MANSFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL Report of the Head of Regeneration, Leisure and Marketing To The Portfolio Holder for the Environment For a Delegated Decision On 12 December DISABILITY ACCESS AUDIT FOR ALL LEISURE CENTRES 1. SUMMARY This report seeks approval to appoint Disability Nottinghamshire to undertake a Disability Access Audit of all Leisure Centres currently owned by Mansfield District Council or Nottinghamshire County Council (Meden Sports Centre) and managed by Serco Leisure through the Mansfield District Leisure Trust at a cost of £2,930.00. This does not appear on the Forward Plan as it is not a Key Decision 2. RECOMMENDATIONS To be resolved by the Portfolio Holder for the Environment (i) That disability Nottinghamshire are appointed to conduct a Disability Access Audit at a cost of £2,930.00 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 A motion was passed at a full Council meeting on 28 October 2014 to undertake a disability access audit of all the leisure centres. The target date set for completing this work is three months (February 2015). 3.2 The Leisure and Cultural Services Manager subsequently drafted the scope the audit would follow. 3.3 In the interim, Serco Leisure have also extended their consultation on the new gym proposals at the Rebecca Adlington Swimming Centre. 3.4 The Leisure Development Manager and Serco representatives also met with the English Federation for Disability Sport and the Inclusive Fitness Initiative to get their views on how we could improve accessibility regarding the proposed equipment and facilities in general. 3.5 Given the tight target deadline to complete this work, it was agreed that following the normal procurement route would not be possible and that Officers would seek approval for a Contract Regulations Exemption to appoint Disability Nottinghamshire. Disability Nottinghamshire had been referred to in MANSFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL the Motion to Council; they are experienced in conducting access audits and have the requisite specialist skills. 3.6 On 24 November Officers and the Portfolio Holder for the Environment met with Disability Nottinghamshire to agree the scope and price. 4. OPTIONS AVAILABLE 4.1 Option 1 - Recommended option Appoint Disability Nottinghamshire to undertake a Disability Access Audit to the agreed scope. This will enable a timely response to the Council Motion by a competent, experienced independent organisation. 4.2 Option 2 - Not recommended option Undertake a procurement exercise. This will result in a significant delay in completing the work and there are very few alternative organisations that could undertake the audit and certainly none that are local. 5. RISK ASSESSMENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND OPTIONS Risk Risk Assessment Financial The cost of the audit cannot be met from existing budgets The audit highlights High significant required alterations to the buildings The audit will disrupt Low normal service delivery The findings of the Medium audit may damage the reputation of the Council and the Trust Financial Operation Reputation 6. Risk Level Low Risk Management The cost can be met from existing budget provision Only reasonable adjustments are required to the structure of the building. The audit will not be intrusive The audit will identify areas for improvement but will also highlight good practice. PR will manage the media. ALIGNMENT TO COUNCIL PRIORITIES Vision – the works will support improvements so that people can enjoy an improved quality of life within their neighbourhood. MANSFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL Revitalise our District, town centres & neighbourhoods – improvements to the facility will encourage greater patronage and contribute to improvements in health. 7. IMPLICATIONS (a) Relevant Legislation – Equality Act 2010 – there is a requirement on the Council to deliver inclusive facilities and improve service delivery for persons who are deemed to have protective characteristics. The Building Regulations 2000, Approved Document M: access to and use of buildings (2004 edition with 2013 update) BS 8300:2009 with 2010 update design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people. (b) Human Rights – See (a) (c) Equality and Diversity – See (a) (d) Climate change and environmental sustainability – No significant implications (e) Crime and Disorder – No significant implications (f) Budget /Resource – the cost of undertaking the audit will be met from existing budgets. 8. COMMENTS OF STATUTORY OFFICERS (a) Head of Paid Service – No specific comments (b) Monitoring Officer – The council`s procurement rules require that any goods or services estimated to be for amounts in the range of £2001 to £20,000 shall be by written quotation from at least three suppliers. The only exception to these requirements are if the expenditure is less than £2,000 or if the services are to be provided by a statutory body or if the goods/services are so urgent as to preclude quotes being obtained or an extension to an existing contract or the services to be supplied consists of repairs, enhancements or parts that can only be provided by a particular supplier (c) Section 151 Officer – Budgetary implications are contained within the report 9. CONSULTATION English Federation for Disability Sport, The Inclusive Fitness Initiative, Disability Nottinghamshire, Serco Senior Management, Fitness suite customers. 10. BACKGROUND PAPERS None MANSFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL Report Author Designation Telephone E-mail - K Brown Leisure Development Manager 463029