Building Contract References in Dutch Colonial Manuscripts

Laer, A. J. F. van. trans. and annotator. New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch,
Vol 1: Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1638-1642. Edited with added
indexes by Kenneth Scott and Kenn Stryker-Rodda, Baltimore: Genealogical
Publishing Co., 1974 (RPS1)
_______. New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 2: Register of the
Provincial Secretary, 1642-1647. Edited with added indexes by Kenneth Scott
and Kenn Stryker-Rodda, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1974 (RPS2)
_______. New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 3, Register of the
Provincial Secretary, 1648-1660. Edited with added indexes by Kenneth Scott
and Kenn Stryker-Rodda, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1974 (RPS3)
_______. New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 16381649. Edited with added indexes by Kenneth Scott and Kenn Stryker-Rodda,
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1974 (CM38-49)
1) May 1, 1638. Contract of Wouter van Twiller to furnish Barent Jansen and
Pieter Jansen with live stock on half the increase and the construction of a small
cottage, 29-30. (RPS1)
2) July 29, 1638. Inventory of the farm called Achtervelt mentioning dimensions
of the house and barn and hay barrack, 28. (RPS1)
3) 1638. Public sale of the house and effects of the late Hendrick de Forest, 8283. (RPS1)
4) March 12, 1639. Lease from Director Kieft to Hendrick Cornelissen van Vorst
of the farm at Hoboken occupied by van Vorst and the delivery of brick for the
chimneys, 103-104. (RPS1)
5) March 22, 1639. Deposition concerning the buidlings erected in the different
places in New Netherland during Director van Twiller’s administration, 108-110.
6) March 22, 1639. Deposition of Jacob Stoffelsen, overseer of Negroes, as to
the employment of said Negroes during the administration of Wouter van Twiller,
112-113. (RPS1)
7) March 22, 1639. Contract between Thomas Sanders and Richard Pitsert
[Pitcher?] to fence a plantation, build a tobacco house and plant tobacco on
halves, 119-120. (RPS1)
8) March 31, 1639. Lease form Director Kieft to Vrouwtje Ides, of the Company’s
farm at Ahasimus for twenty years and the delivery of brick for the chimney, 124125. (RPS1)
9) April 16, 1639. Declaration of Jacob Stoffelsen and others as to the ruinous
condition of Fort Amsterdam, the farms, mills and other public property on the
arrival of Director Kieft, 130-132. (RPS1)
10) May 17, 1639. Lease from Everardus Bogardus to Richard Brudnill of a
tobacco plantation for which Brudnill will lengthen the tobacco house, 154-155.
11) May 18, 1639. Lease from Director Kieft to Leendert Arentsen of cattle and
farm No. 3 on Manhattan Island, 157-158. (RPS1)
12) June 1639. List of goods delivered by servants of the Company for the use of
the yacht West Indise Raven including carpenter’s tools, 184-187. (RPS1)
13) July 7, 1639. Lease from Volckert Evertsen and Gerrit Jansen to Willem
Willemsen and Jan Habsen of the plantation on the North River occupied by
Barent Dircksen and the construction of two houses, 174-176. (RPS1)
14) August 2, 1639. Release from Andries Hudde to Wolphert Gerritsen of his
half interest in the buildings and garden on the farm at Achtervelt, Long Island,
202- 203. (RPS1)
15) August 29, 1639. Contract of Juriaen Hendricksen and Pieter Wolphertsen to
build a dwelling house and tobacco house for Thomas Hall, 217-218. (RPS1)
16) September 3, 1639. Contract of Christoffel Lauyrens [Christopher
Lawrence?] and Ralph Cardael [Ralph Cardell?] to make a tobacco plantation
and build a tobacco house for Willem Adriaensen, 242. (RPS1)
17) November 16, 1639. Lease from Jeuriaen Hendricksen to Jacob Vernu of a
house and tobacco plantation and the construction of a house, 246-247. (RPS1)
18) February 15, 1640. Lease of the Company’s farm at Hoboken to Aert
Teunissen from Putten and the construction of a house, 260-261. (RPS1)
19) July 3, 1640. Lease from Jeuriaen Hendricksen to Jacob Vernu of a tobacco
