Project type: Structure measures (SM), multi

Tempus IV– third call - 2010
Project type: Structure measures (SM), multi-country project
Name of the project: Implementation of the quality management system in
higher education institutions in Central Asia
Area of the project: Governance reform (GR)
Project code: 932 (quality assurance mechanisms)
Aim of the project: Improvement of the quality of higher education institutions
by means of development and implementation of the quality management
Aim and tasks of the project are in line and address one of the Regional priorities
for SM for Central Asian countries: quality assurance, and National priorities of
both Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan: quality assurance
Partner countries:
1. Kyrgyzstan
2. Kazakhstan
EU partners:
1. ………………………….
2. ………………………….
3. …………………………..
Partners-Universities in Kyrgyzstan:
1. Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (KSMA)
2. International University of Kyrgyzstan (IUK)
3. Osh State University (OshSU) or /and Issyk-Kul University
4. Kyrgyz Technical University
Partners-Universities in Kazakhstan:
1. Kazakh National medical university named after S.D. Asfendiyarov
2. Kazakh State Medical Academy
Associate partners: Ministry of Health of Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Education of
Kyrgyz Republic
Tempus IV– third call - 2010
Implementation of the quality management system in higher education
institutions of Central Asia is an urgent problem, solution of which is possible with
support of external experts, experienced specialists and partners who have
positive experience in this area. Also it requires training of administration and
teaching staff on basics and principles of quality assurance system and process.
Brief description of the project:
Present project assumes phased implementation of the quality management
system in involved higher education institutions of partner countries by means of
establishment of the quality management department (agency) within the
structure of the institution, identification of its tasks, functions, its role in
governance of the institution; development of the Program of implementation
quality management system; development of the appropriate regulations,
guidelines, documents related to quality management system.
Implementation of the quality management system assumes identification of
the mission of higher education institutions, quality doctrines of the institutions.
Key components of the implementation process of the quality management
system include training of administration of institutions and people assigned
responsible for quality management system; experience exchange through visits
to EU institutions as well as partner country institutions, through participation of
interested parties in international and local thematic seminars on quality
High motivation of the university administration and their interest in improvement
of the quality of educational process, establishment of the special
department/agency on quality management system that will be maintaining
quality management system in working condition and improving its methods
and mechanisms will provide sustainability of the project results and their further
Expected results:
1. Following are developed, approved and realized:
Policy and Aim in area of quality of the educational activity;
Activities and documents required for implementation of the
international standards ISO 9001:2000;
Process models realized in universities and process model of the
quality management system;
Documents and algorithm of quality system monitoring
2. At the universities with implemented Quality Management Departments
quality assurance system is reviewed, recommendations on improvement
are given; at the University with newly introduced Quality Management
Departments implementation process is supported, monitored. University
Tempus IV– third call - 2010
administration has created mechanisms of quality management in all
departments; responsible people in each department are assigned:
administration representative on Quality, Director and Deputy Director of
the quality management department/agency, responsible people for
quality in each of the faculties and departments.
3. Administration representatives on quality and people responsible for the
quality management higher education institutions in EU-member states and
partner countries.
4. Series of trainings and educational seminars are conducted for
administration, dean’s offices, centralized departments, Heads of faculties
and chairs, people responsible for quality assurance from each faculty and
chair, and other structural divisions.
5. Seminars/conferences are conducted for pro-rectors (Vice-President) of
higher education institutions of partner countries, devoted to analysis and
use of the experience on development, implementation and international
certification of the quality management system.
6. University is certified according to the international standards by the
independent certification agency.
Project Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan:
Brimkulov Nurlan, professor, Head of the Department of Management of
Education Quality, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy.
mobile + 996 559 957777
office + 996 312 658806
fax +996 312 664274