BUBBLE KINGDOM Module Connecting with the Natural World Unit Keeping “Bubble Kingdom” clean Key Stage Targets (KS1) To develop an ever-improving capability to use English to develop an awareness and an enjoyment of basic sound patterns of English in imaginative texts through activities such as participating in action rhymes and singing songs (E.D. a) to respond to characters and events in simple imaginative and other narrative texts through oral, written and performative means such as participating in the telling of stories Programme Outline (This programme is 15 minutes long) In this programme, the children will hear a story called Bubble Kingdom and at the same time learn to identify some phonics sounds. There is a King and a Queen in Bubble Kingdom and they have two children, Prince and Princess. They are very clever but just a bit too playful. One day they run after a rabbit to a far-away place. Then they get lost. The bad news is the Princess hurts herself and cannot walk. They have to be careful because her body is made of bubbles! Luckily, Prince makes a paper plane to fly home. Up in the sky they see that their neighbouring kingdoms are very dirty, full of black smoke. They learn that Bubble Kingdom is a clean and beautiful place and they must keep it that way. When they get home, the King is angry with them. He says they can play but they should do some work too. Can they do something to make themselves remember? Prince suggests that they clean up Bubble Kingdom for the National Bubble Day. How can they clean up the whole kingdom? They are so small! Firstly they invite the clouds to make rain to clean up Bubble Kingdom. After the rain, the sun comes out and gives the plants the food they need. Next the Prince and the Princess invite the wind to come to dry up the rain. Now they are ready for the National Bubble Day. But how about the witch? The witch makes a lot of troubles for Bubble Kingdom on National Bubble Day every year! What shall they do? The Queen says, “Let’s invite the witch to come to tea to the Garden of Love…” What will happen to the witch? Communicative Functions 1. Make simple requests 2. Identify simple objects 3. Express and respond to thanks Pre-viewing Activities 1. Introduce the word “bubble” to the class. Ask the children to guess what the people will look like in Bubble Kingdom. 2. Review or introduce the phonics sounds highlighted in the programme: /d/ dirty 1 /cl/ clean /cl/ cloud /w/ wind /w/ witch /g/ garden 3. Ask them to read together when they see the letters and sounds during the programme. 4. Draw the pupils’ attention to: (a) this question: “Cloud, would you like to help me?” and the answer, “Yes, I’d like to.” (b) this expression: “Thank you very much, rain. Thank you very much, sun.” and the response, “You’re welcome.” 5. Ask the children to predict what will happen next - when the witch is invited by the Queen to have tea with the prince and princess in the Garden of Love, what will happen to her. Will she still make troubles for Bubble Kingdom again? Why? Why not? While-viewing Activities 1. Read Aloud Together During the programme, these phonics sounds will be read out. Please ask the pupils to read together: /d/ dirty /cl/ clean /g/ garden /cl/ cloud /w/ wind /w/ witch 2. Please Answer Together When pupils are watching the programme, ask them to pay attention to the answer: “I’d like to.” Answer together when they hear this question repeated a second time: “Wind, would you like to help me?” Please answer: “Yes. I’d like to.” Post-viewing Activities 1. Letters and Sounds : COPYMASTER 1 Review - Teacher reads out the sounds and words, the pupils fill in the letters: Answers: 1. dirty 2. clean garden 3. cloud 4. wind 2. Making the right responses (a) Teacher reviews: When we want help, how do we ask people? The question is: “Would you like to help me?” The response to the question is: “Yes. I’d like to.” When we want to thank people, what do we say? We say: “Thank you very much.” The response is: 2 5. witch 6. “You’re welcome.” (b) Ask pupils to do pair work: COPYMASTER 2 Step one – Fill in the response when Prince and Princess want Cloud to help them. Question: “Cloud, would you The response to the question is: like to help me?” “Yes. I’d like to.” Step two – Write down both the question and response when Prince and Princess want Wind to help them. Question: ““Wind, would you The response to the question is: like to help me?” “Yes. I’d like to.” Step three – Prince and Prince thank Wind, Cloud and Sun. Fill in their response. The sentences: “Thank you very much, Wind.” “Thank you very much, Cloud.” “Thank you very much, Sun” Their response is: “You’re welcome.” Step four – Pupils A and B practise reading out all the questions/sentences and responses like dialogues. 3 COPYMASTER 1 Bubble Kingdom ________________________________________________________________________ Post-viewing activities Review 1. Letters and Sounds : Teacher reads out the sounds and words, pupils fill in the letters: 1. __ irty 2. __ __ ean 3. __ __oud 4. __ind 5. __itch 6. __arden 4 COPYMASTER 2 Post-viewing activities Review (1) They want Cloud to help them. Prince and Princess ask:“Cloud, would you like to help me?” Cloud wants to help. Please fill in Cloud’s answer: Yes, ______________________________. (2) They want Wind to help them. Prince and Princess ask: ______________________________________________________________? Wind wants to help. Please fill in Wind’s answer: Yes, _______________________________. (3) Prince and Prince thank Wind, Cloud and Sun. They say: “Thank you very much, Wind.” “_________________, Cloud.” “________________________.” Please fill in their answer: _____________________________. (4) Pair work – Read the above dialogues with your classmate. 5