Flooding lesson plan for teachers

Flood Model Classroom Factsheet
The destructive powers of flooding events have been noted for centuries but flooding events in Scotland are of more
and more concern. This factsheet gives an outline in the form of a series of activities that provides information on
flooding, its impacts and about how flood risk can be managed to reduce the impact on individuals and communities.
By the conclusion of the Flood Model Classroom lesson it is anticipated that learners will be able to:
 Explain what flooding is, some of the causes of flooding and give a description of different types of flooding
 Give a brief description of the water cycle
 Describe the impacts of flooding and explain what can be done by individuals, communities, national
organisations such as SEPA and the Government to minimise flooding
 State whether or not their school, homes and communities are at risk of flooding
 Prepare themselves, their school and their homes and families to be more aware of what to do and to be less at
risk should a flood event occur
 State that the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 has been introduced to manage flooding and to help
protect communities from flooding
Where does flooding come from and what is it?
Water is a natural resource which is continuously renewed. In this cycle, water is in constant motion, moving from
the ocean to the sky to the earth. Flooding is a natural
event which occurs when water overflows a stream,
river or drain. Floods are caused by heavy or
Activity suggestions – You can find out if your area,
persistent rainfall, rapidly melting snow or ice, storm
your school or your home could be affected by
surges and high tides in coastal areas or by the failure
flooding from either a river or the sea by looking at
of structures such as dams.
the SEPA flood map http://go.mappoint.net/sepa/.
You can also check newspaper websites to
Flooding has a valuable place in the natural cycle. It
investigate if there has been recent floods near you.
brings water to dry land and deposits large amounts of
sediment that fertilises the soil for the seasons or
years ahead. In many countries the long term benefits
of the flood far outweigh the short term destructiveness.
Every river, stream or coastal defence has the potential to be overwhelmed by a flood. Some areas are at higher risk
than others and may flood more frequently, but flood risk is ever present. In Scotland we have built up our roads and
towns close to lochs, rivers, and the sea and occasionally this leads to disruption and damage when a flood
overwhelms its normal levels and cuts transport links and enters properties.
What types of flooding are there?
The main types of flooding are:
 River flooding: when the area around a river (the catchment) gets more rain than usual, the river is not able to
cope with this extra water; the water level rises and flooding occurs. This flooding may occur at any point in the
river, not necessarily at the point where the extra water has entered the river. - link to river floods
 Coastal flooding: occurs when normally dry, low land near the sea is flooded by sea water. Weather and tidal
conditions can increase sea levels and increase the chance of coastal flooding. – link to coastal floods
 Surface water flooding: this happens when there is heavy rain on ground that is already saturated, or on paved
areas where drainage is poor. – link to pluvial flooding
Groundwater flooding: when rain causes the water that is naturally stored underground to rise to the surface.
Higher levels of rainfall cause the water to rise above normal levels. In low-lying areas the water table is usually
at shallower depths meaning that during wet periods the water table can rise up to the surface and cause
flooding – link to groundwater flooding
Drain and sewer flooding: this can occur during heavy rain when drains become blocked or full and can lead to
contamination of drinking supplies. This type of flooding depends on the capacity of the sewage system - link to
drain and sewer flooding
The Water Cycle
Activity suggestions – Study the hydrological or water cycle
Water moves through the bodies of all living
things and through the environment.
to learn how water moves through the environment
 Surface runoff: Rain on the surface of
the earth can lead to surface run-off.
This then flows into a water body (e.g. a
burn or loch)
 Evaporation: The sun warms the water surface so the water changes into vapour (evaporation). In the air this
water vapour condenses to form clouds which release the moisture in the form of rain and snow (precipitation).
