ASHBY WOULDS TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of Ashby Woulds Town Council held on Monday, 13th July 2015 in the Council Chamber, Moira Replan at 7.00 pm Present: Cllrs P Thomas (in the Chair), T Allan, W Chapman, S McKendrick, E Shephard, T Temple, C Wood Officers: Mrs A Robinson - Town Clerk. Also Present: Mr J & Mrs A Bridges, Mr A Leather (National Forest Company), Mr N Reid (Ashby Times), 35 members of public. 46 APOLOGIES Cllrs J Cooper, J Perry and Cty Cllr Sheahan. 47 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS The Mayor and Cllr Temple declared an interest as Chair and Vice Chair for Moira Village Hall Trust for item no 17.3.3. Moira Village Hall – Request for letter of support. Cllr McKendrick declared as interest as ward member for item 5.update on proposed care village for Moira. 48 PUBLIC QUESTION SESSION Members of public raised various concerns and objections to the proposed care village at Willow Farm. A number of residents spoke against the application detailing the proposed location as not suitable, lack of local amenities and medical services, road safety and dangers of proposed access, drainage and sewerage issues, noise pollution. Questions asked as to future of adjacent industrial units, reasons for new building when Woulds Court remains vacant and what action the town council was going to take. The Mayor advised the town council did not know what would happen about the units or the future of the Wolds Court building but had considered the application at the previous meeting. Members had raised a number of concerns and objections had been lodged with the planning department and a request made for the application to be called in before the planning committee. The Mayor advised members of public on the procedure to submit comments to the planning department and how an application is dealt with when called in before committee. 49 POLICE MATTERS No items. 50 PROPOSED CARE VILLAGE FOR MOIRA Mr Bridges explained he and his wife were the applicants. Members of the public continued to make comments and ask questions including whether the Boothorpe fault had been considered in the plans. Mr Bridges replied it had and did not run through the land. Mr Bridges added that consultation guidelines had been followed and proposals brought forward before the town council at previous meetings. A member of public added notwithstanding consultation guidelines there was a morality issue and residents should have been consulted directly. The Mayor suggested to Mr and Mrs Bridges that they arrange a public exhibition to display their proposals and give residents ample opportunity to look at the plans and make comments. Cllr Wood added that Mr and Mrs Bridges had offered to do this. The meeting became increasingly disrupted and to restore order the mayor temporarily suspended the meeting at 7.30pm. 15 members of public leave the meeting at 7.36pm. Meeting recommences at 7.40pm. 51 BLACK TO GREEN PROJECT Mr Leather Development Manager for the National Forest Company gave an update on the Black to Green Project and other work being undertaken. Grant of £770,000 awarded from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Project to be delivered over the next three years and will see a range of activities delivered that help celebrate the areas journey of transition from coal and clay 1 ASHBY WOULDS TOWN COUNCIL extraction to a new forested environment. The NFC has purchased Hanging Hill Farm which includes land and farm buildings and borders other land owned by the NFC. Feasibility study commissioned to investigate potential use with regard to progressing tourism, recreation and woodland economy aims. The NFC continues to see a growth in tourism now attracting 7.8m visitors a year. NWLDC’s urban tree planting scheme is being supported by the NFC and the town council is encouraged to look for opportunities within their area. The Mayor thanked Mr Leather for his update.Mr Leather leaves the meeting at 7.48pm. 52 MINUTES (Appendix A) Resolved: Minutes of the Meetings held on 8th June 2015 be approved and signed as a true record. 53 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix B) The Clerk’s report on the position of various matters was considered. Copy attached to the official copy of the Minutes. Jubilees Nominations – it was proposed the volunteer at Spring Cottage who had provided good service unlocking and locking the gate to the recreation ground for over four years should also receive an award this year. Resolved: Jubilee Award be presented to Mr Jackson. Cllr Shephard has spoken to Mr Warner regarding Kingswood Spinner and Mr Stone and Miss Bailey regarding Briton Lodge Close and report submitted to the clerk. 54 CORRESPONDENCE (Appendix C) The Clerk reported on correspondence received since the last meeting. Letter received from Cllr Allan regarding parking problems at the junction of Station Drive and Ashby Road. Letter forwarded to LCC. Email received from resident of Albert Village enquiring about removal of weight restriction order. Resolved: Clerk to forward enquiry to Cty Cllr Sheahan. Complaint received from resident of Measham Road regarding hedgerows requiring cutting back. Resolved: Clerk to forward enquiry to Cty Cllr Sheahan. 55 COMMUNICATIONS Newsletter distributed end of June. Some changes made to members distribution and further review to be undertaken of numbers distributed by volunteers. Next Communications Committee to be held on 19th August. All members of the town council, other groups and members of public invited to submit articles for the next newsletter by beginning of September. Cllr Allan asked if the newsletter could be revamped to add more value to it and printed in colour. Resolved: Suggestions put forward to be considered and costed out by the Communications Committee. 56 PLACECHECK/SECTION 106 WISHLIST It was agreed to appoint sub-committee to consider and report on final placecheck report. Resolved: The Mayor, Cllr Cooper, Cllr Chapman, Cllr McKendrick and Cllr Shephard be appointed members of the sub-committee. 2 ASHBY WOULDS TOWN COUNCIL 57 TRANSPORT WORKING PARTY Members expressed disappointment over lack of response by LCC and NWLDC to the removal of the bus service. The Clerk advised over 500 signatures had been obtained to the petition and confirmed the petition would be presented at the next Highways Forum on 20 th July. The Mayor to attend as lead petitioner. 