IEP TEAM MEETING - Special Education

Notice of IEP Team Meeting (NoTM) and Contact Log:
____ Step 1. Schedule initial IEPs within 30 days of the determination of eligibility (or the ER date). For an annual IEP,
schedule the IEP team meeting occurs before the date of the last annual IEP.
____ Step 2. Schedule the IEP meeting. Contact the parent and determine a mutually acceptable time and place with input
from the parent(s)/guardian(s) and other team members.
____ Step 3. Send out the Notice of Team Meeting with the details of the meeting and include the following IEP team members:
*Representative of the district (school administrator or designee who must be licensed to supervise or provide special
education services and not a service provider on the IEP.)
 *Regular education teacher, if the student receives regular education (requirement for SLD). The regular education
teacher should be present, as appropriate to participate in key decisions related to regular education.
 *Special education teacher licensed in the disability area of the student. This should be the person who will most likely
be responsible for implementing the IEP.
 *Student's parent(s) or guardian(s)
 Student, age 14+ required.
 Special education professional who can interpret the instructional implications of the evaluation results (if evaluation
results will be reviewed at the meeting). This may be an additional member (i.e., school psychologist) or a standing
member (e.g., special education teacher).
 Person of the same minority or cultural background, when appropriate;
 Agency representative for transition, when appropriate;
 Other individuals at the discretion of the parent(s)/guardian(s) and/or district;
 Representative of parochial or private school (if the student is enrolled in such);
 Resident district or "out of district" representatives, when appropriate.
* Required IEP team member who must attend the entire meeting.
____ Step 4. Contact the parent in writing, by phone, email, etc. two times to remind them of the IEP meeting. Record the
reminders in the contact log on Easy IEP. NOTE: If two reminders are not provided to the parent and the parent does not
come to the IEP team meeting, the IEP team meeting cannot be legally held. If two documented reminders are provided and
the parent does not come to the meeting, the IEP team can proceed with the meeting without the parent.
Development of the IEP:
____ Step 1. Have an agenda at the IEP team meeting. Follow the agenda.
____ Step 2. Welcome parents and provide them a copy of their parental rights and procedural safeguard.
____ Step 3. Verify the address where the student is living to ensure that the student is a resident of SPPS or is attending under
“open enrollment”.
____ Step 3. Check to make sure that there is a legal IEP team present to hold the IEP team meeting. All required members
must be in attendance for the entire meeting or be excused.
____ Step 4. If there is a legal team, then check to see if any required IEP team members need be excused for all or part of
The IEP team meeting, complete the Excusal form and have the parent sign it.
____ Step 5. Inform the parent that notes will be taken.
____ Step 6. Set time parameters.
____ Step 7. Conduct the IEP team meeting.
 Stay student focused using objective, measurable performance information.
 Use the term “appropriate” rather than “best” in relating to service to be provided to the student
 Steer away from past problems, focus on the student’s present and future needs
____ Step 8. Address all components of the IEP:
NOTE: The federal setting or Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) determination is the last action that the IEP team should
take. Complete all other components first.
____Report Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) describing the current
skill levels of the student in the areas where there is significant delay or deviation such as reading, math, behavior,
language, etc. Identify skill deficits that will be addressed as goals on the IEP. In addition to the description of skills,
district and state test scores (MAP, MCA, etc.) can be reported.
____Report special education needs. All goals and objectives must be linked to deficit in the present level and identified
needs based on the performance deficit.
____Report how disability interferes with the student’s ability to make progress and participate in the general education
curriculum and setting.
____If the student has any relevant medical findings or diagnoses related to the special education disability, report
those in the present level.
____Report student’s strengths and weaknesses.
____Write measurable goal(s) for each identified need using the required components.
____Write at least two measurable objectives based on standards for each goal.
____If the student is grade 9+, also include these sections in the transition plan:
-Post-Secondary Goals
-Expected graduation status and date
-Transfer of Rights at age of majority
-Courses of Study
-Transition services
____Indicate the number of progress reports that will be completed and when the progress reports will be completed.
The number and month of the progress reports must match the number and month that report cards are issued for the
school that the student attends.