This is how the water cycle repeats itself
 Infiltration: When rain falls on soil, some of the water is absorbed by the soil
 Transpiration: Some water in the soil is used by plants where it is transported to the leaves and lost to the
atmosphere as vapour
 Percolation: The vertical movement of water through soil
 Through-flow: The lateral movement of water through soil
 Saturation: Percolating water infiltrates through pore spaces in the soil, passing through the unsaturated zone
finally makes its way to a saturated zone (where all spaces between rock and soil are filled with water)
 Ground water discharge: Water fills the spaces between soil particles and rock in the saturated zone is called
groundwater. The upper limit of the saturated zone is known as the water table and is lowered as ground water
is discharged. Ground water can flow through rock and soil layers until discharged in a stream, lake or ocean
The Impacts of flooding
The wide range of flood types and severity make flooding effects very variable but ultimately very personal.
Social impacts: People can die because of flooding in Scotland or directly as a result of trying to protect their
property from flooding. In some countries many people die because of flooding
 People can be injured by the water itself or because of things travelling with the water. It only takes 15 cm of
fast flowing water to knock you off your feet and 60 cm of water to float a car away
 Water supplies can be lost due to power outages or contaminated by sewage and other flood water
 The stress caused from damage to homes and having to move out whilst the damage is repaired and the loss of
personal items such as photos and valuables
 The damage left behind by flooding can be very distressing. Long after the flood has gone the emotional and
financial burden of a flood clean up will stay with the victims, along with the fear and insecurity caused by the
experience and worry of the flood returning
Economic impacts: the economy can also be severely affected by flooding
 Productivity may be lost if businesses have to be closed due to flooding
 Transport links can be broken which prevents normal commerce from taking place and affect communities and
 Property, equipment, stock (including livestock), infrastructure can be damaged or destroyed. This will require
repairing or replacing, raising insurance claims that are felt across a whole economy.
 Disruption to utility supplies such as electricity
 Farming and livestock can also be affected if fields are flooded
Environmental impacts:
The environmental impacts from
flooding can be both positive and
Activity suggestions - Study the Scottish Governments website on
negative. The destruction caused by
the impacts flooding can have an effect on people and society, the
the initial flood is obviously tragic but
economy, jobs and businesses, and the environment.
the nutrients that are deposited across
the land by floods are an essential part
of the circle of life.
Positive environmental impacts:
 Flooding can top up ground water
 Flooding can provide nutrient rich sediment (like fertiliser) for agricultural land
 Flooding can play an important role in maintaining and renewing plants, animals and habitats in rivers
Negative environmental impacts:
 Flooding can wash soil down rivers and streams and affect wildlife downstream
 Soil and sewage in flood water can contaminate land and water
What can we do about flooding?
Although flooding cannot be completely prevented from happening, we can take precautions to limit the impact it
can have on our lives and our property. There are currently over 130,000 homes and businesses in Scotland that are
at risk from flooding. There are lots of things that can be done so people and communities are not affected so much
by flooding. It is argued that doing things in all parts of the river catchment is the best way to reduce the impact of
In the upper catchment, in the hills, wetlands can be made and woodlands planted to store the water and slow
its flow into the rivers.
In the middle of the catchment rivers can be monitored to help show if the river is getting full and there is likely
to be a flood. This will help in warning people who might be flooded downstream.
In towns and villages lower down in the catchment buildings and communities can be built away from areas that
are likely to be flooded.
Individual and families can sign up to SEPA’s Flood Warning Service. This service makes sure that people are
warned if a flood is likely. SEPA and the Scottish Flood Forum provide information so that people know what to
do to protect themselves and their houses from a flood.
Flood warning
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
operates the SEPA Floodline service. Although SEPA
can’t prevent floods from occurring, they can
provide you with advance warning about when and
where they are likely to occur, which means that
you can take action to limit the consequences of a
Activity suggestions – You can find out what to do if
your area is affected by flooding by looking at the
SEPA Floodline website
SEPA uses river and coastal monitoring systems and work with the Met Office to accurately predict the likelihood
and timing of flooding. When flooding is predicted within a local target area, SEPA issue a flood warning message
through the Floodline service.
