HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) (Phone:0484-2545121-23, Fax:0484-2545464, E-Mail: hiludl@md3.vsnl.net.in) UDYOGAMANDAL-683 501, VIA COCHIN, KERALA INDIA No.M-15/3(2014-15) Date: 14-03-2014 TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tenders are invited for TRANSPORTATION OF FINISHED GOODS from our works at Udyogamandal to different destinations in India for a period of ONE year as specified in the schedule attached to on or before 14.00 HRS. ON 03.04.2014. The tender will be opened at 14.30 hrs on 03-04-2014 Ref: Advertisement in “MALAYALA MANORAMA & THE HINDU” dated 14.03.2014 -------------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (TECHNICAL BID) TECHNICAL BID 1. The Tender should be submitted in the prescribed schedule and enclosed in the cover attached, superscribing “TENDER FOR TRANSPORTATION OF FINISHED GOODS. Tender has to be submitted as Technical Bid & Price Bid. 2 Technical bid will be opened first and the price bid will be opened for those party’s who meets the terms and conditions of technical bid . Both technical bid and price bid are to be attached together in separate envelopes superseribing technical bid and price bid. 3 The cost of tender document is Rs 563/-(Rupees Five Hundred and Sixty Three Only) by Bank Draft in our favour payable at any bank at Udyogamandal /Kalamassery. 4. Every Tender should be accompanied by an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.50, 000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) by Bank Draft in our favour payable at any bank at Udyogamandal/Kalamassery. Copy of the IBA certificate also should be enclosed. EMD earlier submitted with any other tender will not be considered. 5. The EMD of the successful tenderer will be treated as Security Deposit and refunded only after the expiry of contract, subject to satisfactory completion of the work by the successful tenderer. The Security Deposit will not bear interest. 6. The successful transporter has to remit the differential amount, if 5 % of the total work order value is more than Rs 50,000/-. (EMD Amount), to make the security deposit 5% of the total work order value. 7. The EMD will not bear any interest and it will be returned to all the tenderness, except the successful, immediately after the validity period of the tender or as soon as the tender is finalized in all respects, whichever is earlier. 8. The decision of the Company to accept/postpone/cancel the tender is final. The tender will be opened in the place and time as mentioned in the presence of the tenderers that are present. 9 Main destinations are included in the schedule. Preference will be given to those who have their branch offices at these places as well as at Ernakulam. The work involves transportation of various kinds of pesticides in different types of packing or any other materials prescribed by HIL to destinations and delivering the materials, as per our instructions, in good sound conditions against proper receipts. 10. Service Tax Registration details of the Transporter and Address proof has to be attatched along with the technical bid. 11. The technically qualified transporters will be considered as our registered transporters. 12. The contractor should be in a position to command sufficient number of trucks at short notice and arrange for transport of the materials expeditiously as and when required. He should make available through Lorries (without transshipment) to the Company for transportation of material to the destinations. 13. The contractor should be a common carrier who has` to be in the approved list of the Indian Bank Association and should be able to provide trucks having All India Permits. He should preferably have branches at the destination stations. . 14. The contractor will not be allowed to sublet the contract. The contractor should be approved/recognized transporter of the Insurance Companies. 15. Placement of trucks has to be made in between 9 AM to 12.00 PM but as early as possible. HIL will not be responsible for detention charges if trucks are not placed in time. 16. Material should be transported on carriers risk and transit Insurance on HIL's Scope. 17. The transporters have to deliver the material within a reasonable time depending upon the distance ie. within 5 days if the distance is less than 1000 kms within 7 days if distance is above 1000 kms but less than 1500 kms and within 10 to 15 days if the distance is above 1500 kms range. 18. Any damage, theft, pilferage, loss of breakage of consignments while in the custody of the contractor will be to the contractors account. Claims if any should normally be settled within 30 days from the date of the claim and if not, the amount will be recovered from the freight bills of security deposit. 