Academic Innovation Fund - Vice

December 15, 2010
Academic Innovation Fund
Submission Process and Call for Proposals
Background and Purpose of the AIF:
Following the endorsement by Senate of the White Paper, and in consultation with the
Senate Committee on Academic Policy, Planning and Research, the Provost announced the
establishment of an Academic Innovation Fund to provide funding for initiatives which will
advance the objectives of the White Paper and the new University Academic Plan (now in
development). The purpose of the fund is to facilitate the implementation of strategic
academic initiatives which enjoy wide institutional support, through an initial investment of
resources. The fund is thus intended to enable innovation and change at York, by
supporting innovative new initiatives or those that extend current initiatives in significant
new ways, and initiatives that promote cross-Faculty collaboration and/or leverage new
resources. In order to maximize the impact of the funds, the focus of support will be
initiatives that promote the advancement of White Paper objectives in the areas of Teaching
and Learning and the Student Experience, including those which advance accessibility,
community engagement and the formation of academic partnerships locally, nationally and
Following announcement of the AIF, the Provost invited input from the community on the
development of criteria for consideration of initiatives and allocation of funds. A good deal
of thoughtful and enthusiastic comment was received and is reflected in the criteria set out
Categories of Proposals for Funding:
A total of $2.5 million will be available annually over a three-year time horizon (i.e., 20112012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014) to support initiatives proposed by Faculties and other
academic units and individuals. There will be three categories of funding available1:
Category I
Category II
Category III
Pan-University proposals: Initiatives intended to
have an impact across the University and/or that are
a collaborative effort by two or more Faculties
Faculty-based proposals: Initiatives which apply
wholly or primarily within a particular Faculty
Individual or group proposals: Initiatives submitted
by faculty, staff, or students individually or in
Funding Available
Up to $200,000 per
Up to $100,000 per
Up to $10,000 per
The classification of a proposal as falling into Category I as opposed to Category II will be based on an
assessment of the predominant impact and outcome of the proposal. Where the impact and outcomes are
predominantly associated with or linked to a particular faculty or unit, the proposal will be classified as falling
into Category II, even if there are incidental or minor impacts outside of that faculty or unit. The Office of the
Provost reserves the right to review the classification proposed by the proponent and may require further
information or justification before agreeing to the proposed classification.
In order to ensure that appropriate consultation/coordination has occurred around proposals
prior to submission and that the best possible use will be made of these funds, applications
for funding in Categories I and II must be co-signed by both the principal applicant and the
relevant Divisional/ Faculty head (e.g., Dean(s), Director, Vice-President), as well as any
external partners.
Assessment Process:
The Working Groups that have been established in the areas of Teaching and Learning, the
Student Experience, and Community Engagement and Outreach will be invited to review
and comment on the quality and significance in relation to priority areas of each of the
submitted proposals, taking into account the criteria set out below.
These comments will be forwarded for consideration and review by the Provost’s Review
Committee, comprising senior administrators and chaired by the Provost, which will make
the final decisions on funding of proposals.
Priority Areas:
It is envisioned that initiatives that were highlighted in the White Paper chapters on
Teaching and Learning and the Student Experience will be of particular interest for
funding. These include:
 projects to advance experiential education2, including those involving community
partnerships and collaborations (locally, nationally and internationally)
 technology-enhanced learning (including web enhanced learning, blended learning
and online education)
 the first year experience
 student retention
Projects advancing other aspects of teaching and learning and the student experience will
also be given consideration, including community engagement projects and initiatives that
contribute to accessibility and/or the development of academic partnerships.
Assessment Criteria:
The criteria to be utilized in the assessment will include the following (the weights to be
attached to each of the criteria for purposes of evaluating proposals are indicated):
Qualifications and Experience:
 The proposal includes, or provides for, a team with the relevant qualifications,
knowledge and experience to ensure that the outcomes will be successfully
achieved. (10%)
While definitions of EE abound in the literature, what is generally being referred to is pedagogy that links
concrete experiences with opportunities to reflect on the implications of those experiences for refining
theoretical arguments in the curriculum and generalizing abstract conceptual reasoning to other situations.
This includes, for example, internships, co-ops, community-based learning, community service learning, and
in-class experiential activities – e.g., computer simulations.
 The implementation plan is clear and the project can be implemented in the
timeframe and manner described. (10%)
 The anticipated outcomes of the project are clearly articulated and the outcomes
described are achievable. (10%)
 The measures proposed to assess the success of the project are adequate and
feasible. (5%)
 The proposal advances the goals of the White Paper/UAP in relation to Teaching
and Learning and/or the Student Experience, particularly the priority areas
identified above. (15%)
 The expected return on investment in terms of outcomes is significant and widereaching relative to the investment being requested, including the numbers and
range of undergraduate and/or graduate students and faculty affected, and the value
of those impacts. (15%)
 The initiative will positively impact York’s profile, reputation and/or level of
engagement with partners locally, nationally and/or internationally; and the results
of the project will be communicated or disseminated in a meaningful way. (10%)
 The project leverages resources beyond those provided through the AIF. (10%)
 The project is sustainable beyond the (up to) three years of the AIF support. (10%)
 The project complies with Ontario’s accessibility requirements. (5%)
Note: Excluded expenditures include: capital construction, building renovations,
furnishings, release time, and student financial aid.
