The Spanish network of Festivals and circuits is represented by the ‘Red española de teatros, auditorios, circuitos y festivales’
in which you can find all sorts of festivals, venues, and circuits related to the performing arts and music in the different Autonomous regions of Spain.
Each Autonomous region in Spain has its own cultural policy, meaning the Spanish
State has transferred all the envolved administrative competitions to these refions which are 17: Andalucia, Aragón, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla La
Mancha, Castilla León, Cataluña, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia,
Navarra, Pais Vasco, Valencia. Más Ceuta and Melilla in northern Morrocco
Redescena which has the support of the INAEM (Instituto Nacional de Artes Escénicas y Música) from the Ministery of Culture gives. In the case of the INAEM the policy is to give support to Fest ivals, theatre venues, and also ‘alternative theatre venues’. The
INAEM also gives to the performing arts companies and music support by annual calls, in whcih the companies must be able to present a tour in Spain of at least 3 different autonomous regions. On the other hand the INAEM can give support to Festvals abroad presenting a programme of Spanish productions or performances.
This means the INAEM will only give support for touring companies, festival sor theatres in which is parto f the Borrad, such as Teatre Lliure in Barcelona or in part in the Mercat de les Flors of Barcelona.
It can said therefore that in the Spanish map you find festivals and venues that are only supported by the autonomous regions and local adminsitrations: town hall and/or dipu tació. The Diputació repones partly to what in France is the Departament and these Diputaciones have also competitions basically in Education and Culture, the difference with the Regions is that the mony is transferred directly from the Central
Government. In Catalonia for instance their main focus of interest has been to develop a Library infraestructural map, in one way or another the Libraries have been the main focus of the different local and regional governments in the 80’s and 90’s.
Also there’s been an important Infraestructural plan for building theatre and music halls in Spain with the support of the Minstery of Fomento ( www.
fomento .es) that takes care of the important infraestructural developments in Spain: roads, TGV, airports, etc this did happ en basically in the early 90’s as well, since then very little has been done or
developed, knowing that very seldom to new structures are connected structural funding for programming and developing audience policies.
On the other hand, in the early 90’s the cultural industry started to be acknowledged and it has been developing and expanding since then, clear examples of it are. FOCUS
( www.
focus .
es ) that is basically running nowadays 3 or 4 main theatre venues in
Barcelona and also produces and tours theatre productions in Spain, having another main office in Madrid, it also has a technical service department that covers up many events and theatres in Barcelona and Catalunya. This has been possible because the
Generalitat of Catalunya did establish a new institute named Institut de Industries
Culturals (ICIC) back in the early 90’s under the department of Culture of the
Conselleria de Cultura i Comunicació that has many competitions in the realm of
Performing Arts and Music, such as giving loans to productions, giving subsidy to the theatre venues, both run by private firms in large theatre venues: Goya, Romea,
Condal, and so on as well as to the network of Alternative Venues (Fringe Theatre) that in Catalunya its known as Sales Alternatives(
Beckett, Brossa, Versus, Muntaner, Nou Tantarantana, and so on.
In the case of la Sala Beckett ( www.
salabeckett .com
) their main focus is new theatre plays and has lots of connections with Latina America, and also promotes the translation of young catalan playwriters into other European languages. Very seldom has presented international theatre, except when another organization presents a programme in their venue, this is the case of La Porta until recent years. Continuing with the Fringe theatre venues in Barcelona, the Nou Tantarantana
( www.
tantarantana .com
) does a performing arts program based on Physical Theatre and Dance in Barcelona every year, it is opened to international works Muestra de
Danza y Teatro Contemporáneos that takes place the 1 st week of December. However most of the work presented comes from the local or regional scene, since as it was mentioned before the INAEM provides funding for the touring of companies, as well as gives funding for this Network in Catalunya and Spain file://localhost/(http/ .
