At the peak of a worldwide fever concerning both Caballah and
Jewish mysticism, no one knows for sure what’s true and what’s
myth in our tradition. One thing is really known, though: the Jewish
people have always identified themselves with the trade of precious
stones and jewels. This industry has its roots not only in the talent
of Jewish merchants, but also in biblical sources, which explain the
reason for such fascination for gemstones.
The history of the relationship between
the Jewish people and gemstones is as
ancient as the Torah. The ruby, the
emerald, the topaz, the carbuncle, the
sapphire, the diamond, the jacinth, the
agate, the amethyst, the chrysolite, the
onyx and the jasper all shone on the
breastplate worn by the High Priest in
ancient Israel*. G’d commanded that
those twelve gems had to be mounted on
the breastplate. On each of them there was the engraved name of
one of the twelve Israel’s tribes. In the Caballah’s vision, all other
gems on earth derive from those twelve. Each one of them relates
to a tribe and to a sign of the Zodiac.
Based on this, the Israeli artist Yaffa Greentzieg
and her daughters founded – 15 years ago – a
store named Avnei a Hoshen (transliterated
Hebrew for breastplate’s gems), where kits
containing custom-made jewels and costume
jewelry are sold. “As Jerusalem is the spiritual
center of the world, each gem from here has the
power to affect any person’s life, regardless where they live”, she
According to Yaffa, the rain which blesses Israel with health and
prosperity also has an influence on gems. “That’s why many of my
customers come back for new jewels”, she assures.
The store, which is based in Jerusalem, sells from bircat a
bait (frames with blessings for the protection of one’s house
and business) containing the twelve High Priest’s gemstones
to chains and pendants with biblical citations in Hebrew for
success, happiness and against the evil eye.
“We have necklaces with the bracha (blessing) given by the
Kohanim (members of the priestly tribe) to Jewish people three
thousand years ago”, says Yaffa.
The power of each gem is known since Antiquity, when these stones
were used by kings in their crowns as a symbol of their wealth and
power. Each jewel was exalted according to its symbolic value: the
pearl for its purity, the blazing ruby – linked to Justice – chosen to
adorn lawyer’s rings, the amethyst, as the stone of protection and
spiritual power, used by the princes of the Church.
Aware of that, Yaffa suggests specific colors and models for each
person. “We have Israeli gemstones to bring luck in marriage, at
work, for financial success, (to have children / to become pregnant)
for children, for spirituality, against diseases in general and the evil
* According to the English version of The Chumash (The Stone Edition, Artscroll –
Mesorah Publications, Ltd., 2003), “the diversity of opinions regarding the
identification of the gemstones mentioned in Scripture makes it almost impossible
to translate their names with any degree of accuracy”.
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