Teacher: Miss Hanrahan

Instructor Information
Teacher: Jonathon Davis
Course: U.S. Government
Classroom: 120
Website: School Website
Email: jjdavis@cnusd.k12.ca.us
School Phone: (951) 739-5670 ext 3120
Twitter: @davishistory
Facebook: Davis History (just a page) like to follow
Course Objectives
To gain an understanding of U.S. Government through the California State
To develop social awareness by studying current events.
To understand the basics of democracy.
To enhance civic responsibility.
Course Textbook and Required Materials
Textbook: Magruder's American Government, Prentice Hall.
3-ring binder.
3-holed college ruled paper.
Journal or notebook
Pencil or pen (blue or black suggested, but all colors that can be read easily will be
Grade Level Standards
ELD Standards
Course Requirements
1. Attendance is mandatory! Students need to appear in class on a daily basis.
2. Students will come to class prepared to work – have read all chapters assigned to
them, completed all homework, and come with all necessary materials (notebook,
paper, pen, etc.).
3. Illegible assignments will not be graded – please make an effort to write clearly
and neatly to expediate the grading process.
4. It is the student’s responsibility to get missed work due to an absence.
5. Homework assignments will be given at the teacher’s discretion.
6. Points will be deducted for late assignments, unless discussed with the instructor
7. Students must have access to a computer for current events projects and other
miscellaneous assignments. School computers will be available for students who
require them during lunch, before or after school.
Classroom Expectations
1. Students will respect the teacher’s and their peers’ opinions, beliefs, and property.
2. Students will take themselves and their peers seriously as intellectuals and
3. Students will refrain from using profanity, racial or ethnic slurs, or any other putdowns.
4. All students are expected to participate in class!
Classwork – Homework Policy
1. Assignments are due on the day specified by the teacher at the beginning of class.
2. Assignments turned in after class has begun will receive half credit, unless the student
arrives late with a pass from administration or attendance.
3. Students will be given extra time to finish assignments if an absence is necessary.
4. Essays, Research Papers, etc. MUST be typed. Computers will be available for
students who require one in the library during lunch, before or after school.
Classroom Assignments:
Work that is not completed in class is to be taken home for homework, unless
otherwise directed by the teacher.
An exam will be given at the end of each Unit in the text. Chapter tests and
quizzes will be given at the teacher’s discretion.
Extra Credit, given by discretion of instructor up to 100 points.
Grading System:
Students will be graded using the following percentages:
100% -- 90% = A
89% -- 80% = B
79% -- 70% = C
69% -- 60% = D
59% and below = F
Students will have the opportunity to redo their work if they are not satisfied with the
grade they received. They will have one week to redo the assignment and turn it in for a
higher grade. Exams and unexcused late assignments are exempt from this policy.
Homework Support
Students seeking help with homework may attend the school-sponsored tutoring sessions.
If this is not convenient, students may come to our classroom during either lunch for
tutoring, or after school by appointment with the teacher. I am also willing to help via
email for more immediate questions. Student may also find information on the
instructor’s webpage which will be updated with brief descriptions of class activities and
Classroom Rules
1. Students will come to class prepared to work. Students who fail to bring
necessary school supplies will be provided materials for the day by the teacher,
but will lose participation points for the day.
2. Students will raise their hand when they would like to speak.
3. Students are to be attentive during class time, not sleeping.
4. All cell phones, MP3 players, game consoles, and other distracting toys and
electronic devices are to be turned off during class time. Discipline will follow
District guidelines.
5. Students are to keep all makeup and other personal hygiene items stowed away
during class; lip balm excluded.
6. Students will remove their ball caps inside the classroom; sweatshirt hoods and
sunglasses are not to be worn during class time.
7. Ladies and gentlemen are asked to adhere to the school dress code and arrive to
class in proper attire.
8. Restroom passes will not be given the first or last fifteen minutes of class.
9. Cheating will not be tolerated. Students caught cheating will have their work
thrown out and receive an F for that assignment.
10. Stay in seat unless told otherwise. There will be no roaming around the room.
11. Chairs are where people should sit… Counters and tops of desks are not seats…
12. Food will be allowed at the discretion of the instructor. If we can be responsible
then I may allow it. But that privilege will be revoked quickly
Classroom Consequences
Verbal warning.
60 or 60
Parent contact.
Referred to Administration.
Dear Parents,
Please take a moment and review this class syllabus with your student. When you are
finished I would appreciate you and your child signing this page and returning it to me so
I may file it in my records.
Thank you.
Mr. Jonathon Davis
U.S. Government Instructor
I have read the following syllabus and understand what is stated in it.
Student Name: ____________________________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________
Parent Name: _____________________________________________
Parent Signature: __________________________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________________________
Date: ___________________________