AIMSweb This 3 Tier model enables universal screening, strategic assessment for students of concern, and frequent progress monitoring for at-risk students. TIER 1 Benchmark: Benchmarks are established three times per year using the included Standard Assessment Probes. Reports identify students at risk, help individualize instruction, evaluate student progress, demonstrate Adequate Yearly Progress, and serve as an accountability and communication tool for system improvement. Establish benchmarks in the fall, winter, and spring of each school year Accurately and quickly identify students at risk Generate and print professional reports at the student, classroom, grade, building, and district level Enable evidence-based evaluation and data-driven decision making Monitor progress, demonstrate improvement, and document achievement for ensured accountability TIER 2 Strategic Monitor: Strategically monitor those students identified in the Benchmarking process as at risk using monthly assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional changes and short interventions. TIER 3 Progress Monitor: Designed specifically for frequent assessment and monitoring of students at risk or with severe needs, including Title I and special education. Based on an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or other goal, expected rates of progress are prescribed and compared to actual progress. Reports evaluate student progress, prescribe the need for program changes and revisions, monitor the effects of interventions, ensure IEP success and serve as an accountability and communication tool for program evaluation and reporting. Frequently Monitor students in need of intensive instructional services Manage and report frequent assessment results to demonstrate improvement Make data-based instructional decisions based on frequent assessment results Generate and print professional reports for periodic and annual reviews Progress Monitor will automatically o Graph and interpret progress toward annual IEP’s or IEP goals o Display Survey-Level Assessment data for use in writing criterion for success o Translate annual IEP goals into expected rates of progress o Calculate and document actual rates of progress towards goals Document the effects of intervention (instructional and program changes) Use decision rules to document when progress is satisfactory or to point out when IEP’s need to be revised Document and consolidate IEP information Discovery Education Assessments Given three times during the school year in grades 3-5. Predict proficiency for Reading, Language Arts and Math Screen students to identify risk for academic failure Measure academic growth within and across years Monitor progress on state standards and Common Core standards Analyze student performance using reports that show proficiency, state and national percentiles, percent correct, item difficulty, and content mastery Folio Writing Assessment After a period of focused instruction and writing practice, the FOLIO Interim assessments provide subsequent reference points for assessing student progress against state standards. Because they are administered, scored and reported just like the FOLIO Benchmark, student results can be compared directly. Teachers can chart student progress across all diagnostic measures and design intervention strategies or remedial actions to address specific skills prior to the statewide assessment.