Know/Need to Know - Gulf Coast State College

Profile Sheet
PBL Lesson Plan for Diverse Learners
Original Title: You want to build a city, there!
Primary Subject Area: Geography
Outside Subject Area: Language Arts
Description of student roles and problem situation:
This becomes real when students become part of a research team by being a board
member, a businessperson, an engineer, a geologists, a researcher, or a meteorologist.
They all work for Big City Inc., a fictitious land developing company who has fallen on
hard times. The CEO, Mr. Nice Guy believes that if his company can come up with a
plan to develop this island with an eco-friendly city and win the competition offered by
C-CoW, his company can back in the big time again. Mr. Nice Guy sends this operation
order, along with newspaper clippings about the island and the competition to his staff so
they can develop a plan of action to get started on this project.
Teacher: Michael Mallary
Grade Level: 6th
Adaptations for Student from Non-Western Culture:
Use visual representations
Include resources from the student’s culture
Include committee members from the students’ culture
Adaptations for ESOL Student:
Allow students to present in first language
Include resources in student’s first language
Let other students help the ESOL students
Title, Learner Characteristics, Sunshine State Standards
Primary Subject Area:
Outside Subject Area:
Class and Level:
Grade Level:
Michael Mallary
You want to build a city there?
Social Studies
Language Arts
Social Studies, Honors
6th Grade
Primary Sunshine State Standards:
SS.B.1.3: The student understands the world in spatial terms.
SS.B.2.3: The student understands the interactions of people and the physical
Outside Subject Area Sunshine State Standards from Language Arts:
LA.A.2.3: The student constructs meaning from a wide range of texts.
LA.B.2.3: The student writes to communicate ideas and information effectively.
Learner Characteristics of Middle Grades Students:
Physical: Physical growth tends to be both rapid and uneven.
Justification: This PBL unit will help late-maturing boys, by being able to gain selfconfidence, and success in their class work. Early-maturing girls will be given extra
attention and recognition for the achievements especially in this unit.
Social: The development of interpersonal reasoning leads to greater understanding of the
feelings of others.
Justification: This PBL unit will be done in small groups. This unit’s design will foster
the development of interpersonal reasoning, and the greater understanding of the fellow
students in their groups.
Emotional: As a result of the continued influence of egocentric thought, middle school
students are typically self conscious and self centered.
Justification: Because of the way this PBL unit is organized, students will have to work
with their fellow students and take into consideration what their thoughts and feelings
Cognitive: Because of the psychological demands of early adolescence, middle school
students need a classroom environment that is open, supportive, and intellectually
Justification: This PBL will provide many opportunities for students to make decisions
that affect the outcome of their project.
Cognitive: Self-efficacy becomes an important influence on intellectual and social
Justification: PBL units are good for the student’s development of their self-efficacy.
Working in small groups in this PBL will further this.
Learning Outcomes, Student Role & Problem Situation, Meet the
Problem Method
Title: You want to build a city there? Asked Big City Inc. Land Developers.
Teacher: Michael Mallary
Primary Sunshine State Standards:
SS.B.1.3: The student understands the world in spatial terms.
LO#1 given our class text, research, and handouts students, will create a Know/Need to
Know table, and accurately compose five questions dealing with classifying geographical
features of the island. synthesis
SS.B.2.3: The student understands the interactions of people and the physical
LO#2 using a Know/Need to Know table, students, will accurately compose five
statements about environmental consequences of people changing the physical
environment. synthesis
Outside Subject Area Sunshine State Standards from Language Arts:
LA.A.2.3: The student constructs meaning from a wide range of texts.
LO#3 given our class text, handouts, and the meet problem statement, students
will formulate five accurate statements and five relevant questions for the Know/ Need to
Know board. synthesis
LA.B.2.3: The student writes to communicate ideas and information effectively.
LO#4 Given class discussion and research, students working in small groups will give an
oral presentation of their recommendations to the council. A score of at least 20 points
on a rubric is necessary to pass. evaluation
Description of Student Roles and Problem Situation:
This becomes real when students become part of a research team by being a board
member, a businessperson, an engineer, a geologists, a researcher, or a meteorologist.
