CURRICULUM VITAE 1. PERSONAL DATA SURNAME NAME DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH MARITAL STATUS ADDRESS TELEPHONES VARDAKOSTA IFIGENIA 08/12/1967 MOSCHATO-ATHENS MARRIED, MOTHER OF TWO CHILDREN 91 PINDOU STR, 183-45 MOSCHATO 2109549170, MOBILE. 6977941264, E-MAIL 2. STUDIES 04/2008 PhD student in the Ionian University, Department of Archives and Library Science. Supervisor Dr. Sarantos Kapidakis. 2004-2006 MSc in Information Science, Department of Archives and Library Science, Ionian University, Corfu, Grade “Excellent - «9,3» 1986- 1990 Bachelor in Librarianship, Technological Educational Institute of Athens. Grade “Very Good - 7,52” 1985 1st General Lyceum of Moschato. Grade “Very Good – 17,3” 3. WORKING EXPERIENCE 1995: 1991 – 1992: Head Librarian/Library & Information Centre of Harokopio University Organization and support of “Library of Free School of Philosophy “Plethon” Organization and Development of “Constantine Mitsotakis Institution Library” Organization and Development of Constantine Mitsotakis Personal Library” List of I.Depountis personal collection Organization and Development of a private collection 1991: List of a private collection (M.Kalligas) 05/1995 - today 1996 – today: 2000 – 2003 : 1993 – 2000 : 4. SEMINARS 2008: “Copyright Law and technologies” / Ionian University and Greek Libarians and Scientists of Information Union 1 2008: Digital Innovation for the Knowledge Society / Athena –Research and Innovation centre in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies 2008: Seminar for “Web of Knowledge” (WoS) / National Documentation Centre 2008: Library 2.0: Web 2.0 for internet services in a library / International Center for Hellenic and Mediterranean Studies 2008: Creative Commons v.3.0 licenses and Academic Libraries (Workshop), Law School Library of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens 2008: «Seminar for the use of Central Interlibrary Loan System VDX» / Heal-Link 2007: Seminar for “Web of Knowledge” (WoS) / National Documentation Centre 2006: 4th two days seminar for Business/ Harokopio University 2004: Seminar for Digital Information / Library & Information Centre of University of Patras 2003: Seminar for “Web of Knowledge” (WoS) / National Documentation Centre 2003: Management and Implementation Higher Education co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Structural Funds' Operational Programme "Education and Vocational Training" (Greek acronym, Ε.Π.Ε.Α.Ε.Κ.) Ministry of Education and Cults, National Management Unit. 2003:“Preserving the web material”/ Electronic Resource Preservation and Access Network (Erpanet), Ionian University 2001:“Total Quality Management”/ Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus- Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (O.P. "Education") (Distance Learning Programme) 1999: Thessaloniki Spring Course on the Digital Library/ Ticer, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 1998: Patras Spring Course on the Digital Library / Ticer, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών 1998: Communication-Interview / Greek Association for Business Management 1997: Ermis’s Databases and Internet / National Documentation Centre 1997: Glafka Database and interlibrary loan for articles / National Documentation Centre 1997: Telematics for Libraries / National Documentation Centre 1997: An introduction to the Internet / ELEA 1997: Copyright issues and electronic information / National Documentation Centre 1997: 2nd Annual Meeting of National Network of Scientific and Technological Libraries / National Documentation Centre 1997: European completion and home economics / Harokopio University 1996: National Network of Scientific and Technological Libraries: current situation and future perspectives / National Documentation Centre 1996: Fastdoc Workshop / University of Patras 1995: Telematics for Libraries / National Documentation Centre 1995: “New technologies in Library Services” / National Parliament of Greece 1993: 5th International Symposium for archivist’s education / University of Piraeus 1993: Seminar for ΑΒΕΚΤ / National Documentation Centre 1992: Seminars for Paleography and Codes / Institute for Byzantine and Neohellenic Research 1991: Psychology seminars / Cultural Centre of Municipality of Athens 5. CONFERENCES Research Papers I. Conference presentations 2 2008: “The relation between information literacy and user education: the case of Library & Information Centre of Harokopio University” in 1st Scientific Symposium “Information Literacy and Greek Higher Education” / University of Thessaly 2008: Evaluation of service quality in Library and Information Centre of Harokopio University in 17th Pan Hellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Ioannina 2008: “Right you are if you think you are: Evaluation of users education seminars held in Library and Information Center of Harokopio University” in 17th Pan Hellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Ioannina 2007: «Greek Academic Libraries manager’s aspects for Emotional Intelligence» in 16th Pan Hellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Piraeus 2007: Lecture on “Management based on teams in Greek Academic Libraries” In the line of the MSc in Information Science – Management and Organization of Libraries, Athens 2006: «Management based on teams in Greek Academic Libraries» in 15th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Patras 2005: «Usability studies of Academic Libraries’ websites: proposals for choosing a method” in 14th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / TEI of Athens 2002: “Marketing implementation in Academic Libraries” in 11th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / Technological Educational Institute of Larissa 2001: “Communication meaning and its application in Academic Libraries’ personnel” in 10th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Macedonia 1997: “Development and modernization of Harokopio’s University Library” in 6th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Athens II. Articles 2003: “Quality tools application in an Academic Library» in «Libraries and Information”, no16, p.17-25. 