HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED UDYOGAMANDAL 683 501 NO.M-16/1B/(2011-12) 09/06/2011 LIMITED TENDER NOTICE SUB: DISPOSAL OF SCRAP AS LISTED IN TENDER NO.M-16/1B/(2011-12) Sealed tenders are invited for the disposal of, WASTE HDPE BAGS WITH LINER. Please submit your offer in sealed envelope super scribed as “TENDER FOR DISPOSAL OF ------------------------------------------. . The tender will be opened on 24.06.2011 at 1430 hrs. The offer is subject to the terms and conditions given below: GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Mode of submitting tender: Tender in the prescribed terms as given in tender papers should be sent either by courier service/Speed Post/Reg A/D or personally delivered in sealed envelop s addressed to Hindustan Insecticides Limited, Udyogamandal, Kerala,683501. Sealed envelope to be subscribed as tender for disposal of waste HDPE bags with liner tender No.M16/1B/2010-11. 2. 5. Lifting of material: The party shall take delivery of the material subject to the schedule given by HIL. Period of Contract: The period of contract exists only till the disposal of available Quantiy. Inspection: The parties shall have to satisfy themselves regarding quantity and quality etc before quoting their rates. HIL shall not entertain any complaint in this regard once the order is released. The party has to produce the respective certificates as and when needed by HIL . 6. Delivery: The items shall have to be taken by the party from HIL’s works 7. Payment: 100% cost of the material sale tax and other duties if any as payable Shall have to be remitted in advance by way of demand draft drawn in favour of HIL on State Bank of Travancore, Udyogamandal branch or in any nationalized Bank. at Kalamassery. 8. Insurance: Transit Insurance at party’s risk. 3. 4. 9. Acceptance of Tender: HIL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. HIL may negotiate or seek clarification on the tendered prices and the terms and conditions before accepting any tender. 10.Validity of Tender: The tender should be valid for acceptance for Ninety days from the date of the opening of the bid.. The contractor must give authorization to the transporter for collecting the material. HIL is not responsible for non-delivery/shortage/loss of material. 11. The successful tenderer herein after called contractor is bound to obey the instructions from our security personnel, and the EMD of the successful tenderer will be converted into security deposit 12. The contractor will be liable to insure his employees under personal injuries (Compensation Insurance Act) 1963 and any other such legislation for the being in force applicable to such employees and intimate the company the name of the Government Agent with whom the insurance has been taken. The contractor shall also supply to the company all such information with regards to insurance under the personal injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act 1963 is/are required to be supplied under the said act and scheme framed there under. The contractor shall also supply to the company all such information with regard to insurance under the personal injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act 1963 is/are required to be supplied under the said Act and Scheme framed there under. The contractor will be liable to intimate the company against any claim, made or action taken against in respect of his failure to adhere to the provisions of the said act and the scheme. 13. HIL reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time without assigning any reason by giving one month’s notice in writing to the tenderer. 14. Force Majure: The offer is subject to force Majure. HIL shall not be responsible for any failure or delay in performance of this contract caused by accident fire, wind, storm, flood, strike, sabotage, civil commotion, confiscation or preface to laws or regulations imposed by any Government or local authorities, demure or de-fact to or any other act, cause, or matter, which may be considered as an act of God or Force Majure. 15. Arbitration: All disputes and differences arising between the parties in respect of the contract or breach thereof will be decided by arbitration by General Manager, HIL or anyone appointed by him. The arbitration by is to be proceeded under the Indian Arbitration Act and the rules framed there under. The decision of the Arbitration on all questions including questions as to whether there is a concluded contract will be final and binding to all parties to the proceedings. 16.Jurisdiction: The courts of law in Ernakulam District, Kerala shall have jurisdiction for disputes arising out of this tender/contract. 17.Safety while Transportation: The buyer must ensure that his transporter of the concerned item should ensure to collect, from us on his behalf which complies with all the regulations and conditions, statutory or otherwise on safety. In particular the transporter should not move the vehicle on the roads if the vehicle with the material is in a leaking condition/any other circumstances which creates public nuisance or danger/pollution. If leakage/above situations is found, all precautions must be taken to avoid, damage to public properties, nuisance and injure to public. In such situations the tanker/vehicle must be kept aloof in the safest place possible and all action must be taken to prevent leakage/above situations. The buyer must ensure that the tanker/vehicle crew must know about the hazardous nature of the products if applicable) and possession of necessary materials in order to prevent leakage/above situations etc. if it arises. 18. The buyer should give his authorization letter to the transporter for taking the material from HIL premises. 19. It is the responsibility of the tenderer to bare damages and risk due to accidents for his men and equipment. Tenderer should indemnify HIL, and hold them harmless in respect of any claim made against injury or damage , any act if god or otherwise also in respect of any award of compensation or change consistent upon such charges. 20. If the contractor becomes insolvent or otherwise becomes unable to carryout the work or if without the written consent of HIL the contractor assigns or sublets the contract, in the event of the failure or delay on the part of the contractor to fulfill his obligations in the execution of the contract to the satisfaction of HIL, HIL reserves the right to terminate the contract and make alternative arrangements to get work done through other means. In such an event, the security deposit will be forfeited without prejudice to HILs further right to claim compensation from the contractor for the loss, if any incurred by HIL as a result of the contractors failure to fulfill his obligations under the contract. 21. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to arrange relief measures in the event of death of contractors labours while on duty and immediate ex-gratia payment of Rs 500/made to the dependents of contractors employees so deceased. Such ex-gratia payment will however be made by HIL, initially and recovered subsequently from the contractor. 22. ESI scheme and EPF scheme The contractor shall insure his employees under the employees state insurance scheme as per provisions of the employees state insurance act( as amended from time to time) and also register his employees who are eligible for the benefit of employees Provident fund scheme as u the rule under the employees provident fund act. Only person registered as above will be permitted to work inside the factory .Details can be obtained from our welfare section .contact the welfare section of the company. The names and ESI registration numbers of the worker should be furnished in the Persons engaged for the work by the contractor in the factory will be permitted to enter the factory for work only after registering them under the ESI scheme for the purpose they may e prescribed form to the security office and pass to be obtained for there entry into the factory. 23. Income Tax Deduction: In view of the enactment of Govt of India for deduction of Income tax at source, deduction will have to be made as per provisions in the relevant Act in the bills of the contractor. 23. Please return the terms and conditions duly signed along with your offer, in each sheet as a token of acceptance of the same. DY COMMERCIAL MANAGER HINDUSTAN INSECTICIDES LIMITED UDYOGAMANDAL 683 501 RATE SCHEDULE ATTACHED TO PURCHASE OF THE LISTED ITEM OF TENDER NO-16/1B/(2011-12), DATED 09/06/2011. Name of the Tenderer: Sl. No. 1 Description of Material WASTE HDPE BAGS WITH LINER Qty. in tones AVAILABLE QUANTITY Unit MT 38.000 APPROX: : DATE: SIGNATURE : NAME : ADDRESS: Quoted Rate per Unit