58 DELEGATED POWERS DURING THE SUMMER RECESS Resolved: That the Town Clerk, Mayor and Deputy Mayor have delegated power during the summer recess. Cllr Wood added that all councillors should make themselves available to help during recess and it was agreed members can be contacted as and when necessary. 59 RISK ASSESSMENT POLICY (Appendix D) The risk assessment policy was reviewed and updated. Resolved: Risk Assessment Policy be updated as agreed and approved for 2015/2016. 60 GRANTS (S137 LGA 1972) A grant application had been received from Moira Male Voice Choir for a contribution towards running costs. Resolved: That a grant of £100 would be made to Moira Male Voice Choir under section 137 LGA 1972. A grant application had been received from Moira Darby and Joan Club for a contribution towards running costs. Resolved: That a grant of £100 would be made to Moira Darby and Joan Club under section 137 LGA 1972. 61 FINANCE 61.1 The Clerk confirmed finances remained under control. 61.2 Resolved: That the payments list (July) – (Appendix E) and additional payments list be approved. Copy attached to the official copy of the minutes. 62 62.1 RECREATION GROUNDS AND LEISURE FACILITIES Cllrs submitted their grounds inspection reports. 62.2.1 The Clerk reported on matters raised by the grounds maintenance contractor. Cost of additional emptying of litter bins at Albert Village would be £90 per week. It was agreed this was too expensive and a targeted litterpick should be undertaken and volunteers sought to help keep areas tidy. Resolved: No additional emptying to be undertaken at the present time. 62.2.2 Additional weedkilling recommended on football pitches to remove clover at a cost of £145 to do all pitches. Resolved: Additional weedkilling approved. 62.3.1 Spring Cottage The Clerk reported on quotes to open and close gates on a daily basis and informed the meeting that 2 new volunteers had come forward. Resolved: Gates be opened and closed by volunteers. 3 ASHBY WOULDS TOWN COUNCIL 62.3.2 Albert Village Recreation Ground The Clerk reported on quote to replace MUGA nets. Resolved: Quote approved to replace nets. 62.3.3 Moira Village Hall Request received from the village hall trustees for a letter of support for grant application for roof insulation. Resolved: Letter of support approved. 62.3.4 Measham Road Request received from MRFC to renew licence on existing terms at the same rent for a three year period. Resolved: Item deferred to the next meeting. 62.3.5 Annual Play Inspection Reports The Clerk presented annual inspection reports. Some minor risk items identified. Resolved: Repairs be undertaken as advised in reports. 62.3.6 Annual Grounds Inspections Resolved: Annual inspections be undertaken on Thursday 17th September and Saturday 26th September. Meet at Replan 9.30am. 62.3.7 Holly Close Recreation Ground Cllr Temple reported on repairs to bridge undertaken by landowner Mr Cripwell. Resolved: Letter of thanks to be sent to Mr Cripwell. 63 PLANNING 63.1 Consultations 15 00563 VCI – Bridge House, Spring Cottage Road Spring Cottage Variation of condition 11 of planning permission 08/00693/FUL to allow full residential occupation of the chalets/static caravans Decision: No objection. 63.2 Permissions 15 00417 REM – Land at Station House Station Drive, Moira Erection of detached dwelling (reserved matters to consider scale, appearance and landscaping only in relation to 14/00879/OUT). 15 00427 FUL - 14 Briton Lodge Close, Moira Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension. 63.3 Refusals 15 00381 TPO – 5 Briton Lodge Close Moira Felling of 1 no Pine Tree protected by TPO 268. 63.4 Notices 15 00456 OUTM – Willow Farm, Ashby Road, Moira Residential development including apartments and cottages and residential care home with associates car parking and landscaping (outline-details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent approval) Notice of amendment. Application reference changed from a FULM to an OUTM. 4 ASHBY WOULDS TOWN COUNCIL 64 DISTRICT COUNCIL Cllr Temple reported on grasscutting at Chestnut Close. No maintenance responsibility included in deeds of property owners. District Cllr Bridges will refer back to NWLDC to ascertain if anything can be done. Cllr Wood requested an update on pothole in access road at Blackfordby Lane shops. Cllr McKendrick confirmed it had been raised and plans obtained to show areas of district and county responsibility. Remains unclear who is responsible but district are investigating further. Cllr Wood also reported the trees outside the shops required cutting back. The Mayor reported on the poor state of Daybell Island and suggested it could be sponsored by a local firm. District Cllr Bridges advised this was a good idea and would put it forward for consideration. Cllr Temple reported on continued problems of cars parked up in spaces to the front of the shops preventing customers from being able to park. Cllr Shephard requested an update on Measham Road development. District Cllr Bridges advised as of last week no further proposals regarding the conditions had been received. Cllr Shephard advised a meeting had been held between the developer and the coal authority regarding remedial works and queried whether district were aware or involved with this. District Cllr Bridges advised he would contact NWLDC to find out what was happening. Cllr Shephard added the developer had tried to clear the culvert again but had failed and a resident trying to sell their property in Measham Road had received surveys back showing the property to be in an area of high risk of subsidence. Cllr Temple reported the bin outside of the post office was overflowing and asked who was responsible for emptying the bin. District Cllr Bridges advised he would make enquiries about this. 65 COUNTY COUNCIL Minute reference 57 refers. 66 OUTSIDE BODY REPRESENTATIVES Members reported on attending a recent meeting of the burial board. Letters sent to LCC regarding ongoing drainage problem at Donisthorpe Cemetery gate entrance. 67 DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING In accordance with established practice, the date of the next meeting will be Monday, 14th September 2015. The meeting ended at 8.40pm. 5