Steps for Exporting from OCLC Connexion Client

Steps for Exporting from OCLC Connexion Client
A Guide for SDLN Libraries Using Aleph
If you have questions about any of the instructions below, please contact the MINITEX Bibliographic and
Technical Services Unit (612-624-4002, 800-462-5348 or
The Connexion client allows you to export records to a file or directly to a local system. You can export
records one at a time or as a group, in MARC format or Dublin Core. You can also export authority records in
MARC format. NOTE: You cannot export Original Bibliographic or Authority records unless you first add
the records to WorldCat or the OCLC Authority file. A record must have an OCLC control number in the 001
field to be exportable.
If your site uses a firewall to isolate internal systems from the Internet, you must provide a port that allows
OCLC Connexion to access your local system through the firewall. Your site's firewall system must
recognize and accept export data sent by the server from any numeric IP address within the following
address range: (all numeric addresses from through
This guide will cover three export options; using a TCP/IP Connection, using a Gateway Connection, and
Exporting to a file. Most libraries export directly to their local system using either the TCP/IP Connection
or Gateway Connection as opposed to exporting to a file. When you export records directly from Connexion
client to Aleph, a Holding Record is automatically generated on the Aleph end. An item record is also created
when you export records directly from Connexion to Aleph. When you export to a file and then import that
file into Aleph, Item records are automatically generated but no Holding record is automatically created.
Read the summary of each method below to know which is right for you.
TCP/IP Connection - For the most part, we recommend exporting directly to Aleph by setting up a TCP/IP
Connection. This is the most common option used by libraries. Using this method, you do not get a pop-up
message that implies your export was successful that you have to click on in order to export another record.
However, if the export failed in any way there are other places in Connexion client where this message would
appear. To set up a TCP/IP Connection, see page 2.
Gateway Connection - When using the Gateway Connection, a message is sent to Aleph and you receive a
message back from the Aleph server that indicates your export was successful. Many libraries do not like to
have to click on the extra dialog box to close it with each record that they export (and there are other ways
to tell that an export was successful). We usually only recommend this option to library staff who have
issues using the TCP/IP Connection Export. To set up a Gateway Connection, see page 10.
Export to a File – At least one library uses this method for Acquisitions records only. They export records
from Connexion client to a file and then import the file into Aleph which then generates item records.
While the import method will create an item, there is NO holding record automatically created. Acquisition
staff use the “export to a file” method and the Cataloging staff use “direct export.” When cataloging staff
export a bibliographic record, the bibliographic record merges with the existing record and a holding record
is automatically created (along with the item record which was created back when Acquisition staff imported
a file of records into Aleph). To set up export to a file, see page 12.
Exporting using a TCP/IP Connection
To configure Export settings:
1) From the Tools menu, choose Options and click the Export tab.
2) Click the Create button in the right hand side of the export window.
3) The New Export Destination window has 4 choices: File, LPT Port, Connection, and OCLC
Gateway Export. Choose Connection and click OK.
4) In the Export Connection Settings window, leave all the boxes blank or with the default value
supplied. Click the Create button.
5) In the New Communication Connection box, choose TCP/IP (internet) and click OK.
6) In the TCP/IP Settings box, enter the host name and port number. For SDLN libraries, the
host name is: The port number is: 5771. Click OK.
7) In the Communication Connection Name box, accept the default destination name supplied or
give your destination a unique name. Click OK.
8) Your named destination will now be highlighted in the Communication Connection box with the
prefix “TCP/IP:” Click OK.
9) In the Export Connection Settings box, double-click on your highlighted destination name.
10) In the Export Destination Name box, your destination will now have the prefix “Connection:”
added. Click OK.
11) Note that your new Export Destination is now highlighted in the export Destination box. This
will be the destination for the exported records each time you issue the Export command or
run a batch of exports.
Export Instructions
Before you export a record or a group of records, you will need to configure settings to indicate
your preference for exporting records individually or in batch.
Single Record Export
Use this method if you plan to work with one record at a time.
1). Configure your settings
a. From the Tools menu, choose Options and click on the Batch tab
b. In the Record Actions area, under Perform Record Actions in Batch, verify that
Bibliographic Record Export and/or Authority Record Export are NOT checked. Click OK
to close the box. The client will save these settings until you change them.
