resumed by Wallace and Patrick [26] who
The principal methods for pruning decision trees are
examined in [9] and [19]. Most of these pruning
methods are based on minimizing a classification error
rate when each element of the same node is classified
in the most frequent class in this node. The latter is
estimated with a test file or using statistical methods
such as cross-validation or bootstrap.
the quality of each node is a key-point in uncertain
These pruning methods are inferred from situations
where the built tree will be used as a classifier and
they systematically discard a sub-tree which doesn’t
improve the used classification error rate. Let us
consider the sub-tree depicted in Figure 2. D is the
class and it is here bivalued. In each node the first
(resp. second) value indicates the number of examples
having the first (resp. second) value of D. This subtree doesn't lessen the error rate, which is 10% both in
its root or in its leaves; nevertheless the sub-tree is of
interest since it points out a specific population with a
constant value of D while in the remaining population
it's impossible to predict a value for D.
So, about the pruning stage, the user is confronted to
some questions:
am I interested in obtaining a quality value of
each node?
and he has to know which use of the tree is pursued:
a tree can be an efficient description oriented
by an a priori classification of its elements. Then,
pruning the tree discards overspecific information to
get a more legible description.
a tree can be built to highlight reliable subpopulations. Here only some leaves of the pruned tree
will be considered for further investigation.
is there uncertainty in the data?
the tree can be transformed into a classifier for
any new element in a large population.
The choice of a pruning strategy is tied to the answers
to these questions.
Figure 2: A tree which could be interesting although it
doesn’t decrease the number of errors.
We indicate in this paragraph when and how the users,
by means of various associated tasks, intervene in the
process of developing decision trees. Schematically, it
is about gathering the data for the design of the
training set, the encoding of the attributes, the specific
analysis of examples, the resulting tree analysis,…
In [5], we have proposed a pruning method (called
C.M. pruning because a C.M. criterion is used to build
the entire tree) suitable in uncertain domains. C.M.
pruning builds a new attribute binding the root of a
tree with its leaves, the attribute’s values
corresponding to the branches leading to a leaf. It
permits computation of the global quality of a tree.
The best sub-tree for pruning is the one that yields the
highest quality pruned tree. This pruning method is
not tied to the use of the pruned tree as a classifier.
Generally, these tasks are not emphasized in the
literature, they are usually considered as secondary,
but we will see that they have a great relevance and
that they act upon the final result. Of course, these
tasks intersect with the building and pruning work that
we have previously described.
This work has been resumed in [13]. In uncertain
domains, a deep tree is less relevant than a small one:
the deeper a tree, the less understandable and reliable.
So, a new quality index (called DI for Depth-Impurity)
has been defined in [13]. The latter manages a tradeoff between depth and impurity of each node of a tree.
From this index, a new pruning method (denoted DI
pruning) has been inferred. With regard to C.M.
pruning, DI pruning introduces a damping function to
take into account the depth of the leaves. Moreover,
by giving the quality of each nodes (and not only of a
sub-tree), DI pruning is able to distinguish some subpopulations of interest in large populations, or, on the
contrary, highlight set of examples with high
uncertainty (in the context of the studied problem). In
this case, the user has to come back to the data to try
and improve their collection and preparation. Getting
In practice, apart from the building and pruning steps,
there is another step: the data preparation. We add a
fourth step which aims to study the classification of
new examples on an - potentially pruned - tree. The
user strongly intervenes during the first step, but also
has a supervising role during all steps and more
particularly a critics role after the second and third
steps (see Figure 3). We do not detail here the fourth
step which is marginal from the point of view of the
user's role.
3.1 Data preparation
The aim of thisstep is to supply, from the database
gathering examples in their raw form, a training set as
adapted as possible to the decision trees development.