2002: “The significance of communication and her application in Academic Libraries’ personnel: a first approach” in“Modern Library and Information Services” no15, p.16-32 2002: “The significance of communication and her application in Academic Libraries’ personnel: a first approach» in Proceedings of 10th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries/University of Macedonia 1998: “Development and modernization of Harokopio’s University Library” in proceedings of 6th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries, Athens, p.315-316 III. Participations (Congresses, Workshops e.a.) 2008: “Information Literacy and Greek Higher Education” / University of Thessaly 2008: “Library’s information sources in academic community’s service: present and future” / National Technical University of Athens 2008: Representative of Harokopio University in 19th Managerial Committee of Greek Academic Libraries 2008: 17th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Ioannina 2008: Representative of Harokopio University in 18th Managerial Committee of Greek Academic Libraries 2008: 2nd Conference of Art Libraries / Athens School of Fine Arts 2007: 16th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Piraeus 3 2007: Software for Libraries, policies and strategies of Greek libraries for the future / Greek Academic Libraries Consortium 2007: Union Catalogue of Greek Academic Libraries: services and tools for users and librarians 2007: Representative of Harokopio University in 17th Managerial Committee of Greek Academic Libraries 2006: 15th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Patras 2006: “Libraries yesterday, today and tomorrow” / Library of Eugenidion Foundation 2006: “Academic Libraries’ role in the preservation of cultural heritage: Institutional Repositories” / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 2006: Representative of Harokopio University in 15th Managerial Committee of Greek Academic Libraries 2005: “Archives, Libraries and Law in Information Society” / National Documentation Centre 2005: 14th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / Technological Educational Institute of Athens 2005: Representative of Harokopio University in 14th Managerial Committee of Greek Academic Libraries 2004: 13th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries: “Meta – Libraries. Libraries in the era of Internet and WWW. Towards a new logic of functioning and management”/ Ionian University 2004: CD-ROM Presentation of “Greek National Bibliography 1989-2000” / Greek National Library 2004: “Academic libraries: visions, ideas, suggestions for co-operation” / Central Library of University of Ioannina 2003: “Services for development a digital cooperation among libraries”/ University of Crete 2003: “Presentation of products for digital libraries and management of digital material / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 2003: “Digital content: modern reality and prospects in Greece and Europe / National Documentation Centre 2002: “Developing Digital Libraries”, Ionian University / DELOS, Ionian University 2002: 11th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / Technological Educational Institute of Larissa 2001: 1st European Congress of Psycho-educational research: Cognitive and linguistic growth: modern inquiring approaches / Harokopio University 2001: Representatives from Higher education for establishing indicators of evaluation / University of Ioannina-Total Quality Management Unit of Greek Academic Libraries 2001: 10th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries/ University of Macedonia 2001: “Successful project management for libraries: what matters and what does not” / University of Macedonia Library 2000: 9th PanHellenic conference of academic libraries / National Technical University of Athens 2000: “Electronic resources: quality evaluation mechanisms workshop” / University of Patras 2000: New advances in information retrieval and information skills development for young people / Athens College 1999: 8th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Aegean 1998: Forum for Information Services/ Central Library of National Technical University 1997: 6th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / University of Athens 1997: Syntax of internal regulation of operation for Academic Libraries / Technological Educational Institute of Athens 1997: Continuing education of Library scientists / Greek Librarians Union 4 1996: 5th PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries / Aristotle University of Thessalonica 1995: 4th PanHellenic Symposium of Academic Libraries / University of Crete, National Technical University of Crete 1993: 7th PanHellenic Conference of Librarians / Greek Librarian’s Union 1991: 2nd Congress of Greek Bibliography / The Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive, Educators Association of Athens College 1990: The role of school library in the first and secondary degree of education in Greece and elsewhere / Educators Association of Athens College 1990: 6th PanHellenic Librarian’s Conference: new technologies and Greek libraries / Greek Librarians Union 6. TEACHING 1999 – today: User’s Education seminars for first year and post graduates students at Harokopio University (2 hours seminars in Greek and English language for Erasmus students) 2/2006: 6 hours seminar, titled “Information and its resources” In the line of the programme for Asklipiio Voulas Hospital. 5/2005: Lecture titled «Team management in Greek academic libraries” In the line of the MSc in Information Science – Management and Organization of Libraries, Athens, February 2008. 2/3/-8/3/2000: Organization of Education and Professional Training (ΟΕΕΚ) (40 hours seminar) 7. SCHOLARSHIPS 1986-1987: Scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation, for achieving the best st performance in the 1 and 2nd year of studies at the Department of Librarianship, Technological Educational Institute of Athens. 2005: Scholarship from Ionian University for the second semester of my post graduate Studies 8. FOREIGN LANGUAGES English Lower of Cambridge (Grade B) French Moderate 9. IT SKILLS Windows XP, Word, Excel, Access, Power POINT, E-mail, and Internet Library’s Automation Systems (HORIZON, ABEKT 5.5) Institutional Repository DSPACE Databases (Web of Science, EconLit, JSTOR,,OECD, Scopus, OCLC, κ.ά Statistical programmes: SPSS Geographical Information Systems: Google Earth 10. SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Academic Libraries Management (Teams, Emotional Intelligence) Digital Collections (Policies, Collection development, Open access) 5 Geographical Information Systems and Libraries 11. INTERESTS Sports: Bicycling, gymnastics Hobbies: Reading, collections 12. CONSTITUTIVE LETTERS Can be provided 6