____Report special education services.
____List the service as area of disability (EBD, SLD, etc.) or the type of service (SW, OT, S/L, etc.).
____Indicate the start date based on the date the parent signed or the 14-day wait period (not for an initial).
____Indicate frequency of the service and the length of each session.
____Indicate the location of the service (e.g., special education resource room, general education classroom, home,
etc.). NOTE: If special education service is delivered in the general education setting (e.g., co-teaching), the
location for the service is general education.
____Write a brief description of the service (e.g., specialized instruction in the areas of math and reading;
specialized instruction to development social skills and behavioral self-control, etc.)
____Indicate whether the student will need regular or special transportation.
____Report modifications that are needed for the student to make progress on IEP goals and objectives. The
modifications should be drawn from performance information reported in the PLAAFP.
____Consider and determine any assistive technology needs.
____Indicate whether the student needs an altered school day.
____Indicate whether the student needs an Extended School Year (ESY) based on regression and recoupment data.
____Indicate any accommodations for testing.
____Determine the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). The student must receive special education services in the
LRE based on the student’s needs. The LRE determines the federal setting for service. The LRE must be determined
as a team process. No one member of the IEP team (e.g., special education staff, school administrator or parent) can
unilaterally determine where the student will receive special education services. It is a team determination based on
the objective information reported on the IEP.
____Report the federal setting
____The reason that the student must be removed from general education.
____The general education classes that the student will be removed from for special education and all related
____If the student has behavior problems, write a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).
Development of the Prior Written Notice (PWN):
Complete the factors on the PWN:
____Proposed Action. Typical example: The school district proposes to provide special education services to [student’s name.]
____Reason for Action. Typical example: [Student’s name] needs special education service to address [list needs from IEP].
____Description of tests/procedures used as basis for action: teacher report, observations, informal assessments, parent
report, etc.
Discuss as an IEP team:
____Other options considered (consider other federal settings that were rejected by the team): Typical example: The IEP team
considered providing more special education service but rejected this option because [student’s name] is making progress
with the current amount of service and additional removal from general education is too restrictive.
____Other factors: None or describe specific factor that relates to decision regarding proposed action.
Actions Following the IEP Team Meeting:
____Step 1. Within approximately 1 week of the IEP team meeting, the IEP manager completes the IEP as agreed to in the IEP
team meeting.
____Step 2. The IEP Manager completes the PWN as discussed in the IEP team meeting.
____Step 3. The IEP Manager sends the completed IEP and PWN to the parent. Record the date that the PWN was sent to the
parent on the PWN and in the contact log on Easy IEP.
____Step 4. For an initial IEP, a parent signature is required before special education service is initiated. For an annual IEP, use
the date of the parent signature on the PWN or 14 days after the IEP and PWN were sent to the parent as the start date for
____Step 5. File IEP and original PWN with parent signature in the student’s (green) IEP folder.
____Step 6. Send IEP at a Glance to IEP team members including all the general education teachers. Appropriate staff must
have access to, and be informed about, the student's IEP. IDEA Regulations provide that each regular and special education
teacher and service provider responsible for implementing a student's IEP must: (1) have access to the student's IEP; and (2)
be informed of his or her specific responsibilities under the IEP, and of the specific accommodations, modifications, and supports
that must be provided for the student in accordance with the IEP.
Obtaining Parent Consent:
If parent/guardian fails to respond to a request for parent permission, informed parent consent for reevaluation need not be
obtained IF the district can show it took reasonable measures to obtain consent and the parent/guardian refused to
Proof of taking reasonable measures consists of the following (from at least two categories listed below, preferably one
attempt in writing):
1. detailed records of telephone calls made or attempted and the results;
2. copies of correspondence and any responses;
3. detailed records of visits made to the parents' home or place of employment and the results of those visits.