60 Minutes/Vanity Fair Poll Speech December 4-8, 2015 In general, do you think the pen is mightier than the sword, or do you think the sword is mightier than the pen? Most Americans agree: the pen is mightier than the sword. Is the pen mightier than the sword? Most Americans say yes. 63% agree with the now famous quote – coined in 1839 by English playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton – while just 24% think the sword is mightier than the pen. Americans of all levels of education favor the pen to the sword, but those with higher degrees of education have a commensurately greater appreciation for the power of the pen. While 58% of Americans with just a high school diploma or less think the pen is mightier than the sword, this rises to 68% of college grads. The pen The sword Total 63% 24 Which is Mightier? High School or Less Some College 58% 65% 30 21 College Grads+ 68% 19 Which one of the following people said, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter”? Just one in 10 Americans know of George Washington’s exhortation on free speech. Respect for freedom of speech goes back to the formation of the United States, and it was championed by President George Washington when he said, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter”. Most Americans don’t know he said this however – just one in 10 correctly attributes this statement to America’s first president. Instead, more Americans guess civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. (24%), British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (14%), or the American author and humorist Mark Twain (12%), while 35% volunteer they don’t know. “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter” Martin Luther King Jr. 24% Winston Churchill 14 Mark Twain 12 George Washington 10 Voltaire 5 Don’t know 36 When people talk about issues that they are passionate about, they are sometimes referred to as “being on their soapbox.” When you are on your own personal soapbox, which one of the following forms does it usually take? The dinner table is the best place to pontificate. Although people have been standing on soapboxes to deliver their points of view in London for over a century, nowadays Americans look for other places to air their opinions. When asked which best represents their personal “soapbox” from a list of five, 42% picked a seat at the dinner table – the top choice. Another one in five go digital. 20% pick Twitter or Facebook as their own personal soapbox, while 19% have decided they are their own best audience, and pick talking to themselves. Although a seat at dinner is the top choice for Americans of all ages, Twitter and Facebook are also popular for Americans under 45, particularly those between 35 and 44 (33%). Older Americans are far less likely to air their views via Tweet or Facebook post – just 6% of Americans 65 and older are most likely to use Facebook or Twitter as their own personal soapbox. A seat at dinner A tweet or Facebook post Talking to yourself A letter to the local paper A barstool Which is Your Personal Soapbox? Total 18-34 35-44 45-54 42% 34% 36% 45% 20 26 33 18 19 20 16 20 6 6 4 4 6 9 7 7 55-64 45% 14 20 6 5 65+ 54% 6 16 11 2 When people talk about issues that they are passionate about, they are sometimes referred to as “being on their soapbox.” When you are on your own personal soapbox, which one of the following forms does it usually take? When it comes to climate change and same-sex marriage, many Americans don’t want to hear the other side. When other people get on their soapboxes and express unpopular opinions, not everyone may want to listen. If they could pick one of four topics about which they’d like to silence the people who shared differing views from their own, Americans pick climate change (25%) and same-sex marriage (24%) as their top two choices, followed by immigration (20%) and evolution (18%). One in 10 volunteers say that they wouldn’t want to silence people on any of these topics. Topic You’d Most Like to Silence the Opinions of People You Disagree With Climate change 25% Same-Sex marriage 24 Immigration 20 Evolution 18 None of these (vol.) 10 2 If you could shut one of the following people up permanently, who would you choose? Republicans would like to shut up Al Sharpton; Democrats pick Dick Cheney. Sometimes it’s not about what to silence, but who. When asked which politician or pundit they would like to shut up permanently if they could, Americans pick activist-turned-television-commentator Al Sharpton (23%) as the person they’d most want silence from a list of five, followed by former Vice President Dick Cheney (16%), former President Bill Clinton (13%), conservative political commentator Ann Coulter (11%), and talk show host Bill Maher (7%). Americans of differing political affiliations want to shut different people up. Republicans overwhelmingly want to muzzle Al Sharpton (41%), and he is the top choice of independents as well (21%). Democrats most want to mute Dick Cheney (26%), followed by Ann Coulter (20%) Who Would You Like to Shut Up Permanently? Total Reps Dems Inds Al Sharpton 23% 41% 12% 21% Dick Cheney 16 9 26 13 Bill Clinton 13 17 12 10 Ann Coulter 11 2 20 10 Bill Maher 7 11 7 5 Which comes closest to how you feel about efforts to change language and policies in order to avoid excluding or insulting certain social groups? 1. Such efforts are helpful because they promote tolerance and show sensitivity to the feelings of other people. 