YEAR 8 TAKE AWAY HWK MENU – You must complete 6 Hwks per HT Design and build a model showing The history of the Jews. A song about the story of Abraham and what it Means for Jews today Storyboard about Jewish life Key term glossary of all New key terms you have Learnt this half term (at least 10 Create a wordle) Create a board game on Your favourite topic during this unit. Create a video/ movie trailer/ Film showing all different Issues we have studied about Judaism this half term. A poem on how Jewish People were treated during The holocaust A piece of Art work Expressing Jewish views On G-d Write a diary entry & agony Write a 400 word txt message Aunt reply as a To a friend about what it means Teenager who is Jewish and To be Jewish. Struggling to fit in Write three tweets explaining what You have learnt so far #keywords 140 characters max per tweet Take a photograph representing Judaism in London And explain in writing what it shows