On the other hand, and outside cities such as Barcelona or Madrid, you cabn find other local networks that are related to the town halls or to the will of their cultural coordinators, one of them is the ‘xarxa transversal’ of Catalunya (north and south): , which is the result of 14 medium size cities collaborating throughout the Catalan territory: Figueres, Girona, Granollers, La Seu d’Urgell, Lleida,
Manresa, Mataró, Olot, Perpinyà, Reus, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Tarragona, Tortosa, Vic and Vilanova i la Geltrú, being their main objectives to assume the risks of new artistic
and cultural proposals, relating to the territory and more participation and compromise of the public administrations, their activities are related to performing arts, visual arts, publications, installation work, video work, interdisciplinary work, etc.
This kind of network is quite exceptional both in Catalunya and Spain, and it originated with the support of the EADC (the actual Arts Council of Catalunya) back in 2005 when there was given specific support to the contemporary arts practices and cultural events.
The continuation of the cultural policies started by the Catalan Government in 2005 are not yet clearly defined by the new organism CONCA (
/) that has inherited some of the competitions and must implement a new strategies and policies in order to give support to the new artistic and cultural practices: better funding, better labor policies, transparency, support to independent platforms and structures, increase the Budget for the contemporary arts, and so on.
Oscar Dasi: La Porta / Festival LP
office: +34.93295 5440
Núria Font: NU2’s / Festival IDN (Barcelona) & Festival VAD (Girona)
mobile: +34.647 500 720
Salvador Sunyer: Bitó / Festival Temporada Alta
office: +34.972 402004
Mar Cordobes: Dias de Dansa / directora Marató
Directora Festival Dias de Dansa Virginie Gorcerino
office: +34.932681868
Carlos Gómez / Sonoscop / Festival Zeppelín
office: +34.93301 5545
Simona Levi / Festival InnMotion / Conservas
office Conservas: +34.933020630 personal mobile: 639 025 865
Ada Vilaró / Festival Escena Poble Nou / Festival Itinerancies
personal mobile: +34.660071814
FESTIVAL DE TÁRREGA (Street arts and Performances FAIR)
All those companies, entities or institutions involved in contracting, distributing, managing, promoting, etc. the performing arts who are interested in accrediting themselves as professionals and participating in the activities of La Llotja in
FiraTàrrega must appear in the de Professionals Area data base. To have your details included in the above-mentioned data base contact
Professional Area
Pl. St. Antoni, 1. 25300 Tàrrega
Tel. +34 973 501 368
Fax +34 973 501 528
Mercat Música Viva de Vic (Music Fair) (21 Years)
Mercat de Música Viva de Vic is a professional meeting place for all of the sectors of the music industry. A showcase for musical ideas that grow out of the exchange of
information between programmers and bands, cultural managers and musicians, the music business and its public.
For four days every September since 1988, the city of Vic has brought together representatives of all areas of music from around the world to see new developments, attend forums, exchange their knowledge and buy and sell music.
A market that has bridged the gulf between continents, one that allows the exchange of cultural and musical initiatives. Based in southern Europe, MMVV has created international networks of professionals.
In terms of Spain, Vic offers all the Autonomous Communities the chance to present their groups and draw up agreements on collaboration and exchange – the event is the only one of its kind in the whole of the country.
In short, the Vic Live Music Market is an essential reference point for anyone who wants to discover the sounds that are being heard, mainly in Catalonia, Spain and around the Mediterranean basin, but also in the rest of the world.
At the end of December 2009, in the web, you will find the conditions for presenting artistic proposals for the MMVV 2010. The period for presentation of proposals is 3 months and, therefore, will finalize on the 31 March 2010. On this page there will be a form that will request basic data about your proposal, and will specify the material you must send us, such as CDs and an informative dossier.
The programming of the MMVV is made up of three modes of concerts:
I.- Stage format, of 45 minutes (evenings/nights in different spaces around the city).
II.- Showcase format, of 25 minutes (midday/afternoon in the Sucre Trade Fair venue) and with exclusive access for registered professionals at the Market.