To be kept informed of potential flooding within your area you can monitor weather updates and check Floodline
regularly by calling them or online. Another more convenient way to keep up to date with flood warnings is to sign
up to receive free flood messages direct to your phone for your local area; which means you’ll know in advance
when a flood is likely to occur. Just remember, it’s important that you know what flood preparation action to take to
protect you and your property.
Flood preparedness
The Scottish Flood Forum (SFF) have a wide range of advice available on their website to help you to prepare for a
flood, how to get a flood preparation kit ready before a flood, what to do during a flood and after the flood has
Activity suggestions – Study the Scottish Flood
Simple steps to prepare for flooding – this list is not
Form http://www.scottishfloodforum.org/ which
1. Make sure you have the correct insurance cover
provides information about what to do in a flood
– please check your building and contents or
and has factsheets that can be downloaded.
business policy with your insurance company
2. Find out how to turn off your gas, electricity and
water supplies
3. Keep a list of useful telephone numbers (including your GP details, insurance claim line & policy number)
4. Put together an Emergency Flood Kit (see below)
5. Think about the needs of children, babies, elderly, the disabled at home and your pets. Don’t forget to check on
your neighbours
6. Take detailed photos of your property and contents NOW before any flood occurs
7. Make an action plan to use in the event of a flood:
 Identify and list urgent actions in priority of value
 What needs to be moved upstairs
 How are you going to prevent water entering the
Activity suggestions – Make and emergency
 Make sure you have the means to keep warm,
food, flasks, etc
Flood action plan for your school. When you go
 Mobile phone chargers, computer data and
home, get your family to help you prepare an
photographs stored safely
Emergency Flood action plan for your home.
 Most things can be replaced, family
photographs, often cannot – move them to
safety in good time
 Move your car to higher ground, if it is safe to do so
Emergency Flood Kit
Being prepared will make things so much easier if your home is ever flooded. Putting together a flood kit ‘grab bag’ is
a key way of minimising the risks and surviving the
worst, if you choose to stay in your home or are
Activity suggestions – Make and emergency Flood
evacuated to a rescue centre.
Kit for your class. When you go home, get your
family to help you prepare an Emergency Flood Kit
Essentials if you are evacuated to a rescue centre:
for your home.
 Insurance documents and other important
 Mobile phones and any chargers
 Children’s essentials (milk, baby food, sterilised bottles & spoons, nappies, wipes, nappy bags, clothing,
comforter, teddy or favourite toy)
 Emergency cash and credit cards
 Essential prescription medication / repeat prescription forms
What you should also consider:
 Insurance emergency helpline, local council and emergency service numbers, family and friends telephone
numbers, local radio frequencies
 Portable battery radio. A windup radio is a good backup
 Torch with spare batteries is best. A windup torch is a good backup
 Camera to record damage for insurance purposes (digital cameras are best)
 Bottled water (check use-by date)
 Non-perishable food items (including energy or cereal bars)
 Wash kit and essential toiletries (including toilet and wet wipes)
 Blankets, duvets, warm clothes
 Pack of playing cards or family games
Additional items: wellington boots, waterproof clothing, rubber gloves
First aid kit
During the flood
The first priority is protecting life: yours and your family’s. In most situations you will be evacuated to a temporary
rescue centre or you may choose to go to family or friends. Always follow guidance from Emergency Services on
evacuation. Plan to move upstairs in good time. Keep Safe, Keep Warm.
Floodwater may be contaminated, especially by untreated sewage. Contamination remains after the floodwater has
gone and can be hazardous unless simple procedures are followed. Wear rubber boots and gloves in and around the
affected property. Wash all cuts and cover with waterproof plasters and ensure a doctor determines whether a
tetanus booster is necessary.
Floodwater can damage buildings severely, particularly if it has been flowing quickly, is over 1m deep or has been in
a property for a long time. Before entering property that has been flooded, the building should be checked for signs
of damage.