They all work for Big City Inc., a fictitious land developing company who has fallen on
hard times. The CEO, Mr. Nice Guy believes that if his company can come up with a
plan to develop this island with an eco-friendly city and win the competition offered by
C-CoW, his company can back in the big time again. Mr. Nice Guy sends this operation
order, along with newspaper clippings about the island and the competition to his staff so
they can develop a plan of action to get started on this project.
From the Office of Big City Inc.
Operations Order
Date: November 1, 2007
To: Team One, City Development (TOCD)
From: Mr. Nice Guy, C.E.O.
Subject: Developing a eco-friendly city on the previously
unknown island in the Indian Ocean, competition of the CCOW (Concerned Countries of the World)
As you can see from the newspaper article there has been a
discovery of a previously undocumented island in the
Indian Ocean. Because no country can lay claim to this
island, C-COW has opened the island for potential
development. Interested countries will be able to send a
team of researchers to the island to do a survey and
research. Once complete, each country’s research teams
will submit a plan to the C-COW sub-council on ecofriendly city development. The plan should include an area
for a seaport, an area for an airport, recommendations for
utilities, and recommendations on the potential for natural
occurring disasters.
Island Times Gazette
Indian Ocean.
Scientists have made
a remarkable discovery; they have
discovered an island in the middle of
the Indian Ocean that had not been
discovered. Many of the neighboring
countries have tried to lay claim to
the island. A special session of the
Concerned Countries of the World (CCoW) was called. Due to the
uniqueness of this discovery, C-CoW
has allowed any country that would
like to develop a model eco-friendly
city, send in a team of researchers
to formulate a plan. Their plan
would then be presented to the C-CoW
assembly in January at their annual
meeting. The winner would be voted on
by the general assembly.
General Survey of Unnamed
Island from Satellite Images
 Location Indian Ocean
 Latitude 5.12 N
 Longitude 75. 32 E
Size 25 Square miles
October 30, 2007
Web sites: related to climate, geography,
and natural disasters plant info)
Video link:
Television news reports-fictitious
Problem Statement, Know/Need to Know Boards, Possible Resources
How can we, as city planners of Big City Inc., design a city that is viable and friendly to
the environment in such a way that:
1. The island will be self-sufficient.
2. The development of the island does minimal damage to the environment.
3. The development plan has a budget of $100,000
4. The plan must be submitted by Dec. 15th, 2007
The size of the island is approximately 25 square miles.
We know the location latitude and longitude.
We know the climate of the island.
We know that island can be affected by tsunamis.
We know the island can be affected by cyclones.
We know that we are in competition from other countries to develop this island.
We know that that our plan must be environmentally sound.
Need to know
1. Does the island have a deep-water port.
2. What are the fresh water source(s) for the island.
3. What is the topography of the island.
4. What type of power system will be best.
5. Is there are viable location for an airport.
6. How often has the island been affected by cyclones
7. How often has the island been affected by tsunamis.
8. What type of transportation system will work best.
9. Does the island geography offer opportunities for tourism.
10. Are there any special or exotic wildlife or vegetation that we need to be aware of.
Capstone Performance
Original Title: You want to build a city, there?
Teacher: Mr. Mallary
Primary Sunshine State Standards:
SS.B.1.3: The student understands the world in spatial terms.
LO#1 Given our class text, research, and handouts students, will create a Know/Need to
Know table, and accurately compose five questions dealing with classifying geographical
features of the island. synthesis
SS.B.2.3: The student understands the interactions of people and the physical
LO#2 Using a Know/Need to Know table, students, will accurately compose five
statements about environmental consequences of people changing the physical
environment. synthesis
Outside Subject Area Sunshine State Standards from Language Arts:
LA.A.2.3: The student constructs meaning from a wide range of texts.
LO#3 Given our class text, handouts, and the meet problem statement, students
will formulate five accurate statements and five relevant questions for the Know/ Need to
Know board. synthesis
LA.B.2.3: The student writes to communicate ideas and information effectively.
LO#4 Given class discussion and research, students working in small groups will give an
oral presentation of their recommendations to the council. A score of at least 100 points
on a rubric is necessary to pass. evaluation
Capstone Performance Description
The PBL Problem: There was a recent island discovered in the northern Indian Ocean.
