PHS 398 (Rev. 9/04), Biographical Sketch Format Page


Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): Marr, David W.M.


Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.

Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.


David W.M. Marr eRA COMMONS USER NAME davemarr


Professor, Chem. Eng. Dept.

Colorado School of Mines

EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)



(if applicable)





Chemical Engineering University of California, Berkeley

GeorgAugust Universität, Göttingen, Germany

Stanford University MS




Chemical Engineering

Stanford University

Raychem Corporation



1990-1993 Chemical Engineering

1993-1995 Chemistry/Physics

David W.M. Marr

Biographical Sketch

Chemical Engineering Department

Colorado School of Mines

Golden, CO 80401-1887

(303) 273-3008 FAX: (303) 273-3730 e-mail:

A. Positions and Honors


1988 Summer Intern, Bayer GmbH, Leverkusen, Germany.

1988-1993 Graduate Research Assistant, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

1993-1995 Postdoc, Chem. Research Group, Raychem Corp., Menlo Park, CA.

1995-2000 Assistant Professor, Chem. Eng. Dept., Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO.

2000-2006 Associate Professor, Chem. Eng. Dept., Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO.

2006-present Professor, Chem. Eng. Dept., Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO.


Dean’s Excellence Award, 2007

Humboldt Research Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2005-2007

National Academy of Sciences, Frontiers of Science, Speaker 11/2004, Participant 8/1998

Outstanding Faculty Member, Chem. Eng. Dept., Colorado School of Mines, 2004

Dow Outstanding New Faculty Award, ASEE, 2000

NSF CAREER Award, 1998-2002

NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1989-1992

AIChE, APS, ACS, Phi Beta Kappa

B. Related Publications

Emily A. Gibson, Dawn Schafer, Wafa Amir, David W.M. Marr, Jeff A. Squier, and Ralph Jimenez, “Measuring protein folding kinetics with UVvisible absorption and UV fluorescence in a microfluidic mixer”, submitted to

Analytical Chemistry.

PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 05/01) Page 43 Continuation Format Page

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): Marr, David W.M.

R.W. Applegate Jr., Dawn Schafer, Wafa Amir, J. Squier, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Optically-

Integrated Microfluidic Systems for Cellular Characterization and Manipulation”, Journal of Optics A: Pure

and Applied Optics (invited), in press.

S. Bleil, D.W.M. Marr, C. Bechinger “Field Mediated Self Assembly and Actuation of Highly Parallel Microfluidic

Devices”, Applied Physics Letters, 88, 263515 , (2006).

J. Santana-

Solano, D.T. Wu, D.W.M. Marr, “Direct Measurement of Colloidal Particle Rotation and Field

Dependence in AC Electrohydrodynamic Flows”, Langmuir, 22, 5932 , (2006).

M. Brown, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Optical Waveguides via Viscosity-Mismatched Microfluidic

Flows”, Applied Physics Letters, 88, 134109 , (2006).

R. Applegate, J. Squier, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D. Marr, P. Bado, M. Dugan, A. Said, “Microfluidic Sorting Based on Optical Waveguide Integration and Diode Laser Bar Trapping,” Lab on a Chip , 6, 422 , (2006).

T. Stiles, R. Fallon, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, J. Squier, R. Jimenez, “Hydrodynamic Focusing for

Vacuum-Pumped Microfluidic s”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 11, 280, (2005).

R.W. Applegate Jr., J. Squier, T. Vestad, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Optical Trapping, Manipulation, and Sorting of Cells and Colloids in Microfluidic Systems with Diode Laser Bars”, Optics Express, 12, 4390, (2004).

T. Vestad, D.W.M. Marr, J. Oakey, “Flow Control for Capillary-Pumped Microfluidic Systems”, Journal of

Micromechanics and Microengineering, 14, 1503, (2004).

T. Vestad, D.W.M. Marr, T. Munakata, “Flow Resistance for Microfluidic Logic Operations”, Applied Physics

Letters, 84, 5074, (2004).

( cover article ) .

T. Gong, D.W.M. Marr, “Photon-Directed Colloidal Crystallization”, Applied Physics Letters, 85, 3760, (2004).

T. Gong, D.T. Wu, D.W.M. Marr, “Electric Field Reversible Three-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals”, Langmuir,

19, 5967, (2003).

( cover article ) .

P. Viravathana, D.W.M. Marr, “Synthesis of Colloidal Aluminosilicate for Light Scattering Investigations”,

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 265, 15, (2003).

A. Terray, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Mar r, “Microfluidic Control Using Colloidal Devices”, Science, 296, 1841, (2002).

T. Gong, D.T. Wu, D.W.M. Marr, “Two-Dimensional Electrohydrodynamically-Induced Colloidal Phases”,

Langmuir , 18, 10064, (2002).

A. Terray, J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, “Fabrication of Linear Colloidal Structures for Microfluidic Applications”,

Applied Physics Letters, 81, 1555, (2002).

J. Oakey, J. Allely, D.W.M. Marr, “Laminar Flow-Based Separations at the Microscale”,


Progress, 18, 1439, (2002).

H. Haruff, J. Munakata Marr, D.W.M. Marr, “ Directed Bacterial Surface Attachment via Optical Trapping”,

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 27, 189, (2002).

T. Gong and D.W.M. Marr, “Electrically Switchable Colloidal Ordering in Confined Geometries”, Langmuir, 17,

2301, (2001).

C. Mio, T. Gong, A. Terray, D.W.M. Marr, “Morphological Control of Mesoscale Colloidal Models”, Fluid Phase

Equilibria, 185, 157 , (2001).

