RUL/SC&I LIS INTERNSHIP/RESIDENCY EVALUATION FORM Intern's Name _________________________________ % Time ____________________ Participating Unit ____________________________________________ Recommendation for renewal of appointment YES _______ Statement of Principal Assignment(s) and Candidate's CV attached. 1. Internship Site/Liaison 2. Internship Site/Liaison 3. Internship Site/Liaison 4. Internship Site/Liaison NO ______ -------------------------------------------------------------------I. Committee: (circle the appropriate terms) Committee Number voting YES _________ Number voting NO __________ Number Abstaining __________ recommends Renewal does not recommend Number in attendance _______ Present at the meeting were the following faculty members: ____________________ Date of Meeting _______________________________________________ Committee Chair --------------------------------------------------------------------II. Unit Director's comment: (circle the appropriate terms) Unit Director recommends Renewal does not recommend _______________________________________________________ Signature of Unit Director Date -------------------------------------------------------------------III. Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian's Comment: (circle the appropriate terms) Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian recommends Renewal does not recommend _____________________________________________________________________ Signature of Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian Date