Year X unit overview — Australian Curriculum: English

Year X unit overview — Australian Curriculum: English
Source: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), Australian Curriculum v3.0: English for Foundation–10, <>.
School name
Unit title
Duration of unit
Unit outline
Describe the focus and context for learning in this unit.
 Explain why this unit is important, in general terms.
 Explain how this unit contributes to achieving school or sector priorities (e.g. literacy, numeracy, values education, equity).
Identify the “big ideas” of the unit, including the key concepts, content and context.
Identify the inquiry questions that will shape inquiry in this unit.
Queensland Studies Authority January 2012
Identify curriculum
Content descriptions to be taught
General capabilities and
cross-curriculum priorities
Insert the specific content descriptions
from the Australian Curriculum that
will be covered in this unit.
Insert the specific content descriptions
from the Australian Curriculum that
will be covered in this unit.
Insert the specific content descriptions
from the Australian Curriculum that
will be covered in this unit.
Identify and describe the general
capabilities and cross-curriculum
priorities that will be targeted in the unit.
Include any unit-specific elaborations.
Include any unit-specific elaborations.
Include any unit-specific elaborations.
Delete those that don’t apply.
ICT capability
Critical and creative thinking
Ethical behaviour
Personal and social capability
Intercultural understanding
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander histories and cultures
Asia and Australia’s
engagement with Asia
Year X unit overview
Australian Curriculum: English
Identify curriculum
Achievement standard
Insert the achievement standard for the learning area and year level from the Australian Curriculum.
Queensland Studies Authority January 2012
Relevant prior curriculum
Curriculum working towards
Outline relevant previous curriculum content and standards (knowledge, skills
and processes) that students need to succeed in this unit.
Outline curriculum content (knowledge, skills and processes) that students are
working towards.
Specify where this content occurs by identifying the curriculum document, year
level and learning area.
Specify where this content occurs by identifying the year level and learning
Bridging content
Identify bridging content (knowledge, skills and processes) needed to address gaps in student understandings.
Links to other learning areas
Explain how this unit links to other learning areas.
Year X unit overview
Australian Curriculum: English
Make judgments
Describe the assessment
Assessment date
Identify the evidence of learning that will be gathered during this unit (both formative
and summative).
Specify when assessment
will occur.
Identify what type of assessment will be used, e.g. teacher observations, projects,
performances, written, oral or multimodal tasks, exhibitions, self and peer
Explain how the assessment is designed to cater for the varied needs and abilities
of all students.
Specify where feedback strategies occur to allow students to evaluate their own
work and identify ways to improve it.
Identify content descriptions that are the
focus of student learning within assessment
in this unit.
List task-specific descriptors of quality.
These include statements of desirable
features in student work.
For further advice and guidelines on
constructing guides to making judgments
refer to the Learning area standard
Identify risk assessment strategies.
Concisely describe the purposes of the assessment.
State the conditions of the assessment, including the:
 format
 length
 scope
 resources required.
Queensland Studies Authority January 2012
Teaching and learning
Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences
Adjustments for needs of learners
Outline key learning experiences and teaching strategies that will:
Section 6 of the Disability Standards
for Education (The Standards for
Curriculum Development,
Accreditation and Delivery) state that
education providers, including class
teachers, must take reasonable
steps to ensure a course/program is
designed to allow any student to
participate and experience success
in learning.
List the key people, resources
and relationships needed to
ensure the successful delivery of
all key learning experiences and
 ensure the identified curriculum is explicitly taught
 prepare students for the assessment.
Identify where proficiencies are being targeted.
The Disability Standards for
Education 2005 (Cwlth) is available
from: <> select
Human rights and anti-discrimination
> Disability standards for education.
Explain the specific considerations
that will be given to support
individual learning and assessment.
Explain adjustments that will be
made to the learning experiences to
cater for the varied needs, abilities,
interests and experiences of
Year X unit overview
Australian Curriculum: English
Identify risk assessment
Use feedback
Ways to monitor learning
and assessment
Teachers meet to collaboratively plan the teaching, learning and assessment to meet the needs of all learners in each unit.
Feedback to students
Teachers strategically plan opportunities and ways to provide ongoing feedback (both written and informal) and encouragement to
children/students on their strengths and areas for improvement.
Teachers create opportunities for discussion about levels of achievement to develop shared understandings; co-mark or cross
mark at key points to ensure consistency of judgments; and participate in moderating samples of student work at school or cluster
level to reach consensus and consistency.
Children/Students reflect on and discuss with their teachers or peers what they can do well and what they need to improve.
Teachers reflect on and review learning opportunities to incorporate specific learning experiences and provide multiple
opportunities for children to experience, practise and improve.
Reflection on the unit plan
Identify what worked well during and at the end of the unit, including:
 activities that worked well and why
 activities that could be improved and how
 assessment that worked well and why
 assessment that could be improved and how
 common student misconceptions that need, or needed, to be clarified.
Queensland Studies Authority January 2012