C. Mio and D.W.M. Marr, “Optical Trapping for the Manipulation of Colloidal Particles”, Advanced Materials,

12, 917 , (2000).

C. Mio, T. Gong, A. Terray, D.W.M. Marr, “Design of a Scanning Laser Optical Trap for Multiparticle

Manipulation”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 71, 2196 , (2000).

P. Viravathana and D.W.M. Marr, “Optical Manipulation of Core-Shell Colloidal Particles”, Journal of Colloid

and Interface Science, 221, 301 , (2000) .

PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 05/01) Page 44 Continuation Format Page

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): Marr, David W.M.

J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Schwartz, M. Wartenberg, “An Integrated AFM and SANS Approach Toward

Understanding Void Formation in Conductive Composite Materials”, Macromolecules, 33, 5198, (2000) .

K. Swaminathan and D.W.M. Marr, “Morphology Characterization of High-Impact Resistant Polypropylene using AFM and SALS”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 78 , 452, (2000).

J. Oakey, D.W.M. Marr, K.B. Schwartz, M. Wartenberg, “The Influence of Polyethylene and Carbon Black

Morphology on Void Formation in Conductive Composite Materials -

A SANS Study”,

Macromolecules , 32 ,

5399, (1999).

C. Mio and D.W.M. Marr, “Tailored Surfaces using Optically Manipulated Colloidal Particles”, Langmuir, 15,

8565, (1999).


D.W.M. Marr, T. Gong, J. Oakey, A. Terray, “Microfluidic Valve with a Colloidal Particle Element”, Patent No.

6,802,489, 10/12/04.

D.W.M. Marr, J. Oakey “Switchable Microfluidic Optical Waveguides”, Patent No. 7,155,082, 12/26/06.


D.W.M. Marr, J. Squier “Microfluidic Systems Incorporating Integrated Optical Waveguides” Patent Application

#11/329,491 filed 1/10/06. Published 8/3/06 #20060171846

D.W.M. Marr, T. Gong, J. Oakey, A. Terray “Devices Employing Colloidal-Sized Particles”, Patent Application

#10/711,767 filed 10/4/04. Published 8/11/05 #20050175478

T. Gong, D.T. Wu, D.W.M. Marr “Colloidal Crystallization via Applied Fields”, Patent Application #10/838,908, filed 5/3/04. Published 2/3/05 #20050022723

J. Oakey, D.W.M. M arr “Laminar Flow-Based Separations of Colloidal and Cellular Particles”, Patent

Application #10/248,653, filed 2/4/03. Published 8/3/06 #20060169642

C. Research Support (last 3 years)

Current Support

NSF0454763 Jimenez (PI) 6/1/05 – 5/31/08


Collaborative Research: Development of a Novel Multiphoton Microscope for Measuring Biomolecular

Dynamics Over 15 Orders of Magnitude in Time

Major goal: To integrate novel femtosecond nonlinear optical techniques with novel microfluidic flow control and design for the study of protein unfolding kinetics.

Role: co-PI

Completed Support

1 R21 EB001722-01 Squier (PI) 9/1/03 – 8/31/06


Light-Powered Microfluidic Cell Separator and Imager

Major goal: To develop improved optical methods for direct cell manipulation in microfluidic devices.

Role: co-PI

NAG9-1364 Marr (PI) 9/1/00

– 8/31/05

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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): Marr, David W.M.


A Novel Colloidal Microfluidics Platform for Spaceborne Micro Total Analysis Systems

Major goal: To create colloid-based microfluidic devices.

Role: PI

CTS-0097816 Marr (PI) 4/1/01 – 3/31/04


Sensing, Actuation, and Flow Control with Colloidal Devices

Major goal: To create novel colloid-based microsensors for incorporation into microfludic devices.

Role: PI

CTS-0304158 Marr (PI) 7/1/03 – 6/30/04


NER: 3D Nano-colloidal Crystallization via Electrokinetic Flows

Major goal: To study the three-dimensional ordering of nanoscale colloidal particles using applied electric fields.

Role: PI

XDJ-2-30630-27 Williamson (PI) 6/1/02 – 9/30/04


Structure of Silicon-Based Thin-Film Solar Cell Materials

Major goal: To investigate the morphology of silicon-based photovoltaic materials using a combination of small angle x-ray and small angle neutron scattering techniques.

Role: co-PI

Metafluidics, Inc. Support

With Dr. John Oakey, founded Metafluidics, Inc. to commercialize the microfluidic technologies developed within the academic laboratory.

HHSN268200525224C Oakey (PI) 9/1/05 – 5/31/06


A Microfluidic Platform for Complete Hemostasis Management

Major goal: To develop portable microfluidic networks for coagulation analysis.

Role: co-PI

1 R43 HL082276 Oakey (PI) 8/15/05 – 2/14/06


Fluid Waveguides for Microfluidic Flow Cytometry

Major goal: To develop microfluidic optical networks for cell sensing applications.

Role: co-PI

1 R43 EB000952-01 Oakey (PI) 6/01/03 – 5/31/05


Precision Microfluidic Control for Nanobiotechnology

Major goal: To develop single-cell microfluidics separations.

Role: co-PI

1 R43 HL079741-01 Oakey (PI) 12/15/04 – 5/14/05


Cell Culturing BioChips for Pulmonary Vasculature Mimics

Major goal: To develop microfluidic networks for model tissue growth and study.

Role: co-PI

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