Recipients of funding will be expected to provide reports to the Provost’s Office on the use
of funds and the success of projects. It is also anticipated that some formal mechanisms
will be established to share information about initiatives and consider opportunities for the
application of results in a broader context, e.g., an annual conference, workshop, and/or
Call for Proposals:
Proposals are invited from Faculties, units, and individuals, as described above, for
initiatives to advance the White Paper/UAP objectives relating to Teaching and Learning
and/or the Student Experience. These initiatives may focus on specific tools, the
development of tools, projects, processes, curriculum, faculty support and development to
incorporate EE and/or web enhanced learning, blended learning and online education, and
so on, including courses/certificates/partnerships that offer improved access to
postsecondary education and which open academic opportunities to diverse communities
locally, nationally and internationally. Applicants are encouraged to be creative and to
consider both the efficiency of what is being proposed (i.e., what are cost effective ways to
obtain the greatest possible impact) and the sustainability of the outcome(s). Please note
that partial funding may be awarded for projects or initiatives.
Applicants must complete the attached application template and submit it electronically.
Supplemental material should be submitted only if it is essential to the clear presentation of
the project/initiative.
Note: Greater levels of detail will be expected in relation to applications for funding in
Categories I and II.
The current application process is for funding for 2011-2012 and funding will be
granted in support of approved proposals for one year only at this time. However,
applicants are asked as part of the current application to indicate whether they anticipate
requiring further funding in subsequent years and to include funding for up to three years in
budget projections. Successful applicants in 2011-2012 who identify a need for funding
beyond this year will be able to submit an abridged application in future years outlining
implementation and success of the project to that point, outcomes achieved, the expenditure
of funds to date, and any revisions to the project or its budget. Applicants submitting an
abridged application will be considered separately from those submitting new applications
in 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.
Submission of Applications for Funding and Deadline:
Applications for funding from the Academic Innovation Fund are to be submitted
electronically to Marla Chodak in the Office of the Provost ( and must
be received by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, February 15, 2011. An information session for
potential applicants will be held on January 11. All Working Groups’ comments must be
provided to the Provost’s Office by March 8, 2011. It is anticipated that applicants will be
notified of the results of the process by March 29, with funding available as of May 1,
1. Title of Project/Initiative
2. Name, position, affiliation,
and contact information
(office address, phone #
and e-mail) of principal
3. Brief Description of
proposed project or
initiative and how it will
involve innovation, change
or improvement (maximum
250 words)
4. Category of funding
applied for
5. Description of how the
proposal/initiative will
advance White Paper/UAP
objectives in areas of
Teaching and Learning
and/or the Student
6. List of i) who will be
involved in the project
(including any external to
York partners) and their
affiliations, ii) their roles,
and iii) their qualifications
or experience relevant to
this project
___ Category I (pan-university)
___ Category II (Faculty-based)
___ Category III (individual faculty, staff, student)
7. Implementation plan: key
steps involved in
implementation process
and timeline for
expenditure of funds
8. Detailed budget or business
plan indicating 1) total
budget of project or
initiative (including
projected funding from all
sources) and 2) itemized
proposed expenditures for
each year for which funds
are or will be requested,
specifying expenditures to
be funded from AIF
(append a separate page if
9. Revenues/resources to be
provided or generated from
internal or external sources
other than the AIF
Current resources (with sources):
Resources to be generated (with sources):
10. Amount requested from the for 2011-2012:
AIF for 2011-2012 and (if
relevant) amount(s)
(if relevant) for 2012-2013:
projected for 2012-2013
and/or 2013-14
(if relevant) for 2013-2014:
11. Budget office or officer
responsible for managing
the budget for this project
12. Outcomes anticipated from
the proposal over the
period of implementation,
including estimated
number and range of
students, faculty and staff
impacted and the nature of
impacts; potential impact
for York’s reputation and
13. Description of how
outcomes identified will be
measured or verified and
how success of the project
will be assessed
14. Description of plans for
dissemination of results of
project or initiative within
and (if applicable) beyond
the University
15. Indication of how the
project or initiative will be
sustained and/or expanded
following utilization of
funding from AIF
(maximum of 3 years)
Signature of Principal Applicant
For Applications in Categories I and II:
Signature(s) of Relevant Dean(s)/Director/Vice-President,
and/or external partners (if applicable)