plantation, 287-288. (RPS1)
20) August 7, 1640. Lease from Thomas Sanders to Jan Thomassen of a farm
near Werpoes on Manhattan Island and the sharing of the cost for the thatch,
291-292. (RPS1)
21) November 19, 1640. Contract of Nicolaes Willems Boot to cultivate the land
of Andries Hudde and the construction of a tobacco house, 305-306. (RPS1)
22) December 14, 1640. Lease form Director Kieft to Thomas Broen and others
of a tract of land on Manhattan Island, near Bestevaer’s cripplebush, and the
construction of a tobacco house, 311-312. (RPS1)
22) May/June 1641. Declaration of Huych Aertsen and Philip Gerritsen
respecting an agreement of Juriaen from Osnabrück to build a house for Philip
Gerardy, 336-337. (RPS1)
23) July 18, 1641. Contract of Jan Habbesen [John Hobson] and Jan Meris [John
Morris] to build a house, out-kitchen and tobacco house for Isaac de Forest, 338339. (RPS1)
24) August 17, 1641. Contract of Jeuriaen Hendricksen to enclose the house of
David Provoost with palisades and to put in three windows, 352-353. (RPS1)
25) October 21, 1641. Lease from Director Kieft to Hendrick Pietersen of a piece
of maize land in Manhattan Island and the promise to erect a housebarn and a
haybarrack, 377-379. (RPS1)
26) November 30, 1641. Lease from Director Kieft to Thomas Hall of van
Twiller’s plantation on Manhattan Island [situated about Sapokanikan] on the
agreement Hall will be a barn, 380-381. (RPS1)
27) January 7, 1642. Bond of Govert Loockermans and Cornelis Leendersen for
goods brought over in the ship Coninck David, including bricks and roof tiles, 1-2.
28) February 7, 1642. Contract of Jan Teunissen to build a house for Adam
Roelantsen, 13-14. (RPS2)
29) February 17, 1642. Contract between Thomas Chambers and Nicolaes Boot
to build a house and divide Boot’s plantation, 15. (RPS2)
30) February 21, 1642. Contract between Johannes Winckelman and Pieter
Cornelissen and Abraham Clock for the erection of a farmhouse at Achter Col,
16-18. (RPS2)
31) May 6, 1642. Contract of Thomas Chambers to build a house for Jan Jansen
Schepmoes, 33. (RPS2)
32) May, 1642. Contract of John and Richard Ogden of Stamford, Connecticut, to
build a stone church at Fort Amsterdam, 35-36. (RPS2)
33) May, 1642. Lease of Domine’s hook from Rev. Everardus Bogardus to
Robert Bello and Marck Menloff and the construction of a small dwelling, 37-38.
34) August 8, 1642. Contract of sale between Adam Rolantsen and Ulderick
Klein of a house occupied by the Company’s Negroes and half the produce of the
garden, 59-60. (RPS2)
35) December 1, 1642. Contract of Walter Davel to fence the plantation of Tonis
Cray, 89-90. (RPS2)
36) December 6, 1642. Contract of Juriaen Hendricksen to build a house for
Director Kieft at the Otterspoor, 91-92. (RPS2)
37) February 17, 1643. Lease to Philip Gerritsen of the Company’s house [Stads
Herberg], to be used as a tavern, 102-103. (RPS2)
38) April 20, 1643. Lease from Abraham Planck to Cornelis of Paulus Hook and
the construction of a barn, 119-120. (RPS2)
39) May 6, 1643. Inventory of the estate of the late Jonas Bronck referring to his
brick house covered with tiles, 121-125. (RPS2)
40) May 13, 1643. Lease from Cornelis van Tienhoven to Cornelis Jacobsen
Stille of a farm near the Smith’s Valley and the construction of a haybarrack, 126128. (RPS2)
41) July 5, 1643. Contract of William Robbertson to build a house for Tymen
Jansen, 147-148. (RPS2)
42) September 27, 1643. Inventory of Vredendael referring to a housebarn, 134137 (RPS2)
43) November 22, 1646. Contract of Jan Teunissen, schout of Breuckelen, to
erect a house for Gerrit Douman, sergeant, 361-362. (RPS2)
44) November 22, 1646. Contract of Jan Teunissen to furnish Adam Roelantsen
with wainscoting and window frames for a house, 362. (RPS2)
45) November 24, 1646. Contract of sale from Pieter Wolphersen van
Couwenhoven to Arnoldus van Hardenbergh of his house and lot on Manhattan
Island, 363-364. (RPS2)
46) December 6, 1646. Declaration of Jan Willemsen Bos and Abraham
Martensen that they built a house for Dirck Holgersen on Long Island, 379.