Itinerant format, the length being approximately 45 minutes, according to the route.
The artistic director of the MMVV decides which format is the best for each artistic proposal.
Teatre Lliure (Barcelona)
Director: Alex Rigola
Monica Arus
International Theatre & Dance Porgram
Member of the Union des Theatres d’Europe
Mercat de les Flors
Director: Francesc Casadesus
International Dance, Circus and Physical Program
Member of IDÉ Eurpean Network of Dance House
CCCB (Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona)
Director: Jodep Ramoneda
It is a consortium of the City of Barcelona and the Diputació (Provincial Council) of
Gives support to, amongst others:
DRAP ART Association
(video archive)
(urban issues)
(recycling culture and art)
(alternative cinema festival)
100.000 retinas
Orquestra del Caos
Hipnotik Factory
The Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) organizes and produces exhibitions, debates, festivals and concerts, programmes film cycles, courses and lectures, and encourages creation using new technologies and languages. It promotes artistic research in fields such as multimedia, backs research into exhibition formats, exports its in-house productions to other national and international arts centres, museums and institutions, and generates debate , thought and reflection on the theme of the city and the public domain, as well as other issues of current affairs. The CCCB also compiles materials that are available for public consultation , comprising its inheritance, its holdings and archives of exhibition formats, publications, digital archives, audiovisuals, and so on. I t is a space open to groups of independent artists, creators and programmers, and to various bodies with which we have forged bonds over the years. Thanks to all of them, we can guarantee a quality multidisciplinary programme that furthers contemporary culture.
Teatro de la Abadia (Madrid)
Director: José Luis Gómez
Member of the Union des Theatres d’Europe
Matadero (Madrid)
Contemporary Practices: sound / performance / visual arts / Exhibitions
La Casa Encendida (Madrid)
Performing Arts coordinator: Maral Kekejian
Depending of the Savings Bank: Caja Madrid
Visual Arts / Sound / Young artists / own program / artist in residence /Exhibitions / workshops
New Dance Program ‘IMPRESENTABLES’
Di rector: Juan Domínguez (Dance)
Other links:
Director: José A. Sánchez
The objective of the Virtual Archive for Performing Arts (AVAE) is to provide students, teachers and professional critic and documentary material on contemporary artists and their contexts of production and exhibition. This is not an exhaustive archive, but a documentary proposal related to a defined historiographic purpose. The concept of
"performing arts" to be handled is large, as covering everything that happens in real time and in the presence of spectators (including, therefore, hybrid works, instalactions, video-performances, etc.).. Initiated by a group of researchers from the Faculty of Fine
Arts in Cuenca (UCLM), it currently feeds of networking done by a large number of
European and Latin American partners.
In Spain
International Fair Huesca
Dates: end of September
– beginning of October
30 live shows presenting the most innovative Spanish and international contemporary theatre and dance.
International conferences and debates: “Reasons for programming contemporary theatre and dance in times of crisis ”
Workshops for companies and programmers “Co-productions for development”,
“Good practices in Networks”, “Tours in Latin America”. Network and circuit meetings: Assembly of the Spanish Network of Public Theatres, meeting of COFAE
(Network of Spanish performing arts fairs), meeting of Arag ón’s Performing Arts
Stands and meeting area. The recently inaugurated Conference Hall provides ample space for the stands and meetings area (almost 1,000 square metres of exhibition space equipped with the most innovative technological means)
First class performing infrastructures.
The Conference Hall also offers an excellent setting for large format shows. Furthermore there is the recently renovated Olimpia theatre and the well known Salesianos theatre and Matadero theatre. Apart from these four spaces, events are programmed in alternative, unconventional spaces.
Sonar, the advanced music and multimedia art festival, takes place in Barcelona every year during three days in June. Sonar ’s diverse artistic offer splits between the Sonar by Day activities (in the CCCB and MACBA venues) and Sonar by Night (Fira Gran Via
M2 L ’Hospitalet), together with some simultaneous gigs like the performances at
L ’Auditori.