The Concerned Countries of the World (C-COW) who governs such issues, has allowed
any country to send a research team to survey the island. The companies will then present
their plan to the C-COW executive board for approval. To win approval by the board, the
plan the must include placement of a seaport, a airport, utilities, and a transportation
system. All of which by eco-friendly. The survey has a budget of $50,000. The final plan
will be presented to the C-COW executive board on Dec. 15th, 2007.
How Students Will Share the Solution to the Problem:
This lesson will take two weeks from beginning research to presentation of solution. The
C-COW will hold a special executive board meeting to here the plans for the newly
discovered island –X. Students will be divided into groups of four. Each student will be
an employee of Big City Inc., either as an engineer, a geologist, a surveyor, or a
interested board member of Big City Inc. The individual student will do research for the
same problem and decide on what they think is the best solution to the problem. Then the
individual students will work together to create a problem to the solution. Individuals will
write their plan for the solution, on a created table. They will need to score at least 40
points on a rubric to pass the individual assessment. Their group project will be
collaboration on how to apply their knowledge of how location, climate and geography,
i.e. cyclones, tsunamis, mudslides, and flooding can affect or determine the way people
develop land, and by using utilities that do as little harm or have the least impact on the
environment as possible. This information will then be put on a map (transparency).
Their presentation to the executive board must include at least two recommendations for
the safest development and best eco-friendly use to the island. There must be at least four
reasons for choosing one plan (solution) over the other. Their presentation must include
the use of an overhead transparency of the island, labeling of geographical features of the
island, and recommended placement of specified facilities. Each group’s presentation
will last 20 minutes. Each student will present for 4 minutes. There will be 4 minutes for
the board to ask questions.
The classroom will be set up for the meeting of the C-COW executive board meeting.
Three administrators, or teachers will serve as the board. They will be a seated at a
separate table to the right of the classroom, with name cards for identification. The
teacher will be seated next to the executive board, acting as Mr. Nice Guy. The students
will present in the front of the classroom. There will be a podium for the speaker, an
overhead projector for the presentation, and a small table for the other two students. The
students will be asked to wear professional business attire. The rest of the class will be
seated as the audience, until their turn to present.
Rubric for Assessing the Capstone Performance
Teacher: Mr. Mallary
Identification and
Key Terrain Features
Solution to the
16 Points
10 Points
Presentation includes
six specified facilities,
which are airport,
seaport, power, water,
water treatment, and
transportation system.
Included are the 10 key
terrain features. All of
the utilities and terrain
features will be written
on the overhead
transparencies for the
Presentation includes 45 of the specified
facilities. Presentation
includes six or more
terrain features
Presentation includes 3
or less of the specified
facilities. Presentation
includes 5 or less
terrain features
54 Points
44 Points
20 Points
10 Points
All presenters wear
business attire and
name tags.
Oral Presentation
26 Points
Presentation includes
two different plans.
Presentation will
provide four
accurate details for
choosing the better
plan. The plan includes
choices for eco-friendly
utilities. The plan
includes documentation
about why a utility is
Authentic Characters
10 Points
Presentation adheres to
time specified of 20
Presentation includes
only one plan, and
three accurate reasons
for supporting the
better plan. The plan
includes eco-friendly
utilities. No
documentation about
facilities is provided
7 Points
Presenters wear only
business attire, or only
name tag
7 Points
Presentation is 15-19
Presentation includes
one or no plan, or less
than three supporting
accurate reasons. Plan
does not include ecofriendly utilities. Plan
does not provide any
4 Points
Presenters wear neither
business attire nor
4 Points
Presentation is less
than 15 minutes.
Scoring Guide
F=59 or less
Two Alternative Solutions and “Best” Solution Analysis
Problem Statement
How can we, as city planners of Big City Inc., design a city that is viable and friendly to
the environment in such a way that:
5. The island will be self-sufficient.
6. The development of the island does minimal damage to the environment.
7. The development plan has a budget of $ 50,000
8. The plan must be submitted by Dec. 15th, 2007
Solution 1: The island is developed with the necessary infrastructure. Developments
and utilities are placed for ease of construction and proximity to each other. The island
will be self-suffient.