This step is the one where the user intervenes most
directly. His tasks are numerous: deleting examples
decision trees software
data set
10-100-50 30-2
results of the
checks and
checks and
checks and intervenes
Figure 3: Process to generate decision trees and relations with the user.
considered as aberrant (outliers) and/or containing too
many missing values, deleting attributes evaluated as
irrelevant to the given task, re-encoding the attributes
values (one knows that if the attributes have very
different numbers of values, those having more values
tend to be chosen first ([27] and [18]), we have
already referred to this point with the gain ratio
criterion), re-encoding several attributes (for example,
the fusion of attributes), segmenting continuous
attributes, analyzing missing data, ...
new re-encodings and/or fusions of attributes, often
causing a more general description level.
The current decision trees construction algorithms
deal most often with missing values by means of
specific and internal treatments [7]. On the contrary,
by a preliminary analysis of the database, relying on
the search of associations between data and leading to
uncertain rules that determine missing values, Ragel
([7], [24]) offers a strategy where the user can
intervene: such a method leaves a place for the user
and his knowledge in order to delete, add or modify
some rules.
Let us get back to some of these tasks. At first [16],
the decision trees algorithms did not accept
quantitative attributes, these had to be discretized.
This initial segmentation can be done by asking
experts to set thresholds or by using a strategy relying
on an impurity function [11]. The segmentation can
also be done while building the trees as is the case
with the software C4.5 [22]. A continuous attribute
can then be segmented several times in a same tree. It
seems relevant to us that the user may actively
intervene in this process by indicating, for example, an
a priori discretization of the attributes for which it is
meaningful and by letting the system manage the
others. One shall remark that, if one knows in a
reasonable way how to split a continuous attribute to
binary, the question is more delicate for a three-valued
(or more) discretization.
As we can see, this step depends in fact a lot on the
user's work.
3.2 Building step
The aim of this step is to induce a tree from a training
set arising from the previous step. Some system
parameters are to be specified. For example, it is
useless to keep on building a tree from a node having
too few examples, this amount being relative to the
initial number of examples in the base. An important
parameter to set is thus the minimum amount of
examples necessary for the node segmentation. Facing
a particularly huge tree, the user will ask for the
construction of a new tree by setting this parameter to
a higher value, which is pruning the tree by means of a
pragmatic process. We have seen (paragraph 2.1) that
in uncertain induction, the user will most probably
choose a C.M. criterion in order to be able to prune.
But if he knows that the studied phenomenon allows
deterministic causes in situations with few examples,
The user also has generally to decide the deletion, reencoding or fusion of attributes. He has a priori ideas
allowing a first pass in this task. But we shall see that
the tree construction, by making explicit the
underlying studied phenomenon, suggests to the user
he can choose the ORT criterion to get a more concise
description of these situations.
attributes from those that it can be necessary to
The presentation of the attributes and their respective
criterion scores at each node may allow the user to
select attributes that might not have the best score but
that provide a promising way to lead to a relevant leaf.
Finally, building and pruning steps can be viewed as
part of the study of the attributes. Experts of the
domain usually appreciate to be able to restructure the
set of the initial attributes and to see at once the effect
of such a modification on the tree (in general, after a
preliminary decision tree, they define new attributes
which summarize some of the initial ones). We have
noticed [5] that when such attributes are used, the
shape of the graphic representation of the quality
index as a function of the number of pruned sub-trees
changes and tends to show three parts: in the first one,
the variation of the quality index is small, in the
second part this quality decreases regularly and in the
third part the quality becomes rapidly very low. It
shows that the information embedded in the data set is
mainly in the top of the tree while the bottom can be
The critics of the tree thus obtained is the most
important participation of the user in this step. He
checks if the tree is understandable regarding his
domain knowledge, if its general structure conforms to
his expectations. Facing a surprising result, he
wonders if this is due to a bias in the training step or if
it reflects a phenomenon, sometimes suspected, but
not yet explicitly uttered. Most often, seeing the tree
gives the user new ideas about the attributes and he
will choose to build again the tree after working again
on the training set and/or changing a parameter in the
induction system to confirm or infirm a conjecture.