19. The Carriers Act, 1863 (Act-3 of 1865) with all amendments, which may come into existence till the completion of the contract, will be applicable to this contract. 20. If there is leakage found during transit take remedial precautions as per our directions for safety measures enclosed. 21. Damage, if any caused to any property belonging to the Company, by the contractor or his workmen, will have to be made good by the transporter. 22. The company reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time without notice or without assigning any reason thereof. 23. The company reserves the right to carryout the entire work or any portion thereof under their own arrangements or through other agencies during the tenure of the contract, in case the contractor does not execute the work in an expeditious satisfactory manner. In such cases the additional expenses if any, will be to the contractor’s account. 24. Consignments will be booked on freight to be paid basis. In case of damage during TRANSIT CARRIERS SHOULD ISSUE an OPEN DELIVERY CERTIFICATE in their letterhead to the consignee indicating all the damages found at the time of delivery of the consignment. 25. Work will be awarded as a single lot or part at the discretion of the Company. 26 In the event of failure or delay on the part of the contractor to fulfill his obligations in the execution of the work, to our entire satisfaction, the Company will have the right to terminate the contract and make alternative arrangements for carrying out the work and also to forfeit the Security Deposit of the Contractor without prejudice to further right to claim compensation from him. 27. The contractor will be liable in respect of his employees for claims arising out of Workmen’s Compensation Act and he shall indemnify the Company against all claims in respect of Workmen’s Compensation made against the Company. 28. If any tenderer withdraws his tender, his EMD will stand forfeited. Company will have the right to eliminate the tenderer for future business with the Company in that event. Any amendment to the original tender after the opening of the tender will not be accepted. 29. The period of contract will be from our acceptance of tender to 31st March 2014. 30. The tenders will be valid for acceptance for a period of 4 months from the date of opening of the tender. 31. The contractor or his representative should be available over phone from 9 AM to 5 PM at his office at Ernakulam/Kalamassery and he should ascertain from the Company about despatch on daily basis. 32 Each Lorry should be weighed on our weighbridge. The Lorries should be stopped at our gate for search by the Security Personnel counter sign of weight be obtained. 33. The consignments taken outside should be self covered by tarpaulins and Goods to be protected. 34. Considering the nature/mode of packing of the material Company reserve the right to despatch material on full lorry load basis even if such loads do not form lorry loads of 9 tones or 15MT. In such cases the contract should not transport any other material along with the loads and the lorry containing such loads should be exclusively used for the Company’s loads. Contractor will be paid full lorry loads basis for such loads in these cases. 35. The contractor will have to commence work within three days from the date of our work order, which will be issued after receipt of our intimation. 36. The contractor is cautioned that if he or his men commit any breaches regarding restriction on smoking, his contract is liable to be terminated without notice. 37. The contractor will be liable to insure his employees under personal injuries Act 1963 and any such legislation in force for the time being applicable in such employees and intimate the company the name of the Government agencies with whom the insurance has been broken out. 38. The contractor should be indemnify the company against any claim aid or action taken against it in respect of his failure to adhere to the provisions of the said Act Scheme, such as accidents claim/ESI, PF etc., in respect of his employees while in presence. 39. Force Majure: The contract is subject to conditions of Force Majure such as acts of nature like earthquake, floods of events like strike/closure or lock out riots etc. In this circumstance, the Company can postpone or cancel part of full of the contract without any charges playable by the Company. 40. The contractor and his workmen shall observe the rules issued by our security personnel in respect of Security and Safety. 41. The contractor shall not engage laborers with criminal records or affiliation to banned political organizations for work within the factory premises. 