Seaport is developed on the coast, easy
access by sea.
Airport is located on land near the port,
near cruise ships, easy access for tourists.
Well system drilled for water. Easy and
direct for where properties are to be
Power plant (gas, coal) built, large amount
of power put out.
Developing the port along the coast.
Potential damage from cyclone or direct hit
through a tsunami.
Airport will take up a large land area.
Runoff from the facilities may harm
surrounding area
Well system may eventually make the
water supply run low or even deplete it.
Power plant will pollute, will also take up
large amount of area. Requires constant
shipments of fuel to operate.
Based on the problem statement, it is necessary for the island to be developed where the
facilities are secure from he weather, and do the least amount to the environment. This
solution does neither. The seaport will be venerable to the weather. The airport will be
big and possibly pollute. The power plant will pollute and damage the surrounding
environment. Putting wells down will deplete the water sources of the island.
Solution 2: The island is developed with the necessary infrastructure. Developments
and utilities are chosen with consideration on environmental impact, and locations are
chosen so as to be safer from cyclones and tsunamis.
Seaport is developed in the harbor, safety
Airport is developed in the harbor as a
seaplane base. Large airport does not need
to be built.
Desalinization plant is built for water
supply. Will not affect the natural water
supply of the island.
Power production is based on wind power
generators. Constant sea breeze will
provide ample supply of power, can be
place almost any ware
Harbor size and depth may limit size of
ships that can dock.
Flights limited to only seaplanes. May
limit the amount of tourist that visit the
Will require large are for construction and
Wind generator, large fan blades on shafts
may be an eyesore for tourists.
Solution 2 will develop the island according to the meet the memo. The inland-protected
harbor may limit the size of ship that can dock. A majority of the tourists will have to
come by cruise ship. The seaplane base will only hand small planes.
The large fan blade wind generators my not look in place on a tropical island.
As a teacher I would choose solution two. Particular attention is played to where
facilities will be placed. They are placed in a protected harbor there will be the least
amount of damage from either a cyclone or tsunami. By using desalinization plant rather
than a series of wells will provide ample supplies of water for the island, with out taking
any from the island. The use of wind-generated power will provide unlimited power for
the island. They may not look pleasing, but they can be place any were on the island. If
the island needs to be developed more, more wind-generated power plants can be added.
The required facilities, utilities are placed in protected area from the environment, and the
utilities chosen are eco-friendly, by doing as little as possible to damage the environment.
Debriefing Plan and Coaching Questions
PBL Lesson Plan for Diverse Students
Title: You want to build a city, there?
Class: 6th Grade
Teacher: Michael Mallary
Problem Statement
How can we, as city planners of Big City Inc., design a city that is viable and friendly to
the environment in such a way that:
9. The island will be self-sufficient.
10. The development of the island does minimal damage to the environment.
11. The development plan has a budget of $ 50,000
12. The plan must be submitted by Dec. 15th, 2007
Debriefing Session Plan
The groups will present their proposal to the C-COW Board. The groups will present
their findings and recommend their best solution. The other students will be in the
audience. The students will vote on what group they thought presented the best solution.
The top two groups will have an opportunity to debate each other in their next class to
come up with the best overall solution.
Essential Concepts
The following five concepts must be addressed by each group’s presentation:
Environmental factors that would affect land development
Climactic influences on land development
Explanation of how some utilities are more eco-friendly than others
How locating a building or facility can impact the surrounding environment
Demonstration of the knowledge of different types of utilities need for developing
a city
Coaching Questions
Meet the Problem
C- What are the four roles assigned?
M-What knowledge do you have of this situation?
E-What is at stake if the island is not developed properly?
Know/Need to Know
C- What facts are related to the location, and climate of the island?
M-What kinds of resources have helped the most?
E- What information is the most important?
Problem Statement
C- What resources will you need to complete this project?
M-Does everybody in your group agree on what the most important issues are?
E- What issues do you need to consider to make this work?
C-How can you verify the information?
M-How has you divided your work between your group?
E-Is this information important to finding your solution?
Generating Possible Solutions
C-What are your strengths/weaknesses for your proposed solution?
M-How did your group arrive at this solution?
E-Does this solution cover all the necessary requirements? If not what is left?