3.3 Pruning step
3.4 Conclusion
Apart from the questions at the end of paragraph 2.2
about the data types and the aim searched for in
producing a tree, more questions arise to the user if he
uses a technique such as DI pruning.
Through this paragraph, we have seen that the user
interventions are numerous, that the associated tasks
realization are closely linked to him. These tasks are
fundamental since they directly affect the results: the
study of the results brings new experiments. The user
starts again many times the work done during a step
by changing the parameters or comes back to previous
steps (the arrows in Figure 3 shows all the relations
between the different steps). At each step, the user
may accept, override, or modify the generated rules,
but more often he suggests alternative features and
experiments. Finally, the rule set is redefined through
subsequent data collection, rule induction, and expert
In fact, in this situation, the user has more information
to react upon. First, he knows the quality index of the
entire tree, which allows him to evaluate the global
complexity of the problem. If this index is low, this
means that the problem is delicate or inadequately
described, that the training set is not representative, or
even that the decision trees method is not adapted to
this specific problem. If the user has several trees, the
quality index allows to compare them and eventually
to suggest new experiments.
Moreover, the quality index on each node enhances
the populations where the class is easy to determine
with regards to sets of examples where it is impossible
to predict it. Such areas can suggest new experiments
on smaller populations or even can question on the
existence of additional attributes (which will have to
be collected) to help determine the class for examples
where it is not yet possible.
We think it is necessary for the user to take part in the
system so that a real development cycle takes place.
The latter seems fundamental to us in order to obtain
useful and satisfying trees. The user does not usually
know beforehand which tree is relevant to his problem
and this is because he finds it gratifying to take part in
this search that he takes interest in the induction work.
Let us note that most authors try and define software
architecture explicitly integrating the user. In the area
of induction graph (which is a generalization of
decision trees), the SIPINA software offers to the user
to fix the choice of an attribute, to gather temporarily
some values of an attribute, to stop the construction
from some nodes, and so on. Dabija & al. [8] offer an
learning system architecture (called KAISER, for
Knowledge Acquisition Inductive System driven by
Explanatory Reasoning) for an interactive knowledge
acquisition system based on decision trees and driven
by explanatory reasoning. Moreover, the experts can
incrementally add knowledge corresponding to the
From experiments [13], we noticed that the degree of
pruning is quite bound to the uncertainty embedded in
the data. In practice, that means that the damping
process has to be adjusted according to the data in
order to obtain, in all situations, a relevant number of
pruned trees. For that, we introduce a parameter to
control the damping process. By varying this
parameter, one follows the quality index evolution
during the pruning (for example the user distinguishes
the parts of the tree that are due to random from those
reliable). Such a work enhances the most relevant
domain theory. KAISER confronts built trees with the
domain theory, so that some incoherences may be
detected (for instance, the value of the attribute "eye"
for a cat has to be "oval"). Keravhut & Potvin [17]
have designed an assistant to collaborate with the user.
This assistant, which is in the form of a graphic
interface, helps the user test the methods and their
parameters in order to get the most relevant
combination for the problem at hands.
Producing decision trees is often presented as
"automatic" with a marginal participation from the
user: we have stressed on the fact that the user has a
fundamental critics and supervisor role and that he
intervenes in a major way. This leads to a real
development cycle between the user and the system.
This cycle is only possible because the construction of
a tree is nearly instantaneous.
The participation of the user for the data preparation,
the choice of the parameters, the critics of the results
is in fact at the heart of the more general process of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases. As usual in KDD,
we claim that the understanding and the declarativity
of the mechanism of the methods is a key point to
achieve in practice a fruitful process of information
extraction. Finally, we think that, in order to really
reach a data exploration reasoning, associating the
user in a profitable way, it is important to give him a
framework gathering all the tasks intervening in the
process, so that he may freely explore the data, react,
innovate with new experiments.
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Data file used to build trees for Figure 1 (D denotes
the class and Y1 and Y2 are the attributes).
B. Crémilleux is Maître des Conférences at the
Université do Caen, France.