Sample - Volunteering Policy

Chilypep Volunteering Policy
Chilypep exists to work with children and young people to make the most of opportunities to
influence and improve their lives and communities through empowerment and participation in a
challenging, fun and action packed way.
In line with this Chilypep seeks to involve volunteers to:
 Ensure our services meet the needs of children and young people
 Provide them with new skills and perspectives, and value the skills and perspectives
they bring to the organisation
 Increase our contact with the local community we serve
 Seek their views in matters relating to the work of the organisation.
This Volunteering Policy is underpinned by the following principles:
 Chilypep will ensure that volunteers are properly integrated into the organisational structure
and that mechanisms are in place for them to contribute to Chilypep’s work.
 Chilypep does not aim to introduce volunteers to replace paid staff.
 Chilypep expects that staff at all levels will cooperate positively with volunteers and, where
appropriate, will actively seek to involve them in their work.
 Chilypep recognises that volunteers require satisfying work and personal development and
will seek to help volunteers meet these needs, as well as providing the training for them to
perform their role effectively.
Practice Guidelines
The following guidelines deal with practical aspects of the involvement of volunteers. More
detailed information, including copies of the various documents referred to, is provided in the
Chilypep Handbook.
All prospective volunteers will be interviewed to find out what they would like to do, their skills,
suitability and how best their potential might be realised; from these discussions an agreement
as to the duties to be undertaken within their role will be determined. Due to the nature of our
work, all staff and volunteer appointments will be subject to an acceptable Criminal Records
Bureau check and references being obtained.
Volunteer Agreements and Voluntary Role Outlines
Each volunteer will be provided with a:
 Volunteer Agreement which will establish the support Chilypep undertakes to provide for
them during their time with CHILYPEP.
 Written outline of the specific role they will be undertaking within the company.
 Access to the Chilypep Handbook, outlining the benefits to be gained from their
voluntary role with the company, and CHILYPEP’S Policies and Procedures for
example, Expenses, Grievance, Disciplinary and Complaints Procedure, Safeguarding
and CHILYPEP’s Code of Conduct.
Note: None of the above documents will purport to be a Contract of Employment.
All volunteers will have their reasonable travel and other expenses reimbursed upon
production of receipts and after authorisation by their Support Worker. Volunteers working a
minimum of five hours per day will be able to claim expenses for lunch.
Induction and training
All volunteers will receive an induction into Chilypep and their own area of work. Training will
be provided as appropriate. Where possible, volunteers will be entitled to receive additional
training on the same basis as paid staff.
All volunteers will have a named person as their main point of contact. They will be provided
with regular supervision to feed back on progress, discuss future development and air any
The Volunteer’s Voice
Chilypep actively encourages participation and involvement from both staff and Volunteers
regarding its work and future development both formally and informally. Supervision sessions,
team meetings, and away days are regularly scheduled to enable frequent opportunities for
staff and volunteers to make contributions.
All volunteers are covered by Chilypep insurance policy whilst they are on the premises or
engaged in any work on Chilypep behalf.
Health and Safety
Volunteers are covered by Chilypep Health and Safety Policy, a copy of which is in the
Chilypep Handbook.
Equal Opportunities
Chilypep operates an equal opportunities policy in respect of both paid staff and volunteers. A
copy is in the Chilypep Handbook. Volunteers will be expected to have an understanding of
and commitment to our equal opportunities policy.
Code of Conduct
Chilypep operates a Code of Conduct which all staff members and volunteers are expected to
follow. A copy is in the Chilypep Handbook. Volunteers will be expected to read and adhere to
this Code at all times.
Problem Solving
We aim to identify and solve problems at the earliest possible stage. A procedure has been
drawn up for dealing with complaints either by or about volunteers. A copy of the procedure is
included in the Chilypep Handbook.
Volunteers will be bound by the same requirements for confidentiality as paid staff, which are
laid out in the confidentiality policy, a copy of which is in the Chilypep Handbook.