At the last festival edition, more than 75,000 people enjoyed the fine selection of an artistic programme which combines the electronica headliners together with hundreds of emerging artists and DJ ’s representing the most updated music and new media trends within electronic culture.
Sonar is the meeting point both for a worldwide audience looking for the newest, as well as the professionals, looking for the perfect environment for business and networking.
This coming year the festival takes place on 17, 18 and 19 of June and for the first time in 17 editions, Sonar will have two simultaneous editions. Together with Xacobeo
(Compostela ’s Jubilee), the festival takes the Way of Saint James and celebrates both in A Coru ña and Barcelona. A double-edition event, the usual Barcelona and this
extraordinary one, which will be named Sonar Galicia.
Sonar has also regularly crossed over the Spanish borders, since 2002, travelling with events all over the world, decentralising electronic music by showcasing new talent, often local, and the all time classics within the genre. Sonar has travelled to London,
NY, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Frankfurt or Tokyo, and more.
An urban event, and a discovery platform. Sonar is a pioneer and influential date on the
European cultural calendar thanks to its unique entertainment offer and the singularity of its emplacement.
SonarPro , the meeting point for professionals in the music industry and technologies applied to audiovisual art and new media has been attended by more than 1.200 professionals from 530 companies from 32 countries.
A total of 74,481 people came to S ónar 2009 - a figure that confirms the public's loyalty to the festival and the appeal of the line-up and attractions this year.
Of particular note were the high attendance levels at S
ónar by Day
, where the
Professional Fair and new Demo Area are located. A total of 35,429 people attended the 3 day journeys: 9,318 on Thursday 18, 13,580 on Friday 19 and 12,531 on
Saturday 20.
The improvements made at SonarPro this year were also a resounding success. The new Demo Area , a key part of the Fair's new professional perspective on Floor -2 of the CCCB, helped to raise the profile of many products by companies in the technological sector, and it was very highly rated among those attending.
Spectators: 74.481
SonarPro professionals 2009: 1.200
Companies participating in SonarPro: 530 Demos: 24 Artists: 283 (71 concerts / 49 dj sessions / 25 new media installations)
Info/Booking/Demos ::
Advanced Music S.L.
PO Box 21.109
08080 Barcelona
LABORAL – Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Gijón)
LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Centre is an exhibition centre for art, science, technology and advanced visual industries. But it is also a venue for artistic and technological production, research and training; and for the dissemination of new forms of art and industrial creation. To fulfil these goals, laboral will be a space for exchange between different art disciplines; a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary centre and a dynamic environment for creators / works / researchers / teachers / audiences.
Organically, the centre depends on a non-profit foundation comprising corporations and
institutions, founded expressly to ensure the intellectual and financial feasibility of the centre. The project was developed under the auspices of the Government of the
Principality of Asturias, promoter of the conversion of part of the building originally designed as workshops for the former Gijon vocational training centre. The refurbishment of the 14338 square metres of functional space for the centre required an investment in excess of €11 million.
Asturias' industrial tradition and the universal vocation of its people make this region the perfect location for this unique space for artistic exchange which wishes to forge an alliance of art, industry and economic growth.
Laboral aims to...
Become an international reference for art, science and new technologies by encouraging the creation of highly qualified productions.
Foster international dialogue between creators, scientists and experts from varied origins.
Discover new values in art and industrial creativity (emerging and experimentation).
Promote interaction with wide audiences as well as a knowledge and appreciation of new trends in art, science and technology.
Project industrial art creation in Asturias and encourage its knowledge and appreciation in international art circuits, thus contributing to the creation of a cutting-edge and innovative image for Asturias.
To achieve these goals, the contents, programmes and activities of LABoral Art and
Industrial Creation Centre revolve around five strategic axes: exhibition and dissemination, research, training, production and other programmes.