1997-1998 - School of Information

1997-1998 Annual Report
Student Chapter Coordinators, 1997-1998
President: James Lloyd (Stephanie Malmros, appointed December 1997)
Vice President:
Margaret Compton (Michele Ostrow, appointed December 1997)
:Christine Ross
:Mary Alice Harper (Jennifer Ulrich, appointed January 1998)
Events Chair: Tad Hershorn
Web Chair: Stephen Cohen
Faculty Advisor
Dr. David B. Gracy II
Student Chapter Members
Helen Baer
Stephen Cohen
Margaret Compton
Marlys Dopplehammer
Nancy Enneking
Dr. David B. Gracy II
Mary Alice Harper
Tad Hershorn
Mark Lambert
Thomas Keyser
James Lloyd
Stephanie Malmros
Ann Marchock
Mary McKay
Michele Ostrow
Christine Ross
Sue Soy
Shelley Sweeney
Stephanie Swenson
Jennifer Ulrich
1997-1998 Programs and Events
The UT-SAA Student Chapter kicked off the Fall of 1997 with a potluck dinner at Dr. Gracy’s
home on September 26, 1997. Margie Compton shared her experiences as a summer intern at
the Lemelson Center at the Smithsonian Institution, and Jim Lloyd talked about his experiences
at the SAA Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois. During the Fall semester the UT-SAA Student
Chapter hosted four speakers and one field trip:
On October 21, Regina Greenwell, Senior Archivist at the LBJ Library, shared examples
of recently released LBJ White House Tapes and discussed and answered questions about
how archivists have prepared these materials for public release and use by scholars.
On October 28, Kent Carter, Regional Administrator, Southwest Region of the National
Archives and Records Administration in Ft. Worth, discussed archival practices,
principles, and issues relating to his work with the NARA Regional Depository Network.
On November 18, Dr. Stephen Ostrow, former Chief of the Prints and Photographs
Division of the Library of Congress, discussed the advantages and disadvantages of
digitizing historic pictorial collections, and the implications of digitization for archives
and libraries.
In December, Dr. Daria Nalcez, the National Archivist of Poland discussed the issues and
challenges facing Poland’s national archives as they struggle to reclaim their records
taken during World War II.
The UT-SAA Student Chapter made a field trip to San Antonio on December 6. We
were given a tour of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas Archives by Warren
Stricker, Archivist for the DRT. We also visited the Research Collections of the
Hertzberg Circus Collection & Museum, and were given a tour of the archives storage
and processing areas by Museum Administrator, Dr. Robert F. O’Connor.
Jim Lloyd and Margie Compton graduated in December 1997, leaving the positions of President
and Vice-President vacant. Stephanie Malmros was appointed President, and Michele Ostrow
was appointed Vice-President. At the first meeting of the semester Mary Alice Harper resigned
as Treasurer, and Jennifer Ulrich was appointed as her replacement. Stephanie Malmros
attended the Spring New Student Orientation in order to introduce new students to the UT-SAA
Student Chapter, distribute membership forms, and answer questions. Once again the semester
was kicked off with at potluck dinner at Dr. Gracy’s home on January 30, 1998. During the
spring semester the UT-SAA Student Chapter hosted three speakers and took two field trips:
 On February 25, Kinga Perzynska, Director of the Catholic Archives of Texas, gave a
presentation on the function of the Catholic Archives of Texas, as well as her
appointment as Consultor of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the
Church and her 1997 trip to Rome and Jerusalem on behalf of the Section of Archives of
Churches and Religious Denominations of the International Council on Archives.
 On April 7, the UT-SAA Student Chapter presented its Third Annual Colloquium in
conjunction with the Texas Group for the Study of Books and Print Culture. C. Dorman
David, forger fatale of historic Texas documents, spoke publicly for the first time about
his role in the history, creation, and detection of the Texas Forgeries.
 On April 17, Dr. Abby Smith, Program Officer for the Commission on Preservation and
Access of the Council on Library and Information Resources, gave a presentation on
“Archives in Transition: Opening the Archives of the Former Soviet Union.”
 On April 28, Andrea Bond graciously gave the UT-SAA Student Chapter a tour of
BookLab, Inc., an Austin company that offers preservation and binding services to clients
nationwide. Services offered by BookLab include preservation photocopying, custom
boxmaking, and limited edition binding.
 On May 8, the UT-SAA Student Chapter traveled to Houston to tour the Museum of Fine
Arts, Houston Archives and the Houston Grand Opera Archives. Lorraine Stuart,
Archivist at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, showed us the archives storage area,
records storage area, and reading room, and discussed the range of materials found in the
MFA,H archives (including architectural models of the Museum buildings), staffing, and
users. Jim Lloyd, Archivist at the Houston Grand Opera and former UT-SAA Student
Chapter President, gave us a tour of the Houston Grand Opera and its onsite archives
storage and processing areas. Jim is the first archivist at the HGO with formal training in
archival procedures, and he related the challenges that he has faced since his arrival at the
HGO in January, including his efforts to remodel the image of the archives within the
The results of the Spring Elections were announced at the final social gathering of the semester,
a barbeque and potluck at Michele Ostrow’s house on May 2. The newly elected officers for the
1998-1999 year are:
Stephanie Malmros
Vice-President :Mary McKay
:Nancy Enneking
:Jennifer Ulrich
Events Chair: Michele Ostrow
Web Chair
:Helen Baer
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Malmros
President, 1998