
Advancing the science of gas exchange between fresh waters
and the atmosphere
Dates: 16-19 September, 2014
(be prepared to travel already on 15 Sept, bus arrives to the Helsinki airport around 5 pm on 19 Sept)
Location: Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station, Finland,
Sponsored by: ICOS-Finland (Integrated Carbon Observation System), University of Helsinki and the
Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) and FP7-EU-MC project GHG-LAKE.
Funding: Local travel costs are funded by the host institution. GLEON has a limited number of travel
awards available on a competitive basis. Most participants will provide for their own flight costs and
accommodation costs (the price for accommodation including all meals, saunas etc. is ca. 100 EUR per
night for single room).
Goals of the workshop:
1. Form an international community of scientists who study gas exchange between the atmosphere
and fresh waters
2. Begin to develop standards (or best practices) for the measurement of gas exchange over freshwaters, as well as identify critical variables necessary for comparisons across systems
3. Draft one or more manuscripts in the following areas:
a. Synthesis of the state of the science of gas exchange between fresh waters and the
b. Comparison of gas exchange across key ecosystem gradients, such as lake trophic state,
lentic to lotic systems, lake size, etc.
Fresh waters are important C-cycling components in the landscape. Streams and rivers transport
substantial quantities of organic and inorganic carbon to downstream ecosystems, such as lakes, and to
the oceans. They also efflux large quantities of inorganic carbon to the atmosphere. Lakes, especially in
northern latitudes, store organic carbon in quantities rivaling terrestrial uplands and even the open
oceans. As with rivers, lakes tend to efflux inorganic carbon to the atmosphere. Understanding the roles
fresh waters play in landscape-scale carbon cycling is critical to understanding the full carbon cycle;
however, we are only beginning to quantify key carbon fluxes between fresh waters and their adjacent
ecosystems, and have much to learn about the controls over carbon flux and how they change across
ecosystem gradients and space and time scales.
Preliminary agenda to be announced end April 2014. The final registration is requested by end May.
Please contact Dr. Miitta Rantakari, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki
Please, register with the following items:
Telephone number:
Potential speaker (YES/NO) and a tentative title:
Prepared to share the room:
Additional information (vegetarian, allergies etc.):