42. Escalation/De-escalation in respect of diesel increase or decrease in price will be considered. The increase or decrease will be done at an average rate of 3.5 KM per Litre of diesel consumption basis for a total KM. involved in the transportation work. This is applicable for both increase and decrease of diesel price and proportionately freight rate shall be arrived. The Escalation/De escalation will be done on half yearly basis. Ie;The rate quoted initial will remain constant upto September and from 1st October the new rates will be applicable upto April 2015. 43 Loading of the consignment into the lorry within the factory will be done by Contractor Labour. 44. Time should be regards as essence of the contract and the contractor shall complete the work on the date stipulated/as per instructions failure on the part of the contractor to complete the work on the dates stipulated in accordance with the instructions shall entail HIL to recover from him. By way of ascertaining liquidate damages, a sum equivalent to 2% of the contract value of the work for each months or part thereof for which the contractor is in default. In any case the damages so recovered shall not exceed to 10% of the value of the work. ARBITATION 45. All disputes and difference arising between the parties in respect of the contract or breach thereof will be decided by arbitration by General Manager, HIL or any one appointed by him, the arbitration is to be proceeded under the India Arbitration Act and the rules graded there under. The decision of the arbitration on all questions including questions as to whether there is concluded contract. JURISDICATION 46. Dispute if any, any legal matters arising out of transportation problems will be subjected to the jurisdiction of Cochin Court. 47. PAYMENT: Payment of freight will be given by HIL, Udyogamandal Unit within a period of 30 days on production of acknowledgment receipt and bill by the transporter for the receipt of material in good condition with the seal and signature with date by the consignee. 48. Further particulars can be obtained from the office on all working days. 49. The tender is liable to place the truck as per requirement of HIL for a period of four months from the date of opening of the tender at their quoted rate till finalisation of the contract. 50. The work order will be confirmed after satisfactory performance of the first six months. 51. Any further additions in destinations if arises in future, separate short tenders will be called and subsequently rates are to be quoted. 52. The transporter has to sign on all the papers of this tender towards the acceptance of terms & conditions. COMMERCIAL MANAGER HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED UDYOGAMANDAL 683 501 SCHEDULE ATTACHED TO TENDER NOTICE NO.M-15/3(2014-15) DATED 14.03.2014 FOR TRANSPORTATION OF PESTICIDES TO VARIOUS DESTINATIONS. PRICE BID NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE TENDERER: EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : RS.50,000/- CASH RECEIPT NUMBER …………… DEMAND DRAFT NUMBER ……………. MATERIAL : POWDER, PUMPS & LIQUID PACKED IN BAGS, DRUMS, BARRELS, TINS, CARDBOARD CARTONS, WOODEN AT CASES OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL AS REQUIRED BY HIL.. LAST DATE AND TIME OF RECEIPT OF TENDER: 03.04.2014 14.00 HRS THE TENDER WILL BE OPENED AT THE SAME DAY 14.30 HRS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME OF THE DESTINATION : Rate per Lorry Load. Normally lorry load will be 9 tonnes to 9.25 tonnes and 15 MT to 15.45MT. For liquid filled containers packed in Cartons, loading be done just above Side body level or more as per direction of HIL to a maximum of 9 MT or 15MT will be considered as full truck load. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate Per 9MT Rate Per 15MT 01. AHMEDABAD …………………………………………………………. 02. AKOLA …………………………………………………………. 03 ANKLESHWAR …………………………………………………………. 04. BANGALORE. ………………………………………………………….. 05 BHATINDA : ………………………………………………………….. 06. BHUBANESWAR :…………………………………………………………… 07. BELLARY :……………………………………………………………. 08. CHENNAI :……………………………………………………………. 09. COIMBATORE :…………………………………………………………… 10. GUNTUR :…………………………………………………………. 11. HYDERABAD :…………………………………………………………. 12. HUBLI :…………………………………………………………. 13. JNPT MUMBAI :…………………………………………………………. 14. KOLKATTA :………………………………………………………….. 15. NAGPUR :………………………………………………………… 16. PONDICHERRY :................................................................................ 17 PUNE :………………………………………………………….. 18. RASAYANI :………………………………………………………… 19. TUTICORIN :…………………………………………………………… NOTE:1. Rate should be furnished only in this schedule and in strict conformity with the pattern indicated. 2. The tenderer agrees to carryout the transportation work during the validity period of the offer at his quoted rate or at the rate on which work order is finalized as required by HIL. I/We have read and understood the terms and conditions in respect of the Tender Notice No.M-15/3(2014-15) dated 14.03.2014 and I/We shall abide the terms & conditions. SIGNATURE : NAME : ADDRESS :