GEMS Great Explorations in Math and Science Central Michigan University ● EHS Building 464 ● (989) 774-1710 ● Fax: (989) 774-3152 ● Fall 2015 GEMS Involvement Application Please check the position(s) that you are interested in applying for: GEMS Leader Super Saturday Instructor Name: Street Address: City, State, Zip Code: Phone Number(s): CMU E-mail: Year at Central: Have you been accepted to the Teacher Education program? Major(s): Yes No Minor(s): Anticipated Graduation Date(month, year): Conferences/Professional Development you have attended and when (month, year): Student Organizations you belong to and any leadership positions held: Why do you want to be a Super Saturday/GEMS Leader? What are your personal goals for this opportunity? Please name 2-3 personal goals. What experience do you have with children? Please list all relevant experiences. What personal qualities do you bring to this volunteer opportunity? Please be specific. Please submit this form, along with a résumé, to the CMU GEMS Center by April 3. . Please submit electronically.