Be careful when moving in and around property that has been flooded. Standing water and mud can hide holes,
damage to structures and sharp objects. This could include uncovered manholes and drains or roads and paths, as
well as broken bottles or glass.
Do not approach any structure that may be unsafe.
Do not approach any fast flowing water or deep standing water. Also, do not rely on cars or other vehicles to protect
you from floodwaters. If driving in floods is unavoidable, do so with extreme caution. 6 inches depth of fast flowing
water can sweep a 4×4 vehicle off a road.
Turn off the electricity supply to the property until a qualified electrician or utility company has checked out the
Turn off the gas supply to appliances that have been flooded (or where their vents/flues may have been affected).
After the flood
If you are unfortunate enough to be flooded, here are a few pointers for when you first get home
 Contact your Insurance company’s (24 hour) emergency helpline as soon as you can
 If paying for help, keep receipts for any emergency pumping or repair work done. Your insurer will arrange
for a loss adjuster and other specialists to visit your home to assess the damage. They will project-manage
much of the clean up, so speak to them before acting on anything
 Find out what they are going to do – take photographs of contents and any water damage – the more the
better. Remember it may take up to 12 months before the repairs are completed so keep photographic
records of ALL flood damage
 Your local flood recovery centre – this will most likely be set up and advertised after a flooding event has
 Your local council’s Environmental Health department
 The Scottish Flood Forum have considerable experience in dealing with the aftermath of floods
 Your G.P. regarding issues of stress, anxiety and other health issues
A new approach to managing flood risk
In the past, building on flood plains and along coasts took place with less knowledge of the risks than we have
available to us today. In places, this has left us with a difficult legacy to manage. Actions taken in the past have also
meant that we have lost features of our natural landscape that can help store and slow flood waters, including flood
plains and wetlands.
A similar trend has occurred as our towns have expanded and green spaces, gardens and other natural drainage
features have been lost. Traditionally we have relied on civil engineered defence solutions with walls, dams, barriers
but if we are to keep pace with climate change
projections these schemes will need to be larger and
therefore more expensive to design and build.
The Flood Risk management (Scotland) Act 2009 ensures
that different organisations involved in flooding work
together to make sure flood impacts are as small as
possible. It also means not relying solely on civil
engineered solutions but considering how working with
Natural Flood Management, natural features can help
store more water in soil and vegetation and slow water
flow within the river itself. Warning and informing people
of risks and dangers of flooding are important.
Activity suggestions – Study the Flood Risk
Management (Scotland) Act 2009
ontents) and consider the different ways we
can all help to manage flood risk. .
Project support
General Contact - Stevie Jarron, Citizen Science Coordinator
s.jarron@tcv.org.uk - 01786 476179 or 07740899733
Outcome statement
Curriculum area
I can use evidence to recreate the story of a place or individual of local historical interest.
Social studies > People, past
events and societies
SOC 1-03a
I can consider ways of looking after my school or community and can encourage others to care for their
Social studies > People, place
and environment
SOC 1-08a
I can discuss the environmental impact of human activity and suggest ways in which we can live in a more
environmentally-responsible way.
Social studies > People, place
and environment
SOC 2-08a
I can develop my understanding of the interaction between humans and the environment by describing and
assessing the impact of human activity on an area.
Social studies > People, place
and environment
SOC 4-10a
I can use specialised maps and geographical information systems to identify patterns of human activity and
physical processes.
Social studies > People, place
and environment
SOC 4-14a
Having analysed how lifestyle can impact on the environment and Earth's resources, I can make suggestions
about how to live in a more sustainable way.
Technologies > Technological
developments in society
TCH 2-02a
From my studies of sustainable development, I can reflect on the implications and ethical issues arising from
technological developments for individuals and societies.
Technologies > Technological
developments in society
TCH 3-02a
I can examine a range of materials, processes or designs in my local community to consider and discuss their
environmental, social and economic impact, discussing lifetime cost to the environment in Scotland or beyond.
TCH 4-02a
Technologies > Technological
developments in society