These should NOT be checked
Retrieve the record you want to export, or highlight it on the list in your local or online
save file.
Press <F5>, OR, from the Action menu, choose Export, OR, use the “ActionExport”
toolbar button. Because you are configured to export via a TCP/IP connection, the
system exports the record immediately. You do not need to take further action.
The system changes the record’s Export status to C (Completed) or F (Failed) in the Action Status
line at the bottom of the record and in the appropriate column on the save file display. If the
export failed, fix any errors and try again.
Batch Record Export
This method is most useful if you have a large number of items that need to be processed, or if you
are already familiar with working in batch mode when performing other record actions (such as
searching or updating holdings).
1). Configure your settings - Since records export immediately whether you are logged on or
offline, you must select an option that tells the Client to export in Batch mode. From the Tools
menu, choose Options, and then click the Batch tab.
a. In the Record Actions area, under Perform local actions in batch, check Bibliographic
Record Export and/or the Authority Record Export. Optionally, check the box next to
Display batch reports automatically if you want to view a report each time you export a
group of records. Click OK. The client will save these settings until you change them.
b. Display a bibliographic record from a local file that you want to export or select records
from a local bib file list.
c. From the Action menu, choose Export.
d. The record(s) are marked for export in batch mode. The export status is changed to R
Below are the three records in my local save file that are ready for Export. Note the R in the
“Export” column of the local save file.
e. When ready, run batch processing. From the Batch menu, select Process Batch.
f. Make sure you have your default Bibliographic Save File selected. In the Process section,
make sure that you have checked the box next to Exports. Click OK to run your batch.
You should see a dialog box appear that shows your batch is being processed.
If you indicated in your Export settings that you want to see a report after every export, a Batch
Export Report should display and tell you if the export was successful.
Exporting using a Gateway Connexion
Gateway export is most frequently required when a local system gives or expects a response to
each record being loaded. Use Gateway export if you want an immediate notification that your
record export was successful. NOTE: This means that you will have to manually click on a
confirmation message after every record export. We usually don’t recommend Gateway export
unless there are issues when trying to export using the other export method, TCP/IP.
To configure Export settings:
1) From the Tools menu, choose Options and click the Export tab.
2) Click the Create button in the right hand side of the export window.
3) The New Export Destination window has 4 choices: File, LPT Port, Connection, and OCLC
Gateway Export. Choose OCLC Gateway Export and click OK.
12) In the OCLC Gateway Export - Local System Settings box, enter the host name and port
number. For SDLN libraries, the host name is: The port number is: 5771.
Leave all the other settings with the default values or change the defaults as recommended by
your system administrator. Click OK.
4) In the Export Destination Name box, your destination will now have the prefix “Gateway
Export:” added. Click OK.
5) Note that your new Export Destination is now highlighted in the Select an Export
Destination box. This will be the destination for the exported records each time you issue
the Export command or run a batch of exports.
Export Instructions
Typically, one decides to export records either one-by-one, or in batch. See the Export
Instructions section in the TCP/IP section (page 5) for step-by-step instructions.
OCLC documentation on exporting from the Connexion Client can be found in the Help files or at:
Exporting to a File
To configure Export settings:
1) From the Tools menu, choose Options and click the Export tab.
2) Make sure “File: (Prompt for Filename)” is selected, then click on the Create button in the
right hand side of the export window.
3) In the New Export Destination box, make sure the File radio button is selected, then click
4) In the Export Filename box, browse to a location on your computer to save the file. In the
File name box, type in a name for your file, then click Open. In the example below, I’ve
named my file “Test.”
5) In the Export Destination Name box, you will see the place on your computer that your file
will be sent to (Note that at this point you could change the name of your file). If
everything looks correct, select OK.
6) Note that your new Export Destination is now highlighted in the export Destination box.
This will be the destination for the exported records each time you issue the Export
command or run a batch of exports.
Export Instructions
Typically, one decides to export records either one-by-one, or in batch. See the Export
Instructions section in the TCP/IP section (page 5) for step-by-step instructions.
OCLC documentation on exporting from the Connexion Client can be found in the Help files or at: