Position: Professor of Animal Breeding and Genetics

Full name: Mohamed Abdel Bary Mohamed Mandour
Position: Professor of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Personal data
Address: University: King Faisal
College: Veterinary Medicine and Animal Resources
Department : Veterinary Public Health and Animal Husbandry
P.O. Box 1757 Al Hufof – 31982 Saudi Arabia
Telephone: 3 5816600 (ext 2390) Fax: 00966 - 35816635
Mobile 0543372292
Roles and Responsibilities
- Teaching (lectures, Lab., and farm supervision), and all exams and testing duties to both undergraduate and
graduate students of the following, subjects:
1- Breeding for production and genetic improvement (Animal and poultry).
2- Biological statistics and experimental design.
Candidate shares and participates actively in the following scientific activities:
Teaching and exam duties of the preciously mentioned courses to undergraduate and graduate
students .
Teacher, supervisor and examiner committee member of Master and PH. D. students at Agriculture and
Veterinary Medicine colleges.
Statistical and genetic analyses as well as research consultant of scientific research data to staff
members at University colleges, and scientific research centers for animal and poultry production.
Lecturing training and evaluating regional training courses at Ministry of Agriculture and Land
Reclamation as well as General Organization for Veterinary Services.
Preparing and designing simple training courses on animal and poultry production for beginner and
interested breeders, being arranged by National Agriculture Developing Projects (Rural and
domesticated areas).
Principal investigator and vice - principal investigator of some research projects for genetic
improvement through traditional selection and recent biotechnological programs).
Animal and poultry breeding consultant:
a- Periodical evaluation for milking cows and sires after computing the breeding value for each cow and sire
using the different microcomputer breeding programs.
b- Responsible for evaluating microcomputer and management programs for dairy farms (milking, services,
fattening, veterinary care, calving, and culling.
c- Designing and evaluating sire breeding programs (maternal and paternal flocks)
2- Cooperation with Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Division at Mubark Institute for scientific research
(production of high immune and productive transgenic chickens).
4- Practical training of under - graduate and graduate students in animal production farms and companies.
Bachelor of veterinary medicine, Cairo University, (June, 1976)- Cairo, Egypt.
Master of veterinary Medicine (M.V.Sc.), Alexandria University (1981)- Alexandria, Egypt
Title of Master Thesis: - Factors affecting the soundness of hooves in equine and claws in cattle.
Master of Science, Ohio state University (1987) – Columbus Ohio, U.S.A.
Doctor of philosophy in poultry breeding and genetics, Ohio state University (1987) - Columbus, Ohio,
Title of Ph.D. Dissertation : “Selection for wing bone breaking strength in cage reared broilers”.
The candidate follows the scientific school that fervors breeding and improvement of productive and
reproductive traits for both animals and poultry, especially the native ones.
This objective could be achieved through using modern biotechnological techniques. A quantitative
genetic breeding program should be developed (designed) with continuous backcrossing and subsequent
complete laboratory screening to avoid undesirable or point mutations.
Moreover, genetic diversity and transgenesis would be practiced on different animal and poultry classes,
in order to define the best solutions environmentally and genetically to maximize the performance.
1- Member of the Egyptian Poultry Science Association (Fac. of Agriculture, Alex Univ.)
2- Member of the Veterinary Medicine Union.
3- Member of the college head and chairman committee for several years.
4- Member and one of the editor board of Alex. Journal of Vet. Science.
5- Member of the clean environment friendship and Egyptian Medical and Low Associations.
6- Active member in Education and student affair committee.
7 - Active member in the committee responsible for developing, updating, and criticizing teaching policy in
Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
8 - Member of permanent scientific professor promotion committee of animal and poultry hygiene, nutrition,
husbandry, and food control.
9 - Member of the editorial board and managing committee of the Egyptian Poultry Science Journal,
Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Science, and Kafr El- Sheikh Veterinary Medical Journal.
1 -Genetic Variations Among Indigenous Camel Strains in Saudi Arabia (Principal Investigator)
2 - Effects of yeast as direct-fed microbial agent on the rumen microbial ecology of Saudi Arabia sheep
(Co- Investigator)
ARABIAN CAMEL POPULATION ( Ph. D. scholarship student (Joint Research work of King
Faisal University and the university of Nottingham (molecular and population genetics Institute)
under the supervision of Prof Dr. Chris & Prof Dr. Pamela Burger and Prof. Christian Schlötterer
who heads the institute of population genetics and supervises and the principle investigators of the
actual genetic work in the camel project ( Institut für Populationsgenetik Department für
Biowissenschaften Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien Veterinärplatz 1 A-1210 Wien, Austria )
1- Prize of Alexandria University for promotion of sciences (1995).
2- Prize of Academy of Scientific research and Technology in poultry disease and breeding (1996)
Teaching (lectures, Lab., and farm supervision), and all exams and testing duties to both undergraduate and
graduate students of the following, subjects:
Undergraduate Students:
1 - Animal Breeding and Genetics.
2 – Biostatistics
3 – Fundamentals of Animal Production.
Graduate Students:
1 - Breeding for production and genetic improvement (Animal and poultry).
2 - Biological statistics and experimental design.
Master Thesis and Ph.D. Dissertation Awarded in Agriculture or Vet. Med. and supervised by Prof. Dr. M. A
Mandour (Since 2000):
Helal , M. A. (2000): “Breeding for immune response in Japanese quails” Ph.D. in veterinary medicine
Dissertation, Animal Husbandry Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med , Alexandria University.
El- Maghraby , M.A. (2000): “Genetic variation in some biochemical traits as related to production in
buffalo cows”. Ph. D. in Vet Med. Dissertation, Animal Husbandry Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med., Alexandria
El – Hawary, W.N. (2001): "studies on reproduction of marine shrimp with special emphasis on induced
spawning". M.V.Sc. Thesis, Animal Husbandry Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med., Alexandria Univ.
Nawar, Dalia M. M (2001): "Hygienic quality of some street vended dairy products". M.V.Sc. Thesis,
Food Hygiene Dept., Fac. of Vet. Medicine, Alexandria. Univ.
Eissa, Wafaa, M.M. (2001) "Quality assurance of some smoked meat products". Ph. D. in Vet. Med.
Dissertation, Dept. of Food Hygiene, Fac. of Vet. Med., Alex. Univ.
Abdel – Hakim, Y. A. (2002): "Quality assessment of egg. at local markets". M.V. Sc. Thesis, Dept. of
Food Hygiene, Fac. of Vet. Med., Alex. Univ.
Farahat, Abeer, S.I. (2003): "The influence of meat type chickens under different breeding and
management conditions". M.V. Sc. Thesis, Animal Husbandry Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med., Alex. Univ.
Mohamed, A.A. (2003): "Effect of diallel crosses on poultry performance". M.Sc. Thesis in Agric., Animal
and Fish Production Dept., Fac. of Ag., (Saba Basha) Alex. Univ.
Basha, Heba A. (2004): "Biochemical genetic variations due to crossing among different breeds of
rabbits". M.V.Sc. Thesis, Animal Husbandry Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med., Alex. Univ.
10- EL- Edel, M.A. (2005): "Breeding for immune response in Egyptian chicken strains". M.V.Sc. Thesis, Dept.
of Animal Husbandry and Animal Wealth Development, Fac. of Vet. Med., Alex. Univ.
11- Taha, A. E. H. (2005): "Genetic Variations among colored varieties of coturnix ". M.V.Sc. Thesis, Animal
Husbandry and Animal Wealth Development Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med., Alex. Univ.
12- EL – Tahawy, W. S. A. (2005): "production of transgenic local chicken by injection of DNA from
Japanese quails or broiler breeders". Ph. D. in Agriculture Dissertation, Fac. of Agriculture (Damnhour
Branch), Alex. Univ.
13- Ahmed, Rania, A.H. (2005): "Effect of crossing on the productive performance of rabbits". M.V.Sc.
Thesis, Animal wealth Development Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med., Suez Canal Univ.
14- Ahmed, Doaa, F.A. (2006): "The use of modern biotechnology in the production of high immune
response chickens." M.Sc. Thesis in Agriculture, Dept. of Animal and Fish production, Fac. of Agric.,
(Saba Basha), Alex. Univ.
15- Helal. M.A.: "The effect of selection on the performance of Japanese quails". M.V.Sc. Thesis, Animal
Husbandry Dept, Fac. of Vet. Med., Alex. Univ.
16- Abdel – Wanis, S.S. (2006): "Impact of housing density, Vit. E. and chromium supplementation on
performance of growing and laying Japanese quails". M.V.Sc. Thesis. Animal and Poultry Production
Dept., Fac. of Agriculture (Damanhour), Alex. Univ.
17- EL- Gendy, Yasmeen M.H. (2006): "Physiological response of rabbits to heat stress". M.V.Sc. Thesis.
Animal, Poultry and Fish Dept., Fac. of Agriculture, (Saba Basha), Alex. Univ.
18- Younis, Mona E.M. (2006): "Selection against obesity in Japanese quails". M.V.Sc. Thesis. Animal
Husbandry and Animal wealth Development Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med. Alex. Univ.
19- Mohamed, A (2007).: Effect of recent biotechnological techniques in Japanese quail production". Ph.
D. in Agric. Animal, Poultry and Fish Dept., Fac. of Agric. (Saba Basha), Alex. Univ.
Kostat, Sara A.A.M. (2007): "Economic and productive efficiency of addition of some feed additives to
Japanese quails". Animal Husbandry and Animal Wealth Development Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med., Alex.
21- Mughanem, W.M.A. (2007): "Preliminary Studies on spawning of Nile parch fish under complete
artificial environment." Animal Husbandry and Animal wealth Development Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med.,
Alex. Univ.
22- Umeran, A.M.A. (2008): "Studies on Some factors affecting performance of fresh water fish hatcheries in
Egypt". Animal Husbandry and Animal Wealth Development Dept., Fac. of Vet. Med., Alex. Univ.
23 - Taha, A.E.H.A.:(2008): "Laying performance of Japanese quails divergently selected for body weight
under different rearing and lighting systems". Ph.D. in Vet. Med. Animal Husbandry and Animal Wealth
Development Dept., Fac., of Vet., Med., Alex. Univ.
Ph.D. Dissertation under investigation (not awarded) and Supervised by Prof. Dr. M.A. Mandour:
Basha, Heba A.I.: "Selection for high maternal performance of rabbits". Animal Husbandry and Animal
Wealth Development Dept., Fac. of Vet., Med. Alex. Univ.
El – Edel, M.A.A.: "Influence of Major Histocompatibility complex (MHC) groups on disease resistance
and productivity of some local chicken strains". Animal Husbandry and Animal Wealth Development
Dept., Fac. of Vet., Med., Alex. Univ.
Gelby, N. B.G.: "Genetical improvement of local Sainai Chickens". Animal, Poultry and Fish Dept., Fac.
of Agric. (Saba Basha), Alex. Univ.
Turk, Afaf E.E.: "Developing a four way cross for improving egg production traits in local breed of
chickens". Animal, Poultry and Fish Dept., Fac. of Agric. (Saba Basha), Alex. Univ.
Selected publications
1 - Mandour,M. A.; S. A. Al-shami, and Al-Tabari, G (2009): The Effect of Feeding Probiotics on the
Productive Performance of Saudi Arabia Sheep Breeds during Fattening. Mansoura Veterinary
Medical Journal Vol. XI, No. 1, 87 – 103.
2 - Abd El-Hamid E. A., Y. A. Attia, M. A. Mandour and W, S. El-Tahawy (2009). "Differentail white
blood cell count and gel electrophorisis in transgenic local chickens". 2nd Mediterranean Summit
of WPSA, October 4th to 7th 2009, Antalya Turkey
3 - Attia, Y A, M. A. Mandour, A. E. Abd El-Hamid and F. Bovera, S. Sh. Hassan (2008)." Impact of
housing density, vitamin E and/or chromium chloride supplementation on performance of
growing Japanese quail males", Proceeding of XXIII Worlds Poultry Congress, Brisbane June
30- July 4, 2008, Australia. Abstract in: Worlds Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 64, supplement (2):
309. (IF = 1.177), English.
4 - Attia, Y A, M. A. Mandour, A. E. Abd El-Hamid, And F. Bovera, S. Sh. Hassan (2008)." Impact of
housing density, vitamin E and/or chromium chloride supplementation on performance of growing
japanese quail males", Proceeding of XXIII Worlds Poultry Congress, Brisbane June 30- July 4,
2008, Australia. Abstract in: Worlds Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 64, supplement (2): 309. (IF =
1.177), English.
5 - RABIE, T.; M. A. M. Mandour; and H. ZEWEIL, (2007): An Affordable and Effortless Method for
High-Throughput DNA Extraction from Animal Tissues. The TROPENTAG: An International
Conference for Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development.
Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen; Witzenhausen and Göttingen, October, 2007.
6 - Zweel, H. S.; M. A. M. Mandour; and A. A. Ahamed (2007): "The quality of poultry meat" XVIII
European Symposium on, Prague, Czech Republic, 2 – 5 September, 2007.
7 - Mandour, M. A. .M.; F. A., Abdel Ghany; and M. A., Helal (2007): Studies on some economic traits of
two Egyptian chicken strains subjected to vaccination against Infectious Bursal Disease Virus. The
4th World Poultry Conference, Sharm El- Sheikh, Egypt. 27 – 30 March, 2007.
8 - Abdel Hamid, E. A;,Y. A. Attia, M. A. Mandour; and W. S. El-Tahawy (2006): "Blood biochemical and
semen quality profile in transgenic local chickens." J. Agriculture and Environmental Sc., 5 (2) :104
– 123.
9 - Sharaf, M. M.; M. A. M. Mandour; and A. E. Taha (2006): " Effect of diallel crossing on some growth
performance, carcass traits, and immune response against New Castle Disease Virus vaccine of
Japanese quails." Egyptian Poultry Sc., 26 (IV): 1451 – 1470.
10 - Zweel, H. S.; O. M. Aly; M. A. M. Mandour; Doaa F. Abdel Aziz (2006): "The use of modern
biotechnology in the production of high immune response chickens. 2-Effect of transgenesis on some
chicken reproductive, hematological and serum biochemical traits." Alex. J. Vet. Sc., Vol. 24(1): 131
– 1147.
11 - Mandour, M. A. M., O. M. Aly; H. S. Zweel; Doaa F. Abdel Aziz (2006): "The use of modern
biotechnology in the production of high immune response chickens. 1- Immunity traits and serum
protein gel electrophoreses." Alex. J. Vet. Sc., Vol. 24(1): 149 – 169.
12 - Abdel Ghany, F. A., and M. A. Mandour (2005): " Genetic and nongenetic variations in economic
traits of two Egyptian chicken strains subjected to vaccination against New Castle disease virus."
Alex. J. Vet. Sc., Vol.(23), No. 10: 97 – 113.
13 - Mandour, M. A., and Abdel Aziz, Iman K. (2004): "Immune and histopathological response of
crossbred native Egyptian chickens against New Castle disease virus vaccine." Alexandria J. Vet. Sc.,
Vol.(22), No. 2: 59 -69.
14 - Mandour, M. A., M. M. Sharaf, and M.A. Helal. (2003): "Selection for immune response in Japanese
quails." The First Scientific Congress, Kafr El-Sheikh Vet. Med. J., Vol. 1: 935 – 952.
15 - Mahrous,U. E., M. El-Telbany, and M. A. Mandour (2003): “Some factors affecting incidence of
cannibalism in O. Niloticus, O. Aureus, and their crossbred “ 9 th Sci. Cong. , Fac. Vet. Med. , Assuit
Univ. Egypt ; 412-423.
16 - El-Sheikh A. I., M. A. Mandour., G. A. Abd Allah, and Yousrya Affify, k. (1999): “Pre – and postweaning performance of rabbits as affected by breed, crossbreeding and other non-genetic factors.”
The third Scientific Conference for Vet. Med. Researches, Fac. Vet. Med., Alex. Univ.
17 - Mahrous, U. E.; I. S. Meneeh; S. A. Hedaya, and M. A. Mandour (1999): “The effect of light color on
behavior, performance, blood parameters, immune response and carcass quality of broiler chicks.”
The Third Scientific Conference for Vet. Medial Research, Fac. Vet. Med. Alex. Univ .
18 - Soliman. F. N. K. ; A. I. El. Sheikh, and M.A. Mandour (1999): “ Effect of restricted feeding time,
season and sex on post weaning performance of New Zealand White rabbits.” Egyptian Poultry
Science, Vol. 19 (11) : 407-418.
19 - Mandour M.A., F. N. K. Soliman ; M. Bahie El-Dean, and A. M. El-Raffa. (1999): “ Genetic
relationships of 21 and 28 day body weights with post weaning performance in New Zealand Whit
Rabbits.” Minufiya J. Ag. Res., Vol. 24, No. 4 : 1403-1414.
20 - Amal A. Rady and M. A. Mandour (1998): “Possibility of enriching Fayoumi hen’s egg with omega-3
fatty acids.” Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 38 No 76.
21 - Amal A. Rady and M.A. Mandour, (1998): “ Relationship of egg consumption and heart diseases. “
Scientific conference on poultry and environment, Fac. Of Agric., Alex. Univ.: 1-8.
22- Mandour, M.A. (1996): “Use of microcomputer programs to estimate breeding value and to improve
production efficiency in rabbits” Egyptian poultry Science, Vol. 16, No. 2: 1-13.
23 - Mandour , M.A. (1996): “ Production of highly immune transgenic chickens by injection of quail
bursal DNA.” Alex. J. Vet. Science, Vol. 12, No. 2 : 81- 98.
24 - Mandour, M.A., G.A. Abd-Alla, and M.M. Sharaf. (1996): “Effect of crossbreeding on some carcass
traits of Native and Standard breeds of chickens. “ Eg. Poultry Sc., Vol. 16: 171-185.
25 - Mandour , M. A. (1996): “ Effect of divergent selection for eight week body weight on some
productive and reproductive traits in Alexandria chickens .” Alex. J. Vet. Sci., Vol. 1: 33 – 42.
26 - Badi, A. M., M. A. Mandour. (1995): “Effect of breed of mate on some productive and reproductive
traits in Sudanese dairy cattle” Alex. J. Vet. Sci. (1st Sci. Conf. For Vet. Med. Res.) Vol. 11 No. 3:
27 - Mandour, M. A., and M. M. Sharaf. (1995): “Effect of selection for high 4-week body weight on some
productive and reproductive traits in Japanese quails. Alex. J. Vet. Sci. (1st Sci. Conf. For Vet. Med.
Res.), Vol. 11 No. 4: 389 – 397.
28 - Kanoun, A. H., M. A. Mandour, A. Bisher, and K. Najah. (1994): “ The effect of diallel crosses of
local and standard breeds of chicken . “ Second Vet. Med. Cong. Zagazig, 655 – 668
29 - El-Sheikh, A. I., M. M. Sharaf, and M. A. Mandour.(1994): “A genetic study of some litter traits and
body weights before and after weaning in rabbits“ Zagazig Vet. J., Vol. 22: 128-136 .
30 - Mandour, M. A. and M. M. Sharaf. (1994): “Relationships among body weights, carcass yield, internal
organs, and some physical body measurements in Japanese quail. “ Egyptian poultry Science, Vol. 14
: 71 – 92.
31 - Sharaf, M. M., and M. A. Mandour. (1994): “Relationships among egg weights, egg weight loss,
embryonic developments, hatch weight, and chick weights in two populations of Japanese quail.”
Egyptian Poultry Science, Vol. 14: 71 – 92.
32 - Sharaf., M. M., and M. A. Mandour (1993) “Heritability, repeatability, and genetic correlation of
different egg quality traits at three stages of egg production curve in Japanese quail.” Egyptian
Poultry Science, Vol. 13: 481-499.
33 - Kosba, M. A., M. K. Shebll, F. N. Solimaan, M. A. Mandour, and O. M. Aly. (1993): “Selection for egg
mass in Alexandria strain chickens. “ Menofiya J. Ag. Res., Vol. 18, No. 1: 201 – 220
34 - Mandour, M. A., and M. M. Sharaf . (1993): “Influence of age, mating ratio, and crossing on
hatching performance of Japanese quail eggs" Egyptian Poultry Sc., Vol. 13: 393 – 409.
35 - Shakshouk, A. G. R., Y. Z. Otify, M. A. Mandour, and M. M. Sharaf. (1992): “Comparative efficacy of
some anticoccidial agents for the control of natural coccidiosis in two strains of Japanese quail .”
Vet. Med. J., Giza Vol. 40, No. 1: 121 – 130.
36 - Mandour., M. A., M. M. Sharaf, M. A. Kosba, and N. M. El- Nagar.(1992): Estimation of combining
ability and heterosis for some economic traits in local and commercial broiler strains of chickens
from diallel cross.” Egy. Poultry Sc. Vol. 12, 5- 78 .
37 - El-Naggar, N. M., M. M. Sharaf, and M. A. Mandour.(1992): “Relationship of carcass yields and
some body measurements in different turkey strains” Egy. Poultry Sc., Vol. 12:145-146.
38- El-Bayomi, Kh M., M. A. Mandour, M. M. Sharaf, S. A. El-Fiky and S. A. Hemeda (1992):
“Estimation of heterosis and combining ability of humeral and cell mediated immune response in
rabbit crosses.” Proc.2nd Cong., Fac. Vet. Med., Cairo University, 133-137.
39 - Reda, I. M., Kh. M. El-Bayomi, M. A. Mandour, I. S. Meneeh, and S. A. Hemeda (1992): “Genetic
Variation in the humeral immune response among three breeds of rabbits” Proc. 2 nd Cong. Fac. Vet.
Med., Cairo University, 127-131.
40 - Sharaf. M.M., Kh M. El-Bayomi., M. A. Mandour, S. A. El-Fiky, and A.I.El –Sheikh (1992):
“Evaluation of heterosis and combining ability for some semen characteristics in complete three
breed diallel crosses of rabbits.” Zagazig Vet. J. (EGVMC), Vol. 20, No. 3: 471-480.
41 - Mandour, M. A. and Kh
M. El-Bayomi, M. Korshom, and A. I. El-Sheikh (1992): "Semen
characteristics of three breeds of rabbits in relation to frequency of semen collection” Zagazig Vet. J.
(EGVMC) Vol., 20, No. 3: 412-419.
42 - Sharaf, M.M., M. A. Mandour, and F.N. Soliman. (1991): “Relationship between storage period and
temperature, layer’s age and egg quality traits of to Japanese quail stains.” Zagazig Vet. J., Vol. 19,
No. 3 : 665-676
43 - Soliman , F.N., M. M. Sharaf, and M. A. Mandour. (1991): Effect of storage and egg color on some
reproductive traits in Japanese quail Egyptian Poultry Science, Vol. 11: 287-302.
44 - Mandour, M. A., M.M. Sharaf, and M. A. Kosba.(1991): Crossbreeding effects on some performance
of Alexandria chicks ” Banha Vet. Med. J., Vol. 2, No. 2: 122-137, 1991.
