2015 - 2016
Crudie Primary School
Aberdeenshire Council Education & Children’s Services
“Our vision is for an Aberdeenshire in which everyone is able to develop the skills and
confidence needed for learning, life and work.”
Crudie Primary School
At Crudie Primary School we inspire every child to reach their full
potential academically, emotionally and physically. Working together to
create confident and responsible citizens ready to embrace future
In Crudie Primary School our vision is the driving force behind all our improvement activity.
Education & Children’s Service’s Quality Improvement Framework, is the overarching
strategic management tool which directs and supports school improvement in
establishments across Aberdeenshire. At the heart of the framework is the belief that self
evaluation in each school drives improvement and all improvement is aimed at delivering
positive outcomes for children and young people.
“Self evaluation is a reflective, professional process through which schools get to know
themselves well…Improvement Planning builds on that self knowledge by involving us in
understanding and valuing the best of that which already exists, deciding how good we
can really be, and identifying the best way forward.
The Journey to Excellence Part 4: Planning for Excellence, HMIe, 2007
Self-evaluation is an on-going process and involves all stakeholders, including our pupils.
It is reported annually to parents/carers in our Standards and Quality Report.
Education & Children’s Service Improvement Cycle
Self evaluation to find out
where you have to go
Re-affirm vision
priorities and
Self evaluation to
Self evaluation to
determine impact
Check to
ensure impact
Take action
Self evaluation to monitor
and determine progress
The priorities for improvement contained in the Improvement Plan for 2014 – 15 reflect this
process and the priorities identified locally and nationally.
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Improvement Plan
Improvement Priority No.
Intended Outcome (s) / Impact
Actions / Lead member of staff
To further develop a strong supportive Parent Council.
Open invitation to Parents to attend Assemblies.
Jotters home every month for Parent comment.
Monthly Newsletter.
Termly workshop for parents based on aspect of the
Parent Meetings and Summative Pupil Reports.
Record informal meetings in Communication Logs kept in
After school club letters to tell parents what they have been learning.
To maintain regular contact with Parents.
To further develop links with the Crudie Community to
support the school being the heart of the Community.
To further develop links with Turriff Academy
To plan for regular Parent Council meetings.
To develop a core group of members of the Parent Council to include
a Councillor from Ward and a Community Representative.
To gain support and guidance from SPTC.
Community café on a termly basis.
Community Support with outdoor learning – Crudie Community
Garden Committee.
Community support with topic work.
Community support with school groups.
August 2015
September 2015
October 2015 then
on-going throughout
the year.
On-going throughout
the year.
On-going throughout
the year.
On-going throughout
the year.
‘Food for Thought’ initiative led by Turriff Academy.
How will you measure success?
At every partnership event the school will collect evaluative data. The data will be discussed at Staff Meetings and decisions made to
adapt for School Improvement.
Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps
November 2015
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Improvement Plan
April 2016
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Improvement Plan
Improvement Priority No.
Intended Outcome
To maintain and develop Pupil Profile for each learner.
Assess current pupil profiles. Adapt Pupil Profiles to ensure
sustainability and manageability. Look at profiling carried out in other
schools and adopt/adapt an idea that would suit our situation.
Training in use of OneNote for staff. Pupils to learn how to use
To develop ‘Learning Statement’ for each learner.
Liaise with Turriff Academy to see how Pupil Profiles are carried on
in the secondary school. Discuss what should be included in a
Learning Statement. Define criteria for learning statement. Support
all Learners to create their own learning statements.
Linking to partnerships Improvement Plan
Open afternoon for pupils to share successes and discuss learning
with parents. Parents to add to their child’s Learning Statements.
Pupils from Turriff and Banff Academys to come to Crudie Primary
School to share his/her profile.
Maintain partnerships with supporting agencies.
Ensure staff are up to date on new multi-agency planning formats.
Monitoring and tracking School Review Meetings, Action Points and
IEPs for individual learners and their families.
Aug – Oct 2015
Nov 2015 – Feb 2016
October 2015
May 2016
March/April 2016
On-going throughout
the year.
How will you measure success?
Pupil Profiles are kept up to date showing that format is manageable and sustainable. Discussion with staff on progress and usage during January and
June. Feedback from parents after they see their child’s learning statement. Feedback from Turriff Academy on Pupil Profiles sent up with this year’s
P7s. Use feedback to adapt format/content for next session.
Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps
November 2015
May 2016
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Improvement Plan
Improvement Priority No.
Intended Outcome
Raise pupil awareness of their own writing abilities
and what they need to do to improve.
Raise staff confidence in monitoring and tracking
pupil attainment in writing.
Staff to develop learning and teaching in writing
and share good practice within Crudie Primary
Staff to moderate writing with other small schools
within the Turriff Cluster.
AifL techniques to give pupils constructive feedback on how
they can improve. Peer and self-assessment to get children to
look critically at their own and others work. Use of Star Writers
to highlight good examples and celebrate success.
Look at CfE levels awarded at end of session 2014/15.
Moderate pieces of writing from term 1 as a staff to assess if
we are in agreement that pupils are at these levels. Use this as
a baseline. Using assessments from session 2014/15 and
SEEMIS information on writing from session 2013/14 set
targets for writing attainment for individuals. Track this at key
points in the year – January and June.
September then
Use of collegiate time to discuss writing and to refresh
knowledge of Big Writing materials. Regular item on staff
meeting agenda to support and share good practice in learning
and teaching of writing.
Nov 2015 and ongoing for remainder
of the school year.
Termly writing moderation sessions with Fintry and King
Edward Schools. Use of the Turriff Writing Moderation packs
to confirm judgement. Set up Learning visits with a focus on
writing between Fintry, King Edward and Crudie Schools to
share good practise and gain feedback on own practise.
Oct 2015 and ongoing for remainder
of the school year.
How will you measure success?
Class Monitoring, writing plans, minutes of staff meetings. Evidence of Big Writing materials being used in class. Tracking and monitoring of pupils at
key points during the year. Pupils able to discuss their writing and set targets for themselves. Targets set for writing are met.
Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps
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Improvement Plan
January 2015
April 2016
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