Missaukee County Board of Commissioners

Missaukee County Board of Commissioners
Commissioners Room, Lake City, Michigan
County Finance/Budget Meeting
August 9th, 2012 @ 4:00 PM
Present: Vivian, Zuiderveen, Cairy, Bridson, Vanderwal, Rogers, Hughston, Hancock, Starlin,
Lamphere, Blevins, Schlueter, Ebels, Moore, Spoelman, McGee and Flore.
Bob Schlueter, AAA Director, presented their annual report for 2011 and reviewed changes
and needs that they and their users have for the future. They have been thinking about
programs and the needs of several groups including recently Veterans needs.
Barb Hancock’s report on the forfeiture fund was adjourned.
2012-13 Budget Requests for public hearing on Tuesday
Vivian gave a historical review of Flore’s administrative contract and opened the floor up to
discussing additional duties and $3,680 raise in salary. Hancock reported that Elected
Officials should not also be administrators such as the County Clerk and the Sheriff
currently are and that it is double dipping. This has given the County Clerk too much
power which can be used to hurt other departments. She also added that this is a 25% raise
for this position. Board member comments were various with Hughston suggesting that the
administrative duties be divided up and dispersed to other employees, or that Flore delegate
her employees to do the administrative work. Vivian responded that there needs to be a
historical balance in the office to achieve the results necessary on the financials. He also
reviewed the proposed changes to the contract which would include Flore reviewing all
JE’s prior to them being made in the Treasurers Office and monitoring all activity in
regards to adding or deleting line items. Revised contract to be given to board members for
Tuesday’s board meeting.
Request by McGee to amend their printing line item to $3700 and to adjust revenues in the
Treasurers budget to show the payback of Assessment roll printing in the amount of $2500.
Discussion on printing them at the county level – but for now the budget will be amended.
Request by Spoelma to compromise on the MSU Secretary hours to increase it from the
current 24 to 32 hours per week. Hughston and Zuiderveen do not want to increase that line
item – but train the public to come in during the 24 hours. Vanderwal, Vivian and Rogers
expressed interest in adding 1 day. Will be reviewed during the public hearing.
Review of Data Secretary position. Flore requested that it go to full-time – non-union with
benefits. Costs to be figured 3 different ways for the Tuesday public hearing. Zuiderveen
and Hughston do not want more employees or expenses added to the budget. Flore
explained that this position had been in the budget for years – but due to an attorneys
opinion – it needed to change to either employee status or stop. Rogers reviewed the
attorneys opinion with the board and the 120 day union rule.
Flore requested that $10,000 be paid back to the County from the building department
effective after the board votes next Tuesday. It was agreed to put this on the agenda.
Discussion on successful millage election on the Veterans Park and setting up a committee.
It was decided to appoint Ray Moore, Frank Vanderwal, Lan Bridson and Carolyn Flore to
meet and make some decisions on what could be done this year and how much money was
available to lend.
Discussion on what to do with surplus funds created by the shortened fiscal year with a full
year of tax collections. Possibility of $100,000 on energy note, $50,000 on Capitol
Improvements, $50,000 on MERS pension and maybe a payment on the BSA Software.
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Dean Vivian, Chairman
Carolyn Flore, Clerk