45 - Mandour, M.A. (1991): “ The influence of genotype and vit. E supplement on the immune response of
broilers to vaccination against some viral diseases.” Eg. Poultry Sc., Vol. 11: 465-483.
46 - Sharaf, M. M., M. A. Mandour, and M. A. Kosba (1991): “Estimates of genetic parameters of egg
weight, embryo weight, chick weight, and evaporation rate, through incubation, in some Egyptian
strains of chickens”. Eg. Poultry Sc. Vol. 11: 51 – 66.
47 - El-Katcha, M. I. , M. M. Shara, M. A. Mandour, and H. S. Abdel – Hamid (1991): “Influence of breed
and dietary supplementation of methionine, copper, and zinc on broiler performance" Banha Vet.
Med. J. , Vol. 2, No. 2 : 7- 23.
48- Badran, A. E. , Kh. M. El-Bayomi, and M. A. Mandour. (1991): “Estimation of lactation curve
characteristics of Friesian cows and Egyptian buffaloes” Zagazig J. Agric. Res. , Vol. 18, No. 1 : 101
– 108 .
49 - Ghanem, Y. S. Kh M. El-Bayomi, M. A. Mandour, and A. E. Badran. (1991): “Inheritance of clinical
mastitis and their relationship with milk production in Friesian cows in Egypt Assuit Vet. Med. J. ,
Vol 26, No. 51 : 92-97.
50 - Ghanem, Y. S. , A. E. Badran, Kh. M. El-Bayomi, and M. A. Mandour,(1991): “Genetic and non–
genetic factors influencing lactation persistency in Friesian cows in Egypt Zagazig Vel. J. , Vol. 19,
No. 2 : 363-376.
51 - Ghnem, W. S. , M. A. M andour,Kh. M. El- Bayomi, and A. E. Badran.(1991): “ Genetic parameters of
some lactation traits in Friesian cows in Egypt. ” Zagazig J. Ag. Res ., Vol. 18: 1071 – 1082.
52 - Badran, A. E., M. A. Sharaby and M. A. Mandour (1990): “Factors affecting reproductive and
productive performance of Friesian cows.” Alex. J. Vet. Science, Vol. 6 : 61 – 70.
53 - Mandour , M. A., M. M. Sharaf, and M. A. Kosba. (1990): “Relationships between egg weight,
evaporation rate, embryo weight, through incubation, and chick weight in some Egyptian strains of
chickens. “ Egyptian Poultry Science, Vol. 10: 349 – 364.
54 - Mandour, M. A., K.E. Nestor, R. E. Sacco, C. R. Polley, and G. B. Havenstein. (1989): “Genetic
parameter estimates for wing bone strength measurements of cage- reared broilers” Poultry Science,
68: 1174 – 1178
55 - Mandour, M.A., K..E.Nestor, R. E. Sacco, C. R. Polly, and G. B. Havenstein (1989) : “ Selection for
increased humerus strength of cage-reared broilers. “ Poultry Science, 68: 1168 – 1173.
56 - El – Telbany, M. M., M. A. Mandour, M. I. El- Katcha, and Kh M. El-Bayomi (1989): “Some factors
affecting intensive rearing and production of Sarotherodon Niloticus in floating cages.” Alex. J. Vet.
5, No. 1: 231-248.
57- Ghanem. Y. S. A. Hemeda. Kh. M. ElBayomi, M. A. Mandour, A. M. Sami. And. I. M. Reda (1989):
“Genetic studies of the immune response of cattle to Rinderpest and Haemorrhagic Septicemia
vaccines.” The 14 th Arabion Vet Conf., J. Egyptian Vet. Med. Ass., Vol. 49, No. 1& 2: 127 - 141.
58- El-Bayoumi, Kh. M. and M.A.Mandour (1988): “A study of udder characteristics and their relation
with mastitis in dairy cows” Alex. J. Vet. Science,Vol. 4, No. 1:121 – 127.