2. Such efforts are harmful because they stifle freedom of speech and pander to special interests. Americans are divided over whether to try to avoid offending people. Americans are divided about attempts to change language and policies in order to avoid excluding or insulting certain social groups – sometimes referred to as being “politically correct”. While 46% think such so-called political correctness is mostly helpful because it promotes tolerance and shows sensitivity to the feelings of others, 44% think such efforts are harmful because they stifle freedom of speech and pander to special interests. There are stark political differences. Most Republicans think such efforts are mostly harmful (55%), while most Democrats think such efforts are mostly helpful (58%). Whites and blacks also see things differently: while most blacks think such efforts are helpful, whites are divided. Helpful Harmful Changing Language and Behavior to Avoid Excluding or Insulting Certain Groups Is… Total Reps Dems Inds White 46% 31% 58% 47% 45% 44 55 38 41 45 Black 58% 38 3 Sometimes people use the term “politically correct” to describe efforts to change language and policies in order to avoid excluding or insulting certain social groups. Do you think “political correctness” is a danger to free speech in the United States, or don’t you think it is? Most Americans think “political correctness” is a danger to free speech. Just over half of all Americans - 55% - think political correctness is a danger to free speech in the United States, while 40% do not. Again there are partisan and racial differences. Seven in 10 Republicans (69%) and most independents (55%) think political correctness is dangerous, while most Democrats disagree (54%). Most whites (57%) think it’s dangerous; most blacks (51%) do not. Yes No Total 55% 40 Is “Political Correctness” Dangerous? Reps Dems Inds White 69% 43% 55% 57% 27 54 39 39 Black 45% 51 When it comes to speech, which of the following should be more of a concern for colleges today? 1. Creating an environment where diverse points of view are heard, even if it means offending some students. 2. Creating an environment where students feel safe from offensive speech, even if it means some points of view are not heard. College is place to be heard, not to feel safe. When it comes to college campuses, Americans would rather students engage in vigorous debate than be safely insulated from offending points of view. Seven in 10 Americans think colleges should be more concerned with creating an environment where diverse points of view are heard, even if it means offending some students, while just 26% prefer an environment in which students feel safe from offensive speech. Whites (75%) overwhelmingly think colleges should focus on diverse points of view, while blacks are divided between stressing diverse points of view (50%) or a place where students feel safe (47%). What Should Colleges Concentrate on More? Total White Fostering diverse points of view 70% 75% Fostering a place where students feel safe 26 21 Black 50% 47 4 In general, who do you think is more dangerous? People who engage in hate speech against other people or people who try to silence hate speech against others. Most Americans think people who engage in hate speech are more dangerous than those who try to silence it. But Americans see danger in hate speech. 60% think people who engage in hate speech against other people are more dangerous than people who try to silence hate speech against others. Here most Americans agree regardless of party affiliation, although Democrats (67%) are more likely to think hate speech is more dangerous than Republicans (56%) or independents (59%). Who is More Dangerous? Total Reps Dems Inds People who engage in hate speech 60% 56% 67% 59% People who silence hate speech 31 37 27 31 Recently, Donald Trump has made statements about Mexicans that have caused controversy. Which of the following most closely matches how you feel about these statements? Few Americans think highly of Trump’s statements about Mexicans. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has made some controversial comments about Mexicans in the course of his White House bid, and most Americans take a dim view of these comments. 40% of Americans think such comments – which include referring to Mexicans as killers and rapists – are racist and dangerous, while another 24% think that though they may be harmless, these comments are idiotic. Other Americans take a more positive view. 17% of Americans think these comments are accurate (if divisive) while 10% think his comments are thoughtful and needed. Trump is running for the Republican nomination, and Republicans view his comments far more positively than Democrats. Though only 20% of Republicans think his comments about Mexicans are thoughtful and needed, another 33% think they are accurate, if divisive. In contrast, 60% of Democrats think his comments about Mexicans are racist. Donald Trump’s Statements about Mexicans Are… Total Reps Dems Inds Racist and dangerous 40% 21% 60% 38% Idiotic but harmless 24 17 25 27 Accurate but divisive 17 33 6 15 Thoughtful and needed 10 20 7 7 5 Would you favor or oppose a national database that would track all Muslims living in America? Most Americans oppose a national database of Muslim living in America. Trump has also expressed his support for a nationwide database of Muslims in America, and most Americans oppose this idea. Just 29% favor a national database of Muslims, while 65% of Americans oppose. Here majorities of Republicans (54%), Democrats (77%) and independents (62%) all think this is a bad idea, though Democrats are the strongest in opposition. National Database to Track All Muslims Total Reps Dems Inds Favor 29% 39% 20% 30% Oppose 65 54 77 62 __________________________________________________________________________________ This poll was conducted by telephone from December 4-8 among a random sample of 1,009 adults nationwide. Data collection was conducted on behalf of CBS News by SSRS of Media, PA. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The poll employed a random digit dial methodology. For the landline sample, a respondent was randomly selected from all adults in the household. For the cell sample, interviews were conducted with the person who answered the phone. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish using live interviewers. The data have been weighted to reflect U.S. Census figures on demographic variables. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus four percentage points. The error for subgroups may be higher and is available by request. The margin of error includes the effects of standard weighting procedures which enlarge sampling error slightly. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls. 6 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair Poll Speech December 4-8, 2015 VF-01. In general, do you think the pen is mightier than the sword, or do you think the sword is mightier than the pen? Pen is mightier Sword is mightier Depends (vol.) Don’t know/no answer ******************* TOTAL RESPONDENTS ***************** ****************** Education ******************** Total High school or less Some college College grad+ % % % % 63 58 65 68 24 30 21 19 7 6 7 8 7 7 7 5 VF-03. When people talk about issues that they are passionate about, they are sometimes referred to as “being on their soapbox.” When you are on your own personal soapbox, which one of the following forms does it usually take? A seat at the dinner table A tweet or Facebook post Talking to yourself A letter to your local paper A barstool None of these (vol.) Don’t know/no answer Total % 42 20 19 6 6 5 2 ************** Age ************** 18-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ % % % % % 34 36 45 45 54 26 33 18 14 6 20 16 20 20 16 6 4 4 6 11 9 7 7 5 2 2 4 5 6 8 3 1 2 4 3 VF-04. If you could silence the opinions of people who disagreed with you on one of the following topics, which would you most likely choose? **** Party ID ****** Total Reps Dems Inds % % % % Climate change 25 23 24 27 Same-sex marriage 24 26 26 21 Immigration 20 19 22 19 Evolution 18 20 16 18 None of them (vol.) 10 9 9 11 Don’t know/no answer 3 2 2 4 VF-06. In general, who do you think is more dangerous? People who engage in hate speech against other people or People who try to silence hate speech against others. People who engage in hate speech People who silence hate speech Depends/both equally (vol.) Don’t know/no answer 60 31 6 2 56 37 5 2 67 27 5 2 59 31 7 3 VF-07. Which comes closest to how you feel about efforts to change language and policies in order to avoid excluding or insulting certain social groups? 1. Such efforts are helpful because they promote tolerance and show sensitivity to the feelings of other people. 2. Such efforts are harmful because they stifle freedom of speech and pander to special interests. Such efforts are helpful Such efforts are harmful Don’t know/no answer ********* TOTAL RESPONDENTS **** ***** Party ID ***** Total Reps Dems Inds % % % % 46 31 58 47 44 55 38 41 10 14 5 12 VF-08. Sometimes people use the term “politically correct” to describe efforts to change language and policies in order to avoid excluding or insulting certain social groups. Do you think “political correctness” is a danger to free speech in the United States, or don’t you think it is? Yes, a danger No, not a danger Don’t know/no answer 55 40 5 69 27 4 43 54 4 55 39 6 VF-09.When it comes to speech, which of the following should be more of a concern for colleges today? 1. Creating an environment where diverse points of view are heard, even if it means offending some students. 2. Creating an environment where students feel safe from offensive speech, even if it means some points of view are not heard. Where diverse points of view are heard Where feel safe from offensive speech Don’t know/no answer Total % 70 26 4 ******* Race ******* Whites Blacks % % 75 50 21 47 4 3 VF-05. If you could shut one of the following people up permanently, who would you choose? Al Sharpton Dick Cheney Bill Clinton Ann Coulter Bill Maher None of them (vol.) Don’t know/no answer Total % 23 16 13 11 7 14 16 ***** Party ID ***** Reps Dems Inds % % % 41 12 21 9 26 13 17 12 10 2 20 10 11 7 5 10 12 19 10 11 22 VF-10. Recently, Donald Trump has made statements about Mexicans that have caused controversy. Which of the following most closely matches how you feel about these statements? Racist and dangerous Idiotic but harmless Accurate but divisive Thoughtful and needed Don’t know/no answer 40 24 17 10 9 21 17 33 20 9 60 25 6 7 3 38 27 15 7 13 8 VF-11. Would you favor or oppose a national database that would track all Muslims living in America? ********* TOTAL RESPONDENTS **** ***** Party ID ***** Total Reps Dems Inds % % % % 29 39 20 30 65 54 77 62 6 7 3 8 Favor Oppose Don’t know/no answer VF-02. Which one of the following people said, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter”? Martin Luther King Jr. Winston Churchill Mark Twain George Washington Voltaire Don’t know/no answer Total respondents: 24 14 12 10 5 36 27 17 7 12 4 33 25 12 13 10 5 36 21 13 15 9 5 37 1,009 9