Finance Meeting 8-3-2012

Missaukee County Board of Commissioners
Commissioners Room, Lake City, Michigan
County Finance Meeting
Aug 3rd, 2012 @ 9:00 AM
Present: Vivian, Zuiderveen, Cairy, Bridson, Vanderwal, Rogers, Hancock, McGee, Palmer,
Missaukee Sentinel, Miller and Flore.
Meeting opened by Chair Dean Vivian and he requested any additions to the agenda. Barb Hancock
asked to be reinstated on the agenda and Jack Cairy asked to give an update on COA. Requests
Hancock requested that grant money be applied for to secure her office by putting locking
windows at her counter. She would like her office windows closed due to noise from the
courthouse. Flore reported that the security grants for the courthouse had specific parameters
that included, wands, metal gates and cameras.
 Hancock also made a statement in regards to her opponent in the August Primary
emphasizing that she felt Sandy had wonderful qualifications and that the board should take
the Administrative fees paid to the County Clerk and Sheriff and hire Sandy to be the County
Administrator. She also stated that Elected Officials duties were not compatible with being
Administrator’s and that this was basically double-dipping and she wanted more
transparency in government to stop things like this. She informed the board that she had
been hurt by their requesting a review of her office responsibilities and that she had hired an
attorney to get to the bottom of these attacks.
 A resolution on extending a Federal Tax Abatement was discussed along with information
received from the equalization office and moving it forward to the August 14th board meeting
died for lack of support.
 Jack Cairy gave an update on COA and said that Pam had attended her first AAA meeting
and that things had went well.
 Flore presented the requested MAC Dues in the amount of $6,693.97 for reinstatement in the
2012-13 budget. Rogers and Vanderwal are currently in favor of paying $2,000 with the
balance of the board unsure of amounts. It will be put on the August agenda for a vote.
 Flore began discussion on bidding out the Audit, BCBS, Dental, Liability, Life Insurance etc.
It was decided to start with bids on the audit in November of 2012 and BCBS & Dental next
spring for the 2013-2014 year and to review other possible bidding items also in the spring.
 Discussion on working with the townships on the BSA future expenses for printing, Dawns
expiring contract, assessment rolls, modems and any services we currently both supply that
could be combined for economy. It was discussed that a future meeting would be beneficial.
Possibility of having it be the topic of the next MTA meeting.
 Request by Flore on behalf of the Sheriff’s Department and Courthouse to have two more
days of financial/payroll training by BSA at the reduced cost of $600/per day to be paid half
by the Courthouse Departments and half by the Sheriff’s Department. Approved to contract
these 2 days.
 Flore provided information on 3 options for the county to pursue in regards to the current
2012 tax information to be available to the public on the counties website. This will be added
to Tuesday’s agenda.
 1. We can pay $10,000 per year and anyone from the public can see the entire tax roll except
for the current tax info.
 2. We can pay $14,500 per year and the public can see current, past and delinquent taxes.
 3. We pay nothing and BSA bills the public to see everything except their own taxes.
 Flore started discussion on the Veterans Park Millage and requested that the board think thru
how they would like to address building this year if the millage passes next Tuesday.
 General Discussion on policies – Section I policies were handed out for the board to review
along with Department Heads.
Meeting Adjourned
Dean Vivian, Chairman
Carolyn Flore, Clerk