Adv Project Info Sheet




Quarter Project: Is the pen mightier than the sword?


Welcome to your first quarter project! You will work in a group of three or four to explore the history, technology, and culture of one non-European civilization that existed in the 16 th

century. As a group, you will evaluate that civilization and answer the question, “Was the pen mightier than the sword?” In other words, you must decide whether your chosen civilization valued science, the arts and literature over warfare and conquest. Once you reach your decision, you will work together to create a presentation that will convince your classmates-and Ms. Dean-that you chose your answer wisely. Though there will be some time in class devoted to working on this project, you will have to meet outside of class as well. This project requires a significant amount of research and critical thinking, but it can also be very fun and interesting too. (I promise!)


This project consists of both individual and group tasks. Here are the steps:


Each group member will have specific research questions to answer about the chosen civilization.

Each set of questions is based on a different theme: History and Government, Science and

Technology, Literature and Arts, and Society and Culture.


After each researcher has completed his or her individual work, the group will meet (outside of class) to decide whether the civilization values the “pen” over the “sword.” The group will fill out a sheet that explains their decision using solid evidence and will turn it in, along with their research sheets, on October 7 th and 8 th .

Basically, you are creating a thesis statement and supporting it , just not in a formal written format.


Then the group must decide how to best present their information to the class. This presentation can take on a variety of forms. In the past there have been skits, museum exhibits, songs, videos,

PowerPoint presentations, posters, Prezis, and even a puppet show. Whichever format you choose

(maybe even a combination of things) your presentation should be informative and creative.


Groups will display their findings before the class in a presentation format of their choosing. The presentations will take place in class on October 22 & 23 .

The Details

What are the components of this project? How much is it all worth?


Research ( 60 points): This will be conducted individually as one of the following: Group Historian,

Group Scientist, and Group Artist. Each group member will receive a question sheet for recording their research notes. The sources that are used during the research phase must be submitted along with the notes.


Group Participation (40 points): This includes the decision sheet which will inform Ms. Dean about the decision your group has made regarding the question of the pen vs. the sword. It also includes self- and peer-evaluations of member involvement levels and teacher observations of group preparedness.


Presentation (100 points): The group will present their findings in a manner of their choosing. All members must participate. The presentation should be approximately 6-8 minutes long and should be a collaborative effort. The presentation is where you will inform the class about your thesis and provide the supporting evidence. You should not just present all of the information you found in your research. Your presentation should be well organized. One way to do this is by structuring your presentation like a paper: there is an introduction that includes a thesis, and then there is evidence that supports your thesis, followed by a conclusion. Within this framework of Introduction, Evidence, and Conclusion, you must include the following elements to help support your thesis. They do not have to be in this order:



Quarter Project: Is the pen mightier than the sword?


Historical Events: Describe 3-5 main events that happened in your civilization between 1450-

1650 CE . These events should support your claim regarding the importance of the pen or the sword. b.

Poem, Story, or Literary Work: A poem or excerpt from another work of literature should be chosen to support your thesis. c.

Artifact: You must recreate some sort of artifact associated with your civilization. It can be an example of calligraphy, architecture, art, or weaponry and it should help support your thesis. Use whatever material you would like (watercolors, markers, colored pencils, oil paint, clay, aluminum foil, etc.) to reproduce it. d.

Biographies: Include brief biographies of two of the following: a noted leader or general, a famous author or poet, or a celebrated artist or scientist from your chosen empire. Explain why their accomplishments support your thesis.

In addition to the content components above, your presentation must also include: e.

Visuals: This is a presentation, so you need something for your audience to look at while you are analyzing your civilization. Your visual display should include some of the requirements listed above. (Examples from previous years will be shown in class.) f.

Persuasion and creativity: Remember, you are trying to justify the decision you made regarding the values of your civilization. It is not just a summary of information about your chosen empire. Your presentation should be engaging as well as informative. Think outside the box!


After the initial research is finished, Ms. Dean will review rubrics for the presentation in class.


The W-L library has many different books on these civilizations, and the librarians are more than willing to help students find information. Ms. Dean will also put some books on reserve. There are also a variety of excellent websites that can be used for research. Ms. Dean will add some to the class wiki, but students are expected to do additional research as well. Be sure to keep track of the sources that you use. More information will be provided at a later date regarding the proper format for documenting your sources.

Important Dates

This project requires that you spend a significant amount of time researching your empire so that you will come to a conclusion that can be backed up by facts and evidence. Furthermore, there are a variety of pieces that must be included in your presentation. In short: THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT YOU

WILL BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THE WEEKEND BEFORE IT IS DUE. You have over 3 weeks from today until your presentations are due, so plan accordingly.

September 29 & 30 : Introduction to project, choose groups and civilizations

October 7 & 8 : Partial block for research; Research and Decision Sheets are due

October 16 &17 : Partial block to meet with your group

October 22 & 23: Group Presentations (Order of presentations will be picked by Ms. Dean)

Good luck!

And remember, this project-especially the research component- will take some time. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t find the information you need right away. Please come and see me if you have any questions, get stuck, or need some guidance.
