December 2013 1-5 Teachers, school leaders 2 Teachers 2 Teachers 2 Teachers, school support staff 2 Teachers 2 Teachers, science 2013 International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE): Shaping Australian Educational Research Guest speakers for this conference include Professor Peter Buckskin, Dean - Indigenous Scholarship, Engagement and Research at the University of South Australia and Michael A Peters, professor of education at the University of Waikato, professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and adjunct professor in the School of Art at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, and Guangzhou University. For more information contact the conference organisers on (03) 9417 1350 or visit the conference website. Queensland College of Teachers Web Conference: Module Two – Transitioning to Full Registration This web conference will explore the characteristics and legislative requirements of the provisional registration period. Participants will become familiar with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and identify the link between the standards and full registration. A focus of the workshop is to explain the new online process for provisionally registered teachers to apply and move to full registration. For more information and to register, visit OneChannel. Qld Travelling Scholar Program: The Explicit Teaching of Writing – Nurturing creativity, precision, depth and complexity In this workshop, ‘English Teacher Guru’, Lindsay Williams will explore the use of explicit teaching strategies to support all students to maximise their grades and develop into mature, creative and responsive users of language. In particular, Lindsay will focus on exploiting contemporary notions of tenor (role relationships) and genre, as well as presenting effective strategies for brainstorming, organising and classifying ideas in preparation for narrative and expositional writing. Finally, participants will explore ways of helping students add depth, complexity and precision to their writing. For more information contact Dana Lennon or visit the ALEA website. MultiLit – PreLit Workshop Prep PreLit is evidence-based and best practice, designed to complement a play-based learning environment and can be taught to a whole class, small groups, or individually. The program comprises 108 short, prescriptive lessons within which skills and concepts are taught explicitly and systematically in a hierarchical sequence. There are two main components: phonological awareness and oral language development through story book reading. MultiLit is a research initiative of Macquarie University. For more information contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website. OneChannel Web Conference: Reading to Learn Book Club The Book Club is designed to support teachers in reading and reacting to the Reading to Learn handbook. It is intended to deepen understandings and support teachers in taking their training into their classroom practice. For more information visit OneChannel. Griffith University: Cutting Edge Science Professional Learning Day 2013 Adelaide OneChannel web conference Cairns Brisbane OneChannel web conference Griffith University, Nathan Campus operations officers 2 Teachers, school leaders 2-3 Executive leaders 2-3 Teachers, school leaders, public sector employees 2-6 Executive leaders 3 Teachers 3 Teachers 3 Teachers, science operations officers The day aims to develop participant confidence with regards to knowledge and skills in the areas of cutting edge science and science education in order to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes in the classroom setting. For more information contact Louise Maddock, Griffith University on 5552 7205 or visit their website. Cyber[Smart:] Cybersafety Outreach – PD for Educators This free one-day Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) accredited workshop covers topics including how children use technology, digital literacy, cyberbullying, identify protection and the legal responsibility of schools to minimise risk. For more information visit the Cybersafety website. Public Service Commission Executive Workshops: Managing budget cutbacks In this workshop with Paul Posner and Joanne Kelly, participants will learn how to assess the budgetary environment, understand cutback strategies that can be deployed, and justify their decisions in the competitive arena. For more information, visit the Public Service Commission’s website. Career Education Association of Victoria Conference 2013 – Learn to Connect The conference will focus on providing practical workshops, trade and industry seminars and talks, and will enable participants to build their working knowledge of what constitutes quality career development services for young people. For more information contact the Career Education Assoc. of Victoria on (03) 9810 6400 or visit their website. ANZSOG Workshop: Partnerships in Infrastructure – the Evolving Roles of the Public and Private Sectors The course leaders for this Australian and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) one-week executive workshop are Professor Jose Gomez-Ibanez and Derek C. Bok, Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy, Harvard University. The workshop is designed to expose participants to the rationale for infrastructure PPPs and the circumstances under which they can be developed with a business case that is compelling both economically and politically. Special attention will be paid to finance since access to private capital markets is not just a source of funds for badly needed investments but a key instrument to incentivise better performance by the private and public partners. For more information and to register, contact ANZSOG on (03) 8344 1990 or visit their website. Qld Travelling Scholar Program: The Explicit Teaching of Writing – Nurturing creativity, precision, depth and complexity In this workshop, ‘English Teacher Guru’, Lindsay Williams will explore the use of explicit teaching strategies to support all students to maximise their grades and develop into mature, creative and responsive users of language. In particular, Lindsay will focus on exploiting contemporary notions of tenor (role relationships) and genre, as well as presenting effective strategies for brainstorming, organising and classifying ideas in preparation for narrative and expositional writing. Finally, participants will explore ways of helping students add depth, complexity and precision to their writing. For more information contact Dana Lennon or visit the ALEA website. Queensland College of Teachers Web Conference: Module Two – Transitioning to Full Registration This web conference will explore the characteristics and legislative requirements of the provisional registration period. Participants will become familiar with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and identify the link between the standards and full registration. A focus of the workshop is to explain the new online process for provisionally registered teachers to apply and move to