47) December 20, 1646. Contract of Reynier Dominicus to build a farm house for
Cornelis van Tienhoven, 386-387. (RPS2)
48) June 15, 1647. Permit to Jean Labatie of Fort Orange to build a house within
the fort and to brew therein, 408. (RPS2)
49) September 29, 1648. Inventory of property left behind by Hans Lodewyck, a
runaway, referring to a small clapboard house, 63. (RPS3)
50) October 2, 1648, Contract of Jeuriaen Hendricksen to build a farmhouse for
Jan Damen, 63-64. (RPS3)
51) May 30, 1649. Contract of Symon Root and Reinier Somensen to build two
houses for Paulus Leendersen van der Grift [According to Fernow these
buildings were built down on the South River], 50. (DSSDR) & 103-104. (RPS3)
52) November 17, 1649. Contract of Juriaen Hendricksen to build a house for
Adriaen Dircksen Coen, 203-205. (RPS3)
53) January 14, 1650. Lease from Brant van Slichtenhorst to Jan Dircksen van
Bremen of land at Katskill, and the construction of a dwelling house, haybarrack
and barn, 212-215. (RPS3)
54) July 6, 1651. Inventory of the personal estate of Jan Jansen Damen, 267276. (RPS3)
55) July 17, 1651. Deed from Augustin Herrman to Cornelis van Werckhoven as
executor of the will of Pieter Gabry, deceased, of his house and lot in New
Amsterdam, 286-288. (RPS3)
56) July 9, 1652. Lease by Piter Jansen Kom to Arent Isaacksen of the front
room and half the garret in his house, 405-406. (RPS3)
Council Minutes
1) December 5, 1641. Johannes La Montagne, plaintiff, vs. John Morris,
concerning the poor construction of a tobacco house, 130. (CM38-49)
2) December 1, 1644. Thomas Hall vs. Sybolt Classen, concerning the
construction of a house, 249. (CM38-49)
3) November 30, 1646. Sybolt Claessen, plaintiff, vs. Jan Haes, defendant,
concerning the damage to clapboards, 348. (CM38-49)
4) November 30, 1646. Dirck Volckertsz, plaintiff, vs. Jan Haes, defendant,
concerning damage of part of the framework and roof of a house, 348. (CM3849)
5) July 25, 1647. Ordinance regulating the erection of buildings in New
Amsterdam, 423-424. (CM38-49)
6) November 11, 1647. Propositions submitted to the Council by the Honorable
Petrus Stuyvesant, Director General, concerning wooden houses with thatched
roofs, 463-465. (CM38-49)
7) November 14, 1647. Letter of Stuyvesant to the Selectmen representing the
commonality of the Manhatans, Breuckelen, Amersfoort and Pavonia, concerning
repairs to the fort, completion of the church, the construction of a school house
and fire ordinances, 466-468. (CM38-49)
8) January 12, 1648. Demolition of the Company sawmill on Nooten Island, 473474. (CM38-49)
9) January 23, 1648. Ordinance prohibiting wooden chimneys and appointing
firewardens in New Amsterdam, 475-476. (CM38-49)