Department of Microbiology Quality Manual Section: Information Management Prepared by: QA Committee Issued by: Laboratory Manager Approved by: Laboratory Director Policy QIMMI09001.09 Page 1 of 2 Subject Title: Patient Case Costing Procedure Original Date: May 24, 2004 Revision Date: Annual Review Date: May 31, 2013 Purpose: To describe the laboratory procedure to set up workload in the Laboratory Information System for Patient Case Costing Procedures: 1. Test IDs are created in the LIS by Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology LIS staff. 2. Each test ID requires corresponding entries in the following by LIS staff: LIS Test Setup Checklist. Refer to LIS procedure manual for detail (Softlab New Test Setup Checklist). LIS Workload Checklist to meet MIS and TSI (old name for Case Costing system) requirements. Refer to LIS procedure manual for detail. TSI Code List including the following required information: a. Cost centre. Use the cost centre number where test is done. Check with managers or supervisors for accurate cost centre numbers. b. TSI Code c. Test Name d. Link Codes e. Labor RVU. Use MIS workload unit assigned for the test. If MIS unit is not available, estimate number of minutes required to perform each test (only hands on time should be used). This information is obtained from managers or supervisors. If test is referred out to another institution, use the MIS units for referred out as the labor RVU. f. Supplies RVU. Estimate reagents and supplies cost per test and remove $ sign from the value. This information is obtained from managers or supervisors. If test is referred out to another institution, use the charge levied by the external institution as the supplies RVU. UNIVERSITY HEALTH NETWORK/MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL, DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY NOTE: This is a CONTROLLED document. Any documents appearing in paper form that are not stamped in red "MASTER COPY" are not controlled and should be checked against the document (titled as above) on the server prior to use D:\116097127.doc Department of Microbiology Quality Manual Section: Information Management Policy QIMMI09001.09 Page 2 of 2 Subject Title: Patient Case Costing Procedure g. Activity definition. 3. When new tests are created, LIS staff should forward updated Case Costing Excel file to Case Costing (Form TSI Form2_MoProdInfo). 4. LIS staff should test workload setup system at least annually in the LIS test system to ensure data quality and integrity. 5. Capture of workload Workload in the LIS is set to auto capture on a nightly basis. Scheduled monthly reports are run on the 7th of the month for the previous calendar month, allotting time for resulting of longer turn around time tests. For detail procedure, refer to LIS Workload Reports Procedures 6. Capture of workload for Case Costing on a monthly basis: For Case Costing, a patient specific workload file in the form of a zipped file is provided to Case Costing on a monthly basis. The extraction of data is performed by using a Microsoft Access program developed by AMS based on MSH specifications. For detail procedure, refer to TSI Monthly Extract Procedure 7. Case Costing imports the data from Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology and Finance’s GL into the Case Costing system. Based on the RVUs provided by the laboratory, the system computes the actual case costing for each patient. Other hospital department systems are also interfaced with the Case Costing system using the same methodology outlined for the laboratories. See TSI Extract (Access Application)-Patient Costing Workload Process. Related Documents Document Title Softlab New Test Setup Checklist LIS Workload Checklist TSI Form2_MoProdInfo LIS Workload Reports Procedures TSI Monthly Extract Procedure TSI Extract (Access Application)-Patient Costing Workload Process Document Number N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A UNIVERSITY HEALTH NETWORK/MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL, DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY NOTE: This is a CONTROLLED document. Any documents appearing in paper form that are not stamped in red "MASTER COPY" are not controlled and should be checked against the document (titled as above) on the server prior to use D:\116097127.doc