full registration. For more information and to register, visit OneChannel. Griffith University: Cutting Edge Science Professional Learning Day 2013 The day aims to develop participant confidence with regards to knowledge and skills in the areas of cutting edge science and science education in order to enhance student engagement and learning Sunshine Coast Brisbane Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria Sydney Townsville OneChannel web conference Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus 4 Teachers 4 All employees 4 Teachers 4-5 **new** Teachers 5 Teachers 5 Teachers, school leaders 6 Teachers outcomes in the classroom setting. For more information contact Louise Maddock, Griffith University on 5552 7205 or visit their website. Qld Travelling Scholar Program: The Explicit Teaching of Writing – Nurturing creativity, precision, depth and complexity In this workshop, ‘English Teacher Guru’, Lindsay Williams will explore the use of explicit teaching strategies to support all students to maximise their grades and develop into mature, creative and responsive users of language. In particular, Lindsay will focus on exploiting contemporary notions of tenor (role relationships) and genre, as well as presenting effective strategies for brainstorming, organising and classifying ideas in preparation for narrative and expositional writing. Finally, participants will explore ways of helping students add depth, complexity and precision to their writing. For more information contact Dana Lennon or visit the ALEA website. Corporate Procurement Training This primary aim of the full-day face-to-face course is to ensure that staff responsible for undertaking purchases are familiar with the department’s policies and procedures and aware of their roles and responsibilities. For more information visit the Purchasing Training website on OnePortal or contact Corporate Procurement Branch on 3235 4131. Queensland College of Teachers Web Conference: Module One – Introducing the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers This web conference is designed to familiarise teachers with the new Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. The program will develop an initial understanding of how the Standards impact on teacher practice and registration requirements. For more information and to register, visit OneChannel. University of Queensland (UQ) Secondary Science and Mathematics Teacher Workshops These workshops are significantly expanded upon from the disciplines covered at the 2012 event (Chemistry and Microbiology) and will offer laboratory and workshop streams in Biology, Microbiology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Facilitated discussions and experimental and analytical activities in each of these disciplines will aim to provide direct assistance with laboratory competencies and analytical skills used in experimental inquiry, application of mathematics in real world contexts, and helping teachers in preparing students for the transition from secondary to tertiary study. Please note that a limited number of travel bursaries (worth $350 each) is available for participants from remote areas. For more information and to register, visit the UQ website. Qld Travelling Scholar Program: The Explicit Teaching of Writing – Nurturing creativity, precision, depth and complexity In this workshop, ‘English Teacher Guru’, Lindsay Williams will explore the use of explicit teaching strategies to support all students to maximise their grades and develop into mature, creative and responsive users of language. In particular, Lindsay will focus on exploiting contemporary notions of tenor (role relationships) and genre, as well as presenting effective strategies for brainstorming, organising and classifying ideas in preparation for narrative and expositional writing. Finally, participants will explore ways of helping students add depth, complexity and precision to their writing. For more information contact Dana Lennon or visit the ALEA website. Building Active Communities Workshops: Get Active Queensland Accreditation Program This free training can ultimately lead to recognised accreditation in coaching, officiating and sports first aid. For more information contact Steve Paulsen, Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing on 3338 9265 or visit their website. Qld Travelling Scholar Program: The Explicit Teaching of Writing – Nurturing creativity, precision, depth and complexity In this workshop, ‘English Teacher Guru’, Lindsay Williams will explore the use of explicit teaching strategies to support all students to maximise their grades and develop into mature, creative and Mackay Education House, Brisbane OneChannel web conference University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus Rockhampton Brisbane East Gladstone 10 Teachers, school leaders 11 **new** Teachers 14 Teachers Updated 4 December 2013 responsive users of language. In particular, Lindsay will focus on exploiting contemporary notions of tenor (role relationships) and genre, as well as presenting effective strategies for brainstorming, organising and classifying ideas in preparation for narrative and expositional writing. Finally, participants will explore ways of helping students add depth, complexity and precision to their writing. For more information contact Dana Lennon or visit the ALEA website. Building Active Communities Workshops: Get Active Queensland Accreditation Program This free training can ultimately lead to recognised accreditation in coaching, officiating and sports first aid. For more information contact Steve Paulsen, Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing on 3338 9265 or visit their website. QIMR Berghofer’s School Program: Teacher Professional Development In this hands-on Day in the life of a scientist practical workshop teachers will practice micro-pipetting, serial dilution and loading an agarose gel, they will profile a family pedigree using amplified DNA and agarose gel electrophoresis, and will learn how to search a public gene database and perform a bioinformatics task on three diseases on computer. Teachers will take away a population health exercise and clinical trial dilemma scenario for the classroom. For further information contact Simone Cross, QIMR Berghofer School Education Coordinator on 3362 0307. For more information and to register, visit their website. Queensland History Teachers’ Association (QHTA) Mini-Conference: Australian History The keynote speaker for this mini-conference will be Terry Gallagher from the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA). He will outline the QSA’s position on the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: History P to 10, and the Senior Curriculums in Ancient and Modern History. Lyn Sherington, QSA Senior Subject Advisory officers for Senior Ancient and Modern History will also take a session. For more information contact the QHTA on 3254 3342 or visit their website. Brisbane North QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston St Aidan’s Anglican School, Corinda